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Posts posted by wahegurubol

  1. Reading the article it seems, the authors goal is celibacy and he sees celibacy as one of the required step-stones to meeting almighty. I have read that full book "Brahmacharya" by Sivanadadlshq... ...they condemn marriage and promote thepath of celibacy as higher to that of marriage.

    Well as for me, We should not do adultery and we can have sex with our wife only to procreate. The path of marriage is higher because it goes by the WILL OF GOD. God created man and woman. Man is half of Woman and Woman half of Man. In grihst jeevan almighty can be met more quickly.

  2. Sikhism is not against Yoga. You can do Yoga to enhance your spiritual life, but Yoga, but Yoga alone cannot take you to almighty.

    Gurbani can make the dead alive , sustain the Sikh without food and water...so obviously Gurbani, Naam Simran is higher.

    If we find the self getting to much to handle or something that we cant control, nothing is more powerful than a humble ardaas !

  3. This applies to my brothers only.

    Please masturbate regularly. It reduces the risk of prostate cancer; and since sikhi is a scientific relegion..well you can put two and two together.

    Enjoy! (no pun intended)


    For people who Naam Jap , Masturbation is very bad. Please dont give wrongadvice.

    I speak from personal experience. It affects the spiritual state at a very subtle form which you can notice in deep meditations in amrit velas.

    First of all , after masturbation all vairags, strength gained from devotional worship and everything is lost ..its back to ZERO.

    I guess someone who knows more about chakras can explain it, basically your down to chakra 1 !

    Masturbation invites negative entities/spirits to you, making naam jap very difficult. so masturbation should be avoided at all costs.

  4. Sau Sakhi 64

    “Stand in a line, if you are to bare weapons and wish to up hold the duty of a warrior, then hunt keeping the warrior duty in mind and eat meat. If you wish to follow the vegetarian way, or the way of Saints, then meat eating is forbidden. He who contemplates God’s name and is of the of Sato Gun character, he should not eat meat, for meat eating promotes Tams Gun. He, who wishes to fight for righteousness and protect the weak in battle, has to spill many people’s blood and should be ready to sacrifice himself. He should hunt, eat meat, and should have no fear because he is but doing his warrior duty. But, remember this, eating meat for just pleasure of tongue or vice is a sin --’”.’

    (‘Sau Sakhi Steek’, by Partap Singh Mehta, Vol.2, Pa. 136-137)

    fine veer ji very much agreed with you !

    so are we living in those times where we have to goto a battle spill many people's blood for righteousness???

    and thanks for pointing out that eating meat for pleasure is sin so the eater him//herself knows why he ate.

  5. Your a Nihang, You do all the jhatka shakta for akal purakh cos you do birr rass.

    so if this is what meat does to your chit ! I thank akal purakh that after reading all your posts... akal purakh has shown me how lucky I am that he has given me the gyan not to eat meat.

    so i guess you also drink bhang, take cannabis to kill pain ! so how many wars have you fought?

  6. condemn me for eating meat, who the hell are you to decide my faith

    i am no one to condemn, its your choice you want to eat poison, eat poison.

    a person who barges about his god experiences shows how very far hes from God, its just his ehankaar talking!

    I have also MET Gursikhs FIRSTHAND.. who have had darshan of Baba Deep Singh ji, and the whole community knows it and they always tell me... "son , meat is poison, meat is poison, meat is poison." thats it nothing more and nothing less.

    If you want to keepyour ears close and live in your own world then be it.

    as for deciding your faith, it is already stated in Gurbani of what happens to those who eat meat.

  7. ... if u have naam jaap in ur hand no matter u eat meat every day ... no one can come in way of u and moksh ... but if u dont have naam simren you dont eat meat ... it will not save u ...

    Yes I agree with you.

    If you have Naam Jap then you can eat meat or non-meat nothing gonna affect you. You can even drink alcohol and still nothing gonna affect u !

    but If you DONT HAVE NAAM JAP and you still eat meat... Naam Japing is gonna be difficult.

    If you DONT HAVE NAAM JAP andyou still drink and .. Naam Japing is gonna be difficult !

    You are forgetting a Naam Jap is free from the tangles of the world. He is not affected by these things cos His mind is absorbed in God.

    but if you dont have Naam Jap and still eat meat.. I am afraid you will surely collect the karma of the animal you ate !

  8. man i agree not-eating meat wont make you a good sikh and it wont make you get mukti !

    but eating meat for sure will get you trapped into more karmas !! for sure !!

    just as non-drinking wont get you mukti, but drinking gonna corrupt your chit and make mukti difficult.

    as for akal takht... it never said jhatka is allowed.. it is just silent bcoz those guys themselves dont know the answer, they just said kutha is not allowed !

    but i m sure from the lifes of people who are close to Guru sahib all avoided meat.

  9. The fact that meat eating brings strength to body is jsut a myth its got nothing to do in reality. you can get the same benefits through vegetarian diet!

    If you read the lifes of mahapurshs ..they never even killed an insect on the floor ... all these mahapurhs had darshan of Guru Siabaans. ..would you rather follow the mahapurshs or the so-called gyani historians and scholars who would twist and use gurbani to support meat eating ?

