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Posts posted by Mithar

  1. What is happening in Pakistan is very depressing to say the least. The NW frontier is almost taken over by the Taliban. The Punjabi Muslims are moderate types who have strong sufi influances and many minorities groups such as Ahmadis, Chrisians, Parsis, Aga Khanis and a large Shia population live in Punjab. I can't imagine what Taliban would do to these minorities if they end up taking over Punjab area of Pakistan. Worst that can happen is that Pakistan might end up like Yugoslavia with every province going independent.

    NW frontier province seems to be a liability for Pakistan. The sooner they get rid of it the better for the state of Pakistan, other wise the NW frontier province will just end up destroying Pakistan. There are more Pathans living in NW frontier than in the whole of Afghanistan. Soon Afghanistan will fall to the Taliban, but it seems that Pakistan will fall sooner or later to the Taliban. Sad situation reminds me of the saying "Bakre ki ma kab tak khair manayegee"

  2. The problem with the Akalis is that they try to pretend they are a Sikh party and a representative of Sikhs, they just cannot digest the fact that Manmohan Singh is the PM of India and representing the Congress which they try to portray as being Anti Sikh party. The Akalis long ago were a Sikh party looking out for Sikh interests, but now this once Sikh party has become a personal property of the Badal family. It is a corrupt party, maybe even more corrupt than any other party in North India.

  3. Shaheediya, the hukamnama by Guru Hargobind Sahib Jee is considered authentic by historian Ganda Singh and (as a result) even by SGPC/missionary. Hukamnamas contained in Ganda Singh's book "hukamnamay" are not disputed. They are recognised as being authentic by the Panth.

    Whether or not meat eating is against or allowed in Sikhi, but meat eating Sikhs can only eat meat that has been done Jhatka to. In the west I'm not aware of anywhere where Jhatka is performed, yet ironically there exists shops that will falsely use the term "jhatka" in order to fool Sikh masses who eat meat. Those shops buy their meat from slaughter houses which kill animals using the western method of slaughter. That is not Jhatka meat. Only in India/Nipal you will find real Jhatka meat.

  4. One thing is for certain, pigs/wild boar cannot be done Jhatka to. Their necks (Dhaun) is so thick that a kirpan would stop half way through. That is probably the main reason why pigs are not killed in India using Jhatka by Hindu butchers/kasais. They are usually stabbed in the stomach or the heart in order to kill them. Pigs in India die a very painful death, and anyone in India eating pig meat will get that bad karma from the pain that pig had to go through. Goats die through jhatka which is practically painless (I think, not sure though).

    I'm a vegetarian. I'm happy that I live like this and cannot imagine having a Raakshas diet of meat.

  5. One correction, the author says that Sikander(Alexander "the great") had 15,000 men and defeated King Porus. The Author needs to check the facts, during the battle Hydaspes the Greek army of Alexander composed of 34,000 infantry, 7,000 cavalry besides this he also had a large number of Asiatic men (from conquered territory) who joined his army during the battle.

    There are a number of reasons why Hindus lost. One was that they were divided into small kingdoms as opposed to being a large empire. Secondly, the Hindus also followed rules of combat dating back to the times of Mahabharat such as not fighting after sunset, or not fighting without bathing, the invaders would never follow such rules of combat. Where ever Hindu armies have not observed such outdated rules, they usually always fought quite well against the Muslims, example the Rajput army of Rana Pratap Singh, the Marathas, the Jats of Bharatpur. Even the armies of Vijaynagar fought quite well against Muslim invaders. It took the combined armies of all the southern Sultanates to ultimately defeat Vijaynagar. But of all the Hindu armies, it was perhaps only the Marathas who would defeat Muslims whenever they would face the armies of Islam with the exception of the battle of Panipat.

  6. You are right Valli Singh Jee. I have a relative who is a Radhaswami and he used to meditate everyday for 2 and half hours. Now he meditates for 3 and a half hour a day. Strangly, despite doing so much meditation, he cannot control himself whenever he see's liquor/alcohol beverage.

    I also know so many people who thirst for spirituality but they do not find it in Gurdwaras because either the Granthis/Raagi themselves don't know anything about the subject or because Gurdwara are too obsessed with politics rather than what really matters i.e. meditation on the Gurmatra. As a result many of these people become Radhaswamis in order to quench their thirst for spirituality.

