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Everything posted by KaurSingh

  1. Dear Sonia, If by going clubbing makes one less religious then our faith in Waheguru isnt really that strong. I live in an area where people havent ever seen a gal wear a turban because of that at times my faith has been really tested. You shouldnt let others tell you whether or not you are religious or not. No one has that right to judge your religiousness! If you ever doubt yourself you should just go straight to Gurbani because there all the answers lie. Just remember that Waheguru is always with you even when your in a club! :wink: Lots of pyar Gurfateh Ji!
  2. Waheguru je ka Khalsa Waheguru je ke Fateh! Dearest Sangat, I have just been reading the posts about this subject and i just thought I wud add my two cents in as well! As an Amritdari Singhni(who wears a turban!) I have been clubbing. I have been a couple of times and I find it now extremely boring. Having been only a couple of times I had a great time because of the group of people I went with. My sangat that I went with went only for the music and to have a dance. Kaljug is everywhere and is most probably heightened in clubs but God can be found at clubs wen I found out the last time I went clubbing. I went into a club in Cardiff (Wales) where there are hardly any asians let alone sikhs! Neways I went to the club and I had the best time ever why? because a group of sikh lads who were holiday in Cardiff at that time were there too and one of them approached me and we spent about an hour or so talking about sikhi and he said to me that just that day he was telling his family he gonne grow his kesh and now seeing me there he took it as a sign to get more into his sikhi. This completely boosted me! That I had helped in some way to spread the word of our Gurus. Now I know that people may criticise me and that is fine. If you feel better doing that then do it. At the end of the day I dont judge others because that makes me egotistical and sikhi is all about pyar. Waheguru has given us all a brain to think for ourselves. I accept that other people have a different rehat to me that doesnt make them wrong and it doesnt make me right. We all have a personal relationship with Waheguru that is unique to you and Waheguru. Finally I just wanted to say that sikhi is about pyar for each other. If you live your life with Pyar for yourself, others and Waheguru then that pyar will radiate from within and the people around will see your anand and want to share that. Sorry If i have offended anyone and May you all stay in Chardikala with Waheguru's blessings! Waheguru je ka khalsa Waheguru je ke fateh!
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