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Posts posted by K4ur

  1. lolzzzzzzzz... well we are welcoming Gurpreet Ji onto the site... i recommended we send a WELCOME card to newcomers.... AMz Ji ses nuthing gets past him when i think Gurpreet Ji may have of been sayin it to me... about the fact that i thought she got the poem of sikhsocs, but u see she tried pinning it on her friend by saying her friend sent to her in an email.....

    u get us now????????????

    okay so i probably confused u more now... AH WELL!!!!!!!!!!


  2. Listen to u lot goin on about Ph Levels and achne

    lolz to jsb 4 dat 1 - u killed it!!!!


    Beu naam japu and all problems will go away....... muwhahahahaaaaaaa..i wrote da bet answer... :yo: ne ne ne ne neeeeee!!!

    Lolz..... if u dont stress about them too much theyll go away quicker than if ur stressing about em enuff to ask 4 help on here. Jus relax yo, they'll go away soon....!!!!!!!

  3. VKVF Aman Ji.....

    Okay liccle background 1st. U get ur typical indian gal... may not be cut hair or plastered wid make up but may have friends like this. Goes town cinema etc... bowling... soon urns into clubs gigs, all nighters....etc...

    She is consumed in a life where da guys n gals want relaltionships, they drink cus its seen as just a thing to do, the whole dress to impree scene atc... just imagine the worst possible thing, and then times it by a 1000, and then add the one liccle thing - bcus shes a gud gal at home, she thinks she can get awaya with calling herself "chunghi".

    Okay thats background done! These gals r not only making themselves bate in a way, but they are going out actually LOOKING for truouble (in some/most cases) cuz well, u gat in a fight and beat up da otha gal etc... guess wot it enhances ur reputation!!!! This may seem morbid to pretty much every1 here but well, when uve been hanging around with the ppl i used to, u get front row sears woth this kindaa thing.

    So gals go out der, have the whole "hindi film love caos" in their head... sink into songs which clearly will depress them and then go back home, thinking they have got the whole worlds hurt on their shoulders....

    So nxt thing u know, a guy "muslim in name" approaches her, offers her everything shes ever wanted from a guy.... love attention flowers chockys, bare joke and laughs... and she thinks shes on top of the world cus wow - shes got a man!!!!!!!!!

    What she dusnt know is that this guys been targeting her for a couple months, making her feel that u know if shes got bros or sistaz - that if they nu well shed be wasted and hed even inroduce her to his mum or dad.... all part of his interior motive.

    This gal got raped for 4 years straight... 6/7 of these guys tuk dirty pictures off her and said to her that if she didnt do wot they ALL said, theyd send the pics to all her family, relatives, friends, their relatives, uni boracds, tutors, teachers EVERYONE.... for 4 yeas she had what not done to her!!!!!!!!!!!

    Do u knwo how many shootings there are round here... specially bham area i think.. but rreading newspaper otha day... and sum1 got stabbed like literally 5mins away from my houseeeeee!!! That freaked me out... it was a racist attack i think!!!

    Next thing u know, i was watching T4 - channel 4 - sum music concert thing was on, and this indian gal was advertised for like 5mins, about her parents wanting to get her married yeah and how there are ppl hu can help her to get away from all that. If this gal was in a Sikhi life, all that hassle about arranged marriages - independanet women - the whole works wud be DIFFERENT!!!!!

    You know what i go to a random skool in ma area yeah.... by the age of 13/14 - these gals have lost their virginity - drinking - smoking - everything......and do NOT respect their parents...

    HOw easy targets are our gals... and i hate to admitt it but these Muslim gals have got more sense than our gals...!!!! When sumthing is SOOO PRISTINE gud and clear... like SIkhi... ppl want to bring it dwn so it just goes to show!!!!

    There is so much crap out there! On Vaisakhi the amount of crap that happens isnt even funny. U get da cars yeah (proob all ova da world) wid a geeza wid a bottle of bacardi in one hand, and Khalsa lag in da otha.. shouting jakere.....!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah... blasting off Jazzy B At da same time!!!!!! The amount of fights that happen is not even worth getting into cus i will brew!!!!!!!!!

    I know wot ur saying about human nature etc.... but u know wot, i blame parents. Just hear me out yeah. Parents havnt taught the kids. If these guys n gals truley nu their heritage yeah... onu nu sharam ona yaa!!! Its shameful!!!!!!

    Nobody out there is teeaching, instead they are forced 2 go Gudwara every Sunday up until the age of 11, chatting away in main hall- but they dnt know any better, and langar shakey - go home and thats it. hhe know a liccle bout out belvoed Guru's and thats it, wear a Kara and a shiney GOLD Khanda on a black thread thingy and den walaaaaaaa... der u go!!!!!

    Go to a gig - theres a SInngh dancing yeah wid about 4/5 gals around him winding dwn on him a nd hes loving it!!! Well, what kinda image is that portraying?!?!?!?!

    These gals r so DUMB and so STUPID and so THCIK yeah.... that oh my gosh it wind me up hardpcre!!!!! I went thru a phase of tryna tell all these gals off yeah, and they sed 2 me sort out my self b4 i try doing others... but u knwo wot, wen u sort out others, its sorts u out at da same time!!!!!

    I heard on SWEET - SIKHI (channel 880) SUnday about 6ish - 8pm yeah... that Singh ses to a guy u know y u all Jatt this and CHAMMAR this yeah - u knwo wot he said... he goes sort out ur Gudwarey 1st... and its true, we get Ramgaria Sabha Gudwara etc.....

    This might seem totally unrelated but it isnt... and this is going sumwhere... these gals and guy are not made to think, thy r not using that part of the brain cus nobody is teacing them....!!!!!!!!

