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Posts posted by Xylitol

  1. Gurmantr is waheguru. You can do simran (remembrance of) any name. Waheguru is more effective though. in bhai Gurdass dian Vaaran, bhai sahib states that 1. Waheguru is gurmantr, and 2. that this mantr is composed of the mantr for each age from the past 4 ages, it's a combination of them.

    doing simran with each breath is an exceptionally effective technique to remember him. it's very important to use this technique in the amritvela.

    here's something you might use:

    4. Method of Nam - Simran (Meditation)

    Feel the presence of the Almighty within, with full faith and devotion, recite the Divine Name with the tongue in the beginning - the lips and the tongue continue gently moving up and down and slowly go on uttering 'Waheguru', 'Waheguru' at a stretch with love and attention; then by and by continue uttering 'Waheguru', 'Waheguru', gently with the tip of the tongue touching the palate and the lips remaining almost still; in the third stage with breathing - 'Wahe' should go along with the breath while inhaling and 'Guru' should emerge alongwith the breath while exhaling.

    "Bahar Bhitter Eko Janaho Eh Gur giam Batai" (684)

    By reciting the Divine Name in this way and after continuous intense meditation, the fourth stage is bestowed upon the searcher in which the Divine word and the devoted mind become one and merge.

    "Kabir Too Too Karta To Hoohaa Mujh Meh Raha Na Hoohn.

    Jab Aappa Par Ka Mit Gayaa Jat Dekhau tat Too" (1375)

    But the essential requirement of all these steps of Nam-Simran is that one should do it realizing the presence of Akal Purakh within and every where.

    "Gur Kee Murat Mun Meh Dhiaan.

    Gur Kae Shabad Mantar Mun Maan.

    Gur Kae Charan Ridae Lae Dharon.

    Gur Parbrehm Sada Namaskaro" (864)


    you must also accept Khande Batte di Pahul. It makes your simran much more effective, without it your pace will be waaaaaaaaaaaaay slower.

  2. Gurmantr is waheguru. You can do simran (remembrance of) any name. Waheguru is more effective though. in bhai Gurdass dian Vaaran, bhai sahib states that 1. Waheguru is gurmantr, and 2. that this mantr is composed of the mantr for each age from the past 4 ages, it's a combination of them.

    doing simran with each breath is an exceptionally effective technique to remember him. it's very important to use this technique in the amritvela.

    here's something you might use:

    4. Method of Nam - Simran (Meditation)

    Feel the presence of the Almighty within, with full faith and devotion, recite the Divine Name with the tongue in the beginning - the lips and the tongue continue gently moving up and down and slowly go on uttering 'Waheguru', 'Waheguru' at a stretch with love and attention; then by and by continue uttering 'Waheguru', 'Waheguru', gently with the tip of the tongue touching the palate and the lips remaining almost still; in the third stage with breathing - 'Wahe' should go along with the breath while inhaling and 'Guru' should emerge alongwith the breath while exhaling.

    "Bahar Bhitter Eko Janaho Eh Gur giam Batai" (684)

    By reciting the Divine Name in this way and after continuous intense meditation, the fourth stage is bestowed upon the searcher in which the Divine word and the devoted mind become one and merge.

    "Kabir Too Too Karta To Hoohaa Mujh Meh Raha Na Hoohn.

    Jab Aappa Par Ka Mit Gayaa Jat Dekhau tat Too" (1375)

    But the essential requirement of all these steps of Nam-Simran is that one should do it realizing the presence of Akal Purakh within and every where.

    "Gur Kee Murat Mun Meh Dhiaan.

    Gur Kae Shabad Mantar Mun Maan.

    Gur Kae Charan Ridae Lae Dharon.

    Gur Parbrehm Sada Namaskaro" (864)


  3. just wondering, but do some of you sangh influenced guys troll the net looking for sikh forums so you can try to convince sikhs that they're actually hindus and must defend mother india against the evil muslim hordes, the same "hordes" who've been subject to systematic discrimination, wave after wave of propaganda and intimidation, and genocide?

    btw, you're arguments are based on nothing. I mean, they're really based on nothing, like no bani, no accepted sakhis even, just a whole bunch of made up stuff...

  4. "Your distinctions don't derive from gurbani but from a Vaishnava influence in the Nirmala sampradaya. And anyways the Bachitar Natak needs to be read in a different way because of its style."

    Rather than leaving it at saying my distinctionsss come from a vaishnava influence on nirmalay, and that Bachitar Natak needs to be read differently, how about we go more in depth? i'm interested in seeing how you think it should be read, and why. And please further explain how the influence makes my point wrong.

    -Many of the various Avtars referred to in Bachitter Natak are avtars of Vishnu. The first time Waheguru himself came as GURavtar was when Guru Nanak Dev ji came

    Of course, Waheguru came as Narsingh etc, but I'm referring to Guravtar.-

  5. The Gurus are avtars of Waheguru, so worshipping the sargun form of waheguru in the form of the Gurus cannot be wrong. However, it does seem to me that there is a progression from sargun worship to nirgun worship... The Gurus de-emphasized themselves to teach us nimarta. According to Gyani Takhur Singh ji, they also did it to prevent other people from going around claiming to be God.

