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Posts posted by Kavita

  1. I found an interesting article.

    Iran hangs three men in public for rape

    Wednesday Oct 17 21:27 AEST

    Iran has hanged three men in public for kidnapping and raping two women, in the latest in a series of executions in the Islamic state criticised by rights groups and the European Union.

    The convicted men were put to death at the site of their crime in the southern city of Shiraz, the Fars News Agency said, without giving details on the location.

    "These three criminals were charged with kidnapping, disturbing public security, rape and molestation," it quoted Shiraz Public Prosecutor Jaber Baneshi as saying.

    "Disguised as taxi drivers, they kidnapped two women and molested them after taking them to gardens near Shiraz," he said.

    The number of executions in Iran, many in public, has risen since July with the launch of a summer crackdown on "immoral behaviour".

    Police have arrested dozens of drug addicts, smugglers, rapists and murderers.

    Amnesty International, which says Iran has one of the highest rates of executions in the world, last month said it had recorded 210 so far this year, compared with 177 for all of 2006.

    Murder, rape, adultery, armed robbery, apostasy and drug trafficking are all punishable by death under Iran's Sharia law, imposed after the 1979 Islamic revolution.

    Iran says it is prosecuting criminals under Islamic law and rejects criticism of its human rights record.


    As you can see it is rapists who get condemned to death. If the assertions of tonyhp32 and wahereguru-bol were correct it would be women that the Iranian regime would hang. This article proves the opposite.

    You may want to compare what Iran does to what Saudi Arabia does:

    Gang-rape victim faces 90 lashes From correspondents in Riyadh

    March 05, 2007 11:10pm

    "A SAUDI woman who was kidnapped at knifepoint, gang-raped and then beaten by her brother has been sentenced to 90 lashes - for a meeting a man who was not a relative.

    In an interview with the Saudi Gazette, the 19-year-old said she was blackmailed a year ago into meeting a man who threatened to tell her family they were having a relationship outside wedlock, which is illegal in the ultra-conservative desert kingdom.

    After driving off together from a shopping mall near her home, the woman and the man were stopped and abducted by a gang of men wielding kitchen knives who took them to a farm where she was raped 14 times by her captors.

    Five men were arrested for the rape and given jail terms ranging from 10 months to five years by a panel of judges in the eastern city of Qatif, near the woman's hometown. <all>

    But the judges also decided to sentence the woman, identified by the newspaper only as ?G,? and the man to lashes for being alone together in the car.

    Unrelated men and women are forbidden from interacting in public in Saudi Arabia, which strictly enforces Islamic Sharia law.

    ?G? said one of the judges told she was lucky not to have been given jail time. ?I was shocked at the verdict. I couldn't believe my ears,? said the woman, who has appealed against her sentence.

    The woman also told the paper she tried to commit suicide because of her ordeal and was beaten by her younger brother because the rape had brought shame on their family."


    None of this has been invented by me. These articles from newspapers. None of them support Iran.

  2. Are you calling my friends liars? The way they explained to me is that you cannot date unless your man is your husband. So sighe makes it possible for them to date their men.Most of my friends chose to remain virgins before their nikkah but I know three who have sex with their sighe husbands. In any case if they get pregnant their sighe husbands are also responsible and have to provide financial support. Sighe isn't just about sex veer ji it's just a different marriage contract and what the man pays is a dowry. That's definetly not prostitution. It's like you telling me that if my husband is giving me a dowry he's paying for sex. That is ludicrous. And in any case prostitution in Iran has nothing to do with sighe.My friends and colleagues are not poor women exploited by some rich men.

    As for your note on Saudi Arabia I am sorry but two of my colleagues were arrested and beaten last year in Medina by the Saudi religious police because they were praying the Shi'a way. As I said, Saudi Arabia doesn't stand for Islam.

  3. So you tonyhp32 and waheguru bol are calling my Iranian colleagues at uni who have boyfriends they are going to marry prostitutes because they have done sighe?


    "We allow Mosques in Amritsar, do Muslims allow Gurdawaras in Saudi Arabia? "

    1.It's not you who allows it Veer Ji it's the Indian constitution.

    2. Saudi Arabia is an Islamic country among many others. It is not Islam itself nor does it speak for all of Islam.

    Again Veer Ji I am just stating facts. I am just trying to understand.

  4. In Iran sighe is registered by the state and counts like a marriage. The reason why it is registered is to avoid it being misused for prostitution. In most cases it is used by young couples who are engaged before marriage so they can see each other regularly. Prostitution is Iran as nothing to do with sighe. A woman who as done sighe as to wait 40 days before doing another one and it always needs to be registered. In Iran prostitutes don't do that. I don't know how you came up with this idea Veer Ji but it just doesn't work that way in Iran I am afraid. So my dad says.

