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Everything posted by Sohagani

  1. Sohagani asks about Mercy Killling and Assisted Suicide: Let's define the two term as follows: Assisted Suicide - assisting in death with the consent/request of one who does not have the means to take their own life. (ex. terminal illness, paralysis) Mercy Killing - Taking the life of a person, who can not consent to suicide, as an act of mercy. (ex. coma) 1) Is there a difference between mercy killing and assisted suicide? Why? 2) Should mercy killing/assisted suicide be legal? What impact would a Yes or No decision have on religion and society? 3) What is Sikhi's view on both these issues? 4) What are the views of other major religions on these issues? 5) What is your personal view on the issue? What do you believe is right or wrong?
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