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Posts posted by Mystical

  1. I found this on JattWorld.com. This is a different version of a saakhi which has been told about a donkey putting on a lions skin. I thought i'd share it with you guys.

    "Also there is a story mentioned in Sikh chronicles that once Sikhs asked Guru Gobind Singh if it is really true that on taking Amrit and putting on the 5 K's do we really become Lions?

    Guru ji replied them that they would get their answer later.

    After a few days Guru ji asked Sikhs to bring a donkey and a Lion's skin and asked Sikhs to cover the donkey body all over with the lion's skin. The Sikhs did this and Guru ji asked them to drive the donkey into the woods on the hillside and keep an eye on it where it went.

    The donkey in Lion's clothing enjoyed the new attire because no wild animals such as wolves or hyneas bothered him.

    One day a potter with his pack of donkeys passed nearby when one of his own donkeys started braying. The donkey in Lion's skin heard the sound and as a reflex action began himself braying. The potter became curious to find where is the other donkey.

    The potter immediately recognised the donkey and roped it to add it to his own pack.

    The Sikhs finding the donkey taken away by the potter came to Guruji and reported that a potter took away the donkey.

    The Sikhs had forgotten about the question they had asked from Guru ji and asked what are they to do now that the donkey is gone.

    Guru ji reminded them that just by putting on the 5 K's and taking Amrit does not make you Singhs or lions. If you are a donkey you would remain a donkey, Amrit or no Amrit. The real Rehat is to be able to control your instints that like the donkey can lead you to be led away to the door of the Dharmraj like the potter did to the donkey."


  2. After readind the artical, it just makes things more confusing.

    Well this is what I believe. I believe that before Guru Nanak Dev Ji came to this world, people started calling the stone Omkar. And that Guru Nanak Dev Ji came this world to say that Omkar is Akaal himself and not a stone.

    If you read Bichitra Naatak in Sri Dasam Granth Ji, Guru Ji says that there was a confusion to who God was in the old days. I believe when Guru Ji came, he came to resort out belifes to their original form? But I might be wrong.

    In Bhai Gurdas Jis Vaara he says that Guru Ji came to redeem Kuljug and that Dharma has been put back on its four legs.

    Bhai Gurdas Ji's Vaara 01

    sunee pukaar dhaathaar prabh gur naanak jag maahi(n) pat(h)aayaa||

    The benefactor Lord listened to the cries (of humanity) and sent Guru Nanak to this world.

    charan dhhoe rehiraas kar charanaamrith skhiaa(n) peelaayaa||

    He washed His feet, eulogised God and got his Disciples drink the ambrosia of his feet.

    paarabreham pooran breham kalijug a(n)dhar eik dhikhaayaa||

    He preached in this darkage (kaliyug) that, saragun (Brahm) and nirgun (Parbrahm) are the same and identical.

    chaarai pair dhhara(n)m dhae chaar varan eik varan karaayaa||

    Dharma was now established on its four feet and all the four castes (through fraternal feeling) were converted into one caste (of humanity).

    raanaa ra(n)k baraabaree pairee(n) pavanaa jag varathaayaa||

    Equating the poor with the prince, he spread the etiquette of humbly touching the feet.

    oulattaa khael pira(n)m dhaa pairaa(n) oupar sees nivaayaa||

    Inverse is the game of the beloved; he got the egotist high heads bowed to feet.

    kalijug baabae thaariaa saathanaam parrh ma(n)thr sunaayaa||

    Baba Nanak rescued this dark age (kaliyug) and recited ‘satinam’ mantr for one and all.

    kal thaaran gur naanak aayaa ||aa||

    Guru Nanak came to redeem the kaliyug.

  3. I dont think its approriate to say we get naam from panj pyares, since its been used for years, thats why we have conditioned to used that term- naam. In essence, we get shabad from panj pyares to awaken that naam(resonance/dhuni) in our surat which bind us all(universe). Right now our surat staying in kalyug-hence kalyugi jiv, when jiv starts doing shabad abhyas, shabad will infuse jiv's surat in it and take the surati of this jiv to upper mandala(realms).

    As sukhmani sahib says :

    Nau Nidh Amrit Prab ka Naam, Dehi mein eska bisram ||

    Bij Mantar Sarb Ko Gian ||

    This whole creation came from naam (Resosance) and will merge back in the resosance,

    Pirthame On(g)kar So Dhun Poran Jagat Mae Raha ||

    Fist ongkar was recited and that resosance created world and give nourishment to this world. (Siri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, Dasam Granth Sahib)

    Ongkar aad kathni anad, Khal Khand Khyal Gurbar Akaal ||

    Ongkar Bhrama Utpat ||

    bhrama(creator) came from ongkar resosance.

    Ongkar Kiya Jin Chit ||

    Then bhrama did bhagti on ongkar for thousands of years. After that Nirgun asked him, what do you want? Bhram asked god to give him powers to create the world.

    Ongkar Saiyel Jug Paie ||

    Ongkar Vaid Nirvaie ||

    Guru Nanak Dev Ji said, with ongkar - Nirgun transcedents it's attributes into sargun

    This is what I also felt. But great reply! Really cleared things up for me. :)

  4. If this nemana has comprehend your question wrong, then I'm sorry........I'm not a scholar like you, I'm just writing what I learn till now.

    lol im no scholar, wish I had the chance though. I believe the word Guru means God himself, with his grace we understand and learn. And yeah I do believe that without Guru there is no understanding of his Hukam, theres no relationship with God without Guru. God and Guru are one and the same.

