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Posts posted by singh2

  1. Inder, I told you before too. I am not kala or Afgani. I am 100% Punjabi Canadian.

    Any hockey fans here? Anyone want to join hockey pool? Send me a PM to get more info.

    Kala afghani is also Punjabi canadian. His followers who disown Gurmat are called kala afghanis.

    They not only disown Dasam Granth they also preach as below

    1) There is no naam simran.It is useless.

    2) There is no amrit vela

    3) There is no gurmantra called waheguru. Nor it is useful.

    4) Guru Gobidn singh did not administer any Amrit in 1699

    5) There is no karma theory in sikhi.

    6) There is no reincarnation in sikhi.

    7) To bow before SGGS is idol worship

    8) There is no use to keep SGGS in parkash.It should be in cupboards.

  2. I don't use multiple IDs, I don't have time to make new emails and new IDs. The Khalsa Fauj is the only one I use

    You were caught as khalsa fauj and international akali being same person on discoversikhi site. Why you lie here again.

    You were here as khalsa fauj and guru da sikh a few months ago.

  3. Inder, I told you before too. I am not kala or Afgani. I am 100% Punjabi Canadian.

    Any hockey fans here? Anyone want to join hockey pool? Send me a PM to get more info.

    Why should i send a PM to a retard like you. You were hidden but were expsoed as a retard both in appearance and voice in that video.

  4. Can you put the arth of 'Kalmal Hoi Mednee' dont just dodge it. Please put it up

    Also the shabad of Bhagat Namdev Ji please.

    Can i ask, have you taken amrit? What banis were recited? What banis were recited in 1699? I think it is worth noting what your views really are rather then questioning others on the forum all the time.

    Kam ji

    These people are dumbs. They do not understand the meaning of a myth. He does not know what is medhni.

    He can only do bukwas as taught by his masters.

  5. Are you aware what the term Fauji means in the UK? It does suit you down to the point! And yes all you do is come on this forum and spread your hate and due to it alot of good members of this forum have left as they do not want to listen to lies and ludicrus ideas! Why dont you try this on Sikhsangat.com as at least they would have the balls to ban you so that the forum could go back to normal for the rest of the members rather then having to log and listen to your lies daily

    This fauji is nothing but a nuisance. He has nothing to contribute constructively. He disowns all banis of Dasam granth even the ones with which he is said to be baptized.Yet he calls himself a khalsa.

    What a double standard and bhekhi.

    He is already banned on sikh sangat since long. They did the right thing. I wish sikhawareness do the same and even though this man has multiple iDs but will be detected when he posts his views.

  6. Of course he entered Akaal Takht. When did a separate room made by SGPC become Akaal Takht? Is that what 6th paatshah built? Only person you are fooling is yourself. Which government pays me?

    One thing is common among these kala afghanis and that is lying.They lie nakedly.

    This ragi was hearing culprits in a room when he was akal takhat jathedar.

    See below and stop lying. Does SGGS teach this to you.Shame on you.


  7. http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php/topic/48920-update-on-richmond-hill-gurudwara-new-york/

    It is well known that this was Gurudwara that was supporting heretic ragi Drashan singh.They had even called heretic Ragi in Aug 2009 and he did a lot of bukwas against Dasam granth.

    President of gurudwara and few of his goonda mates were supporting Ragi agianst akal takhat. Singhs have blasted these heretics for opposing akal takhat.There were scuffles yesterday and today heretci president has given in writing that they undertake not to support Gurunindak ragi Darshan and will follow whatever akal takhta decides.

    That is a great victory of truth.

    Koor nikhute nanaka

    Orak sach rahi

  8. Kala afghani fauji

    Read below. Stop uttering BS

    " A Brief History of Sri Dasam Granth " - Bhai Kahn Singh Nabha

    In the year Samvat 1778 (1721 A.D.) i.e. thirteen years after Guru Gobind Singh ji's demise Mata Sundri ji appointed Bhai Mani Singh ji as Granthi of Darbar Sahib, Sri Amritsar. Bhai Mani Singh ji discharged his duty very efficiently and during his tenure compiled different books including volumes of Sri Guru Granth Sahiband a volume containing writings of Guru Gobind Singh ji. He took a lot pain to collect writing from poets and devout Sikhs and prepared A Granth of the Tenth Master, known as Dasvin Patshahi ka Granth.

