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Posts posted by K4ur

  1. VKVF

    Forgive me i havnt posted in a long time.

    I think everyone has a point - some people will have more knowlege than others and some people wont.

    I think there are a lot of apne girls not really knowing anything about their own religion - because if they did, then im 95% sure they probably wouldnt want to convert, hence lack of joosh and lack of strengh - because Sikh i gives you strengh at the end of the day.

    I used to be quite strong mided about this topic - as im sure some of you might remeber. All i can say is that if 'our' girls are converting its our elders fault for mot teaching them about their own religion.

    If some of these Muslim-In-Name (cuz a true Muslim wud respect other religions) was to try and convert - well it would be there elders fault for not teaching them correctly.

    These things do happen - and i think even if some people do exaggerate on how much of a problem this is etc... its only because they want to raise awarness. I think its good in that sense.

    Ive read this poem before too - it reminds me a little anyway of how sure i am about Sikhi so even if it doesnt help u guys, then it helps me a little anyway - thanku.

    I agree it dus cause quite a bit of 'anti-muslim' atmosphere - but it is a fact, and i dont see any elders teaching kids otherwise. Im not sayin creating an anti - Muslim atmosphere is right - because that is really bad and wrong, but this is a debating page - and its designed so people can have their views!

    Man this sounds like a lecture - forgive me if i spoke outta live. Put it down to me being a joka who doesnt know much.


  2. excuse me if this sounds immature but...

    fine then - i wnt say nuttin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Maybe u shud write a list of rulez and regulations, your own peresonal preferance, and add them on the page!!!!!

    I find it quite surprising that the intimate life of amritdharis is the worry of so many people on this forum.

    i find it more shocking actuall cus ive neva heard of stuff like that b4. Well what can i say - its news 2 me!!! And no i dnt worry about it!!!!!


    whatever you say pageeee!!!!!!!

    I mean there are more serious issues regarding the Panth than people's individual sex life.

    thats true - fantastic... but u know what i was merley stating what i had head - no need to bite ma head off sir.

    we have a self acclaimed corrupt leadership that since the 1920s has done nothing but destroying the Panth from inside and all people worry about here is other people's pre-marital sex?!?!?!??!?!?!?

    actually yor wrong - no i dont think thats the only concern in the Panth actually!!!!!! you ambiguous comments are out of line. i said one liccle thing and your brewing!!!

    i think your statements are quite sweeping and general about a lot of other ppl - dnt attack me because i dont represent these ppl if thats what u think!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry if i sound harsh -

    God bless ya!!!!

  3. well i know what u mean.

    These als dnt have strong opinions on religion cus it hasnt been enforced into them - im not maikn excuses by the way.

    They dont know any better - thats it!

    Same reason - y do they drink alcahol - cus they dnt know any better - no1 sed they cnt and even if they did - then who cares - its either theyre parents'll neva find out or they just have nothing holding them back - life becomes a routine, normal and see it everday - type of ting.

    Atleast thats what i think it is.

    Point is - they dont know enuff about their own religion - or what their religion is to think this is bad.

    Friends have a big impact too - sangat - and that ll be their dwnfall.

  4. Yea I kind of agree with you there, but some things need to be shared...

    Penji do u agree though if i was to share certain things - they wouldnt be respected etc.... i cud say such a simple thing about something so normal - that is actually something really big - and then ppl wud just say their opinons, and kind of destry the limelight of it and the importance.

    SO say if u know of sum1 who is a really gud person - or high spiritually - and then sum1 ses sumthing bad about that person - ppl r going to remeber that 1 bad thing arnt they? Isnt it then better to not say anything at all to avoid it happening in the 1st place?

    I know it is much better to share - but it is really hard to say stuff like that over on this web page - easier talking to sum1... etc....

    I so hear what ur saying Kaur1699. About the atmosphere..

