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Malwe Da Sher

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Posts posted by Malwe Da Sher

  1. Yo shaheediyan chill yo, relax n dat. Its called fusion boi. Manz didnt appreciate da Guroo Nanak n dat but was a heavy into like santa cloz and shiz so ma boi sobha singh mix da 2 into one init. U manz need to relax and do some nap jap yo, get me? lolz peace out

  2. My concerns are with regards primarily to the Akali snake charmer image (I have read the comments), You are correct people can realise that Sikh mutants are not real, so will not necesarrily lead to the same problems as the likes of the akali snake charmer image.

    The analogy refers to the demise of Sikh musical tradition as a resusult of mixing kirtan with with music in popular culture. Explicity referring to the introduction of the harmonium sorry for not making that clear. I dont really buy your justification for the mixture between reality and fantasy based on the mixture of good music with good hymns. When all necessary resources are there - musical instruments, traditions etc, or in this case historical stories with magical elements, then it doesnt seem justified to mix the hymns or stories with something that is neither part of sikh tradition or heritage.

    With regards to the fusion of music, Im sure people would see harm in heavy rock kritan. Also, why change it when the Gurus gave us a tradition and even invented instruments for us, its pretty clear they gave us all this for a reason. Likewise why make up fantasy characters and traditions when their are ample stories in sikh history which contain the necessary magic to fulfill your criteria.

    Thanks for the advise. Im actually involved in a few different historical projects and was involved in the history side of things with Sarbloh Warriors which appears to have quietened down a bit this past year.

    Bhagat Singh what history are trying to preserve when you write:

    "Our history has no magic. If you think so then thats purely your opinion. There is no evidence of the sugared up history everyone talks about as magical. I am actually trying to preserve that history by not creating sugared up graphic novels on it like 300."

    I am a little concerned that you appear not to be familiar with Sikh historical texts despite being on and endavour to promote history? Our history texts are full of tales where magic was used, including magic spells etc in warfare. You say you are working on the history of Bhai Mehtab Singh and Sukha Singh, how could you not have come across Pracheen Panth Parkash which was written by the same Bhai Mehtab Singhs grandson - Shahid Rattan Singh Bhangu. The text is indeed full of magical tales and is regarded with a sense of sacredness particuarly by Nihang Singhs who view it as the most accurate historical granth. Other granths include Tvarikh Guru Khalsa, Sooraj Parkash Granth, the many janam sakhis, the Gur Bilas literature etc. You really should survey some of these texts if you wish to work on anything related to Sikh history. You will soon find that all the characters, events and magic you need are already there and rather than creating something new you can bring alive history rather than fantasy.Shahid Rattan Singh Bhangu is written extensively on the magical powers of the Singhs and Banda Singh Bahadur, Baba Santa Singh has done extensive katha on this available on www.gurmatchanan.com

    Im glad you recognise that Samurais have not been represented correctly. By creating an Akali snake charmer are you not also guilty of misrepresentation? What if someone decided they wished to create an Akali dog like the samurai one, once you start a trend of misrepresentation it keeps going. With regards to sacredness, the form of Akali is considered the form of divine. Using that form as fantasy characters such as akali snake charmer is pretty turning something sacred into something pretty cheap. I did not mean creating a new religion in the liertal sense, rather some stuff like akali snake charmer uses existing religious ideals and changes them so rapidly.

    The Bhai Sukha Singh and Mehtab Singh story book sounds like a really good idea. I would advise browsing through history books before doing so. Dont forget to include the pit stop they made in order to make Shaheedi Degh :D - theres a Gurdwara in Rajastan marking the spot they did this.

    Like Matheen I also used to love the Sikh history comic boos and stuff as a kid, I must say I was never really into fantasy stuff after the age of like 6 or 7. Yet carried on reading Sikh history comics for a lot longer. So im not too sure when you say kids are more concerned with fantasy than history.

