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Everything posted by Sherni-E-Punjab

  1. Most of the times.... My dad knows it before I even fully realize that the Aunty was staring at me... LOL Thats what you call Desi Fast News Service...
  2. lol you know you enjoy it jus as well you watch dat...3-0 ..widout mia hamm..now talk about talent.. lol now shush up and watch! lol,although norway vs. us ...tuff match... 90 min battle lol
  3. If you support that there is a history to every word.. Please ..find me the history to the words "the" "an" "a" And we will see how far that goes... LOL, Leave me a DeSi!.. Hello is a word ..that someone came up with...and then over period it became a part of everyday life...Few examples include: FOB, ABCD ....They really don't have history to them..other then being vice-versa..and we now desis use 'em in our lives... Perhaps...you might wanta read this "childish" book...called Frindle By: Andrew Clements...Although it is fiction, but you'll get the idea of how words just "appear" sort of. RSVP means response expected it dosn't mean vie mail/phone or by person. LOL What other way is there to respond..You've got your mail , your phone, and in person..and of course these days Email..but not everyone has it !!.. And lastly talking bout the mailing system of INDIA. This is only INDIA who is tackling the population of 106 Crores & running its infrastucture for them. & For UR kind INFO this is the INDIA where more then 57 MILLION people r connected to eSATTELITE services including Cell & email facilities. LOL, If you mail a parcel from abroad..with some high tech machine/device in there...and tell me what are the chances of it reaching the receipent .....and then tell me how likely is it for the postman to take it.. You mail those cards with the tune shyt in them..LOL Where do they go?? ..Back with the postman... Did I ever say India didn't contribute anything to the world?? LOL You gave me facts and stuff...that tell nothing about the mailing system...?? Whats your point?? So stop twisting my words..and let me know the history of the above words ...again " the" "an" "a" Ok??
  4. LOL Congrats... Haven't faced America though... What you talking about Gillete Stadium is sweeet as ..hell...
  5. How can you possibly not understand that Hello does not mean what ever you are saying Hello is just a word we use in our everyday lives... And that acronym has been created ...by an individual like us.. It does not mean that its Hello's definition Hello is just a greeting same as Good Night, Good Day, Good Evening, Hey, Sup, and etc. History of Hello?? Do you really think there is history to every word in the English language.. History belongs to those words that have changed/evolved through out time.. Ex: The word Gay In 1950s It meant happy Later on..and (Now) It was a term for homosexuals and NOW In pop culture, its used to describe something different, weird, awkard Ex: That car is gay, That color looks so gay on you, You are so gay, and etc.. Not everyword in the english language has a history...(As far as I know) In addition, hello has always meant the same.. Second of all, I know RSVP is a french word in origin, but it does not mean the expect your "holy and precious presence on the occasion" I said, it meant Reply soon via phone/postal...and you said OR UR reply...and wots the difference???..LOL, lack of reading is what I say.. For you information, here is a whole load on RSVP: R.S.V.P. stands for a French phrase, "répondez, s'il vous plaît," which means "please reply." The person sending the invitation would like you to tell him or her whether you accept or decline the invitation. That is, will you be coming to the event or not? Etiquette rules followed in most Western cultures require that if you receive a formal, written invitation, you should reply promptly, perhaps that same day. For hosts who are planning a dinner party, a wedding or a reception, this is important from a practical point of view, because they need to know how many people to count on and how much food and drink to buy. More important, though, is the simple courtesy of responding to someone who was nice enough to invite you, even if it is to say that you regret that you will not be able to attend. Many wedding invitations come with a response card that you can mail back right away. Other written invitations will carry the host's telephone number so you can call with your reply, although under strict etiquette rules, a written invitation requires a written reply. Nowadays, invitations often carry a "regrets only" notation at the end. That means that the host will count on your being there unless you tell him or her otherwise. Some people even use "R.S.V.P." as a verb, as in "Have you R.S.V.P.ed to that invitation?" You might wonder why we use the initials of a French phrase in an invitation that is written in English. You could say