  5. Veer Ji, my dad goes regularly to Iran to train surgeons in advanced brain surgery and we have many girls at our university who study medicine with me who are Iranian. The Zeynabis did intervene in April but now they have calmed down and are not to be seen anymore nea Park e Millat, Maidan e Vanak or Mir Damad. There most of the girls wear tight clothes and show a great deal of their hair and make up. They still wear a hijab but only half over the head. My dad went with his doctor friends to Darband and all you could see there were young unmarried couples walking hand in hand in the mountains. The revolutionary guards who are present there didn't do anything. The Zeynabis intervene when the extreme right wing of the regime is complaining about lack of morals. The regime gives them what they want for a week or two and life goes on as usual. My dad did tell me that drugs are a big problem in Iran because heroin is cheaper than beer and it is accessible because of the high number of Aghan refugees. Hence why drug dealers get executed.

    Veer Ji I am not saying that it is a perfect country, all countries have problems but the picture you paint of it differs completely of the one my dad paints and the difference is: he goes there regularly and he speaks the languages. I tend to trust him more on this.

  6. Veer Ji I really don't know what your problem is with hijab. Don't the rahitname insist on Sikh women wearing a dupatta to cover their hair. As an amritdhari woman I take great pride in covering my head. It is a sign of modesty and true beauty and I get respected for my work not my appearance. Also Saudi Arabia and Iran have different regimes. Iran as more religious freedom. My dad told me you can see churches and synagogues in Tehran and loads of young people wear the fravahar although they're not Zoroastrians. In any case I trust my parents. If my mother tells me Iran is the safest place she's ever been I believe her first as a woman.

  7. Sorry Veer ji but during the times of Maharaja Ranjit people would receive corporal punishment for prostitution,cutting their kesh. These rules are laid down in the rahitname. Didn't Maharaja Ranjit Sing have to receive punishment from Akali Phula Singh? Veer ji the picture you paint is too one sided. Sorry i am not taking sides just stating facts.

  8. Veer Ji when Khalsa Raj arrives all these things will be banned. Gurbani does in many cases promote violence against sinners. Rahitname have precise instructions on fines and corporal punishments for public drinking, visiting prostitutes.

    The way I see it any country that bans sinful things follows God's Hukam whatever religion they are.

  9. Wahegurubol wrote:

    Dear Kavita Kaur Ji,

    Teenagers might have been executed in USA-UK this could only be because they had commited some heavy crimes.

    Here a 16 year old girl was executed only because she was in love with a boy and the moral police caught up on her. She was first jailed for a short-term then realised, second time jailed again and drugged and beaten by moral police and then realised, third time she was publically hanged. she was hoisted up using a crane infront of the public.

    1. The real reason for her execution was that the judge did NOT apply the Iranian law. Under Iran's penal system only adults may be executed NOT minors. This is a very well known fact. The reason why the case was renowned in Iran is because the judge abused his position because he has links to Ahmadinejad. The reason for her execution was not her being in love with a boy. Loving someone is not a crime in Iran. The reason why se was executed is because she committed zinah. The problem is that the judge did not listen to her lawyers and social workers. That girl was a renowned social case and she should have received help which btw a lot of girls do receive in public institutions in Iran.

    Veer ji you can't just take one case that was abusive and against Iranian law and say that it is regular practice in Iran. That is very much exagerated. I am not taking sides Veer Ji I am just putting things in perspective based on factual evidence.

    2. Innocent teenagers have been the victims of police brutality in the USA and France. Many died at the hand of police.Others have been executed based on false charges or on exagerated verdicts. US also has its share of innocent victims. The picture you paint of Iran vs the West is too exagerated. Again I am not taking sides Veer Ji. Just stating facts.

  10. I don't know Veer Ji. At my uni we have many Iranian studies studying medicine and they all did extra curricular activities like painting, music and sport. And they all studied and lived in Iran before they came here.

    Also Veer Ji you say:

    "In UAE there are night clubs that run after 11pm and up until 3 am. You can drink in UAE.. there are prostitutes in UAE.

    UAE is like another European country, where many whites live. So I wouldnt say anything about UAE. "

    These things are anti-gurmat and in Khalsa Raj these things would be forbidden too. Why do you think Iran is a bad country if they ban such sinful things?

    I am just trying to understand.

  11. Veer Ji I don't want to offend anyone but the USA have executed teenagers until 2005.


    "The high court in 1989 ruled the execution of 16- and 17-year old killers was allowable, but the issue in the current case was whether "evolving national standards" had prompted a new look at the divisive issue."


    In fact USA executed more teenagers than Iran Veer Ji.

    " Between January 1990 and this year, Amnesty International documented 42 executions of child offenders in eight countries – the Democratic Republic of Congo (one execution), Nigeria (1), Saudi Arabia (1), Yemen (1), China (2), Pakistan (3), Iran (14) and the USA (19)."

    Every country as it's good and bad sides Veer ji. I am not taking sides I just think people should base themselves on facts.

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