    Most avtars from previous ages are in fact Shiva ji, and not Waheguru, so it is different for that reason as well.

  6. Sikhnet moderators often answer questions according to thier own manmat rather than relying on Gurbani. For example, if someone makes a mistake in their own life than they are likely to justify it and teach others that it's allowed in Sikhe. Even when some of them actually know the truth, I mean they've been corrected via email and Gurbani references, they still continue. Luckily I think it's a minority.

    Gurbani teaches that the soul hangs upside down in the fire of the womb for 10 (indian calender) months.

  7. "Guru's took the best that was available, that does not howvere negate the fact that Guru's manipulated and corrected the use of beautiful creations. " "Not every action implies an "commitment" to a different faith"


    Harimandir Sahib was open in all four directions, symbolising openess to all.

    But what is noteworthy about architecture is that the Akaal Takht, our seat of authority, was made by Sikhs entirely. The entire foundation of the Takht, from the baking of bricks to the laying of the foundation, was done by Guru Hargobind Sahib ji and two other Bhramgyani Gursikhs. I believe it was Baba Buddha ji and Bhai Gurdass ji.

  8. it's metaphoric. it means fighting will be constant, and that times will be so hard that sikhs will be doing Paath all the time during this difficult period. As for Sikhi leaving Punjab, we've already seen this. Very few people follow it there. Although, surprisingly enough, a fair number do stick to it. This was also attributed to Guru Nanak Dev ji, that sikhi would leave punjab, and than re-enter from the outside.

  9. Sikhi will leave india and come back into it from the west, according to baba Attar Singh ji. Also, there will come a time when every Sikh will have a Gutka in one hand, and a kirpan in the other at all times. That's how bad the fighting will be. That last is from Baba Kulwant Singh ji of Takht Sri Hazoor Sahib.

  10. Many of the various Avtars referred to in Bachitter Natak are avtars of Vishnu. The first time Waheguru himself came as GURavtar was when Guru Nanak Dev ji came

    Of course, Waheguru came as Narsingh etc, but I'm referring to Guravtar.

  11. I never said the Gurus never respected those scriptures. Just that they gave all authoritiy to scriptures of Sikh dharm, and did not allow those other scriptures to hold authority over them. They referrred to them b/c truth exists in those scriptures as well as in Gurbani. Also, the Gurus would take whatever prexisting practices from other religions they felt were most suitable, and keep them intact or modify them. Like the saying goes, 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it'. Additionally, if the Guru stated that he does not yield to the Puranas, than I believe him. Why would my Guru lie to me in his Bani? His own life showed that he did not yield, merely kept what he thought was useful, consistent with the idea of Sikh dharm being separate but at the same time accepting that truth exists in other religions.

    Also, the same light existed in the first Nanak as existed in the tenth Nanak, the tenth Nanak rejected the authority of the Koran over him, so how could you put an exclusively Muslim flag on the first Guru?

    No one said anything against the universal aspects of the Gurus or their teachings.

    Did any of the brotherhoods you mentioned in earlier posts give Guruship to a newly written scripture? Did any of them reject authority of the main scriptures of other religions, including religions of their original followers? Without granting authority to the other scriptures, the Gurus gave it to Gurbani. Sikhi is a religion, but it's also a brotherhood of Hindu, Muslim, and Sikh.

  12. "Guru Nanak being a Muslim does in no way contradict the fact the he is a manifestation of the Face of God. "

    I also believe that it would be no contradiction. It's only natural that Muslims would lay claim to Guru Nanak as their saint, Hindus and Buddhists also consider him a saint of their religion. But he was not 'exclusively' Muslim as your posts claim.

    I never claimed bowing to Kaaba made them Sikhs

    "Raam Chaandr, Rahim, the Puranas, and the Koran. There are countless like them, but I do not yield to any of them."

    The point is that Sikh dharm is seperate dharm, not that it lacks universal nature which I never said. The Gurus did look beyond religious boundaries, that much is clear from all of their teaching, but they regard the Sikh dharm as supreme. With the one light pervading all Gurus, the Tenth Nanak stated that he did not yield to the Koran, So without yielding to the Koran, how can Guru Nanak EXCLUSIVELY be a Muslim? he can't.

  13. If Muhammad (pbuh) was the last prophet in Islam, than why did Mecca spin around to face the Guru's feet? Why are Guru Nanak Dev ji's sandals in the Kaaba, towards which all Muslims bow 5 times daily in their Namaaz? Proof of this is in Gurbani in Bhai Gurdass dian Vaaran. Also, from sakhis and my brother's friend (a muslim) who spoke with the caretaker at Mecca and was told that the sandals belonged to the Guru.

    Additionally, all Gurus have the same light within them, as seen by them calling themselves Nanak in writing their Bani.There is no difference. However, Guru Gobind Singh ji writes that he does not accept the authority of the Koran over him. Without accepting the authority of the Koran, how could Guru Nanak be Muslim?

    raam raheem puraan kuraan anayk khahai(n) math ayk ‘n’ maanyo

    Raam Chaandr, Rahim, the Puranas, and the Koran. There are countless like them, but I do not yield to any of them.

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