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HSD last won the day on January 10

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  1. She’s talking about the treatment of non-muslim women in war. I know your comprehension skills are rubbish but at least try to understand the video before you comment on it. A bigger question is what does the promiscuous nature of palestinian women have to do with Sikhs?
  2. The town narrowly avoids becoming Sloughdi Arabia.
  3. So you’ve decided on the flowers and curry then. About time too. Now take your friends and put your words into action rather than moaning and whinging all the time.
  4. I wouldn’t count on it. The worst they would do is drape it in palestine flags. Plenty of muslims go on about their role in brishit India, they just don’t do it in front of Sikhs. Don’t get too upset though, the angloids are still willing to spend money on Sikhs. Just not in the way many hoped:
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