    Bhai Mani Singh ji attained martyrdom in Samvat 1795 (1738 A.D.) i.e. thirty years after the Guru Gobind Singh ji left this world. Thereafter the Sikhs chose to send the volume of Dasam Granth to Damdama Sahibfor perusal which was the seat of learning at that time and was known as Guru ki Kanshi.

    Volume of this Dasam Granth was discussed in detail in the Khalsa Divan. There three views emerged. First: the entire volume be kept as such and be not split into different parts. Second: we should have oneGranth only which has been conferred guru ship by Guru Gobind Singh ji himself and this Granth be split into different books so that the learned, scholars, Gianis and students are able to study it according to their competency. Third: many said that it should be split into two parts, one containing sri mukhvak baneewhich enunciates the principles of the of Khalsa and the second volume should contain the history etc. Fourth: many said that the volumeprepared by Bhai Mani Singh ji should remain intact but certain deficiencies be removed, like searching missing portions etc .Fifth: many were of the view that the rest of the Granth be kept as such but the Chritras and eleven Hikayats, which could not be recited in the open divan and is more difficult for ladies, should be kept in another volume. Many more suggestions came but the gathering could not reach to any conclusion. Then Bhai Mehtab Singh Mirankotia came to the venue and said “I am going to punish Massa Ranghar for desecration of Sri Harimandir Sahib. If I come back alive after killing Massa Ranghar then this Granth should be preserved as such, and if I attain martyrdom then this should be split into different books”. Bhai Mahtab Singh returned safe after accomplishing the feat and the ' beer' of Dasam Granth remained intact.

    Gurmat Martand, Vol. 2. Page 568

  9. My word, Fauji you really are dodgy!

    I and still waiting for your arth on Sunnia Isar Brahma Ind or Gur Isar Gur Gorakh Brahma Gur Parbati Mai. considering you do not believe Devte to exist so what are the arths for the lines above. As that was the reason for your shameful made up arths for the 30th Pauri of the Jap Ji Sahib. End of the day the only reason you make these up is a deep rooted hatred and ignorance for Hindus, possibly due to 1984 and this has led you corrupt gurbani and its message to the universal world. If it isn't this reason then it may be because you are doing this on purpose to create a divide in the panth for other reasons!!! (Paid stooge like the rest of your crooked mates)

    You lay your hand on the Dasam granth and any other granths like the janasakhis or vaars but you can not expound the meanings of the Jap Ji Sahib.

    Do you believe in the Raagmala?

    Do you believe in the Bhagat Bani?

    What is you arth when in Gurbani it states Sant Prahlad Ki Paej Rakhi?

    Do you belive in Sants? or is the Sant here Guru Ji?

    i think i like the rest of the forum have heard anough crap from you and your questions now start answering mine!

    Right move for sikhs is get these missioanry schools in Punjab derecognized. They are the ones who are producing shit missioanaries in a span of 3 months.

  10. Kam ji

    Can you let me know where i can get arath of japji sahib by Giani Thakar singh ji?

    On a side note In dasam Granth sahib there is a myth of creation in Bachitra natak.Such myths are found in all religions and cultures and tell us how society evolved.THese pig head kala afghanis know nothing about purpose of myths.They make literal translations of such myths and do their koor parchar. The limitation on higher education is the main reason for their ignorance.

  11. Gadhey je moorakh. Can't you see the damage you've done in the panth by dividing the sangat? Just because you lack the intellect or moral strength to understand Guru Sahib's bani doesn't mean you have to force your views on others.

    Unlike you, Sant Ji had studied Dasam Bani in depth and understood what Guru Ji is saying. You lot first create definitions in your minds about what Gurmat should say then try to twist Gurbani to fit your views and anything that doesn't fall in with your views is cast out. You want to change Gurmat to fit your views instead of changing yourselves to follow Guru Sahib.

    Enough talk, lets settle this with a wrestling match, lol.

