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The Khalsa Fauj

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Posts posted by The Khalsa Fauj

  1. rwgu gauVI pUrbI mhlw 4 ] (13-8)

    raag ga-orhee poorbee mehlaa 4.

    Raag Gauree Poorbee, Fourth Mehl:

    kwim kroiD ngru bhu BirAw imil swDU KMfl KMfw hy ] (13-8, gauVI pUrbI, mÚ 4)

    kaam karoDh nagar baho bhari-aa mil saaDhoo khandal khanda hay.

    The body-village is filled to overflowing with anger and sexual desire; these were broken into bits when I met with the Holy Saint.

    pUrib ilKq ilKy guru pwieAw min hir ilv mMfl mMfw hy ]1] (13-9, gauVI pUrbI, mÚ 4)

    poorab likhat likhay gur paa-i-aa man har liv mandal mandaa hay. ||1||

    By pre-ordained destiny, I have met with the Guru. I have entered into the realm of the Lord's Love. ||1||

    muiK inMdw AwKw idnu rwiq ] (24-15, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    mukh nindaa aakhaa din raat.

    With my mouth I speak slander, day and night.

    pr Gru johI nIc snwiq ] (24-15, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    par ghar johee neech sanaat.

    I spy on the houses of others-I am such a wretched low-life!

    kwmu k®oDu qin vsih cMfwl ] (24-16, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    kaam kroDh tan vaseh chandaal.

    Unfulfilled sexual desire and unresolved anger dwell in my body, like the outcasts who cremate the dead.

    Dwxk rUip rhw krqwr ]2] (24-16, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    Dhaanak roop rahaa kartaar. ||2||

    I live as a wild hunter, O Creator! ||2||

    PwhI suriq mlUkI vysu ] (24-16, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    faahee surat malookee vays.

    I make plans to trap others, although I appear gentle.

    hau TgvwVw TgI dysu ] (24-17, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    ha-o thagvaarhaa thagee days.

    I am a robber-I rob the world.

    Krw isAwxw bhuqw Bwru ] (24-17, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    kharaa si-aanaa bahutaa bhaar.

    I am very clever-I carry loads of sin.

    Dwxk rUip rhw krqwr ]3] (24-17, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    Dhaanak roop rahaa kartaar. ||3||

    I live as a wild hunter, O Creator! ||3||

    mY kIqw n jwqw hrwmKoru ] (24-17, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    mai keetaa na jaataa haraamkhor.

    I have not appreciated what You have done for me, Lord; I take from others and exploit them.

    hau ikAw muhu dysw dustu coru ] (24-18, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    ha-o ki-aa muhu daysaa dusat chor.

    What face shall I show You, Lord? I am a sneak and a thief.

    nwnku nIcu khY bIcwru ] (24-18, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    naanak neech kahai beechaar.

    Nanak describes the state of the lowly.

    Dwxk rUip rhw krqwr ]4]29] (24-18, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    Dhaanak roop rahaa kartaar. ||4||29||

    I live as a wild hunter, O Creator! ||4||29||

    suix suix kwm ghylIey ikAw clih bwh lufwie ] (37-18, isrIrwgu, mÚ 3)

    sun sun kaam gahaylee-ay ki-aa chaleh baah ludaa-ay.

    Listen, listen, O soul-bride: you are overtaken by sexual desire-why do you walk like that, swinging your arms in joy?

    Awpxw ipru n pCwxhI ikAw muhu dysih jwie ] (37-18, isrIrwgu, mÚ 3)

    aapnaa pir na pachhaanhee ki-aa muhu dayseh jaa-ay.

    You do not recognize your own Husband Lord! When you go to Him, what face will you show Him?

    isrIrwgu mhlw 5 ] (43-8)

    sireeraag mehlaa 5.

    Siree Raag, Fifth Mehl:

    GVI muhq kw pwhuxw kwj svwrxhwru ] (43-8, isrIrwgu, mÚ 5)

    gharhee muhat kaa paahunaa kaaj savaaranhaar.

    For a brief moment, man is a guest of the Lord; he tries to resolve his affairs.

    mwieAw kwim ivAwipAw smJY nwhI gwvwru ] (43-8, isrIrwgu, mÚ 5)

    maa-i-aa kaam vi-aapi-aa samjhai naahee gaavaar.

    Engrossed in Maya and sexual desire, the fool does not understand.

    auiT cilAw pCuqwieAw pirAw vis jMdwr ]1] (43-9, isrIrwgu, mÚ 5)

    uth chali-aa pachhutaa-i-aa pari-aa vas jandaar. ||1||

    He arises and departs with regret, and falls into the clutches of the Messenger of Death. ||1||

    AMDy qUM bYTw kMDI pwih ] (43-9, isrIrwgu, mÚ 5)

    anDhay tooN baithaa kanDhee paahi.

    You are sitting on the collapsing riverbank-are you blind?

    jy hovI pUrib iliKAw qw gur kw bcnu kmwih ]1] rhwau ] (43-10, isrIrwgu, mÚ 5)

    jay hovee poorab likhi-aa taa gur kaa bachan kamaahi. ||1|| rahaa-o.

    If you are so pre-destined, then act according to the Guru's Teachings. ||1||Pause||

    myry mn sqgur kI syvw lwgu ] (50-5, isrIrwgu, mÚ 5)

    mayray man satgur kee sayvaa laag.

    O my mind, attach yourself to the service of the True Guru.

    jo dIsY so ivxsxw mn kI miq iqAwgu ]1] rhwau ] (50-5, isrIrwgu, mÚ 5)

    jo deesai so vinsanaa man kee mat ti-aag. ||1|| rahaa-o.

    Whatever is seen, shall pass away. Abandon the intellectualizations of your mind. ||1||Pause||

    ijau kUkru hrkwieAw DwvY dh ids jwie ] (50-6, isrIrwgu, mÚ 5)

    ji-o kookar harkaa-i-aa Dhaavai dah dis jaa-ay.

    Like the mad dog running around in all directions,

    loBI jMqu n jwxeI BKu ABKu sB Kwie ] (50-6, isrIrwgu, mÚ 5)

    lobhee jant na jaan-ee bhakh abhakh sabh khaa-ay.

    the greedy person, unaware, consumes everything, edible and non-edible alike.

    kwm k®oD mid ibAwipAw iPir iPir jonI pwie ]2] (50-7, isrIrwgu, mÚ 5)

    kaam kroDh mad bi-aapi-aa fir fir jonee paa-ay. ||2||

    Engrossed in the intoxication of sexual desire and anger, people wander through reincarnation over and over again. ||2||

    dUjY phrY rYix kY vxjwirAw imqRw Bir jobin mY miq ] (75-15, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    doojai pahrai rain kai vanjaari-aa mitraa bhar joban mai mat.

    In the second watch of the night, O my merchant friend, you are intoxicated with the wine of youth and beauty.