    But I question things, not because I want to mock Guru Ji, I wouldnt even dream of it! But I question because I want a better understanding. Your always going to have people questioning, this is human nature. But you get some people who question for the sake of trying to make it something that you believe in false and to get you to follow their way. I question because I want a better understanding.

    Even in Guru Ji's time people used to question him about his belief's but the people that did, understod.

    I believe the people that dont allow questioning, they dont know for themselves in the first place. People theses days seem to believe that questioning is wrong and the person questioning are instanly put into the bad books.

    Thanks for helping me out.

  5. everybody (all persons in Human form) in mother's womb promised to GOD that we will at-least devote 2.5 hours everyday in remembering GOD.......doing Waheguru Waheguru........or doing path........... remembering GOD is NOT our right, it is our duty for which GOD has given us this Human form.............and what we took from Panj Paras is Amrit with which we are coming under the category of Guruwale and our GURU is is Guru Granth Sahib Ji.......even we all Sikhs (Amritwale and Non-Amritwale) consider Guru Granth Sahib Ji as our Guru, but one needs to do this offically through Amrit taken from Panj Paras and then following the Rehit...........in previous times Guru people become Guruwale by Charan Phul...............and IT IS important to be a Guruwala.........because Guru Nanak Dev Ji says:

    Let no man in the world live in delusion. Without a Guru none can cross over to the other shore.

    Without becoming Guruwale if we do path for 2.5 hours or with every breath, we may secure another Human form birth (instead of going to charase lakh joon), but we will NOT be able to go merge with HIM................GOD will give us another chance to be Guruwale and merge with HIM by giving us another human birth (if we have accumulated enough good deeds).


    But Guru Granth Sahib is universal, isnt it? All the bhagats that are in Guru Granth Sahib have got mukti, who was their Guru? Im sorry if im asking too much questions, I think sikhi is much deeper than Sikhs theses days manage to think of it as. If anything im still a fool.

    What I meant by the question was, is Naam given to us since our human birth so that we're able to Naam Jaap?

  6. Some people say that you can get Naam from the 5 Beloved. But when we were in our mothers wombs we were doing Naam Jaap. Guru Ji says that this is why we're born to worship him through Naam and that being in this human form, we should'nt miss out in this opportunity. Guru Nanak Dev Ji preached to the world to not to forget the Creator.

    Is Naam really given to us by the 5 Beloved ones or is it our birth right?

  7. Its funny how most of us Sikhs today think that the Nirmala order came from Guru Nanak Dev Ji's time, but it was started in the time of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

    Their origins lie with the five Sikhs, Ganda Singh, Karm Singh, Sena Singh, Vir Singh and Ram Singh whom Akali Nihang Guru Gobind Singh sent from Paunta Sahib to Benares to learn Sanskrit in 1688.

    It is said that once Akali Nihang Guru Gobind Singh Ji asked his court Pundit Ragunath to teach his Sikhs Sanskrit, but, the Brahmin refused saying he could not teach the Sikhs Sanskrit. His reason was that Sanskrit was the sacred Sanatan Hindu language of the Hindu demigods, and because there were amongst the Sikhs individuals belonging to low castes, he could not teach them.

    This reaction prompted the Guru to send the above-mentioned Sikhs in guise of Sadhus to Banares. There, they learned all manner of ancient Indian Sanskrit knowledge. When they came back they founded the Nirmala order of Sikhs with the blessings of the Guru.

    Nirmalas were the masters of Sanskrit and were the intellectuals and scholars of Sikhism. Akali Nihang Guru Gobind Singh gave them a duty to educate the illiterate Indian populace and promote the philosophy of oneness of Nirankar God and all mankind amongst the Hindu scholars (regardless of caste or creed).


  8. If you cant see God in all, how can you see God at all?

    Ram, Allah, Vaheguru are one and the same.

    Bhai Gurdaas Vaar 01

    sathijug sathigur vaasadhaev vaavaa vishanaa naam japaavai||

    In Satyug, Visnu in the form of Vasudev is said to have incarnated and ‘V’ Of Vahiguru reminds of Visnu.

    dhuaapar sathigur hareekrishan haahaa har har naam dhhiaavai||

    The true Guru of dvapar is said to be Harikrsna and ‘H’ of Vahiguru reminds of Hari.

    thraethae sathigur raam jee raaraa raam japae sukh paavai||

    In the the treta was Ram and ‘R’ of Vahiguru tells that rembering Ram will produce joy and happiness.

    kalijug naanak gur gobi(n)dh gagaa govi(n)dh naam japaavai||

    In kalijug, Gobind is in the form of Nanak and ‘G’ of Vahiguru gets Govind recited.

    chaarae jaagae chahu jugee pa(n)chaaein vich jaae samaavai||

    The recitations o f all the four ages subsume in Panchayan i.e. in the soul of the common man.

    chaaro(n) ashhar eik kar vaahiguroo jap ma(n)thr japaavai||

    When joining four letters Vahiguru is remembered,

    jehaa(n) thae oupajiaa fir thehaa(n) samaavai ||aa||a||

    The jiv merges again in its origin.

  9. I respect you, you have put forward a good argument. I believe ignorance of other peoples religions happends when people choose not to understand it in the first place. And rather have a black and white view.

    But I believe that understanding other peoples religions also makes you understand your own religion better.

  10. I used to have the same problem until I used to go Yoga. In Yoga they told me be always aware of the back and keep it straight, dont let it arch. In yoga there are excersies which can be done for lower back which can also strenghten it aswell. In Sikh Missionaire College, Southall. They have yoga classes running on Tuesdays and Fridays from 6.30pm to 8.00pm. They ask for a donation of £5 per session. I think its relaxing doing yoga, you can even apply theses yogic teachings to life.

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