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Posts posted by TrueSouluk

  1. http://www.witness84.com/films/

    Witness84 Arranged showings of several films last year, at the time i was not aware of these films being shown. I have been trying really hard to get hold of them. Can anyone help ?


    Directors : John Das, Tommy Nagra

    *My Mother India

    Dir: Safina Uberoi Australia 2002 52mins

    *Disappearances In Punjab

    Dir: Ram Narayan Kumar & Lorenze Skerjanz

    *Works In Progress – Harpreet Kaur

    Are they available on DVD ?

  2. creasing, been some funny comments.

    Serious note :P

    India heard some scary stories use to work with a kuri from india married to a guy here she was just waiting to get enough money together so she can bring her boyfriend from india over. then take the poor britsh chap for all his money. This might be a one off but still shocking.

    Dont worry i put her striaght she got gussay never spoke to me again lols.

    There are some decent gyals out there that respect the person within and not looks but they end up with the pricks :P sad but true.

  3. Dude am not marrying a Gyal from another faith. loll.

    It’s just out of interest, beacous I restrict myself to gyals who are Sikh when looking for a potential wife. Felt that I was being judgmental towards other faiths, which I feel, isn’t right. As we believe everyone is equal. But I feel that in someway sikhi has confused me. As some say its okay others say its not. Guess the choice would have to be mine at the end of it hunna.

    Understand the whole conflict of interests.

    Thanks for your replys mate

  4. I am not suggesting a solution. I am just curious. If you do marry a non-Sikh, how do u fulfil these hukams? You would probably violate them. Or do u have a midway? By the way I am not least bothered about anyone's personal life and who they marry. I just want to know how would u, if u believe urself to be a Sikh, respond to Gurujee's clear and given hukams.

    Interesting, Could you not follow Sikhi and also respect your partner’s religion. Why cant you marry in a church then also marry in a gudwara, isn’t marrying in a church still getting married, as we are meant to respect all religions and there beliefs? Jesus, Ram, Allah all represent god?

    When it comes to kids, is it not best to teach the kids about all religions and let them make the choice? I believe you cannot force religion on anyone and your not born into a religion unless you adopt the characteristics?

    "Darshan yaatraa gurdwaaraa di hi karni - Make pilgrimages to Gurudwaras only"

    Does that mean when my Hindu friends have a religious event at the mandir I am committing a sin?

    As above are we not all Sikhs, just different people have a different route to achieve the same goal, the love for god ?

  5. of course a sikh can marry a non sikh - no sin at all!

    Thats what i thought.

    If i can just ask :

    But why is it looked as a sin in todays Society ?

    But again am sure most parents wouldnt be happy with their daughter or son marrying a non sikh ?.

    But if its not a sin, then should they have any objections ?

    Would you agree for your son / daughter to marry a non sikh ?

  6. Last night on Channel 4 21.00 - 22.50 programmes called " THE ROAD TO GUANTANAMO " Was broadcasted.

    You may want to watch the program on



    I had mixed views/feelings about this program. As I have never been to Guantanamo nor do I want to but I felt sorry for these Muslims being disrespect so badly. You may say that they got want they wanted in terms of punishment.

    I have always felt that the time will come when the world will be in a battle against Islam (I don’t know if this is ref anywhere in terms of sikhi) But seems like that the day will soon come.

    I put myself in their shoes and felt very angry. If someone dare to do anything like that to my fellow brothers or my guru; If I wasn’t a freedom fighter I would soon have become one.

    I don’t blame the Muslims for what they’re doing if you see it in their point of view the western powers have destroyed/ out to destroy anything that has any connection with Islam.

    The only thing I disagree with is the killing of innocent people. Why pick up arms when you can accomplish more using international law?

    Is this so called war on terror, really a fight for oil?

    Put your self in their shoes would you not do the same?

    We get upset about India killing innocent Sikhs but the same is happening everyday in these war tourne countries where Muslims get killed in “ friendly fire “ funny how these figures are never shown.

    But what so Ironic is that Sikhs have faced worse human rights violations in our history/present day it made us what we are today, strong-minded people.

    In terms of karma are they getting a taste of there own doing?

    Would like to hear the points of views of others .....

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