    Aihinis kwim ivAwipAw vxjwirAw imqRw AMDuly nwmu n iciq ] (75-16, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    ahinis kaam vi-aapi-aa vanjaari-aa mitraa anDhulay naam na chit.

    Day and night, you are engrossed in sexual desire, O my merchant friend, and your consciousness is blind to the Naam.

    rwm nwmu Gt AMqir nwhI hoir jwxY rs ks mITy ] (75-16, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    raam naam ghat antar naahee hor jaanai ras kas meethay.

    The Lord's Name is not within your heart, but all sorts of other tastes seem sweet to you.

    igAwnu iDAwnu gux sMjmu nwhI jnim mrhugy JUTy ] (75-17, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    gi-aan Dhi-aan gun sanjam naahee janam marhugay jhoothay.

    You have no wisdom at all, no meditation, no virtue or self-discipline; in falsehood, you are caught in the cycle of birth and death.

    qIrQ vrq suic sMjmu nwhI krmu Drmu nhI pUjw ] (75-17, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    tirath varat such sanjam naahee karam Dharam nahee poojaa.

    Pilgrimages, fasts, purification and self-discipline are of no use, nor are rituals, religious ceremonies or empty worship.

    nwnk Bwie Bgiq insqwrw duibDw ivAwpY dUjw ]2] (75-18, isrIrwgu, mÚ 1)

    naanak bhaa-ay bhagat nistaaraa dubiDhaa vi-aapai doojaa. ||2||

    O Nanak, emancipation comes only by loving devotional worship; through duality, people are engrossed in duality. ||2||

    bwl ibnod icMd rs lwgw iKnu iKnu moih ibAwpY ] (93-6, sRIrwgu, byxI jIau)

    baal binod chind ras laagaa khin khin mohi bi-aapai.

    You play like a child, craving sweets; moment by moment, you become more entangled in emotional attachment.

    rsu imsu myDu AMimRqu ibKu cwKI qau pMc pRgt sMqwpY ] (93-6, sRIrwgu, byxI jIau)

    ras mis mayDh amrit bikh chaakhee ta-o panch pargat santaapai.

    Tasting good and bad, you eat nectar and then poison, and then the five passions appear and torture you.

    jpu qpu sMjmu Coif suik®q miq rwm nwmu n ArwiDAw ] (93-7, sRIrwgu, byxI jIau)

    jap tap sanjam chhod sukarit mat raam naam na araaDhi-aa.

    Abandoning meditation, penance and self-restraint, and the wisdom of good actions, you do not worship and adore the Lord's Name.

    auCilAw kwmu kwl miq lwgI qau Awin skiq gil bWiDAw ]2] (93-7, sRIrwgu, byxI jIau)

    uchhli-aa kaam kaal mat laagee ta-o aan sakat gal baaNDhi-aa. ||2||

    You are overflowing with sexual desire, and your intellect is stained with darkness; you are held in the grip of Shakti's power. ||2||

    qrux qyju pr iqRA muKu johih sru Apsru n pCwixAw ] (93-8, sRIrwgu, byxI jIau)

    tarun tayj par tari-a mukh joheh sar apsar na pachhaani-aa.

    In the heat of youthful passion, you look with desire upon the faces of other men's wives; you do not distinguish between good and evil.

    aunmq kwim mhw ibKu BUlY pwpu puMnu n pCwinAw ] (93-9, sRIrwgu, byxI jIau)

    unmat kaam mahaa bikh bhoolai paap punn na pachhaani-aa.

    Drunk with sexual desire and other great sins, you go astray, and do not distinguish between vice and virtue.

    suq sMpiq dyiK iehu mnu gribAw rwmu irdY qy KoieAw ] (93-9, sRIrwgu, byxI jIau)

    sut sampat daykh ih man garbi-aa raam ridai tay kho-i-aa.

    Gazing upon your children and your property, your mind is proud and arrogant; you cast out the Lord from your heart.

    Avr mrq mwieAw mnu qoly qau Bg muiK jnmu ivgoieAw ]3] (93-10, sRIrwgu, byxI jIau)

    avar marat maa-i-aa man tolay ta-o bhag mukh janam vigo-i-aa. ||3||

    When others die, you measure your own wealth in your mind; you waste your life in the pleasures of the mouth and sexual organs. ||3||

    puMfr kys kusm qy Dauly spq pwqwl kI bwxI ] (93-11, sRIrwgu, byxI jIau)

    pundar kays kusam tay Dha-ulay sapat paataal kee banee.

    Your hair is whiter than the jasmine flower, and your voice has grown feeble, as if it comes from the seventh underworld.

    locn sRmih buiD bl nwTI qw kwmu pvis mwDwxI ] (93-11, sRIrwgu, byxI jIau)

    lochan sarmeh buDh bal naathee taa kaam pavas maaDhaanee.

    Your eyes water, and your intellect and strength have left you; but still, your sexual desire churns and drives you on.

    qw qy ibKY BeI miq pwvis kwieAw kmlu kumlwxw ] (93-12, sRIrwgu, byxI jIau)

    taa tay bikhai bha-ee mat paavas kaa-i-aa kamal kumlaanaa.

    And so, your intellect has dried up through corruption, and the lotus flower of your body has wilted and withered.

    Avgiq bwix Coif imRq mMfil qau pwCY pCuqwxw ]4] (93-12, sRIrwgu, byxI jIau)

    avgat baan chhod mitar mandal ta-o paachhai pachhutaanaa. ||4||

    You have forsaken the Bani, the Word of the Immortal

    mhlw 4 ] (141-13)

    mehlaa 4.

    Fourth Mehl:

    prhir kwm k®oDu JUTu inMdw qij mwieAw AhMkwru cukwvY ] (141-13, mwJ, mÚ 4)

    parhar kaam kroDh jhooth nindaa taj maa-i-aa ahaNkaar chukhaavai.

    Renounce sexual desire, anger, falsehood and slander; forsake Maya and eliminate egotistical pride.

    qij kwmu kwimnI mohu qjY qw AMjn mwih inrMjnu pwvY ] (141-14, mwJ, mÚ 4)

    taj kaam kaaminee moh tajai taa anjan maahi niranjan paavai.

    Renounce sexual desire and promiscuity, and give up emotional attachment. Only then shall you obtain the Immaculate Lord amidst the darkness of the world.

    qij mwnu AiBmwnu pRIiq suq dwrw qij ipAws Aws rwm ilv lwvY ] (141-14, mwJ, mÚ 4)

    taj maan abhimaan pareet sut daaraa taj pi-aas aas raam liv laavai.

