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Posts posted by kdsingh80

  1. http://news.rediff.com/report/2010/apr/03/govt-to-provide-legal-help-to-17-indians-on-death-row.htm

    UAE: Govt to provide legal help to 17 Indians on death row

    The Indian consulate in Sharjah has been talking to prominent lawyers to provide legal assistance to seventeen Indians on the death row.

    Government sources said that the authorities in Sharjah have been meeting prominent lawyers to seek their assistance and the appeal to the higher court will be made within the prescribed period of two weeks from the date of judgment by the lower court.

    The Indians have pleaded not guilty and they are in good health, the sources confirmed.

    Earlier, relatives of the 17 Indians on death row, who are mainly from Punjab [ Images ], had demanded Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's [ Images ] intervention to rescue them from the gallows. Relatives claim that the convicts are being framed.

    IExternal Affairs Minister S M Krishna [ Images ] has also assured support to the 17 Indians, who were sentenced to death for killing a Pakistani national in UAE, saying New Delhi [ Images ] will stand by them if they appeal in a higher court.

  2. As for laws in Muslim countries, thats their business. If people don't like them, then don't go/live there. I like the laws in the UK, hence I live here, when I don't like them, I will consider moving

    Do you think large number of people in India have choice about where to live or work?When people have hungry mouths to feed or old parents to take care of

    then whatever oppurtunity available to them they have to take it.Its called majboori.

    BTW if France or any other countries will make anti muslim laws and tell same thing what you are saying that if muslim don't like it then they should move out ,then will you support them

  3. The Indian government is hopeless and useless when it comes to protecting the rights of NRIs. Indian’s can be massacred by foriegn government’s, India barely does a thing to protect Indians, like how when people in Fiji started rioting against Indians and held hostage the PM of Fiji who was of Indian origin, or when South Indians are being discriminated and persecuted in Malasia, or when Tamils were recently being massacred in Sri Lanka.

    Indian Media has already launched a campaign For rescuing lives of these people.On many places people

    are protesting and putting pressure on Govt to Rescue.

    Now Its time for sikh organisations in UK,USA,Canada

    to ask their governments to put pressure so that lives of many these people could be saved

  4. http://www.punjabnewsline.com/content/view/24696/38/

    Badal seek PM's intervention to ensure justice for Punjabi youth on death row in UAE

    Punjab Newsline Network

    Thursday, 01 April 2010

    By Kanwal Preet kaur

    CHANDIGARH: Punjab Chief Minister Parkash Singh Badal sought an immediate intervention of Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh over the media reports regarding death sentence to 17 Indian youth including 16 from Punjab alone, who have been sentenced to death by Sharjah Court in UAE on the charge of murder of a Pakistani citizen.

    In a letter to the Prime Minister, Badal urged him to intervene immediately by using his good offices with the UAE government to ensure justice for the young boys.

    Badal pointed that 17 persons had been convicted for a single murder and therefore, we have to be more cautious to see that there was no ‘miscarriage of justice’.

    The Chief Minister also requested the Prime Minister to advise the Ministry of External Affairs to provide necessary legal aid for defending their appeals.

    The Chief Minister also revealed that Punjabi labourers and skilled workers had worked day and night during last 25 years for the infrastructure development in UAE and other Middle East countries.

    He also mentioned that all these Punjabi youth were the sole breadwinners of their respective families and most of these families had mortgaged their small landholdings to arrange their work visa in UAE.

    Moreover, certain communal organizations in the country were trying to give it communal colour to instigate the masses, added Badal.

  5. Not sure about these guys, but its no big secret that 'Singha' are big time deals in intoxicants in Pakistan and Punjab. In 1991 whilst on a Yatra, my mum saw a group of them unashamedly dealing at Nankana Sahib. No one batted an eye lid. They buy drugs in Pakistan and sell them to youth in India. And sell Indian liquor in Pakistan.

    Do You really Think that for 1 murder 17 guys should be awarded Death sentence?

    Btw 1 guy whose story today I heard was just a Driver

    and He was realeased after interogation When he was coming back to India ,then He was arrested at Airport again and now he is one victims.

    There are several punishments for selling illegal liqiuor .Death is not one of them

  6. http://www.ndtv.com/news/india/families-of-17-indians-on-death-row-seek-govt-help-18882.php

    Seventeen Indians have been sentenced to death for killing a Pakistani national in Sharjah in January last year in a scuffle over illegal liquor in which one person died and three others were injured. Kuldeep Singh and Ravinder Singh from Punjab are among the 17 on death row.