    Matheen ji

    They are worse than shit, with no naam di kamai, no academic background, no intellect to understand a complex writing like Dasam Granth. They are shit bags uneducated missionaries,fake professor who is 10 grade and writes prfessor, more you probe them more shit splatters around until the bag will burst.

  12. N30singh ji

    We will try to bring one seminar right at doorsteps of these heretics in Toronto. That will be the time when heretic ragi will be back in his summer home. These models of clay will be able to express their view point.

    Inspite of this fauji and truck driver Jeonwala are invited.

  13. Organizers have been asked to invite top guns.Most probably Gurtej singh Ex IAS, Harjinder dilgeer etc will be invited.

    It is understood they will not come. But a suggestion is going through that organizers should go with invitation card to their homes in full view of press so that they cann't make excuse later.

    It is difficult to catch a thief but ultimately thief will be exposed.This is the beginning of wake up response by khalsa to these guru nindaks.

  14. Persons who oppose charitropakhayan do not know what is setting and frame of charitropakhayn. Just picking up one or two charitras

    and quoting those out of context does not mean anything.

    Charitropakhayan is a composition that starts in charitra 2. It is interlinked. These fools have not read it and are going on quoting it foolishly from here and there.

    That is why they do not come forward for panel discussions. Academics have again given them one month time to come forward but they will not come. You know why because their arguments will be shredded to pieces.

    But seminar will be held and will be held close to residence of one of the starters of this issue so that he listens in his drawing room.

    Regading Darshan ragi's scholarship on DG he cann't tell the meaaning of chartiropakhayan.


    It is important to mention here that Time TV approached one of the academics who have written extensively on Dasam granth to know if they were willing to have panel discussion with opposer of Dasam granth. he said "bring them on".

    Time TV approached the anti dasam granth side.They refused.

  15. you would have known what Kahan Singh said about Mahakaal and Charitropakhyan

    Show us what he says about these compositions? Instaed of making propaganda videos show us where did he write

    against these compostions?

    I know you are not worth to talk to. but i want to see your source of such misinformation.

  16. http://sikhsangat.org/2009/12/sikh-book-release-and-panthic-gathering-at-sri-amritsar/

    Sikh Book Release and Panthic Gathering at Sri Amritsar

    December 12th, 2009 J Singh

    amritsar-meeting-2009Sri Amritsar, Punjab: In an event organised by ‘Sikh Jago Lehar’ at Guru Nanak Bhavan Sri Amritsar, Sikh scholars, theologians, and representatives of various Panthic organisations gathered to mark the release of epic book on the history of Sri Dasam Granth by Dr. Harbhajan Singh, Punjabi University Patiala. The first copy of the book was presented to the Head Granthi of Takhat Sri Hazoor Sahib, Giani Pratap Singh.

    The formation of a committee called ‘Sri Dasam Granth Prabodh Sabha’ was also announced at the occasion. The sabha which constitutes of Jathedars of Takhats, Granthis of Sri Darbar Sahib, Sikh scholars, historians, and representatives of various panthic organisations including Nihung Jathebandis, Sant Samaj and Damdami Taksal will work towards countering the wrong prachaar against Sri Dasam Granth which is being carried out by some quarters. An open challenge has been given to those who are engaged in negative propaganda against Sri Dasam Granth to face the committee within a month, given that they have the intellect to understand the intricacies of poetry including formation of Chhand.

    book-dasam-granth-sahib-titleOn this occasion the head of the Sikh Jago Lehar Bhai Kashmir Singh and other dignitaries also honoured Bhai Gopal Singh.

    Among those who spoke at the occasion included Giani Pratap Singh, head granthi of Takhat Sri Hazoor Sahib, Dr. Jodh Singh and Dr. Harpal Singh Pannu from Punjabi University Patiala, S. Jagdish Singh from Naad Pragas Sanstha, S. Anurag Singh from Ludhiana, Giani Sher Singh Ambala, Sant Hari Singh Randhawewale, Dr. Harbhajan Singh Dehradun, S. Kashmir Singh, head of Sikh Jago Lehar, Dr. Inderjeet Singh Gogoaani, Bibi Shobha Kaur, Delhi, Baba Maan Singh Marianwale, Giani Gurmeet Singh, Bhai Tardeep Singh, Prof Avtar Singh, S. Amarjit Singh Delhi, Sant Ram Singh Kherewalem Baba Sarabjot Singh Bedi, and Baba Avtar Singh Sursinghwale.