    Renounce selfishness, conceit and arrogant pride, and your love for your children and spouse. Abandon your thirsty hopes and desires, and embrace love for the Lord.

    nwnk swcw min vsY swc sbid hir nwim smwvY ]2] (141-15, mwJ, mÚ 4)

    naanak saachaa man vasai saach sabad har naam samaavai. ||2||

    O Nanak, the True One shall come to dwell in your mind. Through the True Word of the Shabad, you shall be absorbed in the Name of the Lord. ||2||

    gauVI mhlw 1 ] (153-3)

    ga-orhee mehlaa 1.

    Gauree, First Mehl:

    kwmu k®oDu mwieAw mih cIqu ] (153-3, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    kaam kroDh maa-i-aa meh cheet.

    The conscious mind is engrossed in sexual desire, anger and Maya.

    JUT ivkwir jwgY ihq cIqu ] (153-4, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    jhooth vikaar jaagai hit cheet.

    The conscious mind is awake only to falsehood, corruption and attachment.

    pUMjI pwp loB kI kIqu ] (153-4, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    poonjee paap lobh kee keet.

    It gathers in the assets of sin and greed.

    qru qwrI min nwmu sucIqu ]1] (153-4, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    tar taaree man naam sucheet. ||1||

    So swim across the river of life, O my mind, with the Sacred Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||1||

    vwhu vwhu swcy mY qyrI tyk ] (153-4, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    vaahu vaahu saachay mai tayree tayk.

    Waaho! Waaho! - Great! Great is my True Lord! I seek Your All-powerful Support.

    hau pwpI qUM inrmlu eyk ]1] rhwau ] (153-5, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    ha-o paapee tooN nirmal ayk. ||1|| rahaa-o.

    I am a sinner - You alone are pure. ||1||Pause||

    Agin pwxI bolY BVvwau ] (153-5, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    agan paanee bolai bharhvaa-o.

    Fire and water join together, and the breath roars in its fury!

    ijhvw ieMdRI eyku suAwau ] (153-5, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    jihvaa indree ayk su-aa-o.

    The tongue and the sex organs each seek to taste.

    idsit ivkwrI nwhI Bau Bwau ] (153-6, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    disat vikaaree naahee bha-o bhaa-o.

    The eyes which look upon corruption do not know the Love and the Fear of God.

    Awpu mwry qw pwey nwau ]2] (153-6, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    aap maaray taa paa-ay naa-o. ||2||

    Conquering self-conceit, one obtains the Name. ||2||

    sbid mrY iPir mrxu n hoie ] (153-6, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    sabad marai fir maran na ho-ay.

    One who dies in the Word of the Shabad, shall never again have to die.

    ibnu mUey ikau pUrw hoie ] (153-7, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    bin moo-ay ki-o pooraa ho-ay.

    Without such a death, how can one attain perfection?

    prpMic ivAwip rihAw mnu doie ] (153-7, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    parpanch vi-aap rahi-aa man do-ay.

    The mind is engrossed in deception, treachery and duality.

    iQru nwrwiexu kry su hoie ]3] (153-7, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    thir naaraa-in karay so ho-ay. ||3||

    Whatever the Immortal Lord does, comes to pass. ||3||

    boihiQ cVau jw AwvY vwru ] (153-8, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    bohith charha-o jaa aavai vaar.

    So get aboard that boat when your turn comes.

    Twky boihQ drgh mwr ] (153-8, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    thaakay bohith dargeh maar.

    Those who fail to embark upon that boat shall be beaten in the Court of the Lord.

    scu swlwhI DMnu gurduAwru ] (153-8, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    sach saalaahee Dhan gurdu-aar.

    Blessed is that Gurdwara, the Guru's Gate, where the Praises of the True Lord are


    nwnk dir Gir eykMkwru ]4]7] (153-9, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    naanak dar ghar aykankaar. ||4||7||

    O Nanak, the One Creator Lord is pervading hearth and home. ||4||7||

    <> siqgur pRswid ] (219-1)

    ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad.

    One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru:

    rwgu gauVI mhlw 9 ] (219-1)

    raag ga-orhee mehlaa 9.

    Raag Gauree, Ninth Mehl

    swDo mn kw mwnu iqAwgau ] (219-1, gauVI, mÚ 9)

    saaDho man kaa maan ti-aaga-o.

    : Holy Saadhus: forsake the pride of your mind.

    kwmu k®oDu sMgiq durjn kI qw qy Aihinis Bwgau ]1] rhwau ] (219-1, gauVI, mÚ 9)

    kaam kroDh sangat durjan kee taa tay ahinis bhaaga-o. ||1|| rahaa-o.

    Sexual desire, anger and the company of evil people - run away from them, day and night. ||1||Pause||

    suKu duKu dono sm kir jwnY Aauru mwnu Apmwnw ] (219-2, gauVI, mÚ 9)

    sukh dukh dono sam kar jaanai a-or maan apmaanaa.

    One who knows that pain and pleasure are both the same, and honor and dishonor as well,

    hrK sog qy rhY AqIqw iqin jig qqu pCwnw ]1] (219-3, gauVI, mÚ 9)

    harakh sog tay rahai ateetaa tin jag tat pachhaanaa. ||1||

    who remains detached from joy and sorrow, realizes the true essence in the world. ||1||

    ausqiq inMdw doaU iqAwgY KojY pdu inrbwnw ] (219-3, gauVI, mÚ 9)

    ustat nindaa do-oo ti-aagai khojai pad nirbaanaa.

    Renounce both praise and blame; seek instead the state of Nirvaanaa.

    jn nwnk iehu Kylu kTnu hY iknhUM gurmuiK jwnw ]2]1] (219-4, gauVI, mÚ 9)

    jan naanak ih khayl kathan hai kinhooN gurmukh jaanaa. ||2||1||

    O servant Nanak, this is such a difficult game; only a few Gurmukhs understand it! ||2||1||

    iDRgu bhu jIvxu ijqu hir nwim n lgY ipAwru ] (233-4, gauVI, mÚ 3)

    Dharig baho jeevan jit har naam na lagai pi-aar.

    Cursed is that long life, during which love for the Lord's Name is not enshrined.

    iDRgu syj suKwlI kwmix moh gubwru ] (233-5, gauVI, mÚ 3)

    Dharig sayj sukhaalee kaaman moh gubaar.

    Cursed is that comfortable bed which lures one into the darkness of attachment to sexual desire.

    iqn sPlu jnmu ijn nwmu ADwru ]4] (233-5, gauVI, mÚ 3)

    tin safal janam jin naam aDhaar. ||4||

    Fruitful is the birth of that person who takes the Support of the Naam, the Name of the Lord. ||4||

    kwm k®oD loBu mohu qjo ] (241-11, gauVI, mÚ 5)

    kaam kroDh lobh moh tajo.

    Abandon sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment.

    jnm mrn duhu qy rihE ]6] (241-12, gauVI, mÚ 5)

    janam maran duhu tay rahi-o. ||6||

    Thus you shall be rid of both birth and death. ||6||

    imiQAw qnu Dnu kutMbu sbwieAw ] (268-15, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa tan Dhan kutamb sabaa-i-aa.

