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Posts posted by das

  1. In reply to some of Das's points:

    The Panj Pyarai gave their heads physically in the first Amrit sanchar ceremony. Many Amrit sanchars took place afterwards and not once have I read that any Sikhs head was physically taken before taking amrit. Therefore, physically having your head cut off for an amrit sanchar is not tradition, it was a unique occurence and sacrafice by supreme souls to symbolically illustrate the surrenderence before the Guru.

    Its not a case of trying to mimic what the Guru's done, Maharaj didnt go hunting on their own, they took Sikhs with them and encouraged them to hunt. Nihang Singhs still go hunting, however I think its illegal in India. Also there are some sakhis of Baba Mitt Singh relating to lions in the jungles around the Godavari River.

    I knew that Jhatka supporters will get some excuse. That not a problem. Any GURUS never ordered singhs to continue this practice.....I would be happy to hear any reference where any 10 GURUS specificially asked Singhs to continue this practice after HIM. Moreover, I think defending poor and fighting against injustice is a tradition (don't tell me that it is not a tradition of singhs), then why Nihangs are not defending the poor?? Where were they in when people were killed?? If you want to agree to Gurus words (as per you), then agree fully and NOT just Jhatka.

    Anyways, I know that Jhatka supports will stick to their view of point, and Jhatka against group will stick to theirs........but do NOT worry, both groups will get to know the truth after this life.....I am not going to post more to this topic in this thread because it is long and not going to finish.


  2. das, with all due respect, some of your points are very naive.

    Traditions need to be practiced to be kept alive. Theory is not enough to keep a tradition alive.

    I must admit that I do NOT have any formal training and have NOT read as many granths as you might have. I do NOT have any knowledge, but could you please answer one simple plain question:

    Why Amrit sanchar ceremony tradition is NOT practiced anymore by giving physical heads as Nihangs are practising Jhatka tradition??

    I just want to get your (shaheediyan and Neo bhaji) view on this (as per your thinking).


  3. I know that some modern scholars will NOT like my ideas and I do NOT want to start another long debate, but as Sikhawareness gives the opportunity to post one's view (in decent way) I would not hestitate to post this...

    Firstly, I am NOT "Black and White" on Jatka..... but there are certain things to ponder about as follows:

    Secondly, my this response is NOT against meat eating; it is against the ones who assumes Jatka to be tradition ORDERED by our Gurus.

    Thirdly, if something was occuring since Guru Jis time (e.g murders, injustice etc.) it does NOT mean that it was allowed practice......something can be said to be ok ONLY if GURU Ji has approved or ordered it.

    Even breathing is a sin; walking is a sin; eating yogurt is a sin; eating plants (vegetarians) is a sin because we inhale number of bacteria while breathing, lot of small instects are crushed under our feet. We are bound to karmic reaction to it. But the problem is that it is acceptable because it is the natural process......we cannot survive without breathing etc......but

    1. Does Jatka has anything to do with natural process??? e.g Goat eat grass because its his food; grass eats sun because its his food. But goat is neither the food of Shasters nor the food of a Nihang.

    2. Do NOT try to mimic Gurus saying that Gurus did this and that and therefore, we can also do this. So, don't try to mirror what Gurus did; just do what THEY asked us to do.

    3. Guru Gobind Singh Ji asked for heads before giving Amrit to 5 payaras; then why Jathka supporters do not say that whosoever wants to receive Amrit they have to physically give their heads and then take Amrit?? It is a known tradition AND known fact that the head of the 5 Payaras were cut and then given Amrit. Here Jatka supported take double standards saying shed your Pride/Hume and came to Guru is the symbol of giving head etc. etc...

    4. If Nihangs can give Mukti/Salvation to goat by reading Japji Sahib and Chandi De Var. Can they also give mukti to human person?? I did know that mukti is so easily available. I will be interested in getting mukti that way instead of wandering in other joonis in number of years and/or yugs. In either case we have to die, why not through a Nihang with Jatha......In my understanding killing/Jhatka is just a karma play that has been fulfilled between the Jhatka doer and goat (noting more than that), but yes hearing Bani during Jhatka definately gives plus points to goat (might be used in next births etc.) but NOT the mukti.

