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Posts posted by chatanga

  1. go to www.gurmatveechar.com and look under katha for Giani Thakur Singh of Patiala and its in his list of recordings. Giani Thakur Singh and Bhai Pinderpal Singh are two very good kathakar, and i would advise everyone to listen to Saka Nankana Sahib by Bhai Pinderpal Singh. Top stuff.

  2. I have listned to muktinama and by and large that seems correct but somethings maybe from a akj point of view, cos " do not touch any meat" is not as black and white as it is above,

    do not keep body naked while asleep should really read make sure that your kashera is on, and that you always keep a spare handy. There are many other things not to do with your head uncovered ie wear shoes, read bani.

    these are the only slight additions i can think of. the meat issue explanation on gurmat veechar i beleive is the correct one.

  3. ramgarhias have no affilaiton as a body, however i have some comments about them to share. They need to do more to promote turban tying every day, rather than starching them , also a lot of tarkhans have kes, but very few have sabat dara. they seem to be just as caste obsessed as jats. they are self-opinionated in the belif that they are progressive and the jats are not. they call Jassa Singh a maharaja when he was given the title of Sardar. also they are very good at their job as defined by caste, ie carpenters, whereas 99.99% of jats born in the uk have never cultivated a field for produce. i'll think pf some more.

  4. I dont doubt that ram rahim was trying to create a tir by mocking Guru Gobind Singh. It seemed pretty obvious. Also this sect used a line of gurbani along the lines of sawan sarsa kaamni...to claim that they are the true guru.

    The meaning of this shabad has been given many times and its not what the ram rahim or his predecessors is saying. So is it a bad thing when sikhs try to stop or expose people who purposely give wrong meaning to gurbani for personal motives? Personally i dont think it is. Otherwise we would have evry tom tota and hari claiming they are God or something.

    This situation has arisen solely from a political stunt, and as my good friend Fateh Singh says Politics is a dirty business, politicians are liars.

  5. There may have been stupidity on both sides, but the provocation has come from one side only.

    I see Ravan kps gill has revealed his remedy to the problem , just a few lathicharges will solve the problem...

    Reminds me of some bloke from mumbai way by the name of amitabh bachan, when in the early 80s he advised the then indrasur to " drop a few bombs here and there and that will sort the sikhs out"...

  6. If anyone here hasnt visited www.gurmatveechar.com i suggest you do so and look up Katha by Giani Thakur Singh of Muktinama.

    He talks a great deal on tobacco. My post on this forum invited replies insinuating that it seemed to be ok , and i quote " was he smoking n the gurdwara..."

    If you listen to this katha you will see why many people were upset over Bhai Lal's beadbi. Also only smokers would carry tobacco in thier pockets. So on one hand we have a smoker who consumes the filth of the world, and on the second hand we have him reciting Dhur ki Bani in the hazuri of Guru Maharaj. Is this a contradiction or not?

  7. No , i posted a message to laugh at yours and dancing warriors message. Did you get someone else to write the above message about people who cant read or write, and it seems that you are one of those yourself.

    I think there should seriously be a requirement for members to be able to read and comprehend before joining.. or will that be considered discrimination against the mentally challenged/disabled? so thats Satguru Fateh Singh out...

  8. Keeping to the topic, I dont honestly know what i would do, as ive always thought of my Guru as the Word/Shabad. And I always look forward to having darshan of the Shabad as often as I can, but in partakh form, I dont know.

    Near to where I live, a woman told a story that she was visited by Guru Gobind Singh in a dream, who told her , her unborn child would be a great saint. She told this story to everyone, and loads of people started to turn up at her house and they gave money and bowed to the baby. Last I heard of her she moved to Canada.

  9. Admin, what is the above post by Satguru Fateh Singh about if it isnt sarcasm??? A very goodthread has been started and its good to see many people respond to it, and Satguru Fateh Singh has true to his nature started talking about the panthic police, therefore diverting the nature of the post.

    Satguru Fateh Singh, if youwant partakh darshan of Bhai Ram Singh, you can have a pic of me, as I am Bhai Ram Singh, and he is me. Let me know. :LOL:

  10. Admin , has Satguru Fateh Singh's sarcasm gone unnoticed? He has always ridiculed sikhs who are willing to get off their butts and make a stand for their faith. If Satguru Fateh Singh can mock, then why cant we?

    I think there should seriously be a requirement for members to be able to recieve criticism and ridicule over their deep-rooted beliefs if they are prepared to criticise others over their deep-rooted beliefs...or will that be considered discrimination against the people who cant reap what they sow?

  11. What about maharaj jarnail singh with his silver arrow patrolling darbar sahib? Would that be wrong too in today's standards?...

    Satguru Fateh Singh , the comparison between Guru Gobind Singh and Sant Jarnail Singh is stupid. Guru Jee gave his roop to the Khalsa, and expected us to wear and uphold it. Kinda what the nihang Singhs aspire to these days. So if the sikh of the Guru upholds the bana why do you have such a problem with it?

    Myself, I am dressed exactly as Bhai Ram Singh as Im am now his roop, having recieved gurgaddi from him, so if i wear the namdhari whats wrong iwv that? maybe in your malicious mind its wrong.

    Admin note: Chatanga your last sarcasm comment was tottaly out of order so as fateh singh comments, please if you want to debate like this within yourself just take it over the pm. !

  12. Agree with shaheediyan post,..this outbreak has brought some positves, altho they may not be too transparent yet to some. However what i heard on the news today it seems that the Sikhs have borrowed from Bhai Ram Singhs swadeshi moevment and have cut all ties, personal and commercial with the dera. Dont know how true it is, but something needs to be done. Satguru Fateh Singh what you suggest the Sikhs do, as you disapprove of how they have tackled this so far?

    Could it be that just as the Sikhs had disagreements with the namdharis, and in a way forced them to stop certain acts, you view this in the same light?

    consider this, its all true. Yesterday Bhai Ram Singh appeared to me in person, and has given me the gurgaddi the Bhai Balak Singh gave to him. i have 2 witnesses to this act and they are going to put it in a book. Thier names are Alam Singh Inder, and Chakrbarti Singh Nidhan. So absolutelty no-one can dispute this at all. Soon the whole world will know, and people will recognise me as the roop of Bhai Ram Singh. Even Bhai Partap Singh will bow to me. I am going to place an advert in the newspapaers of uk and india now. With myself in total in namdhari bana. Watch out for this advert.

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