    False are body, wealth, and all relations.

    imiQAw haumY mmqw mwieAw ] (268-16, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa ha-umai mamtaa maa-i-aa.

    False are ego, possessiveness and Maya.

    imiQAw rwj jobn Dn mwl ] (268-16, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa raaj joban Dhan maal.

    False are power, youth, wealth and property.

    imiQAw kwm k®oD ibkrwl ] (268-16, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa kaam kroDh bikraal.

    False are sexual desire and wild anger.

    imiQAw rQ hsqI Asà bsqRw ] (268-17, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa rath hastee asav bastaraa.

    False are chariots, elephants, horses and expensive clothes.

    imiQAw rMg sMig mwieAw pyiK hsqw ] (268-17, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa rang sang maa-i-aa paykh hastaa.

    False is the love of gathering wealth, and reveling in the sight of it.

    imiQAw DRoh moh AiBmwnu ] (268-17, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa Dharoh moh abhimaan.

    False are deception, emotional attachment and egotistical pride.

    imiQAw Awps aUpir krq gumwnu ] (268-18, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa aapas oopar karat gumaan.

    False are pride and self-conceit.

    AsiQru Bgiq swD kI srn ] (268-18, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    asthir bhagat saaDh kee saran.

    Only devotional worship is permanent, and the Sanctuary of the Holy.

    nwnk jip jip jIvY hir ky crn ]4] (268-18, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    naanak jap jap jeevai har kay charan. ||4||

    Nanak lives by meditating, meditating on the Lotus Feet of the Lord. ||4||

    imiQAw sRvn pr inMdw sunih ] (268-19, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa sarvan par nindaa suneh.

    False are the ears which listen to the slander of others.

    imiQAw hsq pr drb kau ihrih ] (268-19, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa hasat par darab ka-o hireh.

    False are the hands which steal the wealth of others.

    pMnw 269

    imiQAw nyqR pyKq pr iqRA rUpwd ] (269-1, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa naytar paykhat par tari-a roopaad.

    False are the eyes which gaze upon the beauty of another's wife.

    imiQAw rsnw Bojn An sÃwd ] (269-1, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa rasnaa bhojan an savaad.

    False is the tongue which enjoys delicacies and external tastes.

    imiQAw crn pr ibkwr kau Dwvih ] (269-1, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa charan par bikaar ka-o Dhaaveh.

    False are the feet which run to do evil to others.

    imiQAw mn pr loB luBwvih ] (269-2, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa man par lobh lubhaaveh.

    False is the mind which covets the wealth of others.

    imiQAw qn nhI praupkwrw ] (269-2, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa tan nahee par-upkaaraa.

    False is the body which does not do good to others.

    imiQAw bwsu lyq ibkwrw ] (269-2, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mithi-aa baas layt bikaaraa.

    False is the nose which inhales corruption.

    ibnu bUJy imiQAw sB Bey ] (269-3, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    bin boojhay mithi-aa sabh bha-ay.

    Without understanding, everything is false.

    sPl dyh nwnk hir hir nwm ley ]5] (269-3, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    safal dayh naanak har har naam la-ay. ||5||

    Fruitful is the body, O Nanak, which takes to the Lord's Name. ||5||

    ibrQI swkq kI Awrjw ] (269-3, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    birthee saakat kee aarjaa.

    The life of the faithless cynic is totally useless.

    swc ibnw kh hovq sUcw ] (269-4, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    saach binaa kah hovat soochaa.

    Without the Truth, how can anyone be pure?

    ibrQw nwm ibnw qnu AMD ] (269-4, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    birthaa naam binaa tan anDh.

    Useless is the body of the spiritually blind, without the Name of the Lord.

    muiK Awvq qw kY durgMD ] (269-4, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    mukh aavat taa kai durganDh.

    From his mouth, a foul smell issues forth.

    ibnu ismrn idnu rYin ibRQw ibhwie ] (269-5, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    bin simran din rain baritha bihaa-ay.

    Without the remembrance of the Lord, day and night pass in vain,

    myG ibnw ijau KyqI jwie ] (269-5, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    maygh binaa ji-o khaytee jaa-ay.

    like the crop which withers without rain.

    goibd Bjn ibnu ibRQy sB kwm ] (269-5, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    gobid bhajan bin barithay sabh kaam.

    Without meditation on the Lord of the Universe, all works are in vain,

    ijau ikrpn ky inrwrQ dwm ] (269-6, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    ji-o kirpan kay niraarath daam.

    like the wealth of a miser, which lies useless.

    DMin DMin qy jn ijh Git bisE hir nwau ] (269-6, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    Dhan Dhan tay jan jih ghat basi-o har naa-o.

    Blessed, blessed are those, whose hearts are filled with the Name of the Lord.

    nwnk qw kY bil bil jwau ]6] (269-6, gauVI suKmnI, mÚ 5)

    naanak taa kai bal bal jaa-o. ||6||

    Nanak is a sacrifice, a sacrifice to them. ||6||

    mÚ 4 ] (304-11)

    mehlaa 4.

    Fourth Mehl:

    swrw idnu lwlic AitAw mnmuiK hory glw ] (304-11, gauVI, mÚ 4)

    saaraa din laalach ati-aa manmukh horay galaa.

    The self-willed manmukh is occupied with greed all day long, although he may claim otherwise.

    rwqI aUGY dibAw nvy soq siB iFlw ] (304-12, gauVI, mÚ 4)

    raatee ooghai dabi-aa navay sot sabh dhilaa.

    At night, he is overcome by fatigue, and all his nine holes are weakened.

    mnmuKw dY isir jorw Amru hY inq dyvih Blw ] (304-12, gauVI, mÚ 4)

    manmukhaa dai sir joraa amar hai nit dayveh bhalaa.

    Over the head of the manmukh is the order of the woman; to her, he ever holds out his promises of goodness.

    jorw dw AwiKAw purK kmwvdy sy Apivq AmyD Klw ] (304-13, gauVI, mÚ 4)

    joraa daa aakhi-aa purakh kamaavday say apvit amayDh khalaa.

    Those men who act according to the orders of women are impure, filthy and foolish.

    kwim ivAwpy kusuD nr sy jorw puiC clw ] (304-13, gauVI, mÚ 4)

    kaam vi-aapay kusuDh nar say joraa puchh chalaa.

    Those impure men are engrossed in sexual desire; they consult their women and walk accordingly.

    siqgur kY AwiKAY jo clY so siq purKu Bl Blw ] (304-14, gauVI, mÚ 4)

    satgur kai aakhi-ai jo chalai so sat purakh bhal bhalaa.

    One who walks as the True Guru tells him to, is the true man, the best of the best.

    jorw purK siB Awip aupwieAnu hir Kyl siB iKlw ] (304-14, gauVI, mÚ 4)

    joraa purakh sabh aap upaa-i-an har khayl sabh khilaa.