    The Sharjah courts have awarded the death sentence based on DNA reports and eyewitness accounts. Their families say they are innocent. They want the Indian government to intervene and help them get their sons back.

    Foreign minister S M Krishna has promised to give the Indians accused consular assistance and other ways to appeal in higher court

  7. the prob is the intention, the hindu, i feel he has no intention to make the girl have disrespect or disbelief in sikhi, i agree that rare is the case when the sikh girl insists. what i have seen is the hindu will visit sikh religious places.

    Well I agree with you that Hindu boys don't have any pre planned strategy to trap sikh Girl.But If sikh Girls themselves are so desperate to marry non sikhs

    then they are obviously an easy target for anybody.

    The net result of all this is that they are ending up in non sikh homes with non sikh families.The question why should sikhs spend time,energy on these type of Girls who hate the image of sikhs.

    As I said above Sikhs should help Girls if they found them in love jihad but I don't think that sikh boys should give special attention on sikh Girls when they themselves are marrying non sikhs with their own wish

  8. its true that they r lost in both cases, however we need to make out the difference, the hindu is not baiting on them, if they insist, they may have a sikh upbringing for their children. It usually happened before.

    the sulleh is baiting for them, all over the world. the sulleh will not in any case tolerate anything for sikhi forget bringing up children

    after getting converted if they repent and want to come back, there is no way back

    Jaikara ji

    It is nearly impossible to find a sikh Girl who married a Hindu and raised her children as sikhs.

    India is a Patriarchal society and children always take their fathers religion.Jagdish tytler,Amitabh Bachan

    Varun Gandhi have sikh mothers and How much sikh they are we already know


    Don't expect many hindu families to be too generous to allow raise their children as sikhs

    In Both Cases their is no way to comeback

  9. There maybe more hindu girls but there r ours too, not many cases come up, some are silenced by the parents.

    and do u think that they will not attempt for sikh girls ? if the sikhs and hindus or jains or buddhists or the christians, the love jihad has christian girls too (they are not lagging behind too !) dont get together an face they will all be devoured separately

    here is a poem someone mailed me its by By Pastor Niemoller

    First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out

    -- because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out

    -- because I was not a Communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out

    -- because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for me

    -- and by then there was no one left to speak out for me.

    Sikh Girls in Urban India are already marrying Hindu's at crazy rate.Moreover After marriage non of the girls try to raise its family as sikh.In Some cases which I heard recently they force their parents to find a Hindu husband for them.So many Sikh Girls are already a gone case.If they marry Hindu or Muslim it does not matter to sikh community as in both cases they are lost for quam.

  10. here in india, our girls getting trapped

    I don't know what you are talking about.In 90% cases of sikh girls non sikh boys the guy is Hindu.Sikhs and muslims don't live side by side anywhere in India.Yes there are some odd cases.

    There was a report of love jihad In kerala,Maharshtra and some other states

    But in all the cases mostly Girls were hindu's

  11. I think depending on the situation and circumstances Sikhs can get very militant. Post 1984 is a primary example of this, the Sikh militant movement actually served as an inspiration for many other secessionist movements all over India including the Kashmiri militants. I firmly believe that when Guru Sahib wants his Khalsa to get militant, it can and it will.

    Sikhs got militant post 1984 for very small period and that too because of unbearable atrocities they faced in 1984.After that they again become like common people It is a fact that sikhs have lost and still losing their martial spirit.

    May be you are right When Guru sahib wants then may be khalsa get militant

  12. It's not really any of ours business whether she marries a Pakistani or Indian Muslim. The fact that they will be based in Dubai is interesting as I don't think she could play tennis in Pakistan given the amount of fanaticism there is there. Even some Indian mullahs had given fatwas against her playing in a skirt. It would be interesting to see whether the guy who apologised to Muslims around the world for losing to India in the Twenty20 in 2007 is moderate enough to keep his word and allow his wife to keep playing tennis. My guess is that she'll either divorce him in year or stop playing tennis and start wearing a niqab.

    Sania is typical muslim woman if tomorrow her husband force her to play for pakistan then there is harldy any chance she will refuse.Shoaib Malik's view is already known to entire world when he apologised to entire muslims of world when pakistan lost to India .He

    He Clearly belive that any pakistani muslim plays for entire muslim community

  13. If Sania Mirza wants to marry a Pakistani SO WHAT! Should she now not do this to make a few Hindus happy? This type of attitude is no different from how a few years ago Badal stopped sending Sikh Jathas to Pakistan in order to made his BJP allies happy.

    Mithar ji

    Please Don't compare Sikh Jatha's with marriage of Sania Mirza.Many of our Gurdwara's In Pakistan are most

    sacred for us and an important part of Sikh history is associated with them.

