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Posts posted by Matheen

  1. They will probably be teaching....'Oh dont take your kasehra off or you'll break your Amrit'....haha

    what's so funny? - I would agree with them.....

    some of the comments reek of incredible arrogance....they might not be perfect, but how the heck do you know what they're going to teach?! Many people learn a lot from these events, and it takes a lot of time, money and manpower to organise camps etc.

    Good luck to them, and hope the camp is Chardi Kala.

  2. Sikhi is a hard path for sure - "Khanio Thiki Valo Nikki", and sometimes i think i should just worry about myself because God knows I'm not perfect, but it hurts to see a brother go the wrong way.

    Or did you guys really think that campfire and camp Sikhi was going to work...

    don't really know what the answer is....but i KNOW that part of the problem is 'our leaders' not practising what they preach while keeping bana on the outside but not the inside. Now I know why Maharaj ji says that out of crore people, there will only be 1 true premi.

  3. Fateh!

    Back in the UK after a few years and thought I'd hook up with some old friends - Singhs who inspired me to get into Sikhi, Singhs I'd literally spent all night with singing kirtan, good Singhs.

    what do i find?!!! they ( couple of them were known as the Hitchin crew in my uni days) have given up the gift of Maharaj Ji's own sroop and gone the other way.

    OK, everyone has a right to do what they want, but for me to see this was like seeing a slap to Guru Ji. Of course I still know they are the same on the inside etc, etc but it was heartbreaking to say the least.

    What the heck happened to some of our sangat in the last 2 - 3 years?

  4. surprised that the link above makes no mention of their Relation with Guru Arjun Dev ji

    Some do, many don't - I learned quite a bit from http://www.mianmir.com and www.info-sikh.com The first site mentions Guru ji as 'Sahib Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj' but isn't written by a Sikh, which shows that his followers have quite some respect for Maharaj.

    There's fascinating stuff at http://www.info-sikh.com/PageDesc.html They still have Maharaj Ji's Mala and Hukamnama!!

    Wonder what the Hukamnama says?!

  5. Fateh!

    I need some info on Mian Mir (who laid the foundation stone at Harimandir Sahib). Does anyone know why Maharaj chose him? their relationship? where he came from? what happened to him? etc.

    The web sites I checked don't help.....


  6. Interesting.... personally I think different types of Kirtan appeal to Sangat at different avasthas - I kid you not when I say dharmik hip-hop got me on the first steps to Sikhi. Raag Kirtan at that time was just boring - like A-level maths would be to a kid in year 1.

    BTW, Rarasahib style (especially the original) and AKJ are very different. Sant Isher Singh Ji always asked the sangat to sit still, close their eyes or look only at Guru Sahib and was 'shant'....

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