    5. Guru Gobind Singh Ji also started fighting against any injustice and sacrifice his 4 sons. Why not Nihangs do that if they want to copy Guru?? Why they just want to copy the Jhatka part??

    6. Regarding sakhi of Guru Gobind Singh killing lion and then eating meat .........why do NOT Single Nihang goes to jungle and HUNT for Lion or whatsoever and then do the jhatka there; instead of capturing the gaot with ropes and surrounded by number of Nihangs and doing Jatka??

    7. Eating meat may or may not be allowed when Nihangs are fighting against the enemies and they do not have anything to eat.....but I am sure that under normal circumstances it is neither required nor tradition.


  4. Background:

    Bhrigu Samhita: It was created by some Rishi Bhrigu after cursed by Lakshmi that she will not go to his caste (in order words Brahmins will be poor). At this Rishi Bhrigu said that I'll create a Granth using which Brahmins can tell any person's exact situation and any kind of details.

    It is being said that Bhrigu Rishi wrote this Bhrigu Samhita for 5 earth cycles. But during wars in India, this Bhrigu Samhita was snatched by foreigners and therefore the original Bhrigu Samhita is NOT available in India except for some person in Hoshiapur (someone Brigi Singh Da). In one of the lectures of Yogi Harbhajan Singh mentioned that Mayan calendar is actually created out of original "Bhrigu Samhita".

    Does anybody have any additional knowledge of original "Bhrigu Samhita" and/or deep insights into Mayan Calendar?

    Experience of someone: http://www.wandahl.com/Pages/Articles/VisitingBhriguSamhita.htm

    H. G. McKenzie recorded that he used the Bhrigu-Samhita in the early 1970s and also verified its accuracy. He wrote: "I consulted Bhrigu-Samhita and found my name mentioned there, besides so many other things about my life that shows that one has no free will…. The Bhrigu-Samhita states about me that I, Mr. McKenzie from Canada, am here with such and such people. It states some events of my past life and also predicts the future course of my life."


  5. I've copied the following from another thread on Sikhawareness:

    Do we really have a "Free Will" or Kriyamana/Udham Karma?

    There are three basic positions we can adopt on the question of "Free Will":

    • Either we have absolute free will, or

    • We have no free will at all, or

    • We have a certain measure of free will.

    Our "Free Will" is like the very limited freedom of a dog on a leash/chain. In other words, there is "Free Will", although its range is somewhat dictated by the past. It is because the environments around us, the relatives around us, and the situation in which we are at the moment are controlled by our past karmas. GOD created such atmosphere (based upon our karmas) and then gave us the choice: sometimes easy enough to decide and sometimes hard to decide. Our whole thinking process, habits etc. are made up from the subconscious mind and which in turns is based upon the impressions from the past karmas. In other words, the choices and decisions we make are greatly influenced by the habitual patterns of thought, feeling, and behavior arising from our past.

    Actually "Free Will" is a delusion as long as one is a slave to the ego's fears and desires. As long as individuality/ego lasts there is "Free Will". "Free Will" can be exercised only when one is aware and unattached to desires, and the dualities of life, and has no ego. By cultivating vairagya (detachment) one sees beyond liking and disliking, success and failure, loss and gain, pleasure and pain, to the Truth of things. Abiding in the awareness of the Truth, one can act "freely," no longer a slave to fear or desire. Otherwise, "Free Will" is a delusion, merely a servant of egoistic desires and preferences. If karmas ("Free Will") are done without the ego, then this "Free Will" is actually the GOD's will and therefore we do NOT have to bear the results of that “Free Will”.

    Any change in karma will have an influence on the ego, since what the ego can or cannot do has changed. Any change in the ego will thereby influence karma, since how such limitations are handled has changed; this effect emphasizes the idea of free will. The existence of "Free Will" is only in relationship with ego. The more egotistic a person, the more he asserts the existence of "Free Will". At the other extreme, God realized persons are the ones who have totally surrendered their ego to God and they assert there is nothing like "Free Will" and whatever exists is God's will.