    He Himself created all women and men; the Lord Himself plays every play.

    sB qyrI bxq bxwvxI nwnk Bl Blw ]2] (304-15, gauVI, mÚ 4)

    sabh tayree banat banaavanee naanak bhal bhalaa. ||2||

    You created the entire creation; O Nanak, it is the best of the best. ||2||

    Awsw mhlw 5 ] (381-3)

    aasaa mehlaa 5.

    Aasaa, Fifth Mehl:

    bwhru Doie AMqru mnu mYlw duie Taur Apuny Koey ] (381-3, Awsw, mÚ 5)

    baahar Dho-ay antar man mailaa du-ay tha-ur apunay kho-ay.

    He washes outwardly, but within, his mind is filthy; thus he loses his place in both worlds.

    eIhw kwim k®oiD moih ivAwipAw AwgY muis muis roey ]1] (381-4, Awsw, mÚ 5)

    eehaa kaam kroDh mohi vi-aapi-aa aagai mus mus ro-ay. ||1||

    Here, he is engrossed in sexual desire, anger and emotional attachment; hereafter, he shall sigh and weep. ||1||

    kwm k®oD loB moh mUTy sdw Awvw gvx ] (502-9, gUjrI, mÚ 5)

    kaam kroDh lobh moh moothay sadaa aavaa gavan.

    Those who are cheated by sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment suffer reincarnation forever.

    pRB pRym Bgiq gupwl ismrx imtq jonI Bvx ]3] (502-9, gUjrI, mÚ 5)

    parabh paraym bhagat gupaal simran mitat jonee bhavan. ||3||

    By loving devotional worship to God, and meditative remembrance of the Lord of the World, one's wandering in reincarnation is ended. ||3||

    pauVI ] (707-19)



    mhw BieAwn auidAwn ngr kir mwinAw ] (707-19, jYqsrI, mÚ 5)

    mahaa bha-i-aan udi-aan nagar kar maani-aa.

    He sees the terrible, awful wilderness as a city.

    JUT smgRI pyiK scu kir jwinAw ] (707-19, jYqsrI, mÚ 5)

    jhooth samagree paykh sach kar jaani-aa.

    Gazing upon the false objects, he believes them to be real.

    pMnw 708

    kwm k®oiD AhMkwir iPrih dyvwinAw ] (708-1, jYqsrI, mÚ 5)

    kaam kroDh ahaNkaar fireh dayvaani-aa.

    Engrossed in sexual desire, anger and egotism, he wanders around insane.

    isir lgw jm fMfu qw pCuqwinAw ] (708-1, jYqsrI, mÚ 5)

    sir lagaa jam dand taa pachhutaani-aa.

    When the Messenger of Death hits him on the head with his club, then he regrets and repents.

    ibnu pUry gurdyv iPrY sYqwinAw ]9] (708-2, jYqsrI, mÚ 5)

    bin pooray gurdayv firai saitaani-aa. ||9||

    Without the Perfect, Divine Guru, he roams around like Satan. ||9||

    aUny kwj n hovq pUry ] (899-9, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

    oonay kaaj na hovat pooray.

    Your unfinished worldly affairs will never be resolved.

    kwim k®oiD mid sd hI JUry ] (899-10, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

    kaam kroDh mad sad hee jhooray.

    You shall always regret your sexual desire, anger and pride.

    krY ibkwr jIAry kY qweI ] (899-10, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

    karai bikaar jee-aray kai taa-ee.

    You act in corruption in order to survive,

    gwPl sMig n qsUAw jweI ]2] (899-10, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

    gaafal sang na tasoo-aa jaa-ee. ||2||

    but not even an iota will go along with you, you ignorant fool! ||2||

    rwmklI mhlw 5 ] (901-12)

    raamkalee mehlaa 5.

    Raamkalee, Fifth Mehl:

    rUp rMg sugMD Bog iqAwig cly mwieAw Cly kink kwimnI ]1] rhwau ] (901-12, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

    roop rang suganDh bhog ti-aag chalay maa-i-aa chhalay kanik kaaminee. ||1|| rahaao.

    You must abandon your beauty, pleasures, fragrances and enjoyments; beguiled by gold and sexual desire, you must still leave Maya behind. ||1||Pause||

    BMfwr drb Arb Krb pyiK lIlw mnu sDwrY ] (901-13, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

    bhandaar darab arab kharab paykh leelaa man saDhaarai.

    You gaze upon billions and trillions of treasures and riches, which delight and comfort your mind,

    nh sMig gwmnI ]1] (901-13, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

    nah sang gaamnee. ||1||

    but these will not go along with you. ||1||

    suq klqR BRwq mIq auriJ pirE Brim moihE ieh ibrK CwmnI ] (901-14, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

    sut kaltar bharaat meet urajh pari-o bharam mohi-o ih birakh chhaamnee.

    Entangled with children, spouse, siblings and friends, you are enticed and fooled; these pass like the shadow of a tree.

    crn kml srn nwnk suKu sMq BwvnI ]2]2]60] (901-14, rwmklI, mÚ 5)

    charan kamal saran naanak sukh sant bhaavnee. ||2||2||60||

    Nanak seeks the Sanctuary of His lotus feet; He has found peace in the faith of the Saints. ||2||2||60||

    mÚ 3 ] (950-16)

    mehlaa 3.

    Third Mehl:

    mnmuK boil n jwxnI Enw AMdir kwmu k®oDu AhMkwru ] (950-16, rwmklI, mÚ 3)

    manmukh bol na jaannee onaa andar kaam kroDh ahaNkaar.

    The self-willed manmukhs do not know what they are saying. They are filled with sexual desire, anger and egotism.

    Eie Qwau kuQwau n jwxnI aun AMqir loBu ivkwru ] (950-16, rwmklI, mÚ 3)

    o-ay thaa-o kuthaa-o na jaannee un antar lobh vikaar.

    They do not understand right places and wrong places; they are filled with greed and corruption.

    Eie AwpxY suAwie Awie bih glw krih Enw mwry jmu jMdwru ] (950-17, rwmklI, mÚ 3)

    o-ay aapnai su-aa-ay aa-ay bahi galaa karahi onaa maaray jam jandaar.

    They come, and sit and talk for their own purposes. The Messenger of Death strikes them down.

    AgY drgh lyKY mMigAY mwir KuAwru kIcih kUiVAwr ] (950-18, rwmklI, mÚ 3)

    agai dargeh laykhai mangi-ai maar khu-aar keecheh koorhi-aar.

    Hereafter, they are called to account in the Court of the Lord; the false ones are struck down and humiliated.

    eyh kUVY kI mlu ikau auqrY koeI kFhu iehu vIcwru ] (950-18, rwmklI, mÚ 3)

    ayh koorhai kee mal ki-o utrai ko-ee kadhahu ih veechaar.

