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Posts posted by Pheena

  1. Well, I'm not really sure what you mean by 'aura'. Admittedly, certain places I've been to in the past are full to the brim with tingling sacredness due to the person who was there and their practice which like the company of a good Sant inspires you to meditate and pray (certain deras I've been to, samadhs, gurdwaray, bhoras, Rumi's tomb is one such place, an isolated mountain cave of a orthodox hermit in Greece have such qualities) .

    Admittedly the tekke was more functional for the most part. Due to the presence of Selim Raha Baba, his shrine and his room certainly had a similar sacredness.

    Wow, i can only imagine what experience that would've been. Do you feel that there was a certain universal connection that you felt at the place that was beyond the difference of language, ideologies, religions?

    I guess i am more curious to find the common denominator that exists beyond our obvious differences in living, communication. The underlying current that touches everyone and anyone regardless of what religion they may or may not follow.

    im curious do u live in middle east to have visited so many sacred places or do u travel alot? :)

    btw i just want to thank you for sharing your experiences. :)

  2. Not really, the confusion arises when a virakat or bihangam maryada is mapped onto a grishti maryada. Mapping one onto the other without care is dangerous and arguably irresponsible. My own view is that it is possible to practice much of khat sampti but with modifications to suit a grisht jeevan. Further there are examples whereby both the partners in the marriage have moved from grishti to virakat for example Sant Waryam Singh and Santni (I forget her name). Again it all begins with vivek.

    veer ji can u please define the 2 words in bold.

  3. The Aura simply exists and i don't know how to define its purpose if there is one.

    Altho i believe that this Aura is found everywhere, but specifically in those places where a divine Sage might have taken rest or stayed in one place for a long time, that place starts to absorb the Aura of the Saint and begins to emit it. Also it can be felt in Sangat where Dhyaan is being done. Those places become sacred as it continues to emit the aura long after the saint or the sangat departs. Hence the building of Gurudwaras where our Gurus have stayed.

    Bodh Gaya where Buddha attained enlightenment can still be visited and without a doubt the aura would still exist from 2500 years ago.

    I am certain everyone has felt a sense of peace, joy, silence when being in close proximity to an individual, a building, an object. That is Aura being transmitted from such sources. It radiates. Those who are close and sensitive experience a sense of oneness with what source is emitting and ultimatly with your ownself.

  4. Those who have penetrated to the essential nature of religion

    will regard all religions as being the same. Although they may say

    there is Buddhism, Judaism, Taoism, Islam, or whatever, they will also

    say that all religions are inwardly the same. However, those who have

    penetrated to the highest understanding of Dhamma will feel that the

    thing called "religion" doesn't exist after all. There is no

    Buddhism; there is no Christianity; there is no Islam. How can they

    be the same or in conflict when they don't even exist? It just

    isn't possible. Thus, the phrase "No religion!" is actually

    Dhamma language of the highest level. Whether it will be understood

    or not is something else, depending upon the listener, and has

    nothing to do with the truth or with religion.

    ~Buddhadasa Bhikkhu~

  5. Those who have penetrated to the essential nature of religion

    will regard all religions as being the same. Although they may say

    there is Buddhism, Judaism, Taoism, Islam, or whatever, they will also

    say that all religions are inwardly the same. However, those who have

    penetrated to the highest understanding of Dhamma will feel that the

    thing called "religion" doesn't exist after all. There is no

    Buddhism; there is no Christianity; there is no Islam. How can they

    be the same or in conflict when they don't even exist? It just

    isn't possible. Thus, the phrase "No religion!" is actually

    Dhamma language of the highest level. Whether it will be understood

    or not is something else, depending upon the listener, and has

    nothing to do with the truth or with religion.

    ~Buddhadasa Bhikkhu~

  6. hmm The comparison you have used is in terms Bani = Word does not completly sit with me. The Word is God statement to me implies the unstruck sound of Omm, a Dhuni, Naad. The Sound from which the world was created. I guess one could say it is Bani, but bani to me is uttered words/shabads of the Guru. Unless in the Guru hai Bani, you takes upon the term Guru synonymous to God then it doesn't really matter. God/Guru's Word was in the beginning and God/Guru is the Word.

    but then again i can't seem to find a distinct difference, i guess it all depends at the definition of Bani and Naad one takes. :dunno:

    lol sorry if i confused u

  7. He who says he is, is NOT. He how does not say he is, IS.


    A saint is in whose presence the formless descends and becomes a presence…through whom you can have a look at the farthest star…through whom you can have a feeling of God himself…through whose words silence speaks, and through whose eyes the infinite peeks at you. And if you hold his hand, you will suddenly see: the hand is his, but not only his—God is holding your hand through him. he is a vehicle, a bamboo flute on the lips of the infinite. He gives form to the formless, he is the embodiment of the formless.