    God reciprocates with everyone according to their desires (good or bad) and allows them to fulfill desires generated by "Free Will". Lord uses His illusory kinetic energy called Maya to engage the living entities in good and bad acts according to their desires and their previously accumulated good and bad Karma.

  6. Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji generally asks in Deewan to recite "Mool Mantar" till "Nanak Hose Bhe Sach", in other words to guide normal persons HE tells to do the abyahas of Mool-Mantar using Mala till "Nanak Hose Bhe Sach", but technically HE mentioned Mool-Mantar till "Gurprashad"..... The following are the screen shots of Baba Ji's Diary. Some person might see these screen shots from Diary as contradications, but it is NOT.

    I have NOT heard any traditional Samparda Sant asking to do Mool-Mantar till "Gurparshad", every Mahapurash asks to do it till "Nanak Hose Bhe Sach".





  7. Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji instructs to read till "Nanak Hose Bhe Sach", but HE says that Moo-Mantar is till "Gurprashad" but Mahapurakhs asks people to do till "Nanak Hose Bhe Sach".

    For me: It is we have to read till "Nanak Hose Bhe Sach" but Mool-Mantar is till "Gurprashad".

    Secondly, there is another link where BabaJi explained this as follows: "Sacha Sauda -Vaiyeen Neddi Wala Prasang" starting at time: 59.20.

    ---- "Ikonkar till Gurparshad" - Mool-Mantar;

    ---- "Waheguru" - Gurmantar

    ---- "Ikonkar" - Maha-Mantar

    ---- "Satnam" - Parpurbha-Mantar

    ---- "Japji Sahib" - Mala-Mantar

  8. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh

    Recently on SikhAwareness there is lot of fuss about some people rejecting Vedas and some overly accepting Vedas etc. I'll try to throw my 2 cents here as follows:

    What is a Religion?

    - Under whose guidance and discipline we can meet GOD.

    What is a Granth?

    - Which helps us to be in discipline and learn about GOD.

    Which Granth is better?

    - All are equal. Neither one Granth is derived from other nor any Granth is different/seperate. They all speak the same language (GOD's language), but its our mind that cannot grasp them fully.


    We are in Kaliyug which means that Satyug, Traytayug, Dwaaparyug have already passed. I think that almost everyone agree that Sikhism does NOT have monopoly over GOD. In previous years, people used to get Mukti/Salvation through other means. i.e in each yug, there was different identified/known easy way/techinque to get Mukti as per the needs at that time: e.g In Satyug, it was "Truth"; In Traytayug it was "Charitable Feasts", In Dwaaparyug it was "Worship". But in Kaliyug, it is "Naam" only. And Guru Granth Sahib teaches us: Why and How to jap Naam.

    ਸਤਜੁਗਿ ਸਤੁ ਤੇਤਾ ਜਗੀ ਦੁਆਪਰਿ ਪੂਜਾਚਾਰ ॥

    ਤੀਨੌ ਜੁਗ ਤੀਨੌ ਦਿੜੇ ਕਲਿ ਕੇਵਲ ਨਾਮ ਅਧਾਰ ॥੧॥


    Also, in each yug, human used to have different average age: In Satyug it used to be 1,00000 years; In Trayatar it used to be 10,000 years; In Dwaapar it used to be 1000 years; but in Kaliyug it is 100.


    We can meet GOD ONLY through our physical body. I mean that physical body is required to order to do Path, Puja, Naam etc. But without physical body we cannot complete our journey to GOD.

    From the above 3 points, it is clear that our 1st requirement to meet GOD is changing with each yug. We (human/physical body) used to be very strong in previous yugs; and there was less pollution, more pure foods etc. But with the passage of time/Kal, our body became weak. But important point is that in each yug, the physical body has only one work - to reach GOD. So, it implies that techniques applied in one yug cannot be easy applied today because in cirumstances but Goal is still the same. Therefore in each yug, GOD HIMSELF shows the way to reach HIM through different means. In Kaliyug HE chooses Naam Marg which is easy as compared to previous yug's techniques (like Tap, Pryanama, Hathya Yoga etc.). Obviously, in order to understand Naam, we mortals also need a guiding GURU which is Guru Granth Sahib Ji; but it does NOT imply that all other Granths, Veda in previous yug are inacurate or false.

