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Posts posted by wahegurubol

  1. Mystical Ji, The type of understanding that Guru Jee is talking about comes by rubbing your brain with the Name of God after which you get Guru's Kirpa ! and this understanding is like "gungey ke mithai" as Bhagat Kabber Ji says, it cannot be spoken of , talked, or written on a forum.

    The type of understanding that you are dealing with is only "Intellectual"---"Scholastic"---type of understanding ... this the Guru Saab has already spoken of in Gurbani is of no use as even brahmins, qazis day and night keep themselves engaged in intellectual talks and discussions ! but they are no where close to the God.

    Again, Guru Saahib have created Sants like Baba Nand Singh Sahib, have created Sant-Sipahis like Sant Jarnail Singh jI and have created like scholars and intellects, this is all to guide different people in different stages towards sikhi... because everyone has a different mind !

  2. Infact all religions specify the need for a Guru(Teacher) to reach God or become Jivan Mukta, whatever word you want to call it.

    In Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Sikhism all these religions specify the basic and primary need for a Guru to reach God, except other rleigions like Islam and Christainity which focus on being in Heaven.

    From the above religions, I have noticed that Sikhism is the only religion that very deeply and boldly placed the importance of a Guru, infact it even goes as far as saying that without Guru there is no Enlightenment and I do agree with this, considering the fact that we have been chaurasi lakh and so many joons i t is IMPOSSIBLE in Kal Yug to reach enlightenment without Guru, a guide.

    but who is a Guru ?

    If you go and see in buddhism, anyone who has meditated for a few years and had some uncommon spiritual experiences, becomes a Guru and begins to lead other students, same also goes for Hinduism, where we can see so many swamis, mahatmas just popping up, who after having few ridhi sidhis become Gurus themsleves.

    but how far can these human Gurus really guide us ? If you go and tell them that you want to meet God and then they say "You have to do this, I can only guide you , but you have to be enlightened by yourself."

    In no ways are these Gurus capable of guiding us through the ocean of maya.

    In my opinion a TRUE GURU will be one who not only will guide you while alive , but will also guide you and take you after death ! when you are no longer in this physical body.

    This is why in Sikhism, the word Guru is less used but the word "SATGURU" appears more often, which means "TRUE GURU"...

    I am writing this because I had myself been a subject to a human Guru who use to claim that even people who are half-enlightened can lead others, but in Sikhism there is no half enlightenment, there is only FULLY ENLIGHTENED or No Enlightened. In Sikhism if you want to pass the exam you need 100% marks , 99% is also considered fail.

    So we should all feel lucky and thankful that we already have a Satguru, Shri Guru Granth Sahib ! The first basic step for any individual is to find a True Guru, but Maharaaj has already done that kirpa on us !

    I had met a great gursikh in India, who had even darshan of Baba Deep Singh ji. He said that there are two types of people, The first type is those who reach God by their own effort and the second type is those who get bakshish of God, but those who get bakshish or mercy of God will definetly reach God.

  3. Mystical Ji,

    First of all Sikhi is not bound by time.

    Aad Sach Jugad Sach, Hai Bhi Sach , Nanak Hosee Bhi Sach !

    Secondly, There is no need to understand anything. If you think you have understood something or gained some knowledge, it will be with you only and only as long as your conscious, I mean as long as you are present in the conscious-state of mind. When you sleep or when you die your subconscius mind takes over (which is called surti) and at that time only your naam simran kamai will go with you and not your understanding.

    Sikhi, is about cutting your head and giving it to the Guru.. so the question of trying ot understand doesnt exist. You have to cut your head and give it to the Guru..which is very very hard thing to do.

    If you want to meet the Guru then "jeevan" ke chad aas. Remaining DEAD while yet Alive only we can meet Guru ji. All these things are beyond the understanding of the "intellectual" Mind. God is in the realm of soul , the "intellect" is there as long as you are "consciously awake".

    If you listen to the Suleman tape, he says during the time of death, the understanding of the human doesnt work and at that time the subconscious mind takes over and nothing is in our control, it is like the same in sleep-state, but those who have a true Guru , the Guru comes and controls their thoughts and makes them go in a direction which is good for them.

    Those who dont have a Guru can end up in a jooni.


