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PAL 07

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Posts posted by PAL 07

  1. Yes if you say anything about Akj keertan then its under quality control. Also a lot of my posts were not allowed and other teething problems from the moderators aswell as there clear lack of judgment and management astonishes me.

    Since your from Ontario do you know two amritdharee brothers, Onkar Singh and satnam Singh young lads. Satnam is an excellent keertania. He is from Toronto. I met them in India this summer at Sultanpur Lodhi dera of Sant Jagjeet Singh Harkovalvale.

    Could you ask them to get in touch with me, they go to the main Gurdwara in Toronto. I can't remember the name. Please remind me of main Gurdwara in Canada and Toronto and I will tell which one.

  2. Vaheguru Ji ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji ki Fateh

    Im coming over from sikh sangat forum.I got put under heavy quality control for defending amrit,rehit etc.

    Anyways just to tell you guys about me - Im from ontario canada and im an amritdhari sikh who tries to follow sache patshah guru granth sahib jis words.Im really hot headed especially when somebody disrepects the guru.Also i have a ton of granths so if you guys need any arth or anything dont be shy to ask.My hobbies are reading gurbani(im on my third sehaj paath),listening to gurbani,studying gurbani,exercise,playing guitar,naam simran,blacksmithing,archery,mixed martial arts etc.

    Hopefully we can post happily here.I hope the mods arent forum nazis lol like they are on sikh sangat forum.

    Yes I also have boycotted sikhsangat....is that you in your profile picture

  3. Vjkk vjkf

    My name is Palvinder Singh, I am amritdhree Singh aged 32. I work for National Express Plc and I am from Walsall United Kingdom.

    My interests are studying Sri Guru Granth Sahib, learning Raga Keertan and martial arts. I am interested in making highly nutritious milkshakes. My favorite book is Talks With Ramana Maharishi.

    My favorite Saint is Bhagvan Ramana Maharishi, and my inspiration is Bruce Lee. My future aim would be to learn the bansuri.

    You can checkout my videos on www.youtube.com/user/pricelesskeertan

    • Although credited with leading India to independence from Britain, Gandhi actually undermined this effort. Between 1900 and 1922, he ­suspended his civil disobedience at least three times, even though more than 15,000 supporters were in jail for the cause. (When Britain finally did withdraw from India, it was largely motivated by their anti-imperialist Prime Minister, Clement Attlee, and the fact that Britain was nearly bankrupt from the war.)
    • Gandhi was dangerously politically incompetent. He ­advised the Jews to adopt nonviolence toward the Nazis, and wrote a letter to ­Hitler starting with the words “My friend”. He also advised the Jews of Palestine to “rely on the goodwill of the Arabs”. Fortunately for their existence, the Jews ignored him.
    • As well as calling Hitler his friend, Gandhi and Mussolini got on well when they met in December 1931. Gandhi praised Mussolini’s “service to the poor, his opposition to super-urbanization, his efforts to bring about a coordination between Capital and ­Labour, his passionate love for his people.”
    • Gandhi was outstandingly racist, describing “the raw Kaffir” as someone “whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a number of cattle to buy a wife, and then pass his life in indolence and ­nakedness,” and saying of white Afrikaaners, “We believe as much in the purity of races as we think they do.”
    • He was also a hypocrite on many levels. He prevented his son marrying a Muslim despite publicly promoting Muslim-Hindu unity. He denounced lawyers, railways and parliamentary politics, yet he was a professional lawyer who constantly used railways to get to meetings to argue that India ­deserved its own parliament. And although he is known for his hunger strikes, his official position was that these were “the worst form of coercion, which militates against the fundamental principles of non-violence” (in which he believed).
    • His views on nakedness and sexual chastity were also belied by his depraved behavior: when he was in his 70s he encouraged his ­17-year-old great-niece, Manu, to be naked during her “nightly cuddles” with him. After sacking several long-standing and loyal members of his 100-strong ­personal entourage who might disapprove of this part of his ‘spiritual quest’, he began sleeping naked with Manu and other young women also.
    • Despite being thought of as a peaceful man, he was vicious and callous. “There will be no tears but only joy if tomorrow I get the news that all three of you were killed,” he once told some of his workers. To a Hindu he once said, “I do not mind if each and every one of the 500 families in your area is done to death.” And he forced Manu, his niece (remember the “nightly cuddles”), to walk through a jungle known for harboring rapists—just so she could retrieve a pumice stone he liked to use on his feet. When she returned in tears, he “cackled” with laughter and said: “If some ruffian had carried you off and you had met your death courageously, my heart would have danced with joy.”
    • In 1908 he left his wife for a German man named Hermann Kallenbach. “Your portrait (the only one) stands on my mantelpiece in my bedroom,” he wrote to Kallenbach. “The mantelpiece is opposite to the bed.” Gandhi nicknamed himself “Upper House” and Kallenbach “Lower House.” The two pledged “more love, and yet more love—such love as they hope the world has not yet seen.”

  4. Look at politics and learn Raaj Neetee. First USA and UK and the bullies said they wanted to arm the rebels. This was clearly dubious and dangerous as those weapons would have gone to many terrorists who hate the " axis of evil" ( Usa Uk France India etc).

    So then they made a cheap youtube video of some guys high on hemp and said "look they have been gassed". Now they are pulling the wool over peoples eyes andm making the punitive strikes themselves to serve their own capitalist interests.