    So, the same GOD who provided the knowledge to write Veda; provides Eternal Guru Granth Sahib Ji.


    - The people who say that Vedas are false: This is wrong.

    - The people who say that Guru Granth Sahib is derived from Veda: This is also wrong because Veda were also derived from some knowledge.

    Bottom line is: If there is a easy way to do a thing, you will and have to opt it as compared to hard thing. e.g If you do have 2 options to travel 1000 miles: One to travel by cycle, and other to travel by car; obviously you will and should choose car. But it does NOT mean that cycle cannot travel 1000 miles. It is our physical body's limitation that we will NOT be able to travel 1000 miles in very short time. But still in both cases, both cycle and car does satisfy the basic requirement for which they are made: that is to Travel.

    Guru is required in order to do Naam simran; and as per Suleman, Sikhs do have easy access to Guru as compared to Hindus and Muslims and therefore it is easier to get Mukti in Sikhism but Sikhism does NOT have any monopoly over Mukti/GOD. Any person with or without religion can get Mukti provided he has a Guru. Moreover, there is NO need for non-sikhs to convert to Sikhs, be what GOD made you. We do NOT know if our religion was same as in the previous birth. It is possible that we have a different religion in every previous birth; it is possible that in previous birth we were Sikhs, and now we are Hindus and vice-versa. Its the game of Karams.


  9. I've read on multiple threads regarding this topic; so I just want to get full information on this in one thread:

    * Is "Mukt Marg Granth", "Sankat Mochan", and The "Granth By Bhai Mani Singh" same?

    * It seems like Kam1825 and Mit might have these Granths. Could you please post full/scanned copies online IF POSSIBLE?

    * Is the Granth by Guru Gobind Singh Ji at Hera Ghat is called "Mukt Marg Granth"

    * I am looking ONLY for the Granth by Guru Gobind Singh Ji which he uttered at Hera Ghat with contents like: How to do certain path, number of reptitions, faal etc.

    Is there a place from where I can get this Granth (uttered by Guru Gobind Singh Ji); or if someone on this forum can send it to me and I will copy and return it back to you.

  10. Asking if concentrating on third eye is valid in Sikhism is just like asking "Is it ok to eat through right/left side of the mouth" or say that "Is it ok to drink water, because there is a Hindu semi-deity owning water".

    Concentrating on third eye or on any other chakra is NOT copyright by any religion. It is a technique to concentrate. Without these techniques, we canNOT achieve GOD......it's a different story that some does follow this technique intentionally and some does not want to follow any techniques, they just do Simran but ultimately the concentration comes to some chakaras and they are not aware of this.

    But when we hear of Chakras, our thinking automatically attaches Chakras to some dangerous/mysterious stuff in yoga and/or Hinduism. But this is wrong. Charkas are nothing more than to rest our concentration on. Period.

    e.g Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji (Rara Sahib wale) used to say that if you want to place some cloth on a wall, then you need to have some sort of killi (hanger) on the wall where we can hang our clothes. Same way, we need some thing in order to place our concentration on and this something is Chakras created by GOD. Other than helping to concentrate on, Chakras have NO other use in our body.

    Now, the most important part is:

    * Concentrating on 3rd eye or any other Chakra is just a technique to progress spiritually, but none of the technique will be effective unless given by given by the Guru or true real Brahmgyani. According to each individual's spiritual graph (from all previous births) decide that which Chakra is best for that individual.

    e.g if you don't know any true real Brahmgyani, then Guru Granth Sahib Ji is there......try with PURAN shadra, either make some slips writing different techniques and do ARDAS to Guru Ji to guide you.....Guru Ji (Guru Granth Sahib Ji) will defintely guide you through another source or in your dreams or by giving you the slip as per your level.

    Thank you

  11. First and foremost: I am NOT fully vegetarian; I sometimes do take egg and I consider this as negative because I take it for tongue's taste. Secondly, I do NOT care whether you are vege or non-vege.....it's your choice/problem and it is each individual who is responsible for any good and/or bad effects.