    I agree with you , no one can understand the avastha of Gursikhs like Baba Deep Singh Ji. But I am wondering that if he sat and recited like a normal person would do.. He propbably wouldnt get more than a 50 Jap Ji paaths in a day, So I definetly think that he didnt recite the Jap Ji the way we do. I have heard of some Gursikhs that at higher stage one can hear the vibraion of naam "waheguru" inside their bodies and it goes soooo fast.. that probably millions and million times in a fewsecond.

    Enlightend us more on this subject.


    As far as my little thinking goes. If you want to meet God you must have a Guru and if you want to make a Guru you must get intiated by the Guru, ie take amrit from the Guru.

    Before Guru Gobind Singh ji , there was charan pahul amrit. Guru Gobind Singh ji knew the next Guru will be Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Guru Gobind Singh ji changed the system of taking amrit to Khandey Da Amrit, so If you want to be a sikh of the Guru, you must take the Amrit of Khandey de pahul , irrespective of the fact wether you want to be a warrior or a saint or anything , after this you are Sikh of the Guru and you can work towards reaching God.

    If you see there are some pet dogs and pet dogs have a collar in their neck that collar in their neck tells to which owner they belong. A dog that doesnt have a collar is considered a homeless street dog and often it will be caught by a dog catcher or be stoned or harrassed by public.

    In the same way, people with amrit.. you can imagine they have a collar in their neck, they are dogs of the Guru, a person without a Guru will be an aimless wandering homeless street dog who will be harrased by the Jamdoots.

    So take amrit ... janam sohaila karo

  5. It is my understanding that it is the Guru's Hukum.

    also, tieing the beard damages it. It is also a very westernized thing, Singhs are meant to be lions, we should not tie up our manes.

    Keeping hair in a joora protects it from damage, from being pulled etc. Also, that is the form for Sikhs that the Gurus gave us- prakash dhara, and joora under dastaar. I've noticed that I get better concentration when my hair is tied in a joora and energy flows through my body and head better.

    Veer Ji, can you site any source where Guru Saab has specifically pointed out to keeping the beard parkash.

    As far as my little knowledge goes, The custom of tieng beard was not prevalent during Guru Jee's time.

    Most people whom I have met who are pro-parkash dharas.. claim that Guru Ji never tied beard so we also shouldnt, but if thats the case, then why not tie gol pagri, why not wear bana and all these things.

    Guru Gobind Singh ji made us Khalsa. A Khalsa is not a dogmatic person which cannot change with time . A Khalsa can wear pant shirt, can tie the cone shape turban, can tie the beard. The roop of the Khalsa is the 5k's with the kesh, but the Khalsa is not bound with the way you keep your beard tied or untied or what you wear !

    If I have to agree with you that it is Gurus hukam to keep dhara parkash, then we also have to agree that all those jawans who died fighting the british rule and who died in world war II went against the Guru's hukam because they tied beard.

    In some technical occupations there are hazards with long parkash dhara as the dhara can get pulled, so will it be wrong to tie your beard to protect it from any accidents?

    Doctors who perform surgery risk the hair getting into the patient, so will it be wrong if they tied their dhara and put an net underneath it.

    I have seen many amritdharis with tied dhari, who do excellent kirtan and are very much absorbed in Guru Jee's simran.

    I myself prefer to keep dhari open, but due to certain limitations I cant ! I agree with you that tieng the dhari damages the hair.

    I dont think that tieng the dhari is a western thing. Its all in the mind of a person who thinks that way. Some pro-parkash dhara people say that people want to give their face a skinny look like that of a a person who shaves and this is why people tie beards, but again , i dont tie my beard because of that reason. Its all in the mind of every individual person of what he thinks.

  6. Good point kavita ji. I would not like to side with anyone here, but I often find that many parkash dhara people often criticise the people who tie their beards and say they are against anti-gurmat.

    I myself tie my beard, it has become a habit, however Id like to keep parkash dhara myself , because tieng the beard can stretch the hair, pluck it and make your hair go bad.

    but yes I would like to ask the same question that kavita ji is asking..why not open the kesh !

  7. and btw that video was of "american" animals, some of us dont live in america and we only eat meat which is slaughtered by our own hands

    Veer Ji , Bhul chuk de maafi baksho if I have annoyed you. You have great knowledge and wisdom !

