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Posts posted by Hari

  1. I don't want Sikhism to grow.I want it to die :twisted: .This religion of 5 K's and impotent amrit* (lower case "a" on purpose).Pakhandi nimrata, pakhand kirtan.No love, only "them and us".

    However, Sikhi of Satguru Nanak Dev Nirankar has no need to "grow".It has always been and always will be.

    *Khanda Amrit is Amrit of Shakti Mata, and She must be present when it is prepared.But how many Panj nowadays have Shakti?Panj must have Shakti (Shastarvidiya, symbiotic relationship with Parshakti Mata).

    These are my views and are open to criticism.

    A clarification is in order.N30 Singh has asked, and I shall clarify.First I must admit to my own fault, I tend to be cryptic a lot.I'm sorry but that's just the way I am.If you were you to get to know more intimately, you would soon become frustrated with my oblique answers and questions.I find it hard to express some things I've experienced.Anyway that's enough.

    Right, Khanda Amrit is not meant to be impotent in the first place.It is stirred by a Khanda, a weapon which represents Adishakti Parshakti (read Var Durga Ki, it's there, Khanda = Eka Mai).Therefore it is Shakti Amrit.It is meant to be very potent.But nowadays you get "mass market" "amrit".Which is not good.Khanda Amrit is the Amrit of Death.You have to be willing to die for Dharma if you're going to be Amritdhari.There are many who call themselves Amritdhari, but are they Amritdhari?Are they really?Even if one of the Panj who prepares Amrit is faulty, then that which they make is not Amrit.I know for a fact that Khanda Amrit has been made by paapi "Panj Pyara" (somebody I used to know who used to have sex with his daughter in law, and be a Panj Pyara :x ).So that's one way Khanda Amrit isn't Amrit.Another I believe is if the Panj aren't proper Singh.I mean Shastardhari tyar bar tyar, know how to wield that Khanda they use to make Amrit :twisted: .You know what I mean?

    I don't like 5 K's, "Amrit chhako!!", "I am Amritdhari" blah blah Sikhism.This is Sikhism, a religion.Religion is bad, always has been.Ask the Christian Gnostics.

    Where is 5 K's mentioned in Gurbani or old history?Nowhere matey!As far as I've found, you have the trai-mudra and Panj Shastar Parvan.Why don't the "Amritdhari'" of today follow this Hukam of 5 Shastar Parvan?Is the 5 K a sort of insipid compromise by boot licking Singh Sabhias?Oh I know we'll just have a pathetic excuse for a kara and kirpan, just so we don't draw too much attention to ourselves, by the fact that the Khalsa Panth is actually supposed to carry weapons not pieces of metal that are "symbols".It's ridiculous how so many Amritdhari are duped into thinking that the piece of metal they wear on a gatra is a kirpan, a nar-nakha maybe, but not a kirpan.And do they know how to use one?Are they willing to put in the years of practice to learn how to use one effectively?

    Tiro tufango bado ram jango, dhamak dhar, ani-ar, kamand korara, Panj Shastar Parvan!!Suno Nand Lal yeh saj!!Pargat Karun apna raj!

  2. I don't want Sikhism to grow.I want it to die :twisted: .This religion of 5 K's and impotent amrit* (lower case "a" on purpose).Pakhandi nimrata, pakhand kirtan.No love, only "them and us".

    However, Sikhi of Satguru Nanak Dev Nirankar has no need to "grow".It has always been and always will be.

    *Khanda Amrit is Amrit of Shakti Mata, and She must be present when it is prepared.But how many Panj nowadays have Shakti?Panj must have Shakti (Shastarvidiya, symbiotic relationship with Parshakti Mata).

    These are my views and are open to criticism.

  3. When you're sleeping, why do you create your dreams?The dream world is a sub-reality, which we create.Dreams are a poor reality compared to this world we experience, but it is we who create these dream worlds.Something to ponder over, maybe.Or maybe I'm talking a crock of sh*t.Explore your self, explore your dreams.They (dreams) are born of you.And just maybe you may gain a tiny little understanding of the One and why It created.

    Svayambhu (Saibhan)!!Bang there It is!!There I Am.

  4. Balance.Practice not obsession nor repression.Yes, self pleasure is good for you, but dont obsess over it.And remember who gives you that pleasure, where it comes from.

    All is One.One is All.

    On a side note, its good to practice ashvini mudra too.It's good for pelvic floor muscles.Good for men and women.Here:


    Ashvini Mudra

    Yogic wisdom tells us that powerful energies lie dormant at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the lower abdomen, and that stability on the physical and emotional planes is related to how we handle this energy. Ashvini mudra helps strengthen, energize, and bring awareness to the base of the spine and the pelvic floor.

    Begin lying face down on the floor with your legs together. Rest your forehead on your crossed arms. Exhale and contract the buttocks, pulling them inward (Fig. 1). Release on the inhalation. Repeat a few times. Then contract the anal sphincter as well as the buttocks as you exhale, again releasing on the inhalation. Repeat up to 10 times, contracting as tightly as possible as you exhale, and relaxing completely as you inhale, as if you are filling the pelvis and buttocks with air.

    Next contract the anal sphincter and buttocks as before, but this time continue holding the contraction through both the inhalation and the exhalation. Hold the contraction, inhaling and exhaling gently and fully. Practice keeping the breath smooth, easy, and unrestricted. Relax the legs as much as possible, and release any tension in the abdomen, shoulders, throat, jaw, face, and eyes. This isn’t as easy as it sounds! Hold for five breaths or more. Then relax completely for a few breaths.