  3. Bhagat Singh,

    Once upon a time the Sikhs were great musicians, they played the most elequent instruments in a skilled manner all in par with the traditions established by their Gurus. One day a creative musician experimented with a new instrument, as it is was something new he felt it would appeal to people and at the same time and they would listen to more gurbani. He was successful, more and more people began listening to kirtan. More and more artists began expressing their abilities with these new instruments that they would singh the Gurus shabads on. After all the method was not important it was the result that mattered - getting people to listen to kirtan. So successful were they in the objective that people stopped learning the traditional instruments, infact most people forget that there ever was such a thing as instruments made by the Guru. Even those who knew of them didnt seem to enjoy traditional instruments as much as the new musicians. No one ever understood that the use of new instruments was for the sole purpose of preaching to the uneducated villagers. And on the greatest stages where the best performers and the greatest musicians would present their art, that what was meant to preach to villagers replaced a tradition established by the Gurus and a tradition which existed in India for hundreds if not thousands of years. Infact, the tunes on these new instruments became more important than the divine hymns themselves.

    This is one of the many possible dangers of what you are doing. Children will become more concerned with these fantasy charcters than actual history. Our great history books are gathering dusts in Gurdwara librarys all over the world, these texts were often written by those who had direct lineages to the Sikh Gurus. Would it not make sense to try and bring alive the characters within those real history texts rather than make up characters? Even the making of characters is ok I feel, as Bhai Vir Singh made a success of it. But what you appearing to be doing is making up characters, traditions, history, practices and a whole new religion in itself? Veerji your comics may be a great success and people may love them, but what will have been achieved? People will become engufled in these fantasy characters and puratan sakhis will gather more dust. People will become more obsessed with make beleive exciting stories and ignore real history. Yet how were they to know that magical stories had been written already centuries before? The fantasy and the history will become mixed and people will not care to differentiate between the two and it will soon be assumed that it was all just fantasy. When seeking to do something revolutionary rather than thinking what benefits it will have in 2 years time you must also consider the consequences in 10 years time. .

    The image, symbology and concepts sorrounding the Akali is considered sacred. If a Sikh cannot respect that then how are those who innocently adopt characters from your work expected to? Could someone else make a comic based on the idea of a Nihang, could the be used in a novel, a film (Im sure extradanory league of gentleman had a character loosely based on a nihangs). What respect would these projects have for the sacredness of such ideas? Just look at how cheaply samurais have been used in media the media, half the world probably believes the samurai traditions were saved by a white man thanks to Tom Cruises last samurai. People make cartoons about a dog thats a samurai. Has any of this successfully revived samurai teachings, traditions or philosophy?

    You are clearly very telented, with any ability comes great responsability. You have various options in which you can use your talent, your choice is the same as someone in the following situation: imagine somewhen with great musical ability who can play so many instruments. With such a talent this person could make great efforts to popularise and restore the great raag vidiya and musical heritage of the Sikhs. But this particuarly Sikh has a really fond interest in heavy rock music, so instead of doing kirtan with classical instrments which they had the choice to do they form a heavy rock kirtan jatha. They know a lot of young people will listen to their kirtan because a people like heavy rock and indeed many peoplle buy their heavy rock kirtan cds and the travel the world performing their heavy rock kirtan. However, what would all this mean of the sancity of traditionso of the Gurus kirtan, what would it mean for the centuries old vidiya, what will be the consequence 50 years later for how gurbani is percieved and how its performed?

    Sorry for the long analogy, I just feel really strongly that stuff like the Akali snake charmer is really dangerous and offensive. As much as I love some of your art work I those that picture is a perversion of something highly sacred. I particuarly fail to understand this when there are ample references to Singhs with super human abilities in historic granths. Although those of a western education may choose to believe stories in such granths are fabricated and make belives stuff, at least they are ground in traditions, history and culture of the Sikhs.

    I have spoken to 5 or 6 other people who were also disheartened by the consequences of the Akali Snake picture whos ages are from between 18-27.

  4. MY thoughts have been well portrayed by Shaheedddiyan and MJ. Bhagat Singh have you read Pracheen Panth Parkash or any other of the Sikh historic granths? You will find plenty of sakhia disucssing the various powers possesed by Singhs. There is ample material there for you to use for the purpose you have specified. If its magic you are interested in you will have no shortage of material to use.

    The word, guise, and symbology of Akali is sacred and divine. Without sounding like an extremist mixing and merging make believe fantasy stuff with Akalis who represent Akaal Purakh is pretty disheratening and offensive. Akali is supposed to be the roop of Akaal and shouldnt be played around with to make fantasy black magic characters completely unrealeted to sikhi. Main concern is you will be opening up pandoras box as MJ has stated.

