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Posts posted by x_suman_x

  1. hello people!!! i expected more people to comment on this topic considering the injustice is happening to us even today

    our sikh leaders like master tara singh made a big mistake by refusing to have our own sikh state. if we did then maybe we sukha and jinda would still be here. i'm so proud of their sacrifce.

    they day before they were hanged they celebrated their piunishment by giving each other luddos. i have photos of this.

  2. do you think sant ji was right to fortify the golden temple? i do but what do you think. Udham singh assasinated the man who took thousands of lives in amritsar and is called a shaheed. didn't sukha and jinda do exactly the smae thing yet they are called terrorists? in case you didn't already know they assasinated general vaidya you attacked darbar sahib. aren't beant singh and satwant singh also shaheeds. they assasinated indira gandhi who masterminded the attack on darbar sahib. they're not terrorists either!!!!!

  3. indi,

    hawara did not bomb cinema

    there are witnesses to prove that hawara was arrested in patiala not in delhi as the police say

    whilst i am sure that it was most probably a sikh i am certain that it was not hawara. he is a freedom fighter and would not kill innocents.

    yes he killed beant singh but that was the only way to stop beant singh from taking more innocent lives. sometimes we need to take up arms to get rid of tyrants. hitler would still be here otherwise. our gurus also had to do this

  4. i would just like to tell sikh_warrior that baba ranjit singh ji cant be following sant jarnail singh bhinderwale because he recently sat on a THRONE WITH A KALGI ON HIS DASTAR WHICH WAS TOTALLY AGAINST SANT JI'S TEACHINGS AND FURTHERMORE HE LET PEOPLE BOW DOWN TO HIM. WAS HE TRYING TO BE A GURU. SOMEONE OUGHT TO TELL HIM THAT GURU GRANTH SAHIB JI IS OUR FINAL AND ETERNAL GURU.

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