    How can this filth of falsehood be washed off? Can anyone think about this, and find the way?

    siqguru imlY qw nwmu idVwey siB iklivK ktxhwru ] (950-19, rwmklI, mÚ 3)

    satgur milai taa naam dirhaa-ay sabh kilvikh katanhaar.

    If one meets with the True Guru, He implants the Naam, the Name of the Lord within; all his sins are destroyed.

    nwmu jpy nwmo AwrwDy iqsu jn kau krhu siB nmskwru ] (950-19, rwmklI, mÚ 3)

    naam japay naamo aaraaDhay tis jan ka-o karahu sabh namaskaar.

    Let all bow in humility to that humble being who chants the Naam, and worships the Naam in adoration.

    pMnw 951

    mlu kUVI nwim auqwrIAnu jip nwmu hoAw sicAwru ] (951-1, rwmklI, mÚ 3)

    mal koorhee naam utaaree-an jap naam ho-aa sachiaar.

    The Naam washes off the filth of falsehood; chanting the Naam, one becomes truthful.

    jn nwnk ijs dy eyih clq hih so jIvau dyvxhwru ]2] (951-1, rwmklI, mÚ 3)

    jan naanak jis day ayhi chalat heh so jeeva-o dayvanhaar. ||2||

    O servant Nanak, wondrous are the plays of the Lord, the Giver of life. ||2||

    kwmu k®oDu loBu mohu inq Jgrqy JgrwieAw ] (984-5, mwlI gauVw, mÚ 4)

    kaam kroDh lobh moh nit jhagratay jhagraa-i-aa.

    Sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment bring continual conflict and strife.

    hm rwKu rwKu dIn qyry hir srin hir pRB AwieAw ]1] (984-5, mwlI gauVw, mÚ 4)

    ham raakh raakh deen tayray har saran har parabh aa-i-aa. ||1||

    Save me, save me, I am your humble creature, O Lord; I have come to Your Sanctuary, O my Lord God. ||1||

    kwim k®oiD loiB moih ibAwipE nyqR rKy iPrwie ] (1001-17, mwrU, mÚ 5)

    kaam kroDh lobh mohi bi-aapi-o naytar rakhay firaa-ay.

    You are engrossed in sexual desire, anger, greed and emotional attachment; you have turned your eyes away from the Truth.

    sIsu auTwvn n kbhU imleI mhw duqr mwie ]3] (1001-17, mwrU, mÚ 5)

    sees uthaavan na kabhoo mil-ee mahaa dutar maa-ay. ||3||

    You cannot even raise your head above the water of the vast, impassable sea of Maya. ||3||

    hwQ kmMflu kwpVIAw min iqRsnw aupjI BwrI ] (1013-7, mwrU, mÚ 1)

    haath kamandal kaaprhee-aa man tarisnaa upjee bhaaree.

    With bowl in hand, wearing his patched coat, great desires well up in his mind.

    iesqRI qij kir kwim ivAwipAw icqu lwieAw pr nwrI ] (1013-8, mwrU, mÚ 1)

    istaree taj kar kaam vi-aapi-aa chit laa-i-aa par naaree.

    Abandoning his own wife, he is engrossed in sexual desire; his thoughts are on the wives of others.

    isK kry kir sbdu n cInY lµptu hY bwjwrI ] (1013-8, mwrU, mÚ 1)

    sikh karay kar sabad na cheenai lampat hai baajaaree.

    He teaches and preaches, but does not contemplate the Shabad; he is bought and sold on the street.

    AMqir ibKu bwhir inBrwqI qw jmu kry KuAwrI ]6] (1013-9, mwrU, mÚ 1)

    antar bikh baahar nibhraatee taa jam karay khu-aaree. ||6||

    With poison within, he pretends to be free of doubt; he is ruined and humiliated by the Messenger of Death. ||6||

    kwim k®oiD Bry hm AprwDI ] (1048-13, mwrU, mÚ 3)

    kaam kroDh bharay ham apraaDhee.

    I am a sinner, overflowing with sexual desire and anger.

    ikAw muhu lY bolh nw hm gux n syvw swDI ] (1048-13, mwrU, mÚ 3)

    ki-aa muhu lai bolah naa ham gun na sayvaa saaDhee.

    With what mouth should I speak? I have no virtue, and I have rendered no service.

    fubdy pwQr myil lYhu qum Awpy swcu nwmu AibnwsI hy ]9] (1048-14, mwrU, mÚ 3)

    dubday paathar mayl laihu tum aapay saach naam abhinaasee hay. ||9||

    I am a sinking stone; please, Lord, unite me with Yourself. Your Name is eternal and imperishable. ||9||

    bsMqu mhlw 9 ] (1186-10)

    basant mehlaa 9.

    Basant, Ninth Mehl:

    pwpI hIAY mY kwmu bswie ] (1186-10, bsMqu, mÚ 9)

    paapee hee-ai mai kaam basaa-ay.

    The heart of the sinner is filled with unfulfilled sexual desire.

    mnu cMclu Xw qy gihE n jwie ]1] rhwau ] (1186-11, bsMqu, mÚ 9)

    man chanchal yaa tay gahi-o na jaa-ay. ||1|| rahaa-o.

    He cannot control his fickle mind. ||1||Pause||

    kwim k®oiD loiB ibAwipE jnm hI kI Kwin ] (1304-1, kwnVw, mÚ 5)

    kaam kroDh lobh bi-aapi-o janam hee kee khaan.

    Engrossed in unfulfilled sexual desire, unresolved anger and greed, you shall be consigned to reincarnation.

    piqq pwvn srin AwieE auDru nwnk jwin ]2]12]31] (1304-1, kwnVw, mÚ 5)

    patit paavan saran aa-i-o uDhar naanak jaan. ||2||12||31||

    But I have entered the Sanctuary of the Purifier of sinners. O Nanak, I know that I shall be saved. ||2||12||31||

    hy kwmM nrk ibsRwmM bhu jonI BRmwvxh ] (1358-3, shsik®qI, mÚ 5)

    hay kaamaN narak bisraamaN baho jonee bharmaavneh.

    O sexual desire, you lead the mortals to hell; you make them wander in reincarnation through countless species.

    icq hrxM qRY lok gMm´M jp qp sIl ibdwrxh ] (1358-4, shsik®qI, mÚ 5)

    chit harnaN tarai lok gam-yaN jap tap seel bidaarneh.

    You cheat the consciousness, and pervade the three worlds. You destroy meditation, penance and virtue.

    Alp suK Aivq cMcl aUc nIc smwvxh ] (1358-4, shsik®qI, mÚ 5)

    alap sukh avit chanchal ooch neech samaavneh.