    Some of you artwork is really splendid and I hope you carry on doing it. However you really need to consider the consequences of mixing fantasy with reality, it will lead to great confusion.

  5. Singh I mean source as in historical sense.

    The Nihangs and Akalis were real people with real history. Whats the purpose of mixing make believe stuff with actual history? Make belief characters can definetely be successful at conveying messages as Bhai Vir Singhs novel have shown. But adopting make beleif characters, traditions and practices seems like a pretty dangerous path to tred. I dont think the Nihangs would be too happy with make belief traditions either.

    Dont get me wrong, I really like some of your artwork. The picture of Baba Ajit Singh was superb, how come you took it down?

  6. You people are pathetic. Im sure warriors wore belts to secure their weapons long before Islam. No one concerns themselves with authentic origins other than the Shias who comes on this board. Your obsessiveness to claim a monopoly on everything shows nothing but your own insecurity. Religion is more than who had what first, that attitude is more suitable towards tribal fanatics than spiritual seekers.

    Calling Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji a warlord is a a deliberate misrepresentation or an act of sheer ignorance. If your reasoning behind the use of such terms is to be followed and applied then it one can also legitimately state that Mohammed was a paedophile based on his marriage to a young girl.

  7. Thanks Pheena Ji.

    To those who dont want to read in the annyong quote scroll bar:

    Desire for sex is natural. It is neither right to fight your body and mind, nor should you feel depressed about the sex urge. Nature has created this body and its glandular systems. These glands start functioning around teenage and they release chemicals called hormones. In the brain, the hypothalamus and the pituitary control the functioning of these glands. The male hormone testosterone is produced by the testes and the female hormones progesterone and estrogen are produced by the ovaries.

    The sex hormones help the body of a boy grow into a young man, and that of a girl grow into a young woman. This leads to an attraction for the opposite sex, and happens only after the release of these chemicals. Before this stage, boys and girls have no such feelings in their mind. As children approach the age of 12 or 13, the sex glands begin to get active. Nowadays, due to exposure to media and television, these glands have started functioning earlier - sometimes as early as the age of 9.

    Even a highly sexual and pornographic mind, such as of those people who engage in mental visualizations and fantasies, or of a totally addicted person, loses the sexual urge if we inject a special type of hormone in the body. This happens because the body clock is taken back to the stage when there were no secretions of the sex hormones.

    Whenever there is an excess secretion of these chemicals - for whatever reason, it leads to addiction. Any addiction, whether it is for tea, coffee or sex, is just an addiction. You cannot say that one addiction is better than the other - that an addiction to cigarettes is better than an addiction to liquor. Addiction means a stage of dependence in which one cannot survive without the fulfillment of the addiction. It is a stage when one thinks and dreams about the object of one’s addiction and when one lives with it and for it.

    The first thing to understand is that our mind is connected to our body and to our brain. Changes in our body and mind affect us. For example, if you have not slept well at night, there will be a deficiency of melatonin and serotonin, the two chemicals released during sleep. These chemicals relax the body and the brain, and their deficiency will make you feel tense. Your mind will begin to oscillate, your circulatory system will get affected and blood pressure will be raised. The restlessness will affect you to such an extent, that you will need to take some drug to balance the paucity of the chemicals.

    This is how those people who drink more and more liquor, provide the chemicals the body needs, although alcohol does not supply melatonin and serotonin. The chemicals in the liquor have a drug like effect and they soothe the nerves and numb the brain; somehow this is experienced as relaxation by many people. Any form of drug, cigarette and liquor soothes the nerves. It is a different story that these are all poisons that destroy the body systems. This is the additional effect of these drugs which no company is ever going to advertise; they will just talk about how good you are going to feel. Thumbs up! How cheerful you will be when you consume the poison of this drug!

    Similarly, during the sex act, chemicals are released by the brain and this gives you a high feeling - a good feeling. Some tests have been done on rats and mice, in which the areas of the brain which are activated at the time of sex were injected and made numb. Once those portions were numbed, the rats and mice lost interest in copulation; they were just not interested any more.

