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Posts posted by jaikaara

  1. You seem to have better dreams than any Hindu ..! ;)

    Any dream that is motivated by right wing nationalism and has a majority in the government of the day is a dangerous kettle of fish. Hindutva BJP is that party, its only recently the US agreed to his visit. This kind of thinking will put hindus first because it is a hindu country and overlook the needs of the muslims, the sikhs, the budhists, the jainists, people with different sexual orientation and women etc. The mainstream culture will be immensely hindueyeezd which I know it already is anyway. It will be hindu this and hindu that, and this mentality will be exceedingly overt in every sphere of the Indian way of life. So next time when anyone buys air tickets to visit India they will have to take a flight to Akhand Bharat or Hindu Bharat!! :rolleyes:

    Welcome to Bharat.

  2. Thats great that you want to reconnect ...this happens with most of us ..nothing to worry about ..you can start with simran and Japji Sahib or any of the Baanis in Nitnem and then gradually move to Nitnem. In the beginning you will have to force yourself ..you will feel lazy and sleepy..in a few days you will be on track ..if you can get up early its good..since the silence can give you the focus. ..I keep going through this ..nothing to worry about .

  3. You need help ...anyways i can gift you this great composition if you can trust me and give me your address...i have decided to not lower myself to your level since that will destroy me ...in any and all cases you are our brother...my apologies for anything said in the past and i forgive you too...


    If the Punjabans do that then you sister must do the same? Your women were warming the Mughal emperor's beds centuries ago and that with the blessing of their fathers and brothers so you are the last person to talk about protecting women from Muslims.

    As for the lulla comment, I have mentioned that to countless Hindus and they just try and rationalise it some even saying that it's not even a lulla. The best question to ask a Hindu is what god do you worship? the Monkey god or the elephant headed god?

  4. http://sikhunity.wordpress.com/2014/01/14/hanuman-natak-an-exegesis-in-loyalty/

    Hanuman Natak, or Hanuman’s drama is one of the gupt Banis of Dasam Granth. It was taken out by the Sodhak committee during the late 1800’s and has quite a colorful past. It revolves around the Hindu simian God, Hanuman, and his loyalty to King Ram Chandar. From a Gurmat perspective Hanuman can represent a Sikh, whereas Ram Chandar can be viewed as a metaphor for Ram.

    For those who have read the ancient Hindu text “Ramayana” detailing the battles between Ram Chandar and his nemesis Ravan, Hanuman’s loyalty cannot be called into doubt. He was faithful to his king up to such an extent, that he was even willing to burn himself alive for him. Such was the loyalty which the Guru wanted to view in his Sikhs.

    The history of the Bani has been called into question many times. Many believe it was the personal creation of Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Others state it to be a creation of one of his court poets, while others state it to be the creation of an imperial poet. Whatever the history, what cannot be doubted is the fact that it found a place in Dasam Granth. It is said that the Bani was written by a rishi during or after the Ramayan period. Yet for some reason he was not able to finish it. Over time it found itself in the hands of an imperial poet. He recognised it for it what it was. A relic of a bygone age where warriors dominated the world, and kings were glorified as divine beings. With constant praying and a religious fervor he was able to finish it and pass it onto the emperor, who had employed him. Over time it came into the possession of the mughal emperor Bahadur Shah, who gifted it to Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The Guru recognised it for what it was instantly, and it is said he kept it in his cummerbund and often read it to his Sikhs, to provide a metaphor in loyalty to them. Today it has become restricted to the Nihung Dals, handwritten manuscripts of Dasam Granth and the memories of a few Gursikhs.

  5. Maybe you would want to know the same from Sahib Sri Guru Gobindsingh ji who kept a copy of Hanuman Natak in His Kamarkassa...

    If the Punjabans do that then you sister must do the same? Your women were warming the Mughal emperor's beds centuries ago and that with the blessing of their fathers and brothers so you are the last person to talk about protecting women from Muslims.

    As for the lulla comment, I have mentioned that to countless Hindus and they just try and rationalise it some even saying that it's not even a lulla. The best question to ask a Hindu is what god do you worship? the Monkey god or the elephant headed god?

  6. Veere ..The Original Khalsa was Jungi ..and survived in Jungles ..could they afford such nakhre? Maalko..here again we can seek advice from this tuk of Taw Prasaad Sawaiyye :

    Kahu lai pahan puj dhario sir kahu lai ling gare latkaio.