that the French "invented" etiquette, although that would be a simplification because there have always been rules of courtesy to follow in civilization. In fact, an Italian diplomat, Conte Baldassare Castiglione, wrote the first book about proper behavior among nobility in the 16th century. Many of the practices of Western etiquette, however, came from the French court of King Louis XIV in the late 17th and early 18th centuries. At Versailles, his palace, Louis XIV had the rules for court behavior written on what the French referred to as "tickets," or "étiquette." The tickets either were signs posted at Versailles or were the invitations issued to court events with the rules of behavior printed on the back; experts give different versions of the origin. And French was the language of refinement and high society through the 19th century in the United States. Judith Martin, the author of etiquette books and a syndicated newspaper columnist known as "Miss Manners," thinks that "R.S.V.P." came about as a polite way of reminding people of something that they should already know: If you receive an invitation, you should reply. AND TELL ME IF THIS DIDN'T EXPLAIN OR CONVEY THE SAME THING I SAID ..KI IT MEANS REPLY SOON VIA POSTAL/PHONE/ (PERSON) and the next question you ask is: There is always a name not a phone number. That is because YOU LIVE IN INDIA! Indian invitations mention names of individuals because the following: India does not have a good postal service..So, why even bother?? Not everyone in India has a phone at home..So, you can't respond via phone.. The only other way to do it India is Talk in person, therefore they list names of people... In India, I don't know what they think RSVP is or whatever forth... They list like 100 Rishtedaars ...anywhere from Fuffards to Chacha's Taya to Fuffard's Masard and etc.. LOL! Hope this answers your questions..
  6. Canada beat America out?? Ummm We'll just have to see that..Meanwhile, all the best..! About to watch Germany vs. Argentina! Its actually in Foxboro, like a thirty minute drive from where I live..But can't be bothered to watch a Canadian Game live..
  7. LOL !! BikramjitSingh.. Anyone seen that new one " Where's the Party Yaar" I don't know what this has to do with anything..,but that girl in Bend It Like Beckham ( Main Actress) ..was premiered on ER..Wicked stuff..!! Not really though, but in a good way it is, but on the other hand doesn't reflect much Sikhi nor Punjabi values.
  8. Truth is that all the movies you've watched or the Ones that you actually like... "Here are some of them. " SOME? ...Thats all of them Latest one out of comedy: ..My Big Fat Greek Wedding My all time favorites: Da one and only Titanic...and Castaway
  9. As I said earlier, its something we individuals have created through evolution of time.. Hello does not mean the following: H How R U E Everything all right ? L Like to hear from U L Love to See U soon ! O Obiviosly, I Miss U How are you is ok to certain extent as well is everything all right.. Well if your are face to face talking with an individual "like to hear from you" ..well you are already hearing from them. Same with love to see you soon- In our daily lives we say hello to every enemy friend and etc. , we don't want to see everyone do we..Plus if it is face to face, your seeing them right there.. I miss you part ..again another exaggeration. Isn't always true for all circumstances.. Hello is just a greeting similiar to good night, good afternoon, good morning..-Its a way we start a conversation formally. TIE ...As I said, some businesses/places/schools require a tie as dress code..So how is it you are impressing someone.. Its more of self-actualization. S Smart T Talented U Unique P Person I In D Demand How can you be stupid and smart on the same hand. The words/phrases you correspond with the full word have to have some sort of relation..You can just take a word and add phrases/words to make it sense.. RSVP =Rondey Sarey Viah Picho.. Again one of those words that is evolved..Originally means Respond Soon Via Phone/Postal ...So what does it got with crying after a wedding? ..So you see the words have evolved through times.. Although, Rondey Sarey Viah Picho is berry berry true!!
  10. Hahahaahah... First of all Ideal hiring an artist isn't even an ideal fundraising ..Perhaps you could do a senior citizen ball or something... So, basically that isn't even going to happen this whole artist thing. Second of all, Steel Bangle isn't going to produce an album PMC(Punjabi MC) [i Think its PMC who is going to do it] is producing a track called Steel Bangle. And To Amardeep Singh - Your suggestion is the greatest of all - lol as it is the one who is deffy going to get a turn out...JSB lives in Ottawa, I don't think the Sikh population is much high , or is it there? Thats one problem, and then your actually asking for donations instead of fund raising.