    So basically what our body seeks is to experience the good feeling. Some feel good with food, but for others sex remains the only medium which gives them a high; nothing else does. For sex, one is dependent on another person. As I had said earlier, these days you can not only order a pizza and a burger at home, but also sex! Even that is provided!

    The question is, what does sex give? It gives a feeling of elation and a feeling of being appreciated - although the person doing the appreciating may be doing it for your money, for the security you provide or for the gifts which you will shower on that person! So the process of give and take goes on. Dependency does exist.

    No wonder husbands and wives blackmail and exploit one another; they know that the other person is dependent on them for sexual release. Actually, if you take away the sex, there won’t be a husband and wife relationship left. Most couples are together because of the children or society; or because they don’t know how to live alone. They benefit greatly from the relationship, and so do not want to lose out on services like house maintenance, laundry, cooking and entertainment etc. All these things provided by the spouse make you further bind with the spouse.

    The question is, if sex could give real enjoyment, a real high, then it should last for a few days at least. But it does not endure for even a few hours! It is an unending process. Again and again a person is entrapped.

    First and foremost, never condemn yourself for having a sexual urge. Through all your physical and mental experiences, you gain something - or maybe you will gain something. Those who never get a chance to explore these things may still harbour the seeds of desire in their subconscious mind. They just dream, repress and suppress their feelings.

    At the same time, exploring this territory should be done with an understanding of what you will get out of it. Ask yourself: Am I getting the happiness which I hope for? How long will this happiness last? Will I get dependent on the other person? Will I lose my freedom? Is this the only way to feel a high? Is this the only door through which I will get physical and mental relaxation? Most husbands the world over have sex to release their tension and not for love.

    I would like to point out that a man who is really in love with his wife, will need less sex, because his satisfaction will then come from a higher plane. Attention, appreciation and companionship are more important than carnal pleasure. I am not saying that there is something wrong with sex, that it is sinful or that it is something one should not indulge in.

    If sex had been ugly, or even worse - if it were a sin or something to be guilty of, then our temples would not have sculptures of couples copulating. Have you ever seen the expression on their faces? Have you ever visited the Khajuraho or Konark temples? Outside the periphery of these temples, there are hundreds of such images on the domes; they are carved so meticulously and with so much time consuming labour. A huge amount of the kings’ money went into the making of these temples. Dharma, artha, kama, moksha - all four are a part of life. It cannot be said that artha is important and kama is not. If we deny these facts then we are just being hypocritical.

    All that happens in society - all the money, the wealth, the businesses, the jobs, the education - just go to the core of it and see what everyone is striving for. You will end up with just one answer - sex. If you have wealth, you can have the most beautiful girl or the most handsome man. Your very being, your physical being is because of sex. Can you deny that?

    But your parents are not guilty of sex. They might be guilty of sex in general but not of your birth. Are you guilty of your daughter? You are joyful for your daughters. You are joyful for your sons. You are full of joy for your children and even more joyful for your grand children. They are all offspring of the sexual act. You cannot say that it is bad, ugly or sinful. This point has to be understood very clearly.

    Society at large is under the sheets; behind the wall everyone is in it, and outside the wall everyone condemns it. They condemn it and yet they are in it! The more they are in it, the more vehemently they condemn it - this is a vicious cycle. Throw away the attitude that sex is bad, ugly and sinful. What is bad about it? It is your body and if you wish to explore it in any way, just go ahead and do so.

    The only suggestion I would like to make is that you should know what you will gain, what will you lose and why you are indulging in it? It is true that the body chemicals - the hormones, are active and therefore there is attraction between the sexes. The stimulants are there right in your head - the sex organ is none other than the brain - that is the real sex organ!

    So this means that you need to make some changes in the brain if you wish to make some changes in your lifestyle. How can that be done? There are many ways:

    First, you have to balance your body and brain, so that you do the act when needed and you don’t think about it all the time. When you are hungry you eat food - you are never guilty of eating food, are you? If you have an itch in the throat, you cough - you never feel guilty about it. But if you have an urge for sex and you satisfy it, you feel guilty later on - whether you recognize the guilt or not is a different story.