    Notice if tension creeps in elsewhere in the body, and release it. If you have trouble holding the contraction, notice if it’s due to muscle weakness, in which case reduce the holding time or the number of repetitions. Or if the contraction slips away as your concentration wanders, gently refocus your attention. Also notice if you habitually hold tension in the buttocks, anus, or pelvic floor, or if this area feels collapsed and doesn’t support you. Unwanted tension saps our energy; slackness in the muscles meant to support us also drains our energy.

    Now stand up and repeat the whole exercise. Notice that it’s easy to engage the pelvic floor and urogenital sphincters in the standing position. Bring your attention to the front of the anal sphincter and concentrate on lifting and releasing in this area, and also on holding the lift as you breathe freely.

    It's good to do pelvic floor exercise before and after self pleasure and after you evacuate your bowels.And contract and relax...

  5. Thanks Neo Singh.If we can just associate pleasure with Vahiguru, then we won't forget Vahiguru in pleasure too.It's very common that most people never remember Vahiguru in pleasure only in pain.Even an athiest will remember their Creator when in a bad situation.It is Vahiguru that grants you pleasure in this life full of pain :cry: .

    We all like our pleasure, thanks to Vahiguru Nanak.May He grant all of you Anand.

  6. If you don't already, I recommend remembering Vahiguru during every pleasurable moment of your life.And I mean every :wink: .

    Acknowledge where that pleasure comes from and thank It for it.There is only the One, All is One.Sensual pleasure, emotional pleasure, transcendental pleasure.Always remember and thank Vahiguru for the pleasure in your life.

    Everytime you eat chocolate, are ecstatic etc. - that's Parbrahm Pleasure.

    Ooooooh lovely, Vahiguru....

  7. Vahiguru Ji Kak Khalsa!

    Vahiguru ji Ki Fateh!

    Here is a link to the online version of the Malleus Maleficarum, a most infamous book of the "Christian" Inquisitors, the creators of hell on earth.Take note, this is what fanatical religionists bring about when power is given to them by ignorant masses, hell on earth.Death and suffering to all fanatical religionists and their "ism's".


  8. Different body types exist.You have to learn what foods are good for you.Which food stuffs your body can handle (pach).I have learnt through trial and error what foods are good and bad for the body which I occupy.This is all Satguru Nanak Kirpa.He has bestowed His Buddhi to me, about these things.Listen to your body.See what happens when you eat certain food stuffs.

    Food intolerances and allergies are a common thing.Many people go through life with minor health complaints (due to bad digestion), and put it down to getting older or just don't bother.I believe some of these health complaints are pre-cursors to major diseases like diabetes.

    I believe the health of the body starts at the digestion.I think this is what Ayurveda teaches too.One more thing: Keep away from artificial sweeteners, they mess up your intestinal flora.Look after those bugs that live in your body.That is where your health is.

  9. Vahiguru Ji Ka Khalsa!

    Vahiguru Ji Ki Fateh!

    Hukamai andar sabh ko, bahar hukam na koe.

    Every Sikh of Satguru Nanak knows what the above means, literally anyway.I think generally we think of Hukam as an external force which imposes it’s majesty on us.But what about the Hukam within us?Which comes from our very own being?

    Where do our thoughts, desires, free will come from?One second (or rather millisecond) there is thought, the next there is no thought.They must come from nothing, right?There is no thought in deep sleep.Our “self†doesn’t exist in deep sleep, right?When thoughts and desires do manifest in sleep, we dream.And then we plunge back to thought-less darkness, and then come back up again.Like a submarine.Some people consciously experience this submarine diving and surfacing, and they say it is very interesting.But the states of deep sleep, dreaming and waking are transient, not permanent.So our original state can’t be the void-ness of deep sleep oblivion, right?

    Where do our thoughts and desires come from?What governs the synapses of the brain?Where does the Hukam come from?The Command from the atomic, sub-atomic level and beyond.Who, what moves the chess pieces of our mind?Who is good, who is evil?

    Why has Parbrahm Parmeshvar, the Light beyond light, the Darkness beyond darkness (Dazzling Darkness?) always been described as “The Good†by mystics from all walks of life.It is Good, but not in the way we think of good, right?Wrong?

    This is just me recalling my waking thoughts of today.Thought I should share them.Something to maybe ponder over.

    Hukamai andar sabh ko, bahar Hukam na koe.

    Nanak Hukamai je bujhai, ta haumai kahai na koe….

    Dhan Dhan Satguru Nanak Nirankar Devaan Dev.

  10. ive been to several of his classes and i cant say that im impressed.he shows fancy moves and thats about it.most of the strikes and blocks he demonstrates arent even practical in a fight.im not cussing him but im jus saying that people should be wary as to not fall into the trap of liking somene so much that they lose track of reality

    Bare faced lying isn't going to make you friends. :roll:

    Very bad.

  11. Dear da militant,

    I am a vegetarian.Quite possibly more vegetarian than you, but I don't give a rat's arse what Nihang Niddar Singh or any other Nihang Singh eats.Have you heard of the Kurukshetra Sakhi of Satguru Nanak?Read it.You can find it in Puratan Janam Sakhi.Take a look at this shabad, it begins with "Mas mas kar moorakh jhagare, gyan dhyan nahi janai".Scroll to the bottom, it's by Satguru Nanak:


    Read all of it.And try to understand it, without resorting to the English translation.What is meat?What is vegetarian?Meat comes form vegetation (by animals eating and processing plant matter into animal matter), and vegetation itself is made from meat (by utilising dead animal matter etc.).In reality there can only be one type of matter....

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