  11. LOL The Undefeated US will face Korea DPR on Sept 27. Once again today... US played brilliant match against :Nigeria: Kicked their heinies 5 to 0 ...Credit ...Mia Hamm does it again..
  12. Hellooooo?? Ideal this is Canada, not India Amardeep's idea was clever and would work as well, but fundraising in school is more like where everyone can be involved..Isn't it??
  13. These aren't the meanings or origin, full form , and etc. of these words.. This is just something we as humans have created through the evolution of that word. Tie isn't always about impressing someone. Is it? Hello is right to a certain extent but it isn't the origin and full form and etc. Individuals have basically taken these words as acronyms and made up Phrases/Words to go along with them.
  14. LOL @ Footy... How about it?? :wink: :wink: :wink: Still gonna be living in Amerika, so noooooooo effect (Maybe :wink: :wink: :wink: ) They could just charge an annual fee or something , instead of shutting it all down...!! Well if all else fails, there is still phones right.. :wink: :wink:
  15. Both western lines or “extension of Punjab†have their own pros and cons. While thinking of that, you have to keep in mind your are also going to keep and preserve the Sikhi conduct as well. I believe as far as preserving Sikhi is concerned its going to have a better chance of survival in a Punjabi type of environment. Even in reality, we’ve experienced whether Sikhi is to rise in Western or Eastern lines, I personally believe its receiving more attention and response from Eastern lines, where it first all began. When you say ‘western lines’ ..- I think of the youth first, as they are the one who hold our future- and today’s youth in western lines ..-don’t even ask…Still in India, children are still being taught the basic principles of Sikhi, moral values, and stuff of that nature. If they are to be our leaders tomorrow., I certainly don’t think there is enough Western Sikh youth due to all the western influence…People are turning back on Sikhi everyday, and the ratio of those going in and going out of Sikhi is pretty far off….I’d say 50 leave for every 1 that comes in . Although, I think when you mentioned Western lines- you were more in the sense of government, emergency dept., in the political stuff wise… Indians (Sikhs, Desis) tend to bring all the “negative†values from one place to another - If you ever ( I am sure the same in England) go to Toronto, New York, all those desi crowded places , its no different from Punjab in that aspect. Individuals (whether Sikh or not) continue to cheat national governments-either collecting un-employment where it isn’t due, or ..cheating them in annual taxes. I’ve seen this happen among many gurrsikh people. The thing is money plays such an big part in our everyday lives, no one (99%) don’t ever think about it twice-and realize what they are doing-always about saving few here, saving few there. You know what is ridiculous?? ..Being a gurrsikh is one thing …and then cheating is another thing..What makes me sick..I am sure he is not the only individual, probably many just like him…It sounds a bit funny, but we’ve got an apna here..Gurrsikh true out of his heart, follows the rehat and etc…and happens to own 7-11.…All the donations that go towards the guruddwara, come right off his business’ expenses-which eventually he gets reimbursed for. Can you believe it?…I think this all bribery and corruption these days runs in desi blood lines, and I can guarantee you 99% that its going to continue to Sikhland, if the majority of the population is going to “Apna†[sikh] I wouldn’t doubt that…Surprised it isn’t the first. True, but again they are still Sikhs ……..its like you are an American and your proud of it ..and on the same hand your proud to be Jewish. Only conflict that arises between Sikhs and India is that ‘1984’ incidence. Its still India though…No matter what, I think there is always going to be strong connection between Sikhs and India, as it is the place where they all evolved from.- Its sort of hard to forget, right? Hmmmmmm…Sounds Interesting..! ….When we get tourism, don’t we get other influences as well. I am confused so is this an island where we want other influence..or is it place which is strictly Sikhism. When you say cayman islands- I am thinking of beaches, ocean, and “all the good†stuff that goes along with it. Tourism is you know nice beach, on the shore, and etc. …and I think this “water†environment and Sikhism are two different types of environment which can not be mixed. As we’ll have everyone from young to old there, and I think the older generation wouldn’t appreciate “all the goreys†…having fun on the beach, yeh?….Especially that “type of clothing†…is seen not in Sikhi limits. What. So, tourism??-Which one? And if its going to be like an national income and then divided among the people there - I think its not going to work with Sikhs, as they can never be happy with the amount of income they receive..They are the ones who like to clock in 40 hrs a week and plus the overtime. True Always seems though I am driving backwards and never frontwards…LOL ..This is going to be the new way to drive in Sikhland, huh:P! Aight, Sorry for the late reply, Rupinder
  16. Hatja, My Angreji Is Perfectly Well LOL ..The one I can understand only RST Fundraising Ki dassa tainu..Actually here is simple way...: http://www.rstfundraising.com/ Their link:p, Shud keep you busy!