    As Far as Sania is concerned She can do whatever she like's but impact of her decision will be borne by entire muslim community of India as She is not an ordinary Girl but most famous sportswoman of India.

    Millions of Indians cheered and showered love on her irrespective of her Religion and Now she is saying to them sorry I am no longer going to be an Indian.Next Time a muslim Girl will climb ladder in success in sports then

    she will hardly find fans or sponsers as they all think that she could end up marrying a pakistani

  14. Some think Slumdog is anti-Hindu. I got that impression myself. There are some odd changes made to the original story which make the film seem really communal with bad Hindus vs angelical Muslims. I recommend the follow articles:



    I don't know slumdog was anti hindu or not but one could hardly say that it shows reality of India.Look at jamaal the hero of movie He escaped from bombay

    with his brother and started living in Agra as Guide until his teen and then just to find his 6-7 year old love he came back.It is some sort of funny thing rather than reality that a slumkid Goes back to a city find his childhood love.Bollywood do show this type of extreme love but I think here they gone overboard

  15. That's plain wrong. Martial spirit is manifested from belief and psychology which is then practiced. Look at the Afghans, they have kept their martial spirit without becoming cogs in state machinery. Ironically, it was the need to combat state organisations that led to the emergence of our own 'martial spirit'.

    If Panjab's Singhs in general, kept weapons and trained with them (modern ones that), kept fit and were prepared to fight and used their brains a bit more to understand strategy, we would still have our martial spirit.

    Well in India I don't think there is any other way to

    retain martial spirit apart from serving the army.

    It is nearly impossible for a common man to have Pistol license forget about getting gun license.

    Hunting which was another way to retain it is now completely banned

    If you go to another White collar profession then most of the time you end up just gossiping.

    Afghanistan,tribal area's are totally different.

    There were photographs all over net of pak cricketer afridi With AK-47 So they can keep any type of arm they want to.

  16. This one is up for debate. Many educated people question the wisdom of joining wars that are questionably immoral (i.e. very recent ones started by the west). Also I would say the primary motivation for joining the types of institutes you mentioned as being economical rather than religiously inspired, for the vast majority anyway.

    Quite an interesting comment.One of the other reason for joining army or police is many communities wanted to retain their martial spirit O/W their is no way that a comminity in today's world can retain its martial spirit

    The recent article posted by me about shortage of officers in Indian army

    pointed towards the fact that traditional areas of Rajasthan and Punjab have dried up for them.It is a clear indication that Rajputs and Sikhs two martial communities of India are no longer much interested in That job

  17. Indian first? Bunch of sissies.

    Would you put your country before Guru Sahib?

    I doubt that she is making a political point by marrying someone, why don't you ninnies mind your own business. She obviously wasn't 'happily engaged'.

    Make love not war etc


    What's wrong I said, Indian muslims can keep their roti beti kaa rishta with pakistani's Yet they can claim

    That we should be treated equally with par with Other Indians .I several times watch shows in Which Indian maulavais as well Muslim leaders come and say that their religion and India are like two eye's for them.

    As far her previous engagement was concerned She was engaged with her own will.Even at that time she was criticised for leaving tennis.

    BTW one should not forget that she was/is the most commercially successful sportswoman of India and promoted as national icon.What will the impact on the people when a national icon marries a man from enemy country.

  18. Anyway I see no issue with the marriage, they're both Muslims arent they? How is it different to an Afghan Sikh marrying a Panjabi Sikh?

    From a religious point of view nothing wrong From National point of view very bad.Indian Muslims are trying very hard to convince Hindu's that we are indians first.Yet India's most successful sportwoman icon who is muslim chooses a pakistani husband despite knowing that relations between 2 countries is very bad after 26/11.It is direct message that for us Indian muslims Islam is first and everything else is second,we don't consider Pakistan as enemy.

    As far as sikhs are concerned we are very small minority and we don't have coountries with 90+% population of sikhs.Everywhere we are more of a victim rather than oppressor so our condition is different from muslims

  19. To be honest I now think that it is part of nature of women to be blinded by love and do not care about anything.Career,religion,country etc. Shewas happily engaged with her childhood friend sohrab mirza When He met Shoab Malik .Yet she chooses to betray him and Her Nation For a sake of Pakistani.