    When a husband and wife are in the sex act, all the scriptures, mahatmas and sadhus’ voices keep ringing at the back of their mind, telling them that what they are doing is bad. But the urge of the body is so strong that they cannot stop. It is somewhat like schizophrenia - based on all the discourses of mahatmas and books that you have read, the brain says don’t do it, but the body speaks a different language. Mind you, whenever there is a fight between the body and the brain, the body will win because animal instincts are more powerful than abstract thoughts and ideas.

    Celibacy is just an idea which the mahatmas have given to people. That is not your experience; your experience is that when your body wants something, you have to get it. When a person is thirsty he will drink water from the most polluted pond - it has happened! In difficult times, as during a war, what else to do? When there is thirst and the body asks for water, people have been known to have drunk water from the ponds in which corpses were floating! The suffering from thirst, the pain was so great, that in spite of seeing the floating dead bodies, they just cupped their hands and drank the water!

    The urges of the body are very strong. When hunger troubles you, when your body asks for food, no gyan will work - you need food by any means, anyhow. Normally you eat when you are hungry, you drink when you are thirsty, when you are exhausted you go to sleep and you are never guilty about it. But if you continuously think about food, then something is wrong. If you keep on eating and filling your stomach the whole day, then it is a disease. If a person washes his hands when they are dirty, it is ok for that is routine hygiene. But if he keeps on washing his hand a hundred or two hundred times, then it is an illness. It is a psychological disease if a person feels he is dirty, or the phobia of germs is prevalent in his mind; this needs to be treated. Similarly, healthy married couples do feel the real urge for sex.

    Now this is something to be noted - distinguishing between the real and the unreal urge. The real urge comes from the body, and if you fulfill it, it is definitely as natural as a hungry man eating his food. But this urge can also be an unreal one. How does that happen? The society in which you live, your friends, associates, the woman you are seeing, the men whom you meet, the books which you read, the magazines which you flip through, every channel, every movie - all of them - titillate your senses and excite your mind. When the urge arises because of this titillation and excitement, I call it an unreal desire - it is not a natural desire.

    You will have to see when it is a natural urge and when it is an unnatural one. When you have a natural urge, go ahead without the feeling of guilt or sin. Marriage is a license which society has given you; have sex as many times as you want to, but the moment you stray from your licensed spouse, the whole of society looks down upon you. This is bad, this is wrong, this is immoral! In a polygamous society, it is not considered wrong to stray, but as per Hindu law, and in monogamous relationships which are popular and widely practiced today, it is considered wrong. I believe that if a man or a woman has an extra marital affair, it is not because they don’t get sex, but because they don’t get true love.

    Understand that sex can never fulfill your mind - love can. Love should be the foundation of marriage. The more deeply you are in love with your spouse, the lesser is the need to stray. When a man and a woman do not appreciate one another, do not attend to each other’s needs, do not gel at the mental level, do not have similar choices, then there is sure to be trouble. Some people simply live with their situation; others move away. But this damages the institution of marriage.

    There are many things to be considered. First: identify the real and natural urge. How to do that? Well, you need to discipline your brain and body, and to do that, yogic asanas are the perfect solution. When you do sarvangasana - the shoulder stand, blood rushes to your brain as your feet are up and head is down. Due to gravity, the blood rushes to the brain. The most important gland which is the master computer of the body, the hypothalamus, is in the brain. With this asana, fresh supply of blood and oxygen is carried to the brain nourishing the hypothalamus and the pituitary. The hypothalamus begins to work properly and it orders the right amount of chemicals to be released. Once this happens, you feel the sex urge only when needed and not otherwise.

    Second: the way to balance the glandular system is to do pranayama. When you practice pranayama, your mind will be soothed, relaxed and cool. You won’t feel excited even on seeing an attractive woman; you won’t be titillated; titillation will have an effect only when you are ready for it. Sometimes, if you tickle a person, they are in peels of laughter, but there are others who roll on the ground at the mere sight of a tickling gesture. Just moving the fingers is enough for them to say, “don’t do itâ€!