    You have to be very open and vulnerable, only then will you be able to feel a Master. Don’t go to a Master with a negative attitude, otherwise you will never reach him. The very negative attitude will not allow his vibe to reach you. The negative attitude will not allow you to move into the same wavelength in which he lives. Hence trust is needed. Hence love is needed. Otherwise you will go empty and you will come empty—and when you will come empty you will say, ‘This is not the real master. I went empty and I have come empty.’ If you are open and the Master is not real, nothing will happen; and you will know it, and you will know it certainly, that this is not for you, that this is not he man you are seeking. But be open—because if you are open, only then can you know whether he is true or not. If you are closed, sooner or later you will become a victim of somebody who is a pseudo-Master-because pseudo-Masters try to convince you argumentatively.

    The real Masters are very paradoxical, very contradictory. They are as contradictory as life itself, because they embody life. They are the inconsistent as God himself, because they embody god. They are not logical, they are very illogical—because they are super-logical, because they are bringing something which cannot be grasped thru logic.

    In the closeness of a real Master you will feel you are closed to an abyss…but if you open--only then. If you are not open, you will become a victim to some pseudo-person who can convince you, who can talk you in, who can seduce you in. For example, if you are greedy he will talk about greed. He will tell you how much you are going to gain out of meditation, the prayer. He will persuade your greed, how much you are going to have in heaven if you follow him. He will promise you much. A true Master never promises anything. In fact he shatters you completely—your greed, your desire, you idea of becoming somebody, being somebody—he shatters all in all. A real master is a rock against which your boat is completely shattered…your whole mind is shattered. He drives you crazy; he does not argue. His argument is more of him being than his words.

    But we are greedy. We live through greed, we are afraid, full of fear—somebody gives us consolation, we become victims. A real Master is not a consolation, he is not a solace. He is, in fact, death to you. He kills you, he destroys you, he is very destructive…but creativity is possible only when the old is destroyed. When the old ceases to be, the new can enter in.

    I have heard a beautiful anecdote. Meditate over it….

    The letter from Sean to his old, old mother was heartening.

    ‘Dear mother,’ he wrote, ‘I am sending you some pills that a witch doctor gave me an dif you take one, it will take years of your life.’

    He came home a few weeks later and there was a beautiful young woman outside his house rocking a pram in which a baby lay sucking a bottle.

    ‘Where’s my mother?’ he asked

    ‘Arrah, don’t be silly,’ she said. ‘I’m you mother and these pills were marvelous.’

    ‘Imagine!’ said Sean. ‘One pill, and you are as beautiful as anyone could be—and what’s more, you were able to have a baby. Lord, but they were powerful!’

    ‘You madman!’ she cried. ‘That’s not a baby, that’s your father. He took two;’

    Avoid greed—otherwise you will take two pills. And there are many people who are selling things like that. Witch doctors….

    A Master is not here to fulfill your greed, he is here to destroy your greed. Because once greed is destroyed, you become available to yourself. If you are greedy you are n3ever available to yourself. Greed becomes desire, desire becomes projection in the future. And you are always wandering somewhere in the future; you are never here now. Greed takes you away from yourself: greed has to be destroyed.

    A Master never promises you anything—but only in the presence of a Master something becomes possible he will not tell you: ‘I will take death away from you’, or ‘You will become immortal’. He is not giving you nectar, elixir, ambrosia. Of course, being with a Master one become immortal—but not that he makes you immortal. He simply takes you deep into the existence of death.

    Just look at it: He takes you deep into the experience of death. That is what deep meditation is all about—a death experience. And when you have known your death, watched it, suddenly you realized you are separate from it. It happens, but it never happens to you. It happens on the periphery, it never reaches to the center. It happens to the body, it never happens to you And the body is nothing but your abode. You have changed many bodies, and you will change many more—but you are immortal. But a real Master does not promise it. He delivers it one day, but there is no promise for it. If you are seeking one state where fear will dissolve, some state where your greed will be fulfilled, some state where you will be titillated constantly with pleasure, paradise, then you are bound to become a victim of some pseudo-person.

    When you come to a living Saint/Master, deep down something in you wants to bow down. It is not that you are going to do a certain formality—if you are doing , it is meaningless. But something really down in your spirit, deep in your spirit, deep in your center, wants to bow down. The bowing to a Master is no more ritualistic. It is alive, it is meaningful, it is not an empty gesture. But you can just go on bowing down to anybody, because you have been taught to bow down—then it is useless. Try to see the difference. When something is born into you out of of your spontaneity, then it is true. When you have to do something as a duty, it is untrue. ‘Duty’ is a dirty word. If something is born out of love, good. If something is born out of duty, avoid it, never do it—because that is dangerous. If you learn the ways of duty too much, you will forget they ways of love. Duty is against love. Duty is false substitute for love.

  8. Perhaps the Admins on SikhSangat are just trying to avoid a discussion which will lead no where and will only end up creating hatred and anger. Its been discussed many times, the same points will be brought up again and again.

    Perhaps you should post in their Feedback forum and ask to explain their decisions.

  9. Gurfateh

    No, I disagree and think that is incorrect. If we take that line of thought, to its logical conclusion (which is a good line to take in one sense) then we realise everything is gurprasad. But in as much as any other psychological process...