    Personally i admire Russia. People say Britain won the war. WALOB it was Russia who laid the red flag in berlin and ruled it. Russia saved the world, USA were wonder struck as to how the Red Army kicked ass. Germany is aslo another country that is very smart and one i admire. UK is now nothing but a USA poodle. The yankees will screw the UK as they already are ie. Google, Apple and other businesses massive money making businesses and no tax to the Uk all money going back to Usa.

  5. An Evening Of Indian Classical Sarod & Tabla Music 14th_September_-_Small_Picture.JPGSat 14 Sep £15.00 £12.00

    6:30 - 6:50 PM Sarod duet

    by Narinder Singh and Ravinder Kaur Chadha pupils of Arnab Chakrabarty, Accompanied on the tabla by Jeevan Singh; disciple of Bhupinder Singh Chaggar

    6:55 - 7:30 PM Tabla duet

    by Pritpal Singh and Narinderjit Singh disciples of Pandit Sharda Sahai ji

    7:45 - 9:00 PM Traditional Sarod recital

    By globally renowned musicians Arnab Chakrabarty with Bhupinder Singh Chaggar on the Tabla

    Artists of the evening

    Bhupinder Singh Chaggar is a highly renowned Tabla player and a world-class performer and teacher. He is one of the foremost disciples of the late Pandit Sharda Sahai ji, the doyen of the Benares Gharana of tabla. Bhupinder's virtuosity on his instrument is of such a rare quality that it lends itself to a wide range of musical roles, be it traditional solos, accompaniment, recording work, or cross-cultural ventures. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Leeds College of Music and also mentor to a growing number of skilled Tabla players in the UK. The range of collaborations Bhupinder has participated in is truly mind-boggling, and he comes with a diversity of concert experiences that very few Indian musicians today can boast.

    Website: www.bhupinderchaggar.com

    Arnab Chakrabarty is one of the most skilled Sarod players in the world and is a renowned exponent of Hindustani classical music. Arnab is a disciple of the late Professor Kalyan Mukherjea, and in this way, represents the Shahjahanpur Gharana of Sarod, as taught by Pandit Radhika Mohan Maitra. Arnab received his early musical training from maestros Buddhadev Dasgupta and Brij Narayan. Currently based in the UK, Arnab grew up in India and had his formal academic education in the USA. His music can be heard on the soundtrack of the Oscar-winning film, Born Into Brothels, Calcutta's Red Light Children (2004) and has recently released his debut solo album, An Ode to the Sarode, featuring the great Bhupinder Chaggar on the Tabla.

    Web: www.arnabchakrabarty.com

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  6. In my opinion the best solution, aligned with Gurmat is that a seperate room be made for OAP's where they can have a live telecast of the Divan held by Satguru.

    Peeriyas, chairs etc i vehemently reject. I have been unable to contact some of the true Giani's such as Hari Singh Randava or Mahapursh Baba Jagjeet Singh who can give the relevant sakhis about the congregation maryada. My research is ongoing hence the creation of this thread and i will post further evidence i can gather making a case for the rejection of different levels of seating in the Darbar Sahib.

  7. if no chairs are allowed in sangat, then why in pangat?

    this is a question i asked soeone who wanted the chairs removed from the darbar. I am not pro or anti, but maintain that you cannot force maryada in any one part of the gurdwara, and ignore it in another part.

    either remove them altogether, or let those who need them, use them.

    Akaal Takht The Supreme body representing Sikh affairs has already decreed that seats in the langar hall are prohibited. When this issue came to light Sikhs said the next step will be seats in the Darbar Sahib. How true this is. If we go by Chatanga's analysis then i guess indirectly Akaal Takht does not support chairs in the darbar hall.

  8. Sangat Jee

    Increasingly in the UK and the wider diaspora we are seeing a new challenge facing the Sikhs, namely that of the implementation of seats in the Darbar Hall of a Gurdwara. Some are for this and say it is a positive thing because we shouldn't discriminate against those who are diabled and have difficulty sitting down and participating in the congregation. Whilst others say we should remain strict and orthodox in the teachings laid out by our great Masters.

    My personal opinion is that we should not have seats in the Gurdwara for the following reason:-

    Guru Ka Darbar and Guru Ka Takht refer to those places where Sri Guru Granth Sahib is adorned with the title of KIng and where they hold a Court and grace the common people with their presence. Now darbars used to be held before the Guru's, so a darbar isnt a new phenomenon. King's used to hold Darbars (courts) for the purposes of admionistering their kindgom.

    In a Darbar only the King was given sovereignty and this was represented and symbolized by him having a higher seat than the rest of the common subjects. This concept was adobted by Sri Guru Arjan Dev JI when he created the maryada for the seva of Sri Guru Granth Sahib at the Golden Temple when at that time it was known as Pothi Sahib.

    If we put seats inside the court of the Guru then we are symbolizing and implicily stating that those sitting on the chairs are equal to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee and also above the sangat.

    This is clearly wrong and therefore cannopt be accepted as Gurmat to allow seats to be imposed in the Darbar Hall.

    However neosikhs who are making these changes in many Gurdwaras are arguing that we are discriminating against those who are diabled and find it impossible to sit cross legged on the floor and that this kind of discrimination is againt the Sikh teachings.

    So what are your views on this?

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