    Often people play with young children; they tickle them and walk holding their two fingers. They walk their fingers on the baby’s arms saying, “Here I am comingâ€, and even before you reach the forearm the child is laughing and pleading with you to stop. But as the child grows older, the same act will not have the same effect and could well evoke the response: “Papa! Grow up! What are you doing?â€

    The same rules apply to scantily clothed girls who show their bodies in such a way that it turns any man’s mind- just as a woman’s mind may be affected on seeing a half naked man who has a beautiful and muscular body. But this titillation can happen only when you are ready to be titillated. Let me say this very clearly: I do not condemn even titillation, but it has to have some objective.

    In the sexual act, it is not that you lose just semen in ejaculation, but you also lose something more than that called ojas - energy. It is not the semen which creates the baby, but the ojas in the semen which creates the baby. This ojas can be used to make progress in your spiritual development.

    Every food you eat carries a hidden energy in it. Our body has to digest the food and our intestines have to absorb the nutrients which go to the liver and from there to the blood and thence to the entire body. Our seers who understood this phenomenon, suggested that this energy should not be wasted for whimsical reasons, but should be conserved. The more you conserve it, the more energetic you grow and your capacity to do sadhana also increases. This energy also enhances your concentration and attention levels. The reason why the rishis suggested sexual abstinence was to conserve ojas, and not in order to suppress the sexual urge. The idea was not to suppress sexual energy but to sublimate it.

    It is important to understand the sexual energy in order to manage it well. Deep down if the mind is insecure, then this insecurity can become a reason for excessive sexual behavior. If you did not receive real love and comfort from your mother in childhood, then this can give rise to excessive sexual behavior of the mind. If you have any kind of inferiority complex, it can also give rise to an overly sexual behavior. If you were exploited or tortured during childhood, even this can lead to excessive sexual behavior. There are multiple reasons and that is why we need to understand our mind; we need to go deep into our mind.

    Every time the urge arises, do not condemn yourself, rather try to understand from where it is rising.

    Our mind is a deep, dark and mysterious cave where millions of ghosts reside - the ghosts of our past memories. We are not very comfortable facing these ghosts, and that is why we watch television, we spend time with friends but do not like to invest any effort in studying the mind. We just do not want to face the complexities of our mind; this compounds the problem.

    Now, how to manage the sex urge, whether natural or unnatural, real or unreal? One way is to indulge in sexual intercourse; the second way is to masturbate; the third way is to suppress the urge by chiding yourself, taking a cold shower or going to a temple and expressing regret for having fallen again. Then there is a fourth way also - it is a particular technique given by Tantra to all aspirants who wish to work on controlling the sexual urge - the Ashwini mudra with kumbhak.

    Ashwa means horse. Ashwini mudra is actually taken from a natural act performed by horses. Have you ever ridden on horseback? Have you seen a horse defecating? It moves its anus - actually it pushes out its rectum and you can see a layer of pinkish muscle. The horse pushes its rectum out of the body once it has defecated; when it has thrown the faeces out of the body, it pushes out the rectum, moves it and then pulls it in. This is called Ashwini mudra.

    So with the practice of Ashwini mudra, you can develop control over the muscles in the lower regions of the body around the anus. The exercise is done as follows: you squeeze your anus, contract it, and then relax it in the first part of the mudra. In the second part you repeat the exercise with breath control - when you inhale you relax and when you exhale you contract - proficiency comes with practice.

    Initially you should concentrate on the first part which is rather easy, and once you have mastered it then practice with the breath. Remember that you contract while exhaling and relax when inhaling. When you inhale, relax; contract with breathing out.

    In the third part, you contract the anus while exhaling and hold your breath for a count of 3 and then relax. Inhale and exhale, contracting while exhaling. When you breathe out, hold your breath out - one, two, three. With time and practice, you can increase the retention period and can even take it to a count of 5 and then 10 - but it should be done very comfortably with no stress or strain.

    This ability to retain your breath and contract your anus muscle will control the urge for sex - this is the golden mantra. Whenever the urge arises - whether real or unreal - at that time if you begin to focus and start doing the exercises in sequence, within 15 minutes, not only will your urge be gone but you will feel like meditating more - you will feel like sitting for some more time. Your mind gets relaxed and so does the body.

    We should not ever fight with the body or the mind. If there is an urge for sex, it is no big issue, for every issue has a solution which can be learned and focused on. So at the level of our mind we need to understand and respect it. Actually, the more you resist it, the more you get trapped in it, because anything that makes you feel guilty also gives you the joy of breaking the rules of society.