    Sant Baba Harnaam Singh Rampur Khere valeyas a kid use to sleep very less, He use to do his nitnem in the morning and then beofre his brothers got up he would do farming in the field and farming in those days was a very very hard physical activity something which you cant even do !!! ... but still he did naam jap all night and farming in the morning , what can be more strenous then that ?

    Just answser me in ONE QUESTION.. if you were a goat would you like to be slaughtered ?? YES OR NO.. just answer me in YES OR NOT.

    The next time you slaughter any innocent goat just ask if it really likes to be slaughtered !!!

    You catch an animal by force, then by force you slaughter the animal against its wish .. THIS GHOR PAAP , Dharamraaj will punish you. Infact this more paap than people who buy meat from supermarkets!

    Tell me seriously, do you really think you can get away with the karma of killing an animal , with blood on your hands !!! .. if killing an human is wrong, so is killing an animal !! do you really think you can get away ??? man you must be really dreaming if you thought you could get away with slaughtering an animals...

  10. Yes all of them had a physical strenous life that you cant even possibly live !

    Baba Harnaam Singh ji meditated 40 days without food and water.... to prove as said in Gurbani ... Gurbani can sustain humans without food.

    Baba Nand Singh sahib, never slept !

    Baba Randhir Singh we all know..spent most of his life in jail.

    Baba Attar Singh and all mahapurshs did kark and very hard tapsya which if we do will result in death or ill-health !


    Baba Deep Singh got his head cut off and he still fought, what can be more physically strenous then that ??? but he ATE GURBANI ...

    On the otherhand in today's world there is nothing that physically strenous that cant be met by eating a good vegetarian died. You are just eating meat for TASTE !!!! ADMIT IT, YOUR SOUL KNOWS IT ..AND THAT IS GHOR PAAP WHICH DHARMRAAJ WILL SURELY PUNISH U.... God will surely punish u !

    I eat only veg diet, I build body i have good strength and more muscles than most meat eaters !! I have no problem in wrestling down a meat-eater !!

    Just ask yourself oen questin in your heart, if you were a goat would you like to be slaughtered and tell me the answer only in YES OR NO otherwise dont reply to me and stop arguing with me. Just answer me in YES OR NO that if you were a goat would you be happy to get slaughtered by the Nihang's sword !

    Theres nothing wrong in following a veg diet.. theres nothing to loose in following a veg diet leaving aside who is wrong or right in this argument.

    but meat eaters are always at risk of bad karmas, curses from animals ! when animals die they feel FEAR of Death ! the same fear you will be experiencing it.

    I am no ehankaari , but you are very much fool !

  11. Did Bhai Randhir Singh ji eat meat?

    Did Bhai Fauja Singh ji eat meat?

    Did Sant Attar Singh ji eat meat?

    Did Sant Ishar Singh ji eat meat?

    Did Sant Harnaam Singh ji Rampurkhera valey eat meat?t?

    Did Baba Nand Singh Sahib ji eat meat?

    Did Sant Jarnail Singh ji eat meat?

    NO! The Prime Gursikhs of Sikhi life never ate meat.

    Now, I dont know if Kala Afghana or so call Professor historian at punjab university ABCD Singh ate meat oor not.. and might hav written some books to provide justification to what hes doing.

  12. HMMMMM.....











    do we have anything to loose if we became vegetarians ?????? wether Guru ji allowed or didnt allow meat eating maybe a seperate issue, but whatever Guru ji said, if we were just vegetarians we'd have nothing to loose. Just to satisfy the desires of our tongue we have to get into such long arguments !

    All the sants who were much close to Guru ji than these scholars all condemn eating meat !

  13. Veer Mehtab Singh ji, My Dear Maharaaj , Mahapurkho Ji !

    I know you want to say that Middle east is all good.. and the place you stayed was wonderfula nd i to agree to that out of the whole UAE Dubai and AbuDhabi are the onaly only good places..with full freedom and anyting u can do.

    Dubai is like europe, alcohol, sex, drugs, no body stops u ... u have full religious , cultural freedoms, but dubai is not a family city u cant live with u r family itstoo expensive unless one is lucky like u.

    but dont compare dubai with saudi and iran.

    and gouging the eye out is their law ! so the end result might have been good, but lets pause and think how many ppl got their eyes gouged out

    as for jail comparison, the victim in the article talks about how much fun he had in the jail there with free food, nice aircondition room, tv to watch .... and free salary..thats fine, thats nnothing to do with gouging eye out... so when he returned to india he was only happy about having fun in thejail

  14. Guess what, he said these things after he reached India, where he was under no apparent pressure to praise the Saudis. Please stop your hate campaign against the Middle East/Arabs/Islam. I grew up there 18 years of my life and have lived a total of close to 21 years. Yes a lot of bs happens but it is NOT so extreme as you are trying in vain to portray.

    Man what are you saying?? His one eye was supposed to be gouged as per saudi law, but the reason they didnt gouge out was because of the intervention of the Indian Government.