    But you give only shallow pleasure, while you make the mortals weak and unsteady; you pervade the high and the low.

    qv BY ibmuMicq swD sMgm Et nwnk nwrwiexh ]46] (1358-5, shsik®qI, mÚ 5)

    tav bhai bimuNchit saaDh sangam ot naanak naaraa-ineh. ||46||

    Your fear is dispelled in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, O Nanak, through the Protection and Support of the Lord. ||46||

    mwieAw moih jgu BrimAw Gru musY Kbir n hoie ] (1414-5, slok vwrW qy vDIk, mÚ 3)

    maa-i-aa mohi jag bharmi-aa ghar musai khabar na ho-ay.

    The world wanders lost in emotional attachment to Maya; it does not realize that its own home is being plundered.

    kwm k®oiD mnu ihir lieAw mnmuK AMDw loie ] (1414-5, slok vwrW qy vDIk, mÚ 3)

    kaam kroDh man hir la-i-aa manmukh anDhaa lo-ay.

    The self-willed manmukh is blind in the world; his mind is lured away by sexual desire and anger.

    igAwn KVg pMc dUq sMGwry gurmiq jwgY soie ] (1414-6, slok vwrW qy vDIk, mÚ 3)

    gi-aan kharhag panch doot sanghaaray gurmat jaagai so-ay.

    With the sword of spiritual wisdom, kill the five demons. Remain awake and aware to the Guru's Teachings.

    nwm rqnu prgwisAw mnu qnu inrmlu hoie ] (1414-6, slok vwrW qy vDIk, mÚ 3)

    naam ratan pargaasi-aa man tan nirmal ho-ay.

    The Jewel of the Naam is revealed, and the mind and body are purified.

    nwmhIn nkty iPrih ibnu nwvY bih roie ] (1414-7, slok vwrW qy vDIk, mÚ 3)

    naamheen naktay fireh bin naavai bahi ro-ay.

    Those who lack the Naam wander around lost, with their noses cut off; without the Name, they sit and cry.

    nwnk jo Duir krqY iliKAw su myit n skY koie ]14] (1414-7, slok vwrW qy vDIk, mÚ 3)

    naanak jo Dhur kartai likhi-aa so mayt na sakai ko-ay. ||14||

    O Nanak, no one can erase that which is pre-ordained by the Creator Lord. ||14||

    pr Gir cIqu mnmuiK folwie ] (226-1, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    par ghar cheet manmukh dolaa-ay.

    The self-willed manmukh is lured by another man's wife.

    gil jyvrI DMDY lptwie ] (226-1, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    gal jayvree DhanDhai laptaa-ay.

    The noose is around his neck, and he is entangled in petty conflicts.

    gurmuiK CUtis hir gux gwie ]5] (226-1, gauVI, mÚ 1)

    gurmukh chhootas har gun gaa-ay. ||5||

    The Gurmukh is emancipated, singing the Glorious Praises of the Lord. ||5||

    mÚ 1 ] (472-16)

    mehlaa 1.

    First Mehl:

    mn kw sUqku loBu hY ijhvw sUqku kUVu ] (472-16, Awsw, mÚ 1)

    man kaa sootak lobh hai jihvaa sootak koorh.

    The impurity of the mind is greed, and the impurity of the tongue is falsehood.

    AKI sUqku vyKxw pr iqRA pr Dn rUpu ] (472-16, Awsw, mÚ 1)

    akhee sootak vaykh-naa par tari-a par Dhan roop.

    The impurity of the eyes is to gaze upon the beauty of another man's wife, and his wealth.

    kMnI sUqku kMin pY lwieqbwrI Kwih ] (472-17, Awsw, mÚ 1)

    kannee sootak kann pai laa-itbaaree khaahi.

    The impurity of the ears is to listen to the slander of others.

    nwnk hMsw AwdmI bDy jm puir jwih ]2] (472-17, Awsw, mÚ 1)

    naanak hansaa aadmee baDhay jam pur jaahi. ||2||

    O Nanak, the mortal's soul goes, bound and gagged to the city of Death. ||2||

    dyie ikvwV Aink pVdy mih pr dwrw sMig PwkY ] (616-7, soriT, mÚ 5)

    day-ay kivaarh anik parh-day meh par daaraa sang faakai.

    Behind closed doors, hidden by many screens, the man takes his pleasure with another man's wife.

    icqR gupqu jb lyKw mwgih qb kauxu pVdw qyrw FwkY ]3] (616-8, soriT, mÚ 5)

    chitar gupat jab laykhaa maageh tab ka-un parh-daa tayraa dhaakai. ||3||

    When Chitr and Gupt, the celestial accountants of the conscious and subconscious, call for your account, who will screen you then? ||3||

    jYsy ibKY hyq pr nwrI ] (874-4, goNf, Bgq nwmdyv jI)

    jaisay bikhai hayt par naaree.

    As the man driven by sex wants another man's wife,

    AYsy nwmy pRIiq murwrI ]4] (874-4, goNf, Bgq nwmdyv jI)

    aisay naamay pareet muraaree. ||4||

    so does Naam Dayv love the Lord. ||4||

    jYsy qwpqy inrml Gwmw ] (874-4, goNf, Bgq nwmdyv jI)

    jaisay taaptay nirmal ghaamaa.

    As the earth burns in the dazzling sunlight,

    qYsy rwm nwmw ibnu bwpuro nwmw ]5]4] (874-4, goNf, Bgq nwmdyv jI)

    taisay raam naamaa bin baapuro naamaa. ||5||4||

    so does poor Naam Dayv burn without the Lord's Name. ||5||4||

  2. Everone woman except our wife is our sister or daughter or mother according to age or relationship. Then how can Guru Ji write dirty stuff about the same?

    Why si there no mention of Joga Singh in dasam granth?

    answer my question one by one

    1. Anandpur had been just settles so how could so many prostitutes come there?

    2. Anandpur was a place of worship and the character of Sikhs was well known to everyone, then how did the prostitute think of finding work in a place like that?

    3. According to the chariters Guru Ji is a worshipper of Bhagauti. Is this not vipran kee reet? Even if Bhagauti is translated as God, why did Guru Ji went to learn Bhagauti mantar? Wasn’t Guru Ji a complete Guru?

    4. Why go to learn mantras if Guru Ji had straight communication with God?

    5. With Guru Ji being Mard Agambra, Saint-soldier, with Taij partaap, didn’t the prostitute have fear of Guru Gobind Singh Ji?

    6. How did a prostitute have the guts to ask Guru Ji for fulfillment of Kaam?

    7. Guru Ji knows everything, then why didn’t Guru Ji know what type of woman anoop kaur was?

    8. also, where did a prostitute get the name Kaur? Was she Amritdhari?

    9. It is said that most prostitutes were Muslim? Then hwy the last name kaur and first name anoop?

    10. Also, Gurbani says that if you see the Guru once, you will losse kaam kroadh loab moh annhankar, etc? then why didn’t the prostitute loose it?