  5. Dhan Dhan Dhan are the true Sikhs.

    You know sumtimes i refrain myself from saying too much - becasue i know out of a situation where i dont know ppl, criticisms and slandering may come up - or provoke a certain kind of thought that may do more harm than good. This is not directed at anybody.

    But when u tell ppl certain things that mean the world to u and u treasure -and u randomly tell ppl it - it loses the value of the info. Say a photo 4 instance... u have a photo no1 else has its special and valuable... but if everyone else has the same photo them its like "yeah.. so." Same in terms with information - correct? Thats why you should never force or try and be over anyone elses opinion - because it may seem so right to u... but could cause someone else to think something bad about it or say something bad about it... so in some situations its better not to say anything.

    My heart resides in Soho Rd Gudwara..... the atmosphere (not the ppl) but of the place feels very spiritual.... the walls shout VAHEGURU..... 4 me anyway.

    You know im in such a good mood right now...... :)

    What do you guys think of what i said about the photo/information analogy..... i just want to know if you understood what i meant.


  6. i duno really... i feel at home.

    When im at the Gurdwara - its like that where u really belong. No1 can come near u or hurt u or hate u..... u can be below everyone... part of the scenery. The smell, of the Gurdwara - the colour of the red carpet... and then when ur in the main hall - its ur time then... no1 can get near u. Your at home. Distant-far feeling.


  7. im not talking about love as in the emotion as by itself

    im talking about the process of findin a husband - where it begins with love and then marriage and finding your own partner yourself etc....

    Im not talking about love within marriage singular.... im talking about the process of things....

  8. Dearest Canadian Jatti - I porefer PENJI

    I know what u r saying about unexted out of the blue that if a guy popped outta nowhere.... i totally 100% understand what u saying here - and its true that might happen - but straight up, if i ever fell into a trap like the one u have described - i know truley that everything ive have ever been taught and stand for might as well go striaght dwn the bin....

    Love marriages - finding a guy urself, all the gritty nitties htat go with it - i see it as false. The Sangat i keep is also one that disagrees with love marriages - so in this sense the ppl around me will help me to make the right choices and decisions and as we all ahve the same beleifs, theres less of a chance that i would ever fall into this trap....

    At the end of my last post i said with GuruJis kirpa - hopefully ill stay in this thought of mind - so when u mentioned that one day my thoughts might change - this is the one thing in my life i truley dread. That my thoughts will change and ill start using my brain instead of what my elders have taught me. The one, single, and mwhat may seem simple, is the fine line 4 me.... Mahahraj's Path (Marg).

    I have so much beleif that love marriages are wrong. It may seem very harsh penji but really i dont like hanbging around with ppl hu bleev in luv marriages - i dont wanna know them. Again may seem harsh - but its the only way i know how to keep my elders principle pristine in tact - because Sangat makes you who u r... and effects ur thinking.

    Forgive me if i may seem harsh.....

    Sardu Ji - i am no genius.... and im nothing that you have mentioned in your last post. Sangat makes you who you are, so i ask you to keep your bleessings with this sangat - cus they shape and mould me. Its not me.

    I see what your saying - about if i go approaches you and its GuruJis sending the message - here i would say it not a message 4 me, but 4 the ppl who notice this is happening around me, because if it was meant 4 this guy to be my partner in life, then somehow, my parents or sum1 else would find out - and in no part of mine -wud i be the 1 to say "yo - theres a guy and i want to know if hes marriage material" if hes the one - it will in some way be him i marry on my wedding day.... it will just happen - no need 4 interferance from a young, and unworthy to chose. I dont mean this about any of you.

    I know it may seem quiet sad or tainted or whatever - i dont really know how this may seem to you- all i know ppl up in the sky r luking after me - and it will all get sorted - and preferably id like to go thru that stage of my life without and mix ups or untied ropes!!

    Until then.... im gona caryy on learning to make my rotis come out circl - cus the last one i made was the shape of italy.


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