    Dr. Jodh Singh with reporters.

    Dr. Jodh Singh with reporters.

    The speakers equivocally stated that Sri Dasam Granth contains the compositions of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib, and some people are creating unnecessary controversies on it. Hence in order to counter the negative propaganda ‘Sri Dasam Granth Parbodh Sabha’ is constituted. Those who have been appointed to the committee include Baba Sewa Singh Rampurkherewale, Sant Giandev Singh, S. Amarjit Singh Khosa, Giani Mall Singh and Giani Jaswant Singh, (both Granthis Sri Darbar Sahib, Sri Amritsar), Giani Iqbal Singh, Jathedar Takhat Sri Patna Sahib, Giani Kulwant Singh, Jathedar Takhat Sri Hazoor Sahib, Baba Harnam Singh Khalsa, Chief Damdami Taksal, Baba Joginder Singh, Jathedar Buddha Dal, Baba Nihal Singh Harianwelan Wale, Baba Daya Singh Sursinghwale, Baba Sarabjot Singh Bedi, Sant Jodh Singh, Sant Baljinder Singh, Mahant Chamkaur Singh and Baba Maan Singh Marianwale.

    Additionally another committee of Sikh Scholars has been made which will work towards doing positive prachar among sangat.

    Last year Sri Akal Takhat too had declared Sri Dasam Granth as an inseparable part of Sikh panth and had branded its controversy unnecessary. In 2006 the Panj Singh Sahibaans had passed a Matta at Sri Akal Takhat calling those speaking against Sri Dasam Granth as ‘Shararti Ansar’ (mischievous miscreants).

    Source: Patshahi.org

  17. Regarding Bhagauti, one can read steek of Chandi Di Vaar written by him. It leaves no doubt that he believed in Dasam Granth. His son Bhagwant Singh spent 30 years studying Dasam Granth and wrote two important books.

    We should have no doubt about Bhagauti and chandi as it is given in the composition itself.

    These people have no scholarship and hence keep on changing their stand.

    Read below

    ਲਈ ਭਗਉਤੀ ਦੁਰਗਸਾਹਿ ਵਰਜਾਗਣਿ ਭਾਰੀ ॥

    लई भगउती दुरगसाहि वरजागणि भारी ॥

    Durga held out her sword, appearing like great lustrous fire;

    ਲਾਈ ਰਾਜੇ ਸੁੰਭ ਨੋ ਰਤੁ ਪੀਐ ਪਿਆਰੀ ॥

    लाई राजे सु्मभ नो रतु पीऐ पिआरी ॥

    She struck it on the king Sumbh and this lovely weapon drinks blood.

    ਧੂਹਿ ਲਈ ਕ੍ਰਿਪਾਣੀ ਦੁਰਗਾ ਮਿਆਨ ਤੇ ॥

    धूहि लई क्रिपाणी दुरगा मिआन ते ॥

    Durga pulled her sword from the scabbard.

    ਚੰਡੀ ਰਾਕਸਿ ਖਾਣੀ ਵਾਹੀ ਦੈਤ ਨੂੰ ॥

    चंडी राकसि खाणी वाही दैत नूं ॥

    She struck the demon with that Chandi, the devourer of demons (that is the sword).

    ਕੋਪਰ ਚੂਰਿ ਚਵਾਣੀ ਲੱਥੀ ਕਰਗ ਲੈ ॥

  18. Here is the video showing Parmjit Sarna praising Lala Jagat Narain family.

    At the same time he is bad mouthing sikhs who struggled and sacrificed for sikh demands along Bhindrewale.

    Romesh Chander was son of lala Jagat Narian.They were owners of Hind samachar group newspapers based at jaladhar. They were writing derogatroy of sikh Gurus and sikhs.When Nirankari Gurbachan singh killed sikhs in 1978 Lala Jagat narain became witness for him and he was acquitted.

    See real face of this traitor.

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