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Posts posted by Matheen

  1. Niranjana: how do you interpret 'giving your head'?

    Reading all these posts, i don't think anyone's actually disagreeing with anyone else, they just have different ideas of surrender.

    Makhane'ch Jannat: why the personal attack? When you do realise who you are, you'll realise that you don't despise W-bol, just his ideas, because there is no difference between your real-self and his. I speak from experience.

  2. Nah singho, i don't mind being disagreed with. What does disturb me is when people 'talk-back' at Guru Sahib. I KNOW that a Sikh has to give everything to his Guru for success on this path, including the mind.

    As i said in another post, when it comes to 'worldly' matters such as history etc, then a critical mind IS necessary to find the truth, but Gurbani should be accepted without question.

    Whether you do or don't is not my problem.

  3. I think it means to give up your own 'mat' and do what Maharaj Ji asks us to do. Guru Ji themselves say:

    jau qau pRym Kylx kw cwau ]

    jo tho praem khaelan kaa chaao ||

    If you desire to play this game of love with Me,

    isru Dir qlI glI myrI Awau ]

    sir dhhar thalee galee maeree aao ||

    then step onto My Path with your head in hand.

    iequ mwrig pYru DrIjY ]

    eith maarag pair dhhareejai ||

    When you place your feet on this Path,

    isru dIjY kwix n kIjY ]20]

    sir dheejai kaan n keejai ||20||

    give Me your head, and do not pay any attention to public opinion. ||20||

    What do you reckon?

  4. Nah, you're way off. He took his first birth while Sant Isher Singh Ji was alive. Gurdeep Singh may have passed away from what i've heard. (BTW, he could recall his past when very young, and had a mark on his sareer that Suleman said would be proof that it was him.)

    It's not worth dwelling on. Sant ji only let him speak to sangat so we could learn lessons from what he said. The main thing was to use this life wisely - our time is limited and shouldn't be wasted.

    Jeevan Mukti can be attained by anyone by following Maharaj Ji's teachings and with their kirpa. Time spent arguing with fools over meat and other divisive issues can be used for simran.

  5. W-bol, with abhiyas, Bani can be recited very fast with full concentration, using the 'Surti'. Sant Isher Singh Ji (Rarasahib wale) used to do over 200 JapJi Sahibs, many Jaap Sahibs while still at school. (The exact number is mentioned by them in the 'Atmik Bachan' recordings - which they revealed to inspire the sangat, check www.sikhroots.com to listen).

    Similarly, Sant Jarnail Singh Khalsa used to do over 101 Jap Ji Sahibs when they were younger and even perform an entire Akhand Path non stop in 24 hours, on their own. Even today, sewdars in some deras have to do 101 JapJi Sahibs everyday.

  6. Do you have to join a military jatha to be a warrior?

    Just my opinion on the matter-

    The Khalsa that Maharaj Ji created was an embodiment of the ideals that make a perfect human being. So everyone was armed and ready to fight for freedom and protecting dharm while doing bhagti and earning an honest living.

    Read Guru Sahib's OWN definition of a Khalsa and you'll see that the ideals are as relevant today as they always have been. Becoming Amritdhari is the first step, the initiation. It takes alot of effort, kamaii and especially Kirpa to become the Khalsa that Guru Ji talks about. Historians are not always the best source, especially not McLeod.

    Sometimes we hear stories of people being mugged on crowded trains etc and people just watching. I'd like to think that any Singh in the same situation would not hesitate helping the victim.

    As there is no collective Khalsa army today, we should concentrate on fighting against oppression wherever we are, even if you're alone. It could be as simple as helping French Sikhs wear Dastars in school or petitioning the Irish Garda to allow Dastars in their force.

    Admittedly, i was saddened when i heard of Afghani Singhs being oppressed during the taliban days and doing nothing about it. Once in a while, we do get Singhs, like Sant Jarnail Singh ji Bhindranwale, who have enough kamaii to live up to their external appearance and stand up for what they believe in. Or the Mahapursh from Bhai Daya Singh Ji's sampardaye who nullified the effects of christian missionaries in Punjab.

    Personally I 100% believe the sakhi of Baba Deep Singh Ji.

  7. forgot to add: taking care of the Dhara proplerly i.e. good oil and regular brushing help to 'tame' it. I've also noticed that when Granthi Singhs wear a hazooria over their mouth the sides of the dhara are much neater when they get off duty.....you could try something similar when doing your Nitnem in the morning.

  8. I thought Singho was the troll, talking bakwas about Guru Nanak being a sufi and a Shia Muslim and talking up Islam and Mohammed's way being the best.

    They're as bad as each other. This topic is a waste of time. Guru Ji said they were neither Hindu nor Mussalman.

    Its time we started following what they teach, which is what being a Sikh is all about.

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