    But I do NOT like the idea of Non-Vege saying that meat eating and/or Jhatka is allowed in Sikhi. To everyone who says that Jhatka is Sikh history and Sikhs did this and that; please answer the following: I've asked this previously, but have NOT received any answer:

    - Where in Sikh history ANY Guru asked/ordered/did the Jhatka and then tilak swords?

    - There are instances where GURUs have killed the animals, but those were for their (animal's) previous janam's lekha-joka. In other words, GURU never did the Jhatka and then tilak sword. But please post the case where Gurus have instructed their followers to do Jhatka or we were instructed to follow the way Guru kill animals?

    - Some say that Gurus kill goats, lions etc. etc. and this is correct, but can we copy GURU? can we give mukti to killed animal?

    I've few friends who are non-vegetarians since birth, and say it bluntly that "Guru Gobind Singh Ji" eat meat......I remember one Sakhi where once Jhatka meat was served to Guru's army after they fought for 40 days WITHOUT food and at that time there was NO food.....I do NOT if GuruJi instructed HIS army to eat or not.....but the point is: If you want to copy Guru (even tough one should NOT), then you should also ask your father to sacrifice his life for the poor, let you be available for fight for the weak.

    Think about it.

    Again, I do NOT care if you are vege or non-vege. Enjoy your karamas!

    The Tuk: "Fools who wrange over flesh....." is very true: A pure vegetarian person but having kam, krod, lobh, muh, ahankar is worst as compared to Non-Vege without kam, krod, lobh, muh, ahankar. But it does NOT mean that a person who is vege by choice or by rule should start eating non-veg. Our Aim in this life is to overcome the 5 thieves and be one with GOD; and NOT to quarrel about what to eat and what not to.

  12. We should be spreading this out but in EXACT terms:

    * Do NOT spread that other religions are false.

    * Do NOT spread that in other religions you cannot have GURU.

    * Spread that having a TRUE GURU is a requirement.

    * Spread that there is GOD and we should spend some time in remembering HIM (through any religion).

    * Spread that all religions are equal because they are created in order to help us reach GOD and NOT to quarrel.

  13. ke hovega apna.......this meat topic starts frequently and both sides (pro and anti) (including me) stickes to their views and try to teach others their way. The end result is long long threads and the options on both sides remain unchanged.

    Why cannot we understand human body and the nature around us. Let's see the following:

    - Do we have the desired components to eat and digest meat? Human body is designed in such a way that any food that we eat should leave our colon within 24 hours, but meat remains there for at-least 72 hours.

    - Bad forces are attracted to blood of animals and liqour. So, therefore, persons consuming meat and liquir are more prone to attacks (or say bad effects) as compared to persons not consuming those. This is my personal experience, if you want you can test it but I won't suggest.

    - Persons having meat and liquor does have problems in concentrating.

    - Spiritual practice will be less effective if one consumes meat and\or liquor.

    For more NON-SPIRITUAL points: http://www.spiritualresearchfoundation.org/articles/id/spiritualresearch/spiritualscience/veg-or-non-veg

  14. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ke Fateh

    Till last week, JusTV used to run "Asa Ki Vaar" in the mornings. That "Asa Ki Vaar" was sung by number of kirtanians and it was damn good. I am looking forward if someone can post the link to download that "Asa Ki Vaar". I will be very thankful to him.


  15. Cul, jsingh96, gsingh00 have already forwarded the information to you. In addition you can also refer to the following link to understand: Karma, Free-Will, and Reincarnation:


  16. Guru Gobind Singh Ji never pargat any devi-devta as per my understanding. Why would HE needs to pargat devi-devta. As per Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Bachatar Natak, GOD ordered Him to create a Khalsa panth and there is NO reason to pargat devi-devta. My understanding is that here Chandi is NOT refered to as Chandi Devi. In-fact Chandi is refered to as Sword.

    Secondly, I remember one more issue where it is being said that Guru Gobind Singh Ji did pargat of Nena Devi. Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji (Rara Sahib Wale) once told the following Sakhi regarding Nena Devi.