    As for the Jail environment, he had a good time in the jail, i am sure he woul dhave had a better time in a US jail, it all depends on country to country so it has nothing to do with the topic.

  15. I fail to understand, the thread is named "for my Iranian lovers" and the article talks about Saudi Arabia. I don't understand. They're not the same country.

    Saudi Arabia and Iran are the only known countries that consider eye-gouging a legitimate judicial punishment. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Manfred Nowak, has stated that "any form of corporal punishment is contrary to the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."

  16. Saudi Arabia: Court Orders Eye to Be Gouged Out

    Torture Sentence for Indian Migrant Worker Follows Clash With Saudi Citizen

    (New York, December 9, 2005) – King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia should take urgent steps to ensure that a court sentence to gouge out a migrant worker's eye is not carried out, Human Rights Watch said today.

    " This literal eye-for-an-eye sentence is torture masquerading as justice. King Abdullah must prevent the imposition of corporal punishment in violation of the country's obligations under international law. "

    Joe Stork, deputy director of Human Rights Watch's Middle East division


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    The Greater Shari`a Court of Dammam sentenced Puthan Veettil `Abd ul-Latif Noushad, an Indian citizen, to be punished by having his right eye gouged out in retribution for his role in a brawl in April 2003 in which a Saudi citizen was injured. A court of appeal in Riyadh has reportedly merely asked whether the Saudi man would accept monetary compensation instead.

    "This literal eye-for-an-eye sentence is torture masquerading as justice," said Joe Stork, deputy director of Human Rights Watch's Middle East division. "King Abdullah must prevent the imposition of corporal punishment in violation of the country's obligations under international law."

    Saudi Arabia acceded to the Convention against Torture in 1997. However, Noushad’s case is the third known instance over the past year in which a Saudi court has issued a sentence of eye-gouging, Human Rights Watch said. Saudi law allows for maiming, including the severing of limbs and severe flogging, as judicial punishments.

    The injured Saudi man, Nayif al-`Utaibi, has so far insisted that the sentence be carried out, refusing to pardon Noushad or accept monetary compensation. Noushad's Saudi employer, Abu Muhammad al-`Umri, has reportedly offered to pay over $25,000 in compensation. He told Human Rights Watch that he had no faith that the appeals court would overturn the verdict, and that only a pardon could save Noushad's eye unless the plaintiff decides to accept compensation.

    Noushad worked at a shop near a gas station outside Dammam. One witness to the altercation between the two men told Human Rights Watch that on the morning of April 1, 2003, Noushad told `Utaibi that he would not be able to obtain a refund once he used the jumper cable he had just purchased. When `Utaibi demanded a refund after using the cable, Noushad advised him to speak to the shop owner, who was not there at the time. The witness said `Utaibi replied heatedly that he could not wait that long and lunged at Noushad. In the course of the ensuing struggle, Noushad struck `Utaibi on the head with the cable, hitting his eye. Bystanders called the police, who arrested Noushad on `Utaibi's testimony, and called an ambulance for `Utaibi.

    During the trial, Noushad claimed that he was acting in self-defense and did not intend to injure `Utaibi, according to acquaintances of Noushad who are familiar with the proceedings. The witness, also a worker from India, told Human Rights Watch that the court refused to admit his testimony backing up Noushad's account.

    The judge reportedly said that non-Saudis were barred from testifying in cases involving Saudis. Noushad’s Saudi employer confirmed that the judge did not fully take into account the circumstances of the brawl. Noushad did not have a lawyer

    during trial, but his Saudi sponsor retained legal representation for the appeals phase.

    "The court's verdict virtually allows Saudi citizens to assault migrant workers with impunity," Stork said.

    News of the verdict has caused a political uproar in India. On December 6, the day after the verdict was made public, the chief minister of Kerala state, Oommen Chandy, promised to raise the case with Saudi authorities. The Indian embassy in Riyadh has announced it will appeal to King Abdullah for clemency.

    On September 16, 2004, the Saudi newspaper Okaz reported that a court in Tabuk ordered the right eye of Muhammad `Ayid Sulaiman al-Fadili al-Balawi to be gouged out, but gave him the option of paying compensation within one year. In 2001, Balawi had intervened when he saw youths pelting his brother with stones. In response, he also threw stones, hitting one youth in the eye and causing him to lose vision in one eye. Balawi helped carry the youth to the hospital. Two months before the sentence was to be carried out, he had managed to collect only 550,000 Saudi riyals (US$147,000) of the 1.4 million riyals (US$373,000) demanded by the victim. Human Rights Watch was unable to verify whether the sentence had been carried out.

    Another Saudi newspaper, ArabNews, reported on December 6 that a court had recently sentenced an Egyptian man in Saudi Arabia to having his eye gouged out after he allegedly threw acid in the face of another man, who subsequently lost his eyesight.

    Saudi Arabia and Iran are the only known countries that consider eye-gouging a legitimate judicial punishment. The United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, Manfred Nowak, has stated that "any form of corporal punishment is contrary to the prohibition of torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment."

    SOURCE :- http://hrw.org/english/docs/2005/12/09/saudia12199.htm

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