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Posts posted by Mithar

  1. That's why everyone should invest in Gold. Currency value comes and goes, but the value of Gold always remains and has always remained since the start of human civilisation. Until recently money was always worth itself through gold, but the big banks changed all that. Incase of a situation like the great depression ever happens again, you need to invest as much in Gold as you can to be on the safe side. You should have at least one lakh US dollars invested in Gold, but the banks don't want you do to this. Stop putting your money in the banks because that will just make the Rothschild family richer.

  2. I can't beleive that people would use rape as a weapon. Why attack innocent people?

    I don't like Christian missionaries either. They have too many holes in their religion one can point to especially in their Bible. If Hindus saints and vidhvaans were to just get togather and counter them by Parchar, there is no way Christians can convert people. If anything, Hindus can reconvert many Indian Christians to their Dharm if only they try.

    But they are not even trying. They are resorting to raping and killing people which goes against their own dharm that they are trying to "uphold". They are trying to recreate a Ram Rajya, but if Sri Ram were here on earth right now, he would be the first to kill these modern Asur Rakshas who are going around raping and killing people.

  3. A similiar story can be found with Imam Ali when he was fighting Aisha in war and he sent a man to pick her arm and bring her to him. she said "how dare you touch me?" (as it is haram for a muslim man to touch a woman) whereas the man removed his scarf and she saw that it was her brother. Imam Ali sent her brother to go get her instead of letting a non-family member touch her.

    True, Imam Ali was also a man with high moral values. He's probably the person within the Islamic tradition that I would respect in this regard.

  4. That's true. Sri Lakshman is a inspiration for all of us. He only knew Sita Jee from her feet. He never looked above them.

    Compare that to todays men who are completely perverted and have little or no moral values left. Today even a sister inlaw(Bhaabi) is considered fair game, but not too long ago a sister in law was respected and honoured as a mother.

    I don't understand why morality is so low in today's world. Only one's real sister, mother and daughter are respected while all other women are given dirty looks. Of all the semitic prophets, I only respect Jesus Christ because of his high moral values. He said:

    But I say unto you, “That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”

    But Jesus was an exception to the rule when it came to Abrahamic prophets. In Indian traditions having high moral values is considered one of the greated virtues a man and woman can have. Today Sikhs both men and women have very low moral values. Today the situation is so bad that people who try to live a life of high morals are laughed at and ridiculed.

  5. Even though Bindra is critical of Charitro Pakhyaan, but his translation of ChatroPakhyaan does not have a hint of bias in it. Just compare his tranlation to a Punjab translation of CharitroPakhyan puting them side by side and you will see that Bindra Jee who althoug is critical of the Bani but he did not try to mistranslate it as we can expect most critics of Charitro Pakhyan would do, for that I have to give Bindra Jee credit.

  6. A few years after partition the Muslims of West Pakistan started to attack Qadianis, so you are right, if you start off with the mentality that violence will get you what you want then you will take that lesson to all situations.

    Ironically the Qadianis (Ahmadis) were one of the biggest supporters of Pakistan before partition. Because of their close relations with the British they were spearheading a movement for Gurdaspur to be included in Pakistan. They also were responsible for alot of hate propaganda against Sikhs leading up to the partition. Even before partition, they also lead movements of hate against the Kashmiri Hindus in the then Princely state of J&K. But look at how they were the ones who were the most persecuted in the new Pakistan that they so fanatically supported. They are officially considered "Kafirs" in Pakistan. What an irony.

    I have met many Pakistani Ahmadis. The ones that are religious are basically always trying to convert you. When I was a teenager they took me to some of their meetings they hold. They will act very friendly, but they are always trying to convert you. Inwardly they do not hold very friendly views about Sikhs. Despite the fact that they are a persecuted bunch by Muslims themselves, but basically they are wolves in sheeps clothings, especially when it comes to Sikhs.

  7. The sect that is closest to the Buddhism of the Buddha is Theravada Buddhism practiced in Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand etc. It's cannons are written in Pali which is a sacred language for Theravadan Buddhists.

    I wonder how India would have been today if Buddhism instead of Brahminism would have dominated. I wonder if Buddhism would have been able to resist Islamic invasions as Brahminism did.

  8. Actually riots in Amritsar were started by the Muslims. Before the partition like was drawn, the Muslim league was confident that Amritsar would be included in Pakistan, and I don't blaim them considering the fact that almost half of the population of Amritsar was Muslim. The Hindus and Sikhs combine were just slightly larger.