    The place where "Nena Devi" is situated actually belongs to Nena Jaat. There was a pandat named as "Ishav Das" who was proud of his knowledge. Guru Gobind Singh Ji asked pandat "Ishav Das" if it's possible to pargat some devta these days....he says yes, but a lot of things/samargre will be required. Guru Ji asked him to pargat devta and took the responsibility of providing him with the required samargre. After doing a lot of puja to pargat devte, no devta came and then Guru Ji asked ke what happened while returning from hunting with truck lot of animals/birds. To this pandat said ke "How devte will come as you're killing animals. To this Guru Ji asked if I do NOT hunt then will devte will pargat and pandat said yes. Guru Ji asked all dead animals to run and all birds to fly and it happened. Pandat again continued his things for some days with NO success. Now, again pandat said ke a bali/sacrifice of person having very pavitar/Sudh Maan is required. Pandat was thinking that he will ask for Guru Ji's son's bali and then Guru Ji will refuse and he will get a easy way out. To this Guru Ji said ke "You are the most pavitar so tomorrow we'll give your bali" and therefore the pandat ran during night. Now, Guru Ji throw all the remaining things in havan kund and it leads to big fireworks and people started saying that Devi came and renamed that place to Neena Devi because that belonged to Nena Jaat. In reality, no devi-devta came.

  17. Here I am trying to gather together all the things that point towards something in 2012 or say after 5000 years of Kalyug passing.

    1. Guru Arjan Dev Ji said that: This is mentioned in Sant Baba Isher Singh Ji's (Rara Sahib) deewan.
      - After 5,000 years of Kalyug, all dev-devte who are giving Shudi (pure) to Tiraths will fled away from this earth.

    2. Guru Gobind Singh Ji mentioned that: As mentioned in Sakhi Pothi
      - Khalsa will spread in the 4 corners of the world.
      - "When the Pipal tree will spread over the Jand tree, then the spirit of the order of the Khalsa, which I have enshrined under the command of God Almighty shall start to work to set up a world-society, which will last for 5000 years. That divine society will enjoy peace and affluence."

    3. Harbhajan Singh Yogi mentioned in 1992 that:
      - There will be Khalsa Raj somewhere after 2012 and it will rule on India, Burma, Pakistan etc.
      - Starting from 2012 there will be start of new age (Aquarius Age) and it will be started with natural calamities (catastrophes), wars etc.

    4. Bhavishya Purana
      - Krishan Ji told ganga that Golden Age will come in Kalyug and it will start around after 5000 years of Kalyug.

    5. Mayan Calander states that:
      - After 5,000 years of Kalyug, all dev-devte who are giving Shudi (pure) to Tiraths will fled away from this earth.
      - It does NOT has any dates after 2012 and some people are predicating that world will end after 2012. This interpretation is incorrect. Actually, Mayan calendar consists of only 5 cycles. It states that there will be change of some cycle after 2012.

    6. Spiritual Science Foundation states that:
      - We are entering into new state/cycle starting from 2012.
      - There will be very big level wars, natual catastrophes from 2012-2025 which will cost the reduction of world's population to around 60%. After 2025 there will be 100% Golden Period and it will last for around 5000 years.

    7. Nostradamus Prediction:
      - He predicated 3 world-war in between 1992-2012 and very high occurances of natural disasters around 2012.

    8. We have seen that the tensions between countries, Recession across the globle, natural disasters have increased for the last many years and they might grow with time.

    Now, as per my understanding if we club the above, we get:

    1. There will be something bad happening starting from November/December 2012.
    2. After reducing the population (those who are Nastik or bad along with some good one) to double digit %, then there will be calm.
    3. Then there will be Khalsa Raj (here Khalsa is pure as defined by Guru Gobind Singh Ji) for 5000 years. This will be a called a true Golden Period in Kalyug.
    4. After 5,000 years of Kalyug, all devi-devte of tiraths will fled earth and thus no tirath will provide Shudi. Only those who meditate on Naam will be able to swim across this wordly ocean.
    5. Starting from 10,000 of Kalyug, a period will start where there will no relations, brother will have relations with her sisters etc. and towards the end of Kalyug almost everyone will be sinked in sins.... as defined in Guru Gobind Singh Ji's bani and also in some Purans etc.
    6. At almost the end of Kalyug, there will be Kalki-Avatar to kill the bad. Then Kalki-Avatar will become proud and then again another Avatar will come to kill Kalki etc. Here important thing to consider is that here Kalki-Avatar is not someone who can save us in Kalyug. His aim will be to kill the bad. The ONLY thing which can save us in Kalyug is ONLY Naam (as told by all of our Gurus).