    11. It says that when Guru Ji saw some people surrounding him, He thought his life was in danger and was helpless as there was no Sikh protecting him. Guru Ji, who says I will make 1 fight 1,000,000 was scared of 4-5 people?

    12. It says Guru Ji for his shoes and a shawl at anoop kaur’s house. Why did Guru Ji take off his shoes?

    13. Why did Guru Ji take off his shawl?

    14. GuruBani says jY fITY mnu DIrIAY iklivK vMin@ dUry] sUhI mhlw 5, 761. Jai Deethay Mnu Dheereeae Vanjyhan Dooray] Soohee Mehala 5, 761. Then how did a woman get inflicted by kaam?

    15. How dare did a prostitute threaten Guru Ji?

    16. Guru Ji condemns jantras and mantras, then why did Guru Ji go and learn mantras from a woman, especially at night?

    17. While the prostitute was drugged up and unconscious, for what good deed did Guru Ji place 60 coins beside her?

    18. Then Guru Ji announced that whoever finds my shoes and shawl and brings it to me will get rid of the cycle of life and death. What was so special about those shoes and shawl that Guru Ji wanted to end someone’s cycle of birth and death for that shawl and that pair of shoes?

    19. The prostitute brought the items herself, then was her cycle of birth and death ended?

    20. Chariter also says that Guru Ji gave the prostitute 20,000 coins when she came to Guru Darbar with the items. Was it suitable to give hard earned money of Sikhs to a prostitute?

    21. These chariters in past tense. Then how could they be written by Gu Ji?

    22. They are also second or even third person. Then how are they written by Guru Ji?

    23. chariters refer to Guru Ji as raja. Was Guru Ji only a raja? Bhai Nand Lal says Guru Ji is Emperor of emperors. Isn’t this downgrading to what Nand Lal said?

    24. Didn’t the Sikhs know that it is a prostitute who has brought Guru Ji’s shoes? What effect did that have on Sikhs?

    25. Tankahnaama Bhai Nanad Lal says Kwlsw soie jo pridRst iqAwgY] Kwlsw soie jo prnwrI qy BwgY] Then why did Guru Ji go to a woman at night? Guru Ji performed different from what Guru Ji taught?

    26. Chariter says that when prostitute says “thief, thief, thief!†People come and surround Guru Ji. People who lived in Anandpur were mostly Sikhs and who had faith in Guru Ji. So Guru Ji’s own followers thought of Guru Ji as a thief?

    27. Prostitutes must have come to Anandpur only if they had customers? Who were the customers when the city was controlled and run by Guru Ji himself? Sikhs were the customers? Do you guys go to places like that too? I guess you guys do so do the people who teach you that Chariters belong to Guru Ji.

    28. Aren’t you disrespecting Guru Ji in countless ways by saying these chariters are written by Guru Ji?

    29. Is it not true the present dasam granth was known as “bachitter natak†then known as “dasam paatshah ka granthâ€, then known as “dasam granth†and now people like you guys call it dasam guru granth sahibâ€. Why the name changes?

    30. Is it not true that there are many versions of dasam granth? Why? If it is written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji?

    31. Is it not true that first copy doesn’t have Sri Mukhwak paatshahi 10 at start of chariters, it also doesn’t have Sri Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh?

    32. Guru had time to write 404 chariters but no time to write even one word about Peer Buddhu Shah and his sons who sacrificed their lives for Guru Ji?

    33. If chariters are written by Guru Ji, then why isn’t chariter katha even done in Gurudwaras?

    34. They are never even read. Why?

    35. When Akhand Paath of dasam granth is performed, Chariters are read silently. Why if it is Gurbani?

    36. Why isn’t a Hukamnama taken from chariters?

    37. What if hukamnama from chariters is taken and hukamnama says call for opium, weed, liquor, morphine, etc. Have a lot of intercourse with all types of women. Are you going to follow the order? Are you going to take drugs? Are you going to have intercourse with all types of women?

    38. Says raam is also written in many places in chariters. Since when was Gruu Ji also called Ram?

    39. Baba Thakur tells you guys that it is Gurkirt, right? Will he do katha of any chariter in front of his daughter, sister, sister-in-law, sangat with women, granddaughter, or heck even his grandson?

    40. Which University did baba Thakur get his degree from? Is he even a graduate?

    41. If baba Thakur is bram giani, then why did Mohkam Singh leave him?

    42. When is Sant Jarnail Singh going to come back? When Khalistan is made?

    43. Since baba Thakur knows so much, why doesn’t he convince AKJs about Raagmaala?

    44. woman said to Guru Ji that if

    45. Why is there no mention of Joga Singh in Dasam Granth?

    46. Baba Deep Singh was the jathedar of Missal Shaheedan. Not Damdami Taksal? There was no such think as Damdami Taksal before. Damdami Taksal is not even mentioned once in Mahan Kosh. Is this not true? Isn’t the taksal lying when it says it was started by Guru Gobind Singh Ji? History tells us that Guru Ji told Baba Deep Singh and Bhai Mani Singh to do parchaar.

    47. Wasn’t there a time when Sikhs were in jungles, mahants and udaasis were controlling the Gurudwaras, they placed statues of perverted hindu gods in Gurudwara complexes. They wrote oam and swastika on Guru Granth Sahib saroops.

    48. I am challenging Baba Thakur about this. He didn’t even come to Toronto, else I would have gone and talked to him. If you guys are Sikhs of Guru Ji, then you will understand, else you are followers of pakhandi sants and babas. They are your Gurus. Now it is up to you to be a Sikh of Guru Ji or be a Sikh of a sant or baba.

  3. Sex with your wife is only permitted. Sex is only for reproduction. We are to get away from lust according to Gurbani. The ways some of you guys are talking, i see how much control over lust you guys have. Guru Ji also told us not to do bhangra. We are not to listen to anything except religious content but you guys and your nihung leaders like poohla dance with strippers. chariter are not gurbani. Don't beleive me, find out. DO ardass and take hukamanma from Guru Granth Sahib Ji if charitera are gurbani.

  4. Connect yourself to Gurbani and never read charitropakhyan. Listen to Dhadis, history and comtemplate on greatness of our Gurus and always ask Akaal and Guru Maharaj to get you rid of kaam. It will take some time but it will be under control. Once it is under control then it will start to die slowly. killing kaam is not a game of two years or 3 years. First thing is controlling. Once it is under control then Akaal Ji will help and kill it.

  5. Do you have one solid viewpoint?

    Sometime you call be Bandai Khalsa

    Sometimes you call me AKJ

    sometimes you call be british agency

    sometimes you call me a druggie

    soemtimes you say I don't beleive in Khalsa

    yaar, teinu kinne vaar kehnaa paa-oo gaa kay sukha naa khaa-ei-aa kurr

    sukha dimaag khraab kurr dindaa hai

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