  17. lol hmmm .. lets see if i can get my high school thinking caps...shyt man.... i know we did like a magazine drive once... ohhh i don't know but there is this really good one ..for like christmas time of the year... $$ of it... lol...sell your school sweatshirts,tshirts,mugs n stuff ....for like school athletics...good money off that ...all that school spirit stuff is worth it... hmmmm wot else did we do ... lol car washes always work the best !! ... hmmmmm bake sales? lol hmmm ohhhh and ...those like $5 ..2 for 1 cards... they pretty tyte...like u get business to offer deals n shyt ..like buy one get one free typa thing...and you huk it up wid dis company in seattle..and its like hella profit of dat too... hmmmm oh on and this may be lil far away - but on valentines...you take like orders from students for flowers n crap ..and you deliver them school wide...its not like boquet typa shit..but like a rose ... hmmm the last one don't you guys have like school dances and stuff?? ...always gud $$ dere.... lol ill try to cum up wid sum more.. was always fun being da prezzzz 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
  18. Sorry for the late response Bik Paji! Per here it is again: Western Educated?? It doesn't make them any smarter as western education has no discipline at all..I personally believe the more the discipline, the better the knowledge..At least here in America, they continue to teach your times table, and addition, and subtraction in 8th grade?? That’s pathetic...and they call that normal. :roll: :roll: , Where as in India 8th graders are learning the basic principles of Calculus. And, I can just imagine the rest of the subjects as well, no one feels pressured to learn..."or in the emergency state to learn" ..its more of a pleasure thing as far as education is concerned in West. Although, both West and East have their ups and downs, but we can't blame either one to something they have never been exposed of...Its like a basic GT(Gifted and Talented) test here in the US asks a question...Who fixes your car when its broken? ..Gives like four choices ..: Fireman, Repairman, and few others..Well, a typical American would say a Repairman as that is what they've been expose to..but if you were to ask that same question to some kid from Pendu Village...he'll be most likeley to go ..Well what’s a car or etc. , and know nothing about a repairman..The kid isn't to be blamed or neither is the education, as it is something he is never been exposed too. So, therefore I personally believe education has not a big part to play in this -we have both pros and cons on both ends. Education is more like the "geek" knowledge, never the life skills in most cases. I am sure this basic statement would apply to many Western Sikhs as well..I am not talking about England specifically as I not know much , but America/Canada its all about having the big house, the nicest car, the nicest brand name clothes, and plenty off cash to show off with...and when is it someone ever talk about simple common sense?? Here in the West(America,Canada) ...parents be working 12 hour shifts only to spoil their kids who have no resemblance of their culture/religion what so ever. LOL, but the important question to begin off with is …..What is going to be the main source of income in Sikhland?? You know what the real attitude of Punjab is at the moment : Just if it was in their control, they’d fly to any island/country/etc. for freedom. What is the ratio of Sikh professionals to Sikh farmers. You have to agree many of them are farmers and are all dying to like basically get out of India. You know its very true, this is basically a result of “GareebI†….Someone said it very right when they said “ ..Jeh baniya de putt jamme tehhh ek hor hatti khul janddhiii hai , tehhh jeh sardar de putt jammehhh jameen wandhi jandhiii hai, Bas ehe wandhh te sitayee Apne mundey bahrley mulakha nu jaayi jandeh hai†…So, thus …if they were given the chance to immigrate to Sikhland,..I am sure a very low percentage would say “NO†to that privilege. ..I totally lost you when you said the comment about “1984.