    2-3 Years Back Her Earning through endorsements was equal to cricketer Yuvraj Singh Which is very High.She was commercially most successful sportswoman in India

    With lots of Advertisements saying that Give this to your Daughter and Your daughter will be Next Sania.Now Next Time a muslim sporstwoman succeed then sponsers will think twice whether to take her as brand ambassador

  20. http://sports.rediff.com/report/2010/mar/29/sania-mirza-engaged-to-shoaib-malik.htm

    Indian tennis star Sania Mirza [ Images ] is all set to marry Pakistani cricketer Shoaib Malik [ Images ] in April, two months after she broke her engagement with childhood friend Sohrab Mirza.

    Confirming the news, Malik wrote in his Twitter page, "Thanks for all your support. And the news of me marrying to Sania is true. Inshallah will get married in April."

    "I fully understand what it takes to be an international sports person and I will support Sania in her career as long as she wishes to play," he said.

    "Representing India [ Images ] at the 2012 Olympics [ Images ] is very important for her and I will be the proudest husband if she can win a medal for her country," he added.

    A statement by Sania's father Imran Mirza also stated that 23-year-old Sania and the 28-year-old all-rounder will be based in Dubai [ Images ], where Malik is a resident.

    "This is a unique case where the husband and wife will represent their respective countries in sport," said Mirza in Hyderabad.

    "My wedding inshallah is going to be the biggest day of my life. I have been in the constant glare for too long and would appreciate privacy at this very personal moment in my life," Sania was quoted as having said in a statement.

    "I hope to be fully fit to represent India in the Commonwealth and Asian Games that are scheduled for later this year," she said.

    Sania's mother, Nasima said, "Marriages are made in heaven."

    Incidentally, Shoaib was earlier accused of marrying another Hyderabad girl, Ayesha Siddiqui, in 2002 over phone even though the cricketer said he was merely engaged to her.

    Ayesha's father had also threatened to sue Malik accusing him of ditching the girl. Malik's brother-in-law Imran Z Malik said the marriage proposal was taken by the cricketer's mother to India.

    He said the entire family will leave for India on April 7 and formal nikaah ceremony would take place on April 10 or 11.

    The Walima or reception is expected to be held in Lahore [ Images ] on April 16 or 17.

    Pakistani media reports said Sania and Malik fell in love six-and-half months back and it could be the reason for the breaking up of Sania's engagement with Sohrab.

    Sania, who had got engaged to 24-year-old Sohrab in July last year, broke off citing incompatibilty.

    "We were friends for years but found ourselves incompatible as fiances," Sania had said while wishing Sohrab the very best in life.

  21. http://business.rediff.com/slide-show/2010/mar/26/slide-show-1-300-mn-indians-go-without-food-every-day.htm

    One piece of bread a day / Was all I had,

    Sometimes I would break it in half,

    Sometimes, I could make it toast,

    My children's bellies full / My stomach churning,

    I drank water / To calm the burning,

    I had more than most / Reminding myself of those,

    Who have a handful of rice / Once a week,

    They know fear / They know pain,

    They know hunger / Far better than I ever could.

    Alisha Rose's poem, Hunger, brings out the essence of a grave problem that plagues not only India, but the entire world.

    According to the Global Hunger Index, India ranks 65th out of 88 countries, with a hunger rate of 23.9.

    India, which was largely unaffected by the recent global economic slowdown, however, appears to have made little progress in tackling hunger and malnutrition. The situation remains 'alarming' in the country on this front.

    Countries like Uganda (38th); Mauritania (40th); Zimbabwe (58th) and many others have a better record than India on this front. Even war-torn nations have managed to combat the scourge of hunger quite well, while India -- even though it boasts of being the second fastest growing economy in the world -- languishes far behind and millions in the country go hungry.


    The report -- released on Wednesday by the International Food Policy Research Institute, German aid group Welthungerhilfe and Irish aid group Concern Worldwide -- said that the number of malnourished people was rising as a result of recent events.

    "The current situation of food crisis, financial crunch and global recession has further undermined the food security and the livelihoods of the poor," it said.

    The index ranks countries on under-nourishment, prevalence of child malnutrition and rates of child mortality.

    It said 21 per cent of the Indian population was undernourished (between 2003 and 2005), 43.5 per cent Indian children under the age of five were underweight (between 2002 and 2007) and the under five-years age infant mortality rate in 2007 was 7.2 per cent.

    46% of Indian children below the age of 5 are underweight

    In September 2009, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh projected a food stock of 50 million tonne. Yet, close to 300 million Indians go without food every day!

    India continues to burnish its international image with initiatives like Brand India, a public-private campaign whose stated mission is to 'build positive perceptions of India globally'.

    But when the prime minister acknowledged the country's undernourished children as a 'national shame', the statement highlighted how India's economic success co-exists with its persistently high rates for hunger, malnutrition, and income poverty.