  7. Valli Singh is right. The beas dera does meditation on the 5 name Mantra Jot Niranjan, Onkar, Rarankar, Sohang, and Sat Nam. They claim that as they progress spiritually they will start to hear sounds of drums, flutes, bells and the final state they will hear the sound of bagpipes. They focus on the image of their current Guru. They do not focus on the image of the previous Gurus, just the one who was alive at the time of their innitiation. They sit in the squating position while covering their eyes and ears with their fingers and thumb. Gurinder Dhillon changed the age of initiation to 25ys minimum for the initiate.

    Even though their first Guru, Soami Shiv Dayal wrote bani called Sar Bachan, yet the beas dera rarely quote from that. They mostly always quote from Sikh scriptures in order to misguide and convert Sikhs of Punjab. The Agra Radhasoami(who are the genuine Radhasoamis) don't care about Sikh scriptures neither do they claim lineage from Sikh Gurus.

  8. Valli Singh Jee, they do claim their lineage from the Sikh Gurus. But they also make some other weird claims. They claim that Bhagat Kabir Jee was the Guru of Guru Nanak and it was from Bhagat Kabir ji that Guru Nanak Dev Jee got naam from. The original Radha Soami Guru, Soami Shiv Dayal wrote in his last will that Salig Ram is the starter of the Radhasoami faith. Nowehere does he mention Jaimal Singh who started the Beas dera. Jaimal Singh never openly declared himself Satguru. He would give the Radhasoami Naam under the authority of Agra. But internally to his immediate followers at beas he would falsely claim that he is the true successor of Soami Shiv Dayal without any proof to back up this claim. Sawan Singh who succeeded Jaimal Singh also continued giving naam under the authority of Agra. But this all changed after two major events in Radhasoami history. One was that Chacha Ji(brother of Soami Shiv Dayal) died who was the main authority of the Radhasoami faith at the time and second the Dayal bagh faction broke away causing the Agra Dera to weaken. Seeing these events, Sawan Singh became confident enough to start openly declaring himself Satguru of the Radhasoamis.

    The current Beas Radha Soami Baba, Gurinder Dhillon is smart. He tries not to mess with Sikhs and acts politically correct. All the Radhasoami books written since he took power try to use a more humble tone regarding Sikh Gurus. The previous Baba, Charan Singh was more confrontational with the Sikhs. He would not hide his belief that he is holding the Gurgadhi of the Sikh Gurus.

    Shockingly Dera Sacha Souda in Sirsa and Dera Noormahal of Ashutosh are also breakaway Radhasoami groups from the Beas Dera and both are open enemies of the Sikhs

  9. The current beas Radhasoami Matt is not only falsely hijacking the Sikh faith traditions, but beleive it or not, it is also hijacking the Radhasoami faith itself. Shiv Dayal said in his own statement that it was his student/follower Salig Ram who started the Radhasoami faith. Then a Sikh soldier by the name of Jaimal Singh falsely started to claim that he was given the Guru Jyot by Shiv Dayal. Jaimal also started to give a different Naam from the original Agra Radha Soamis. The Radha Soamis in Agra to this day do Jaap on the Mantra "Radhasoami" but the beas lineage does Jaap of a Mantra of five names "Jot Niranjan, Omkar, Rarankar, Sohang, and Sat Nam".

    The original Agra Radha soami Gurus do not claim their lineage from the Sikh Gurus neither do they hijack Gurbani to furthur their agenda. The Beas Radha Soami are different in this regard as well, they began falsely claiming Guru lineage from the Sikh Gurus and also began using Gurbani in order to misguide and attract Sikhs.

  10. Mithar:

    - I am not a British MP

    - I am not a Socialist. In fact our family is right wing.

    - I have never ever condonned the massacre of innocent people.

    And yes Galloway is a disgrace. So if you don't mind I'd appreciate if you don't compare me to that idiot. I have never insulted you directly , in fact I don't even know you. Thanks.

    okay sorry for insulting you, it wasnt meant to be an insult. I thought you would take it as a compliment. Think about it. Where as you are Pro Persian, Pro Shia he is Pro Arab and Pro Sunni. You feel insulted when someone insults Persians or Shias, and Galloway feels insulted when someone insults Arabs and Sunnis.

  11. That can be expected. In that part of the world it is PC to actually deny the holocaust and anyone who disagree is probably a Mosad agent(according to them).

    And Galloway is like the Sunni Arab version of Bahadur Ali. Even though he's not an Arab Sunni, yet he will justify the most terrible of crimes commited by Sunni Arabs. I remember watching him say once that when Saddam used chemical weapons against Kurdish civilians was justified since Kurdish militants had helped the Iranians during the Iran-Iraq war. Some people will go to any lengths to justify crimes against humanity. Such double standards.