†Many families throughout the west are shaped something like this: Gursikh mom and dad…and totally “anti-Sikh†kids. So, if those mom and dad eagerly wanted to immigrate to Sikhland, where would the kids end up living and so forth…You can’t separate a family now, can ya? Although, I agree with that only those most committed Sikhs would want to immigrate, but then always we have those “flu-hees†..wanting to cause chaos and shuffle things around… Not up with it, but I’ll be sure to check into when I have some time.. I totally agree, but then what about those like me?? ..Who just are interested in Sikhi, but their life doesn’t revolve around it..Basically, hypocrites..-say something else, but do something else..So, then its still too complicated where you would draw the restrictions of who is allowed to immigrate..If you allow the monay who have so much to offer …then those that trying to quit drinking/and etc might argue why aren’t they allowed to immigrate as they are basically working their way towards up being a Sikh..and etc. But, I guess that all boils down to basically only committed Sikhs wanting to immigrate, but again we always have the EXTRA. I personally say there is no way possible that we are able to build a Island which only has true Sikh Influence.! Anyways, I guess arguing on the fact who is Sikh and who is not a Sikh is endless, but this is what I have to ask you for now …the whole controversy of Western/Eastern Sikhs. Anyways, till next time take it easy.. Look for forward to your reply!
  19. Hehehehehh LOL, You wondering , why??.... But ju know wot Not quite legal, but getting that age huh ! CHal have fun, save me da cake! As always May your lyfe be like a toilet paper long and useful!
  20. Hahahahhahahahahaha No Need To Hate, JSB ... You know your jealous :wink: :wink: :wink: Anyways, all the best to Canada ..for their next twoooo You know what it was like 1-1 with Kara Lang, and like 0-3 without her ...You canadians gotta keep her there longer period of time...LOL Anyways you guys got tuff matches ahead of you... Beware of Japan :twisted: LOL@ Sucky Team With No Hope... I only wonder why its Ranked #1 As always all the best!
  21. Haha, Canada already lost...Tuff Luck But guess what?? :wink: :wink: Amerika won 3-1 against Sweden 2 of em corner kicks 8) 8) 8) Wicked Gud!
  22. Alright, but why WESTERN sikhs only?? I agree with Ideal Singh the fact we are like sort of becoming 2 different faiths -if we are going to distinguish between Western and Eastern Sikhs. LOL Oh yeah but what about those that live 6 months on and off?? The thing is if we only give the right to Western Sikhs, Eastern Sikhs will rebel- and be just bunch of 'civil war' type thing. And it was mostly eatern sikhs that were involved in the chaos of 1984-and now we are turning our backs on them?? Well, even if this is going to happen with Western Sikhs My first and foremost the question is ...Where do we draw the line between Sikhs and non-Sikhs(Those that are born sikhs, but just don't follow the aspects of Sikhi) By the way, Ideal- I could care less of you becoming a jathedar...and also just cus you change your post count on one of your posts...doesn't make you CLEVER at all..!! ...Get it through your head..!