    SO wot do they turn to? Wow - Versache this, Gucci underwear, guys showing em attention, gals night out, hu can drink the most - perfect target - wudnt ya say??!?!?!

    Night clubs get closed dwn cus of all da gifhts - but not only this - our gals r getting slaughtered - our sisters...!!!!! Not only our SIkh sisters either!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The worlds these gals live in isnt neither good, healthy or right in a ny way!!! WHo is supposed to teach them - parents!!!!!!!! Not just about getting an A grade in skool u know. Parents focuss, if not even on this, on education... and its true, if u got an education noONE can touch u, but u know wot, wot abotu the truth?!?!?!?!?!

    I cud sit here and try to explain to u all the liccle things that go on yeah... but all im gna say is this.

    I go to a skool with about 300 max ppl in a year and most of em are Indians. I know off about in every 50 gals, i'd say about 2 r virgins, ive only ever actually met 3/4 gals hu have never drank alcohol, and there are about 2 gals that havent cut their hair!!!!!!

    In my skool, where i spend 6/7 hours of my day - there is no1 i can chat to about SIkhi, about anything remotley concerned with the biggest thing in my life! The gals just chat about Bacardi this, HIm and Him, next to the pencilcase we have about 100kg of makeup and lipgloss... and a picture of sum guy or otha....!!!!!!

    I know more about these gals actual day to day lives than "oh yeah, he got in a fight cus of dat, and oh anotha gal got raped".... and i tell ya its worse!!!!!!!!!

  4. k u know wot im crying rite now and all im gna say is GuruJi is brill... His children are brill... evrything is abs BRILL...

    and dont any1 eva 4get it okay............!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im going to bed now... nite nite yeah to u all...

    and sweet dreamsssssssss....

    Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa... Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. Darshan Ji --- jus to cheer u up...

    Take a mini walkman or msuic player or sumthing wid u to skool okay and make sure u lustening to kirtan okay!!!!!!

    Make sure u dotn get kicked out agen cus Guru Gobind SIngh Ji said that all his Sikh wud be "purey - likehey" which means educated if u can get dat...

    And anuva thing... stand out like a true Khalsa...!!!!!!!! You a diamond in disguise cus u hurting sweety.... i duno if u youngar or olda than me... but Penji... Nuff rSpec 2 u...

    xXx Mwahzzzzzz xXx

  6. u know wot i know exactly where u r coming from so penji jus relax yo....!!!!!! Yo got two Amritdhari parents yeah - do u know how blessed a soul u must be in order to have that life.

    I come from a pick n mix family and trust me - it has its all sorts. The only person truley interested in SIkhi is ma bro, and hes at uni half the time so i am on my own too in a way... but the sangat i can only speak of as so HIGH off and so GOOD, i do not see them everyday. I do not see them everyweek. Infact we all gather up together every couple of months... We meet up, spend day together - and this is a lot of us yeah, and then we set our selves a task to do for when we see eacho there again. I keep no phone contact or anything.

    Most of my day is spent at skool where da gals r wasted and the guys r also... wasted!!!!!! Its hard for me too. And i know how it is to be influenced by your company, and i like u have the desire for sangat as well, like ur calling out most of the time of how u wish so much u cud b in the ocmpany of Gursikh instaed of the gals at ma skool. SO i know exactly wot u mean penji.

    U know wot. Im startin yr12 this yr in september, and i plan to go back to skool without ma head - yeah!!! And im not gna tell any1, but im gna go in,.. doo a liccle random chit chat... STUDY HARCORE - cus i need to at da mo, and come home... relax...work...relax... and be happy. Thats wot ive planned my life out to be for the nxt two years!!!!!!!

    You shudnt feel weird or ashamed cus - uve beenn blessed.

    I wud never disrespect my parents - but when it comes to Sikhi - speciall dad.... well... hed b more against it than for it.

    If i had my dads blessings ting is my life wud be easier... but i accept it.

    Penji - dont give up yeah -!!!!! My "m8s" at skool drink, relationships dat last one night wid guys, smoke - the wholeeeeeeeeee thing - and i tell u sumthing i got trapped in all that last year... id cry ova tiny things... id do sum sum stupid things... and u know wot... just being around them wud make me flip back to who i used to be, cus i grew up wid dem...

    Penji u know wot... u know on judgement day u have to explain everything to God all ur gud deeds and bad deeds... and if gud was 100 right now, i'd be into minus's....!!!!

    I need to change, and i found it hardest bringing sikhi into my life at skool cus i thought i cudnt etc....

    No1 is gna stop me now! Im gona go back to skool alone standing on the grounds GuruJi gave me... and nobody is gna get in my way! In fact i dare Kalyug to come test - bcus i dont want to let GuruJi down... not no more.

    You may laugh at me cus i think sumwhere in that it got a bit corney - but u know wot - i dont care.

    Naaaaa... like i said my Sikh friends i meet every couplea months and if i had da power - i wud try n be with them every second i cud be.... but u knwo wot, i cant. Not every second. Not every minuete.

    I know the sangat at skool will bring me dwn... but onl if i let it. You see we have choices and we have grounds... and i thought that with my mates at skool i cudnt be that, but slowly ive realised, i dont wana be put in a catagory where Kalyug wins once again, and GuruJi is sad once again, cus when He see's his children on that path, it must hurt him... this thought s the one thing that keeps me going. And also the Sangat i meet evri cupole months too, they keep me going... like re charging my batteries u cud say!!!!!!

    Im gna sharaap now cus i know im goin on a bit, but if u want sangat, u got me, cus im ur sister ji and its my duty... but it can only be my duty if u REAALY TRULEY want it to be. You want to go on GuruuJis path, its gna be "thinner than a strand of hair and sharper than a sword!!!!!!!!"

    Fateh JI.

    xxx Much love 2 u cus i know how ya feel xxx

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