    Vairaag arises out of vivek. Without some faculty of discrimination you would never be any clearer as to what was illusory and what was not. Hence, regardless of whether that is self-willed (and the question may arise as to who that self is!) or Paraatma willed, there needs to be a conscious discrimination of what is and what is not for inner vairaag to arise. Hence through the practice of vichar and samadhi we can begin to increase our vairaag.

    I have yet to meet a person who sat down and simply waited for experiential experience to happen. The fact that people are here reading this or even listening to gurbani is a form of discrimination which is testimony to the fact that we actively work on our vairaag!

    forgive me but what exactly do u disagree with. :) im a bit confused.. :oops:

  10. where is an intense longing for waheguru born - is it conceivable that human grasps could further bairaag - i think not - maybe i'm a fool - infact i am so maafee for my moorakh comments

    but true bairaag is god given with gurparsaad and stabs an arrow through ure heart

    which is why i dont think you can 'work' on ure bairaag avastha

    i think in both aspects you are correct. Without the first spark from him we cannot even begin our journey, let alone think of Vairaag. . He gave us a spark, now it is up to us to keep the fire lit, with your efforts to seek him.

    Your mother gave you a taste of her Love, now you seek the same in the state of Vairaag and the more you seek the more vairaag grows.

  11. The answer my dear is given everytime you recite the ardas. The Guru Granth Sahib is the manifestation of the Gurus, the one who wishes to meet God should research the Granth.

    No talk of sant, mahapurush, babe, dehdhari gurus or kangurus. Because at the end of the day that is what it's all about: dehdhari guruship. The inability to have a proper interaction with Maharaj and looking for replacement products.

    It is the Guru who is the mystical pole (qutb). It is through HIS grace (gurprasadi) that the divine attributes are manifested and that we can interact with God.

    Sants may advise on meditation techniques but they are not Guru themselves.

    would you care to clarify the difference between a Guru and a Saint? The Guru Granth sahib is filled with the Praises of Saint and tells us to seek the sanctuary of the Saints.

    Cwif sgl isAwxpw swD srxI Awau ]

    shhaadd sagal siaanapaa saadhh saranee aao ||

    Give up all your clever tricks, and seek the Sanctuary of the Holy Saint.

    Awid AMiq byAMq Kojih sunI auDrn sMqsMg ibDy ]

    aadh a(n)th baea(n)th khojehi sunee oudhharan sa(n)thasa(n)g bidhhae ||

    In the beginning and in the end, countless are those who seek the Lord. I have heard that the Society of the Saints is the way to salvation.

    Is the word Saint referred in the above text is a synonym for Guru. If so then why is there a difference?

  12. What does Love mean?

    A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8

    year-olds, "What does love mean?" The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

    "When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. So my grandfather does it for her all the time, even when his hands got arthritis too. That's love."

    Rebecca- age 8

    When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. You just know that your name is safe in their mouth."

    Billy - age 4

    "Love is when a girl puts on perfume and a boy puts on shaving cologne and they go out and smell each other."

    Karl - age 5

    "Love is when you go out to eat and give somebody most of your French fries without making them give you any of theirs."

    Chrissy -age 6

    "Love is what makes you smile when you're tired."

    Terri - age 4

    "Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK."

    Danny - age 7

    "Love is when you kiss all the time. Then when you get tired of kissing, you still want to be together and you talk more. My Mommy and Daddy are like that. They look gross when they kiss"

    Emily - age 8

    "Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen."

    Bobby - age 7 (Wow!)

    "If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate,"

    Nikka - age 6 (we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet)

    "Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday."

    Noelle - age 7

    "Love is like a little old woman and a little old man who are still friends even after they know each other so well."

    Tommy - age 6

    "During my piano recital, I was on a stage and I was scared. I looked at all the people watching me and saw my daddy waving and smiling. He was the only one doing that. I wasn't scared


    Cindy - age 8

    "My mommy loves me more than anybody . You don't see anyone else kissing me to sleep at night."

    Clare - age 6

    "Love is when Mommy gives Daddy the best piece of chicken."

    Elaine-age 5

    "Love is when Mommy sees Daddy smelly and sweaty and still says he is handsomer than Robert Redford."

    Chris - age 7

    "Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day."

    Mary Ann - age 4

    "I know my older sister loves me because she gives me all her old clothes and has to go out and buy new ones."

    Lauren - age 4

    "When you love somebody, your eyelashes go up and down and little stars come out of you." (what an imagination)

    Karen - age 7

    "Love is when Mommy sees Daddy on the toilet and she doesn't think it's gross."

    Mark - age 6

    "You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget."

    Jessica - age 8

    And the final one -- Author and lecturer Leo Buscaglia once talked about a contest he was asked to judge. The purpose of the contest was to find the most caring child.

    The winner was a four year old child whose next door neighbor was an elderly gentleman who had recently lost his wife. Upon seeing the man cry, the little boy went into the old gentleman's yard, climbed onto his lap, and just sat there. When his Mother asked what he had said to the neighbor, the little boy said, "Nothing, I just helped him cry"

    When there is nothing left but God, that is when you find out that God is all you need.

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