    Kahu likhio har avachi disa meh kahu pachhah ko sis nivaio

    Kauo butan ko pujat hai pas kou mritan ko pujan dhaio

    Kur kria urjhio sabh hi jag sri bhagwan ko bhed na paio

    Does Eating sarbloh bibek effect spirituality ?

    any known spiritual person who has high state of conciousness without having sarbloh bibek diet?

  7. I don't worship Shiva's admin cut. If you and your family does then that's your look out. Probably saves the need for a dildo for your family I suppose. Damn clever you Hindus!

    Here's your sisters. Harami before you complain you bought sisters into it.


    Oye Raand di paidaish ..tere maa da bhosde 'ch Lund tera...tu aa aithe ..tera maa chodni

  8. Sala Hindu pehla agg laoanda fer sala mukkar janda!

    oye laandi buchhi...agg main laai? Main Sher nu vi manaai kiti..kade vi ais tarah di gal nai karni...Main Siraf te siraf Sikhi mannda aa...par kade kisi Devte de baare beadbi nai kiti si..tu inni gandi paasha bolda...Guru Sahib ne Dasam baani'ch satkaar kita hai unhaada.. Tere varge lokaane gandh paayi hai te rode paa re ne..tera khoon nahi kholda jad koi Singh nu convert karde ne? Tera khoon ta vi nahi khoulda jad Afghanistan 'ch zulm hundha sadde te..

  9. Tony the thing is as i told you ..you can stoop to the lowest level ..your language clearly states this ..a slumdog who ran away in a container ..what more can a slumdog do better ..and you have more interest in smelling other's asses than your own... you should know what happens there in the UK with women ...you have reasons too ..you have a family to run..this mentality can pay your needs ..paychecks from the ISI run your house ....carry on slumdog...your family will be proud of you ..

    For me Sikh and Hindu both are my respect ...i dont use such cheap slumdog language for women...laandi buchhi di paasha bolda tu...laandi buchhi hi hai tu...

    Just do a search of youtube of Hindu women becoming the whores of the Muslims. Most of them are in India where you Hindus soormay are supposed run things.

  10. You can that Indira Kutti a thousand names ..but dont you insult Shiv ji ..Dasam Baani looks at them as warriors ..we cannot accept them as Akaal..but as Sewaadars of Akaal...so you better watch your uncouth language..you never got a decent upbringing in Delhi slums but now you are in Gora land washing Gora's nightsoil so learn to behave .

    Well Hindus do worship the phallus of Shiva so she was just following her religion by chasing phallus in real life!

  11. Are you in India ?

    Google by Yoga stick or Yoga danda ..


    A 'bairagan' is the t shaped wooden stick that mahapurakhs like Baba Nand Singh Ji would use when in mediation for long periods of time. Does anyone have a picture of the 'bairagan' on its own? I remember not long ago I came across a forum thread where a user was asking what the 'bairagan stick' was used for and he also made his own custom one. He included the pictures of his bairagan in the thread but I am having a lot of trouble trying to find to find this thread again. A modern image of Baba Nand Singh Ji's bairagan on its own was also in this thread and I have been effortlessly searching this for about 2-3 nights because I wanted to make my own and this picture was a very great example.

    For some strange reason I cannot find it, someone can find it I will be very thankful. It really is STRANGE, the thread seems to have vanished without a trace, I typed in something like "mahapurakh stick" on google not long ago and the thread would come up but now it is nowhere to be found. The user was simply asking what the bairagan was and then included some really good pictures of it later which I REALLY NEED.

    If you manage to find them please help. :mellow:

  12. Baot vadhiyaa ji

    thanks, i didnt knew the correct pronunciation , perhaps it was written that way by bhai nand lal ji

    heres the meaning i found

    So by looking at the meaning , it maybe from 5-7 or 8 am?