  23. Please learn to measure first! You haven’t passed the stage of “simply talking†..- measuring is another thing. I know it isn’t my call here to make judgments upon you but it isn’t right for you to say that to FF. Just like you have the full freedom of posting messages , he has the same. By the way, I don’t mean to be mean or in anyway…..FF made just a suggestion , but you out of your 461 posts - …how many actually make sense or how many of actually coin your ideas, points of views…some of the posts you make such as ( Obesity in Sikhism, Thoughts of the day, gizzilion more) are useless and a waste of time. Simply, by posting stuff you try to increase your post count…and increase your so called “rank†..My congratulations goes to you …that if you only post 39 more posts, you will be a jathedar. Let me know if your having a party. In addition, you try to act so intellectual …like you have got the highest IQ or something …but you don’t know a shyt other than how to use a thesaurus, dictionary, rhyming dictionary to make your posts sound so intellectual - and honestly you take the piss and annoy countless number of people. LOL, FF is just throwing out an idea, doesn’t mean he has the blue prints on his hand?? Uh huh doesn’t take a genius to figure that out…. Your not a member of the team , as possibly you could imagine the result of building with a child. Agree with FF, Facts? Please explain how something can be declared as a fact (a statement of truth) when one has no clue as to what he is talking about, When you say migration, you got think of the way the Sikhs will make their living there, what will they do as an occupation, raise kids, will trade be conducted, hospitals, schools, airports, governments, courts, emergency dept. ( Cops + Ambulance+Etc.), and sooo muchh more needs to be set up first for the Sikhs and planned out before you can even begin to think of Sikhs to migrate..Honestly, by the rate of Sikhs (in Punjab) are advancing there is veryyyy slight chance that Sikhs will ever do.BTW, what is it that you consider a Sikh??-Mona, Sardar, etc, etc..As all individuals have their perception of Sikhs, its just too complicate to isolate the word Sikh to just one definition. Like what about those people that ….call them selves Sikhs, but drink, smoke, whatever….- so where is it that you draw the line between a Sikh and a non-Sikh. Don’t even mix education and older generation together. ..You thinking of educating are older buddiya with media , don’t even try, as they know nothing besides Chuglian Please, don’t say I don’t think outside of the box, but the truth is ….wudn’t bother giving you a ratio , but not as much as you expect …like 100-200 hundred? ..As for Punjabi Sikhs …..it’s a lot different, as beginning a new life on a different island is basically starting a new life, especially those who are in their 50’s 60’s ….and etc, as they all rely on their jameen for food, shelter, clothing, and etc. Again, apney Punjabi Sikh aren’t civilized enough to move ,yeh?? ..Again the thing is ..where do you draw the fine line between a Sikh and a non Sikh. I don’t agree with FF, as there will always be Sikhs within the Sikhs that are out there to get someone. Records, medical, police, and fully checked. Take this as a fact..-What records?? ..LOL those papers telling how much jameen they have…and where are you to obtain these records…Medical?? …There is majority of people in pinds who haven’t ever heard of heart rate and blood pressure, and you talking medical ..?? …Police?? ..Indian Police is corrupt themselves, what do they know??… And who is to enforce this law…America at its highest point, can’t control things …and yet you think our Sikhs will be able to?? …America doesn’t agree with Illegal Immigrants, yet there is how many living ..and yet like America is fully developed nation -Most taraaki in the time allotted ( least in my opinion)…and Sikhland- I couldn’t even begin to imagine. Quote: Now we are even getting more complex, Western Sikhs…so basically we are trying to alter their lives for the 2nd time?? …As first they had to immigrate from India and stand on their two feet in whatever nation they ended up in…and now we are imposing the idea of moving them to a Sikhland?? …What you think?? …..By the way, why western Sikhs…when majority of the western Sikhs are altering their views , religion, culture, ideas, and etc …are following the white man’s way. And those same western Sikhs were once eastern Sikhs….and majority of the western Sikhs =white man’s way Agree with FF. Errr, all Sikhs who do not have an "Indian" passport are considered aliens, thus it won't make any difference at all. I don't see your point. Again why ONLY Western Sikhs, Eastern Sikhs are as much of sikhs as western sikhs..If you talking about the $$$ , I think all people who have immigrated are poor than those that continue to reside...Basically, means that we couldn't afford living in India and that is why we immigrated...Basically apna immigratant can be portrayed by this analogy: Beyias/Beyiranis: Punjab as Punjabis(Sikhs): Amerika, Canada, UK, (wotever other country). Again why only western