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Everything posted by bimel

  1. when we bow our head to Guru Granth Sahib Ji...wat are are we bowing our heads to?...the shabad and/or bani in there or Guru Granth Sahib Ji as a whole...?? when Guru Gobind Singh Ji bowed his head to Guru Granth Sahib Ji was he bowing to the banis in there or bowing to Guru Granth Sahib Ji as it is the living guru?..for the verse "guru manio granth"..is it telling us to accept Guru Granth Sahib Ji as our guru because it contains the banis or otherwise??
  2. all my life i've prayed to god when i was scared and needed assurance or when i really wanted something very badly...but now..i want go past that..i want to truly love him unconditionally..not because i want something out of "him"...i want to past the phase of wanting things and want to be truly happy with what he gives me...but how do i do it....i dont want to be caught up in asking and asking and asking...instead be content with life as it is..and truly mean it when i say i love "Him" because of him...
  3. i'm doing my internship now and and am very keen in learning gurbani..so i usually download them while i'm here...once in a while i am tempted to read them at work...but i don't dare because my head is not covered...can i just read them for the sake or learning the meaning.. without covering my head...or its okay if i don't...just for now...i mean when in the mornings and evenings i do cover my head for the prayer...
  4. when we know know better we do better-thats the basics of live...yes its sad that our race became the punching bag..but try looking at it in their perspective...fear engulfs them..heck even i was scared...and i dont even live there...(but do have family there)...the basic instinct of survival is to defend oneself..at this point...i think you start second guessing everyone's intentions..most of us whether we admit it or not..don't really know how to handle fear and despair..it eats us inside and the only way we get to let go is by retaliating..remember its not you that they are against...its never you..its not even the muslims that they are after...its just the evil that takes the form of a fanatic...we are too naive to recognize good..and since most of the muslims in the middle east look some what like us..they don't know how to differentiate...if they knew better they would deffinately do better..i bet you my last dollar they will never hurt you on purpose...
  5. why can't we cut our hair?? what does it signify??...i've never cut my hair..partly because of my parents who are both very religious...and partly because i'm used to my long hair and have grown very fond of it...but sometimes when my friends tell me that i have got split ends and should trim it a bit to make it seem neater...i start wondering...why did Guru Gobind Singh Ji tell us not to cut our hair.. ??..wats the story behind this...why the hair...??why??
  6. after death...where do we go...do we as sikhs believe in the existence of heaven and hell??..or do we either "go back to him" or we reincarnate ??is reincarnation some sort of hell for us and "joining the almighty" considered as heaven??...or there is no such thing as that??
  7. death... how do we see death..when death comes knocking on our door... should we surrender...or resist..??..which one's the better answer?..resisting...some what shows strength..the ability to fight back..the will to live!!!..or the fear to let go..the unwillingness to face uncertainty.. and yielding to death..can be seen as a cowardice act...or utmost faith in a higher power...how do you see it??
  8. i just finished reading the da vinci code, a few months ago i watched a documetnary on it...i was still reading the book at that point(yes i admit..it took me years to finish the book...)..anyway...wat struck me as odd after watching the documentary was why they kept on questioning is jesus was married with mary magdelene(i hope i spelt it right)...if he was married to her...so what??..does that give us the right to question him as the son of god..does that make him less important...does that make his suffering less painful??.. now the question comes...why me..as a sikh..why am i raising this question...??...well the answer is simple...i know for sure God is one, jesus,prophet muhamad,buddha,and even our gurus are in one way or the other messengers of Him..and i respect those who have been his messengers...we come from him..we go back to him...i will not look down on,taunt or ignore them, because they come from him...ignoring even one of them would mean i am disrespecting him...but one thing for sure..i bow only to guru granth sahib ji...there's a reason he made me born into a sikh family...so i'm going to stay this way and be the best i can be...
  9. hi.. why is it that sexual desires are looked down on?? whether we deny it or not it still is the most fundamental aspect of life...there are so many part in gurbani saying by praying we will be cleansed of all sins and should stay away from kaam, krodh, lobh, moh, hangkar(in the translations kaam=sexual desires)sorry to be harsh but does that mean we can't "enjoy" any material what so ever that have sexual elements??and if we do its against our religion??
  10. hi.. since young i was told we don't eat beef..i accepted that..neither was i tempted to try or ask why not?? now i'm a 20 year old girl wanting to know my religion...why don't we?? is it written in Guru Granth Sahib Ji...or is there history to the reason behind why we don't eat beef..what i want is proof ...i dont know if me questioning everything is wrong...but i want to know..
  11. hi.. i want to download the english translation of Guru Granth Sahib, do i give the tranlated version the same amount of respect i give to the "actual Guru Granth Sahib Ji" or do i treat it like any other book i own?
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