    Please kindly, put your thoughts.


  18. Fateh!

    This is the only problem that I have with what you have written. Gurbani clearly states that the Devi/Devatay are not the Supreme Being, Dasam Bani even claims that these are all failed beings who made their devotees to worship themselves instead of Akal Purakh. Vishnu referring to himself, or his devotees referring to him, as the Supreme is still not in line with Gurbani. My point is that Gurbani refers to Waheguru as Hari, Gopal, Ram - but that does not make Hari (Vishnu), Gopal (Krishna/Vishnu) or Ram of Ayodhya Akal Purakh.

    By the way, Shaivites also refer to Shiva as Supreme, Shaktas call Devi Supreme, etc etc, but they are still referring to their respective idols.


    I guess you mis-read my post. I NEVER claim or said that Devi/Devatay are supreme being. In-fact when I write:

    Waheguru --> Kaal and Maya --> Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv.

    It means that Waheguru created Maya and Kaal, then Maya along with Kaal created 3 devtas: Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva. and then these 3 deities created other 33 crore devte. Where I said that these devta are supreme being?

    The ONLY being and Supreme Being is Waheguru Himself. HE is the only Sach/Truth.

  19. I agree with Neo and tSingh in the context that I always place Puran Brahmgyanis above modern day so called scholars. The important difference is: Scholars need to research something based upon the their own bhud; whereas Puran Brahmgyani does NOT research anything, in-fact everything comes directly from HIM (GOD) because "There is no difference between WAHEGURU and Brahmgyani".

    I do not say other religions are 100% false (meaning have no truth) but they are not complete and cannot give muktee.

    Saying that other religions cannot mukti is false. In-fact NO religion can give mukti, ONLY True Guru can give mukti and True Guru is NOT bounded by any religion. Another fact is that: From all the religions, Sikhism is the religion where one has the very easy access to True Guru (Guru Granth Sahib Ji) but in other religions one has to find True Guru himself. So, it's somewhat hard to get mukti (because search of True Guru is required) in other religions but IT IS very much possible.

    e.g If there is a cemented staricase going to the top of building and also there is a rope hanging from top of building....using both one can reach top of the building. We cannot say that rope is incomplete because it cannot take you to the top of the building.

    What is the explanation for some describing the Gurus as being avatars of Visnu and the general Sikh view that Guru Nanak Dev Ji was sargun form of nirguna brahman?

    See in all yugas before Kalyug, it is agreed that there were avatars and those avatars were actually of Vishnu. We say that in those yugas GOD took birth to propagate Naam, destroy evil etc., IT was GOD who took birth (with limited powers) but used Vishnu a carrier to tranform to earth. Same way, in Kalyug, Guru Nanak Dev Ji was a Puran/Guru avatar or say HE was Nirgun HIMSELF, but on the lower level we can say that Vishnu was used as a carrier of Nirgun/Sargun and therefore Vishnu took the avatar.

    e.g There is one Sakhi as follows:

    - There was a person who was eligible to get mukti because of his previous birth's bhagti. Once Vishnu and Narad came to that person and asks him that If you need mukti, then I can give it to you. That man refused saying that he has to take care of his children; that man died thinking of his children and became dog; again Vishnu asks the same question; and that man responds that he wants to guard his house from thiefs. Now, he again died of dog and took birth as a "Gande da Kera" and again Guru Nanak Dev Ji asks the same question to that kera, that kera responds that NO, I want to eat the gand of my home. Then Guru Nanak Dev Ji gave him mukti. After getting mukti, that man asked if is this mukti, he should get it long time back. So, here the point is that Vishnu and Guru Nanak Dev Ji inter-changed the roles. I do NOT know how to put this words, but Guru Ji was Nirgun HIMSELF, used Vishnu as carrier, and Vishnu is NOT Nirgun.

    Waheguru --> Kaal and Maya --> Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv. In Vaisnavi traditions, the one GOD is Vishnu and is NOT the one from TriDev.

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