    शब्द : प्रातःकाल
    No of characters: 9 including consonants matras. The word is used as Noun in hindi and falls under Masculine gender originated from Sanskrit language . The word can be used as noun..
    praatahkaal, pratahkal means

    1. the first part or period of the day, extending from dawn, or from midnight, to noon

    Transliteration : praataHkaala Other spellings : praatahkaal, pratahkal Meaning in english :
    As noun :
    praatahkaal, pratahkal meaning in hindi :
    yah tin muhurt ka maana gaya hai / यह तीन मुहुर्त का माना गया है
    praatahkaal, pratahkal explanation in hindi
    1. raat ke ant men sooryoday ke poorv ka kaal

  13. Differences what we have created out of ego and just ego ...I do not know about Sher but my faith is in Sikhi and only Sikhi ..we are all branches of the same tree...Hinduism in the form it is now is fairly new and cannot be compared with the knowledge of the Vedas ..so we can just call it DHARAM...it can be Hindu / Sikh/ Jain/ Baudh/ any other Samparday.

    Idc sher, I know most of khalistan movement is false.

    I would rather work together to kill or deport all 5 600 million subcontinental muslims across Mata Sindhu.

    We can settle difference afterwards.

    ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ | ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਹਿ | |

  14. Its not worth quoting a traitor like him ..dont see that as a Hindu - Sikh conflict ..He sought help from Musle to kill our brothers..Remember one thing the Hindus by and large were with the Sarkar Khalsa ..such people who took help from Musle cannot ever be made a face .

    Also this is different from what we are discussing however for your information .70% of the population during Maharaja Ranjit Singh's rule was Hindu ..and no one can say that such a big army of Maharaja did not have hindus and muslims ..remember it wasnt a Misl.

    lakhpat Rai..100 of Sikh leaders who back-stabbed their own community while this guy took revenge for his brother's murder (if i am not wrong).

  15. Very well said Babaji ..

    Dear Lunalon,

    we are already failed, and our condition is hopeless and of pity. So any devotion done, even for any selfish motives, in His court is accepted.

    How one calls one´s father, that is not much important. He knows how weak we are. But anyhow He is such a wonderful Father, that He says, though out of pain or despair just remeber me, just call me with a sincere heart, and see I will come running to your aid.

    But there is definetely a difference in calling a worldly father and a heavenly Father like Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

    While our calling Him, we are elevated, our consciousness soars high in the spiritual realms. And when we thus communicate with Him in this way, we are spiritually washed, our thinking and understanding the laws of Nature undergo a drastic change, in comparison to the earthly point of view.

    Now in our present condition, we may question Him about our so called problems of any type, be it may health, mental, economical ... or any other .....

    But once we elevate even a little bit our consciousness within, then we shall not even ask Him any such selfish things .....

    Otherwise it is more likely we blame Him as usually we do. We may not voice our thoughts, but surely more than once we may have thought, my God, why me?

    Why do I not get this or that ? Or be like him /her, or even better.... and an endles such list....

    We should keep in mind, He is a Perfect Being.

    He can make no mistakes.

    And so, if He can not make mistakes, then, what is there for Him to rectify?

    It is we, who are short sighted. And we are telling Him to do this or that, like if He was the Aladino´s genie in the lamp.

    We do not try to know and understand the Nature, but rather we want the Higher consciousness, to come to our level and get involved in our selfish petty minded game... Is it not moorakhta from our side, to do something which is unlogic? Then too we harshly blame Him, for not fulfilling our expectations, and so shamelessly we say God does not exist ....

    Dear Lunalon, I am not disheartening you or anyone...but it is better, if we go through the precious priceless Bani, and dye ourselves with the colors of His Beant wadeeayee . Then there will be no complaints, but only "shukur hae Sachay Patshah" on each step in our lives.

    For example,Christ was nailed; Dhan Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj was ill treated badly and tortured physically ...

    Just let us think a litle bit, they were the embodiments of that Supreme Power.

    What could they not do if they wished to? By freeing themselves and punish their culprits...

    But instead, they said: Tera bhaana meetha laage ....

    In these 4 words, if paid proper attention there is a lot of wisdom for us humans to learn and apply it in our lives. Then almost all of our problems shall vanish away...

    But anyhow, as brother Sat above, has soundly said: "in the house of Guru Nanak even those things can be changed".

    Or even as brother Jaikaara has beautifully said: "If we can do Naam Simran abhyas ..we would achieve that level when everyting will be Gurparsaad..."

    So in the end we could well say, it is all about, the attitude based on faith and devotion we adopt, to face all situations.

    Sat Sree Akal.

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