    Amritsar was a battlefield. The Hindus and Sikhs were virtual hostages as they were cought unaware by the organised Muslim gangs trained and supplied by the Muslim league. But the Sikhs and Hindus managed to band togather and eventually beat the Muslims in Amritsar. The Sikh-Hindu victory at Amritsar during 1947 is probably the most inspiring story during the partition.

    Same thing happened in Jalandhar Doab which was virtually Muslim land. Everyone was sure that this would go to Pakistan. As happened in Amritsar, the Muslims of Jalandhar Doab began violence, stabing Hindus/Sikhs here and there. But before things would get even more violent for the Non-Muslims as happened in Amritsar, the partition line was drawn, and violence ended up tilting against the Muslims.

  9. Sikhs acted with dignity - taking the fight to the soldiers - not ravaging innocent Muslims.

    But what do you do when IT IS the civilians that are doing the killing of the Sikhs as was the case in 1947? It's a well known fact that with the exception of the Baloch regiment, the Muslims soldiers did not participate in the killing of Sikhs. That is also due to because the British were smart enough to disarm the Muslim Punjabi soldiers right before partition.

    This war was between civilians. Not only were the people who died were civilians but the people who did the killing were also civilians.

  10. brother Shaheediyan, I don't really think the current generation is proud of what happened in 47, but 45%(almost half!) of Sikh population lived in what is now Pakistan. They lived there for centuries. They didn't know anything about east Punjab. They were the most prosperious of Sikh communties especially the ones that lived in the canal colonies of Lyalpur and Sargodha. But when they were forced to leave and live in refugee camps in fear because many of them were slaughtered and women folk kidnapped, it's very hard to follow the Khalsa ideal. 20th century Sikhs were not exactly like the Sikhs of the 1700s who did not retaliate against Muslims. They were human after all.

    Sikhs do not start conflicts with anyone. But when Sikhs are slaughtered, Sikh women raped, thousands of women from Pothohar region jumped into wells to save themselves from rape, many were even killed by their own brothers and fathers. When people from east Punjab heard of these atrocities happening to their brothers in west Punjab at the hands of Muslims, Sikhs were no longer able to control their anger. Enough was enough for them. I’m proud of the fact that my father’s and mother’s side of the family did not participate in killing Muslims. But I certainly do not condemn the people who did considering the circumstances they were at the time. It’s very easy for us to judge them today living in our confortable air conditioned homes in the 21st century, but back then the situaltion was of do or die for the Sikhs. They did not have the option of debating morality and ethics like we the privileged people of the 21 century do.

  11. Tony jee I agree with you. From my mother’s side, they had a lot of land in Pakistan before partition in the city of Lyalpur. They were very well off. But they were forced to leave like millions of Sikhs. Lyalpuri Sikhs were the last of west Punjab Sikhs to leave Pakistan. When they arrived in Amritsar, that city along with many east Punjab cities still had large Muslim populations and they also formed a majority in Jalandhar Doab.

    The Sikhs did not want partition nor did they start the violence, but once the Muslim league started it, the Sikhs finished it. If Sikhs did not fight back against Muslims, today due to high Muslim birth rates, it's very likely that they would have formed the majority in Punjab. We would have basically ended up being a minority just as Hindus were in the Kashmir valley(and we all know what ended up happening to them!).

    The only reason why during the olden days Sikhs ended up being masters of Punjab despite being a small minority of less than 8% of the entire Punjab population is because back then there were no laws against owning a gun. With India's current illogical strict gun laws, it's very likely that if Muslims had formed a majority the defenceless(without guns) Sikhs would have ended up exactly like the Kashmiri Pandits. I'm a big supporter of Sikhs having and owning fire arms. We all know that a Sikh in India cannot depend on the police for justice or protection.

  12. Could you share this theory with us? Is this written by the present dehadaari Guru?

    When I was still a teenager I read a book given to me by a Radhasoami which details how they beleive creation was started. If I remember correctly, basically they beleive that there are 5 Gods and that a negative God called Kaal is the one who created this world. Kaal plays the same role as Satan in Abrahamic faiths. Unlike Sikhs, they don't beleive that Vaheguru created the world, nor does he have access to it, but he can send his saints here to bring back our Souls to a place called Radhasoami Dam which is even higher than Sachkhand.

    The early Radhasoamis were a real strange type of people. When their first Guru, Shiv Dayal who chewed alot of Paan and would spit it, his followers would fight amongst each other for who would have the honour of licking and eating that spited Paan on the ground. They considered it Prashaad! EEEWWWWWW!!

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