    Can you please tell me where do you live and do you do jhatka of meat? or if there is anyother way how do you slaughter it?

  8. well it doesnt matter if you keep it open or you tie it... i dont use gel i usually put oil and tie it.. and it is just a matter of personal dress-up. when I am at home I keep it open. sometimes i go outside i keep it open.

    i dont see any problem with tieng or leaving the beard open, its just a matter of personal dress-up..

    why do you think tieng beard is taming.

  9. thanks a lot vinegar. i use to pray day and night to maharaaj for that girl. i use to do simran all night long without sleeping for that girl, i did it for 3 months and maharaaj gave me her love and i was so in love with that girl that i had promised maharaaj that i wont marry anyone else...

    but you know every 2 weeks everything between me and the girl would go fine and then after 2 weeks everything would go bad and then good and then bad..it kept happening like this.

  10. Friend, here is what you should do.

    First get a good hair brush, i mean hair brush not comb !

    apply the gell on this hair brush and then pressing the hair brush hard to your beard comb it... making the curly hair go straight and sticking with your skin.

    once this done, get a black rubber-band and tie the bottom of your beard , making it a pony tail and then tuck the pony tail of the beard under your chin.

    once this is done, get a fifty or a cloth and tie it very tight like a tathi on your beard, this will keep the beard pressed hard.. after 30 minutes remove the tathi and your beard will be looking cool !

  11. This is because of the prevailing mentality of backward people who do not respect the rights or dignity or honour of women, and who neither follow the Brahmanical laws or the immaculate way of the Prophet Mohammend (PBUH) who is without flaw.

    May 17, 2007, 11:15 GMT

    Islamabad - A woman was forced to parade naked in public in a central Pakistani village by armed men in revenge for having allegedly helped one of their female relatives to elope with her lover, a press report said Thursday.

    Seven men with weapons forced their way into the home of the mother of four in a village near the city of Multan, 600 kilometres south-west of Islamabad, and dragged her outside.

    She was later stripped and made to march through the village, The News daily reported. http://news.monstersandcritics.com/southas..._in_revenge_act

  12. Trafficking

    [glow=red:18ef305860]More than 150 women were trafficked to Pakistan every day between 1991 and 1993. (Indrani Sinha, SANLAAP India, "Paper on Globalization & Human Rights")[/glow:18ef305860]

    [glow=red:18ef305860]Women kidnapped at the Pakistan-Afghanistan border are being sold in the marketplace for R600 per kilogram as of 1991. (CATW - Asia Pacific, Trafficking in Women and Prostitution in the Asia Pacific)[/glow:18ef305860]

    Auctions of girls are arranged for three kinds of buyers: rich visiting Arabs (sheiks, businessmen, visitors, state-financed medical and university students), the rich local gentry, and rural farmers. (CATW - Asia Pacific "Trafficking in Women and Prostitution in the Asia Pacific" (19)

  13. Singho, there was a case in India that I recall. A pervert guy like you, obsessed with temp. marriages who was working for a post office tried to rape two amritdhari female while they were sitting alone at the railway station. the females took their kirpan out and stabbed him.

    This was in the NEWS.. but a long time ago, i thinkyou can check tribune.com

  14. Sau Sakhi 64

    “Stand in a line, if you are to bare weapons and wish to up hold the duty of a warrior, then hunt keeping the warrior duty in mind and eat meat. If you wish to follow the vegetarian way, or the way of Saints, then meat eating is forbidden. He who contemplates God’s name and is of the of Sato Gun character, he should not eat meat, for meat eating promotes Tams Gun. He, who wishes to fight for righteousness and protect the weak in battle, has to spill many people’s blood and should be ready to sacrifice himself. He should hunt, eat meat, and should have no fear because he is but doing his warrior duty. But, remember this, eating meat for just pleasure of tongue or vice is a sin --’â€.’

    (‘Sau Sakhi Steek’, by Partap Singh Mehta, Vol.2, Pa. 136-137)

    Considering sikhs in this modern-age.. do you think sikhs of present-times need to eat meat..when especially majority of us are not even training to be warriors.

    secondly, can warriros who eat meat still get mukti , can they still concentrate on simran, bani ..etc and shold they hunt the meat themselves or buy from the local store !

    i dont eat meat personally.

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