Sikhs as they are the same individuals who originate from eastern Sikhs(Punjabi Sikhs) Huh? Don’t get you here. Please use some common sense, "India" cannot stop ANY citizen from leaving the country. Once some Sikhs are out of "India" they may apply for "Sikhland" citizenship and then have dual nationality, one "Indian" and one "Sikhand". They may also come and live in "Sikhland". India cannot stop any citizen ..?? - Well how are you to board a plane, ship wotever the means of transportation without a proper documentation?? Once some Sikhs are out of "India" they may apply for "Sikhland" citizenship and then have dual nationality, one "Indian" and one "Sikhand". So why are we trying to isolate Sikhs from India in the first place, if we are still going to have ties with India in having “dual†nationality….and you know that has to be approved by the immigration of India as well..We can’t just say “ Oh yeah …well now I got a Indian passport and a Sikhland so I am dualâ€.. If they were those Sikhs, that actually wanted to immigrate …then the army can’t stop them…You can un-list anytime… Well those thinking of to immigrate, should know better ..and plan their lives out ….as it is , no one is requiring them. Again, what is Sikh?? …and again no one is requiring them to immigrate. Well if the Indian government is going to deport us at one time or the other…if they have so much hatred against it, don’t you think they would deport us right away??…So, lol , that means camping on your lil island. No nation??? ….Hmmm btw India is not the most powerful emerging power in this new world order and lol explain in depth what is Indiaz Authority …other than ..corruption, and stuff of that nature… Holy macro 10-15 years??..You think so?? Wow!!..-NOT ..Easier said than done…It is not going to be set up in 15 years, please give me a break. India’s been settled for god knows how many years - and its still not stable…so you think those same people that have adapted India’s way of living are going to construct a WHOLE new island in 10-15 years?? Gimme a break , more like if it was to be constructed, I won’t see it as I will be dead..and I don’t know about you folks…Although, long live you all..! It is much easier for companies to make small islands as their basez coz factories dont take too much space to accommodate 500-100 people. But to accomodate millionz of Sikhz itz not easy to apprehend... BTW, Japan’s Osaka Aiport was just as matter of building the airport ..according to ideas of other airports…It wasn’t EVERYTHING starting from scratch…And I doubt , no people live there so its totally different situation if we are talking about people living there-as we have to factor in other factors as well ... First of all, get the construction going first!! So what if they preach a different religion, we cannot possibly force them to convert. And if we are having just a Sikhland…why are we getting other nationalities/religions involved- FF, you said we’d have no guns or stuff..So are we to stop these people WHO ARE THERE FIRST, to oppose us??… Why would they want to mix their nationality with basically what we call “aliens†…Why are they the ones that would have to leave?? ….Again ahh easier said then done. And what about those who oppose becoming citizens as all would not want to become citizens of Sikhland. 1 Redundant question ! Money isn’t always the best solution. So, basically we are just bribing them?? .. Simply a N-O, as it would give a bad image to Sikhs... So, if they have kids what if they wanta practice Christianity, and they have kids and they want to practice Islam …and then we have our Sikhism --Mix of three in one again results to what we have today…..So how will Sikhland be different from other nations ….. Not sure , as never read the SGGS. That’s what I am asking, who is to be the government, who is to have voting rights , who is able to run as the PM (President) ( Only Sikhs or the original people as well) …Again, easier said than done. First of all , who is to decide right and wrong..If the original people are going to have full rights that means they can run for office , and etc…lol , so Sikhs are ok living under a NON SIKH??? I didn’t think so ………So who is to be in the GOVERNMENT, and who is to DECIDE ??? For your kind information ..Russia is the closest to Alaska, than any of the other 49 states. NASA?? - In my lifetime, I have never heard of space shuttle launching from Alaska …What NASA are you talking about?? Its so late in the night, I am like barely keeping my eyes open ....But I think I hopefully said everything the way I wanted to ..I will check tomm and make additional changes..but here is enough for now , yeh:P oh yeah ..mods ...lol please kindly do not issue a warning or whatever..as i have tried to reach Ideal singh in like all means of communicating..so afterall i am posting it here...jus one time lol there is conclusion i want to add, but i will add it tomm. as i said am like too tired:p
  24. lol more like too good to be true huh:P check dat man'z talents out ...( seriously no pumpin now, but serious talking;))
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