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Posts posted by HSD

  1. Don’t worry they’re slow from all that inbreeding. It took them a couple of decades to figure out Maidenhead was down the road from Slough and another decade to find out  about Reading, Tilehurst and Newbury. 

    They don’t consider moving to places like Andover, Bracknell, Basingstoke, Lambourn etc. even though their money would go a lot further from selling up in more expensive parts of the south east. I find this surprising as I’d expect them to want cheaper housing to pay for their bigger families. 

  2. The problem Slough has is that it is a large town just outside of London. Anyone who can’t afford to or has had enough of living in the big city tends to move to towns just outside of the M25. As a lot of the people in London are muslim it’s not much of a surprise that those who turn up in Slough are from that religion. 

    A lot of these newer sulleh don’t like the town though as their areas tend to be cr*pholes and Slough has a large Sikh and Eastern European population. A lot of musis have moved onto Maidenhead, Reading and even Newbury as they have growing numbers there. As more Sikhs come over from East Punjab and more refugees from Ukraine arrive in Slough there is going to be pressure on housing that will only encourage the sulleh to move to cheaper places.

    As for the coconut Sikhs who were born in the town, a lot have already moved out to places like Bracknell, Basingstoke, Andover and Swindon as they want to put some distance between themselves and their old hometown. The sulleh don’t really have a clue about these places either. Having said that, Sikhs who aren’t coconuts are better off in areas they know. 

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