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Posts posted by K4ur

  1. Welcome Millitant - !!!!

    You know y rap wen u can listen to KIRTANNNNN??? suchi guys???? Funy room though - snoopdeep Singh killed it though!!!!!!! lolzzzzz! U aisains man!!!!! Lolz.... !!!!!!!

    Na thoguhg still. Raping is gna portray an image tha it is good. All the rapping i have heard growing up has been about sex drugs aka "smoke weed everyday" - dre, and "gunshots slaring..." voiolence.......

    I dont think its right to bring that in about sikhi cus ppl will think its a JOKE....!!!!!!! Sikhi is the most BEAUTIFUL, peaceful and most boosting religion.... im gona stick to Giani Ji's kirtan though 4 the mo......


  2. ajiboom ji - how can u stay on the right track??????? Find sangat, try and put Sikhi into ur life more... if u notice its more about being a nice person than just getting dwn to da nitty gritty's....

    Your answer will come when u find a good sangat...THEY MAKE U WANT TO "live ur life alittle".... when u realise what living actually is, and ull only find dat in a Sikhi Gursikh sangat... then ur thoughts shall be pressed......!!!!!!!!

    FIND THAT SANGAT.......!!!!!!!!!!

  3. :idea: koool... but i cudnt tand working in Maciz - i dont think i cud condone serving meat, cus it is against my personal beleifs.

    You know - i think i may be in the same lkeague as u cus until sept ive got holidays and in septeber im gna start yr 12 - 6th form.... 8)

    Im usin my holidays to relax yo..... NEED TIME OUT CUS 4 A LEVELS IS GONA KILL ME.... so me cherishing and appreciating time at da mo.... :D

    Gud luk wiv your job hunting..... !!! :LOL:

  4. okay hold up.

    Gurbani ses these things will happen to u yeah if u do wrong... im not saying its okay to do wrong, but i am saying it also ses dat God is forgiving....

    u cnt think that if u dun wrong yeah and then ake up for it yeah by doing sumthing gud, and forgetting about da wrong u did - dont work like dat - only God controlds Kara stuff hunna...

    But even if u do wong - literally yeah u will go hell, but on the otha hand it ses God is forgiving so really we goto use a bit of comon sense about ot GuruJi is saying to us...

    Hope dat ade sense!

    fATEH jI.

  5. You know if u care about your sisters in your family yeah ... ull bell them up and link them and sit em dwn and tell them wot these guys r all about. Even apney mundey r gettin bad now....

    Its so easy 4 these gals to fall into the trap of kalyug - and they can neva see it cuz kalyug taps into their weakest point.

    Like how water gets into a crack yeah. Water gets in a rock freezes expands and the rock cracks. The softest thing in the world can break that rock.... you have to becoe solid......

    These gals got nuthing to hold onto sdo they turn to "gig life" da sex drugs violence and mopey indian films where u always see the gals crying - bludy depressing if u ask me, aint they got nuthing betta to do?!?!?!

    Anyway.... sit e dwn and tell them.... cus even if they turn round and kaugh at ya or start getting angry at you.. it cleans YOU!!!!!

    Fateh Ji.

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