    There is no fun in taking your wife out for dinner; it is more exciting to take your girlfriend out. Even the most lecherous person fears being seen, hence no one ever announces in the drawing room in the presence of friends and relatives that the last time he went to Singapore on a business trip, he had three prostitutes! No one ever announces this; no one ever boasts of this. Even the most lecherous and libidinous person will hide this.

    We need to know and understand that sex is not the enemy; sex is not a sin; sex is not a shameful act that should lead to guilt. It needs to be appreciated that nature has given this to us and it is the reason for the entire procreation and recreation. Sex is not a means of releasing tension - for that you should do Yog-Nidra - it is indeed very relaxing! Sex should not be a means of releasing your frustrations either. It is and can be beautiful provided you know and understand what it is; provided you manage it with awareness; provided you are deeply in love with your spouse.

    A loveless relationship is a sin. The problem is that in our society relationships are not based on love but on money, prestige and status - these three are most important - then comes the shakal [looks] and akal [intelligence] of the boy and girl. If the boy is a walking hippopotamus but has money, there are many girls who will not refuse him. Their attitude is that it is fine to marry someone like that, no problem at all; once married they plan to make the poor chap slim down. You too must have seen some weird matches - in fact they are no match at all, but the families get them married. Now after the marriage they are expected to love one another! How is that possible? I find it very weird!

    But our ancestors had made a different system. They would get the boy and girl married at an early age but keep them apart. Immediately after the marriage ceremony the girl was taken to her parents home and then the entire society and family would pester and tease the boy reminding him that his spouse was at her parents’ home. “Don’t you want to meet her?†Their bodies would be growing and their hormones raging. That is how psychologically they were made to like one another and to want to be with one another. This distance created the attraction. After another ceremony, when the girl was finally brought to her husband’s home, the boy was lusting and waiting for her.

    Again, this is a drama which has been planned by society and families. I have nothing against arranged marriages but I do have some issues with it. Loveless marriages can never satisfy; love has to be there. If there is love in an arranged marriage then it is fine. Some amount of effort is needed on the part of the husband and wife to understand one another in order to seek and create room for compatibility - to be able to appreciate one another’s qualities, to ignore the errors and mistakes of the other person, to not condemn the spouse - appreciation will change the partner. These are important things. To manage the urges of the body and to be in a position to distinguish the real urge from the unreal one, yogasana and pranayama especially ashwini mudra with kumbhak, will pave the way for a very healthy married life.

    Life with a dumb person can be hell - but marriage can be a great pleasure trip, an enjoyable experience once there is compatibility - for which one has to work for it won’t happen on its own. You have to work at it and the more you work with understanding and with an agenda, the more quickly will you see the results.

  8. Veerji, Baba Kahan Singh was the son of Baba Binod Singh Ji who was descendent of Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji.

    Bhai Baj Singh became governor of Sirhand aftre the Singh sacked the city. Did he kill them with his karra, I have heard elsewhere he got hold of one of the guards tulwars. Hence, it would be good to see original source.

  9. Im not sure Singh although I have heard the same from somewhere, just can recall where. Im pretty certain Bhai Baj Singh was a Jatt from Mirpur, whereas Maharajs family where all of Khatri origin. Bhai Baj Singh and his 3 brothers were among the panj pyarai sent with Baba Banda Singh Bahadur, the other being Baba Binod Singh Ji.

  10. I've heard a few people mention the story of Bhai Baj Singh who upon having one of his shackles released killed twelve Turk soldiers. Bhai Baj Singh was one of the Singhs that was martyred along with Baba Banda Singh Bahadur. Has anyone come across the original text this is mentioned in which I think is called Ibritnama?

  11. Naam from Guru and bachan from Mahapursh/Gurdev are very important for doing simran. But to suggest its powerless without armit seems a bit silly, Guru Nanak gave gurmantr to to the world. Are their any historical references to amrit sanchar being a process where naam is passed. No doubt that amrit is unbelieveably powerful, but is their any account from historical granths or rehatname that process amrit is related to recieving naam? Would appreciate if more people could share their knowledge/opinion on this.

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