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Posts posted by vinegar

  1. *&^£QR()(*&£


    all you need is a verification code at registration, it doesnt help in the least to do it at sign in - if youre afraid of spam, a bot that gets past the registration page is not gonna have a problem with saving the password it chooses and using it consistently, if you're afraid of other people misusing a password the visual verification isn't gonna stop them - its completely and utterly useless.

    If anything, all this stupid thing does is prove that its a normal person trying to get into their account and can't because the damn verification visual *&(*& needs a damn symbologist to figure it out.

    At least use a 3 strikes policy


  2. No one before satguru nanak dev ji managed attained/reach sachkhand because no one until satguru nanak dev ji had real "gurmat naam" and sachkhand(higher reality) to merge with divine was first introduced by satguru nanak dev ji patsah.

    so your point is that it is wrong to say they weren't mukt?

    So you're saying they were born again in order to take amrit?

    sorry I'm a bit confused, I don't get what we're arguing about. I dont think neo is comparing the devte to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, he is saying that it is wrong to think that they weren't mukt before coming back to take amrit.

    No one before satguru nanak dev ji managed attained/reach sachkhand

    I disagree with this though, it implies that Guru Nanak Dev ji 'reached' Sach Khand. imo Akaal Purakh manifested himself in human form and called that form Guru Nanak Dev Ji, which is where I think Gurpreets point about calling Guru Sahib sargun comes about.

    Though personally I would still call Guru Nanak Dev Ji sargun saroop in that they were visible with naked eye and had 5 elements chola.

    EDIT: I just read a bit of the SS convo, and I still dont *really* getr the argument. If Guru Nanak = Waheguru and vice versa, then what is the argument abt. If Waheguru gave naam to dhroo before He came in Guru Nanak form, technically it is still Guru Nanak giving the naam

  3. No one before satguru nanak dev ji managed attained/reach sachkhand because no one until satguru nanak dev ji had real "gurmat naam" and sachkhand(higher reality) to merge with divine was first introduced by satguru nanak dev ji patsah.

    so your point is that it is wrong to say they weren't mukt?

    So you're saying they were born again in order to take amrit?

    sorry I'm a bit confused, I don't get what we're arguing about. I dont think neo is comparing the devte to Guru Nanak Dev Ji, he is saying that it is wrong to think that they weren't mukt before coming back to take amrit.

    No one before satguru nanak dev ji managed attained/reach sachkhand

    I disagree with this though, it implies that Guru Nanak Dev ji 'reached' Sach Khand. imo Akaal Purakh manifested himself in human form and called that form Guru Nanak Dev Ji, which is where I think Gurpreets point about calling Guru Sahib sargun comes about.

    Though personally I would still call Guru Nanak Dev Ji sargun saroop in that they were visible with naked eye and had 5 elements chola.

    sorry im off the mark, but I havent read the SS conversatiuon.

    EDIT: I read a bit, and it seems you are thinking almost the same as me, neo.

  4. You make a generalisation with the term 'pro-sant lobby'. I am pro-sant, as is Neo, but neither of us thinks Baba Ranjit Singh is a Sant.

    If other ppl believe then that is their sharda, and we don't really have a place saying anything about it. If we contradict their belief they will likely hold on to it tighter.

    That kind of treatment is fully deserved by Sants like Sant Gurbachan Singh Khalsa, Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa, Sant Isher Singh Rara Sahib etc

  5. Hold up for a second... Sant-supporters love to quote Sukhmani Sahib to defend their worship of Sants, within this very text there are clear indications that Sants are beyond mistakes - so how does one make a comment like "Sant so and so" has made some mistakes but he is still a Brahmgyani?

    Who said he is a Brahmgiani? Whether he is a real sant or not its wrong to treat him in this way after he apologised for anything he did wrong.

  6. doesn't the idea of seeing a light or hearing a hum etc etc...just act as another spiritual nothch on the bedpost of our bhagti?

    the more you get detached from physical maya the more other other forms of maya attack you. The lights, hums, visions of devte that are not abhed in Waheguru are all forms of illusion trying to test you, failing which you move away from your final goal of complete realisation that there is only God and nothing else.

    THis is why you get more shakti the cleaner/more accurate your view of the world gets, its all a test. The more shakti that comes to do your seva the harder you have to work to maintain the fram of mind that none of this is yours, there is no you, and they are in reality serving God, not you.

    you cant really analogise this with 'notches on a bedpost', seeing as bedpost notches are more or less independent events unless, er, 'word gets around of your 'skill'' so to speak, whereas the experiences during meditation are constantly there providing the opportuinty to move further and further along the path until there is no more 'you' and only God is left.

    thats how i see it anyway...

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