  12. I heard, cant remember where from exactly, but there was a sant in a pind in india that said that Sri Guru Gobing Singh Ji will return at the end of Kaluyug in with the name of Naich Lank Avatar. He will be in Kabul. The prediction was that there will be a Massive war, and the Sikh's will be the ones that get involved and help the evil to be defeated. From there, sikhism will prevail to its fullest and that Guru Ji's Khalsa Mahima will be like a national anthem sung by the West, and it will then spread to the east.

    Baba Karam Singh Hotimardhan has said that a Singh from Khorasan(Afghanistan/NW Frontier) will bring about Khalsa Raj in the future. Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh jee has also said this.

    I don't exactly remember the name of the Sant. But during the 1980s there was this one Sant who said Khalsa Raaj is coming we should all get ready and do Bhagti. Once a person i know asked him of what will be the signs of the times when Khalsa Raaj will happen. The Sant replied that process for Khalsa Raaj will happen but during those times bombs will start exploding in Baghdad. This was during the 80s and no one understood what bombs exploding in Baghdad meant. But now we see on the news everyday with bombs exploding in Baghdad. I guess we might be closer to the coming of the Khalsa Raj than we think.

  13. From the quick glances i have made: There is one section of a local Raja, couple of hundred years ago, who was also a sehejdhari sikh. Yet most people think that Sikhs only ruled in Panjab.

    During the period of Guru Gobind Singh Jee, a king from Assam was also a shardaloo of Dassam Patishaa. It was he who gave Guru jee the Ranjit Nagara and an elephant from which the Pangaa with the Pahaarhi Rajas started.

    The Paharhi Rajas were also willing to unite and become Sikhs of Dassam Patishaa but they said they wanted a different Amrit since they did not want to drink from the same Bata as the called low castes Sikhs did. Satguru Sache Patishah obviously refused.

    A King in Sri Lanka had also become a Shardaloo of Guru Nanak Dev Jee.

  14. What argument, I think you meant to say bitterness.

    So true. He just can't hide his bitterness. The man was probably the biggest supporter of Charitro Pakhyan and now he is using it against us. WHAT A HYPOCRITE!!

    Where does it say for Sikhs to follow the examples of Charitro Pakhyan?? in fact we are supposed to gain knowledge from the text and avoid making mistakes mentioned in the stories. On the other hand, the examples that Prophet Mohammad had set are to be followed by the Muslims since he is seen as the ideal man.

    Is it any wonder that Muslim plunderers and invaders had always broken Hindu idols, temples and carry off into slavery hundreds of thousands of Hindus since that is the example set by "the mercy to mankind" himself. People in glass houses just should not throw stones.

    He gives the example of Maharaja Ranjit Singh. But since when has Maharaja Ranjit Singh been considered an example to follow by the Sikhs? He was not our prophet or our Guru.

  15. Kam1825 wrote:

    "Bahadur just because some dervishes state a lineage does not mean it is the truth.

    Anyway you said ages ago on the forum, possibly before Sheikh Cerny committed suicide that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji married a muslim female and had two daughters but i still not seen any proof for that yet!"

    1. Could please refrain from mentionning the circumstances of my friend's tragic death as desired by his family. Thank you.

    2. I don't live in London anymore and so I don't have the opportunity to check the SOAS library where the book is found.

    3. Indeed you're right. Just because some Nimtullahi dervishes write that Baba Nanak was a dervish doesn't make it true. Samewise just because some Sikhs write that he wasn't a Muslim despite going to Mekka doesn't make it true either.

    Mithar wrote:

    "I suspect it’s because it is all a part of his very creative (yet entertaining) imagination."

    The book and the reference exist and I will comment on it in the future but at the moment I have three articles to finish. So if you don't mind be patient and learn French.

    Are the articles in French?

  16. Bahadur just because some dervishes state a lineage does not mean it is the truth.

    Anyway you said ages ago on the forum, possibly before Sheikh Cerny committed suicide that Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji married a muslim female and had two daughters but i still not seen any proof for that yet!

    I suspect it’s because it is all a part of his very creative (yet entertaining) imagination.

  17. You mean Iran? Pars is just a region in Iran and not all Iranians are Persians. The overwhelming majority has never heard of Baba Nanak except for the heads of important Sufi orders who happen to know his spiritual lineage. They have references to the dervish who initiated Baba Nanak on the path thanks to the works describing the lineages for each region and period.

    Who was that Dervish who 'initiated' Guru Nanak Dev jee?

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