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Xylitol last won the day on May 1

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  1. It's fine. You can pm me if you have any issues with it. If you want to do advanced simran then ask a sant for simran di jugti, do whatever they say, then go back after 6 months and ask for the next stage. Most people aren't serious so they won't give the advanced stuff to them.
  2. whatever name that you're japping. We didn't go in depth into this topic, he just said don't get focused on anhad shabad, go past it. i (personal view) see it as a helper. listening to it pulls your surti out from the world so you can more easily focus on naam. But if you are already focused than its fine to completely ignore it and focus on naam.
  3. Anhad Shabad helps bring our surti inward. However, Sant Jagjit Singh ji says Andhad shabad is NOT Naam. Keep the main focus on Naam.
  4. anyone do sangat of sant manjit singh ji? what are they like?
  5. sometimes people have a lot of anxiety issues and that manifests as muscular tension. The solution is exercise and breathing through your perineum area. Breathing through your pelvic floor is a more natural way of breathing and may make swas swas simran much easier to do as well as lessen anxiety.
  6. I think it's mostly a waste of time to read tons of websites. The best is to learn directly from the immensely spiritually elevated people of our own dharm b/c sometimes those of other dharms will do things differently. This can cause dubida (doubts) and confusion. Ojas rises when we do sangat bhagti sangat seva and sangat. Avoid vikaars nindya backbiting etc. As we tyag (internally let go of ) kaamic thoughts only then will it rise. Otherwise that sexual energy stays as kaam. In a nutshell, it's a simple matter of doing the right thing long enough and avoiding the wrong thing long enough and lots of satsangat. I emphasize satsangat so much b/c their energy helps an incredible amount, speaking from my experience. In comparing my rate of advancement before I started doing regular satsangat vs. back when I did more bhagti at home it is a truly immense eye-opening difference. And it's owed all to satsangat.
  7. From my own experience I have revealed some slight element of my spiritual state to a class of youth. I originally told them in a roundabout way about parkash they can receive when doing simran without mentioning my own name. They asked me if I saw it as well. I avoided the question b/c I didn't want to disclose it... they asked again and I said yes. And after that I felt that I lost much of the prakash. The moral of the story is never ever reveal your spiritual kirpa to anyone who is skeptical of you. If they won't believe you you can suffer a loss. However, if they will believe you it can be a big punn. When in doubt, don't reveal it. This is my own very bitter experience. To reveal it to someone more advanced is fine if we need to discuss to ask them questions. But the danger comes when we reveal it to nastik people, or people who have doubts.
  8. A friend of mine just met with Sant Jagjit Singh ji Harkhowalwale. He said it's okay to do paath of these kinds of Banis but don't do lots of repetitions without the appropriate viddhi. There is special viddhi for Brahm Kavach or Chandi di Var if your going to be doing tons of abhyaas of these. It's not for everyone. So speak to proper Mahapurkh before you start doing lots. These Banian are different than our regular nitnem Banis, the maryada for doing lots of abhyaas is much more sukt. He mentioned, for example, that a singh came to him who had done chalisa of Chandi di Vaar without the appropriate viddhi. After about 20 days he came to see Baba ji b/c blood had started coming out of his stool, his nose, his mouth... There is a right way to go about doing these things so you should speak to a mahapurkh before beginning.
  9. A friend of mine just met with Sant Jagjit Singh ji Harkhowalwale. He said it's okay to do paath of these kinds of Banis but don't do lots of repetitions without the appropriate viddhi. There is special viddhi for Brahm Kavach or Chandi di Var if your going to be doing tons of abhyaas of these. It's not for everyone. So speak to proper Mahapurkh before you start doing lots. These Banian are different than our regular nitnem Banis, the maryada for doing lots of abhyaas is much more sukt. He mentioned, for example, that a singh came to him who had done chalisa of Chandi di Vaar without the appropriate viddhi. After about 20 days he came to see Baba ji b/c blood had started coming out of his stool, his nose, his mouth... There is a right way to go about doing these things so you should speak to a mahapurkh before beginning. Baba ji is currently in Surrey BC and will be in Toronto in a few days.
  10. If you are trying to make a mantar sidh that is from certain sukt Banis such as Bhram Kavich or Chandi di Var, please see the warning from Sant Jagjit Singh ji here:
  11. You need to speak to gyaani Mahapursh before proceeding. See the warning here:
  12. A friend of mine just met with Sant Jagjit Singh ji Harkhowalwale. He said it's okay to do paath of these kinds of Banis but don't do lots of repetitions without the appropriate viddhi. There is special viddhi for Brahm Kavach or Chandi di Var if your going to be doing tons of abhyaas of these. It's not for everyone. So speak to proper Mahapurkh before you start doing lots. These Banian are different than our regular nitnem Banis, the maryada for doing lots of abhyaas is much more sukt. He mentioned, for example, that a singh came to him who had done chalisa of Chandi di Vaar without the appropriate viddhi. After about 20 days he came to see Baba ji b/c blood had started coming out of his stool, his nose, his mouth... There is a right way to go about doing these things so you should speak to a mahapurkh before beginning. Baba ji is currently in Surrey BC and will be in Toronto in a few days.
  13. it's not only physical celibacy, but celibacy of the mind along with redirection of this powerful energy into Naam. This transforms the consciousness and greatly increases the speed at which you move into a state of higher consciousness. Note that this is different than normal worldy intellect. This is a more refined, spiritual intellect. Although I'm certain that the same thing can be used to power an increase in worldly intellect as well.
  14. you need to massage oil onto your scalp. the top of the head, temples, and top back area of the head. any oil is okay, almond oil is pretty good to use. you can also put a bit of oil in your belly button and nostrils if you want.
  15. Jojoba oil seems to smell nice. pricey though.
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