    According to the World Bank, 46 per cent of Indian children below the age of five are underweight, and the World Food Program says that close to 30 per cent of the world's hungry live in India.

    According to a recent report in The Hindu, biodiverse ecosystems contain naturally evolved genetic strengths and unique food technologies developed by traditional communities in different climates, soils and temperatures. Harnessing and sharing these capabilities equitably will help humanity adapt to rising temperatures and the poorest of the poor feed themselves in harsh climates.

    To that end, the Chennai Declaration set out a series of strategies that are the product of three days of intense discussion, at the M.S Swaminathan Research Foundation, of the senior representatives from organisations across the world such as the UN Environment Programme, UN Food and Agricultural Organisation, International Rice Research Institute, International Fund for Agricultural Development, World Food Prize Fund, and India's National Biodiversity Authority and Ministry of Environment and Forests.

    "The declaration makes a bridge of issues at global, national and local levels between the challenges for conservation and food security," said Angela Cropper, deputy executive director, UN Environment Programme.

    These include: according economic value to the services nature and agriculture rendered and setting up mechanisms for payment for such services; acknowledging that the custodians of biodiverse resources are farmers and fisherfolk; finding markets for neglected but nutritious crops; including rural communities in biodiversity strategies; refocussing research and development priorities and promoting biodiversity literacy through public education to build an ethic of conservation.

    Jairam Ramesh, Union Minister of State for Environment and Forests, present at the valedictory session, pledged to take forward the 'wonderful ideas' contained in the declaration.

    He said he would do his best to integrate climate change mitigation strategies with biodiversity conservation in both national policy and in international discussion in Mexico later this year. 2010 is the International Year of Biodiversity.

    Despite its economic successes, India leads the world in hunger. According to the 2008 Global Hunger Index, which is calculated by the International Food Policy Research Institute, India has close to 350 million people who are food insecure -- in other words, who are not sure where their next meal will come from.

    To put that into context, that is the same as the entire populations of Germany, France and the United Kingdom all going hungry.

    The UN's Food and Agriculture Organisation believes that over 1 billion people will go hungry in 2009.

    Almost 100 million (10 per cent) of those have been made newly hungry by the Financial Crisis. By that grim calculus, India's hungry have grown to at least 300 million, with India providing 30 per cent of the world count.

    India is the second most populated country in the world. With a population of 1.173 billion, the hungry make up over 25 per cent or one in four in the country. The percentage is probably better than it was fifty years ago, but the absolute number is growing.

    Compare this to China, which has a larger population (1.334 billion) and which 50 years ago was arguably poorer.

    It has managed to bring over 500 people out of poverty, its hungry count is today less than 100 million, and that number is shrinking every year.

    EconomyWatch.com, Dwayne Ramakrishnan wrote, 'Endemic problems such as corruption, poor infrastructure and a lack of access to funds continue to be a problem in India.'

    The Congress government has been put a strong focus on this area, for example allocating funds to go directly to villages rather than through often corrupt local officials. It was one of the reasons that Congress won the elections with such a show of force - but more clearly needs to be done.

    2009 has been a particularly disasterous year for Indian farmers. First there was there was the monsoon failure, he said.

    It is estimated that this knocked out 40-50 per cent of the Kharif monsoon harvest.

    Then at the end of the monsoon season, which is normally dry, there were torrential downpours.

    Although this solved the water crisis, it made the food crisis worse, as much of the crops that made it through the drought were destroyed.

    Ramakrishnan, the FAO believes that the supply of available arable land is running out. At the same time, farmers are either getting diminishing returns from their current land, or they are having to put ever more inputs to get the same yield.

    Much of the progress in feed the world since the 1970's has been thanks to the Green Revolution, pioneered by Norman Borlaug, who helped the Mexicans to vastly increase their crop yields.

    He then took this technology worldwide, with fantastic results in India and many other nations. Sadly, Mr Borlaug passed on the 12 September 2009.

    The Green Revolution relied on high-yielding crop varieties, together with fertilisers and other methods to more than double crop yields.

    Since that great productivity burst, however, technology has stagnated.

    There is a great deal that newer technology can offer. New crop varieties are being developed that require considerably less water and nitrogen. Lasers can be used to flatten fields, and sprinklers can greatly reduce water wastage.

    Governments in India and elsewhere need to focus on a second Green Revolution to create another quantum leap in productivity.

    We need to get back on the path of hunger reduction that we were -- until recently -- so successfully treading. Otherwise the food riots of last year and doubling of potato and lentil prices this year will seem like - pardon the pun - chicken feed.

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