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The truth

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Posts posted by The truth

  1. Jungee and others

    pls know facts from both sides before sayign harsh words

    The sharab room was definately in the Gurdwara sahib premises next to the library and on same hallway as Sach Khand, it was never over diwalli as u say, you talk about ekta, well ebfore makign comments know the facts, and before mentioning names and jatebandis, know the facts

    i repeat the sharab party was in gurdwara building and not in community hall

    IT WAS NOT in the community hall.

    A stance needed to be made (and only Guru Sahib and those actually there know whether the right stance was made ))

    at the end of day, Seperate community halls where parties are held are bad, but as no one made a stance at the time, it's now accepted amongst the wider panjabi community.

    Now sharab is gettign in to the sacred premises of dARBBAR sAHIB!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and once one place does it the trend will follow

    so a stance had to be taken, otherwise 20 yrs down the line who knows what we coudl see

    a choice of veg/non veg langar, water or whisky to drink!!!!!!!!!!

    This can not happen.

    It was guru's hukam that Leamington were the 1st place for this to happen,

    i repeat the sharab party was in gurdwara building and not in community hall

    Gurfateh ji

  2. yeah tableji

    that rain-sbai was amazing

    and for those who say there's no raag kirtan at rain-sbais

    well that bibi from inida who did kirtan (i think about 10pm)

    well she kicked it

    the raags were flowing and so was the simran

    it's all good

    also it was good to see so much sangat there enjoying the ras of the kritan

    even Nidar Singh and other Nihang Singhs turned up to do darshan of Guru ji and the sangat and to listen to kirtan :))))

    so it can't all be that bad :))))))))))))))

  3. i was reading another website today and the following idea came up

    "Why harp on practices of the 16th century to diffrentiate the religion? What about telling us what the religion is doing in the 21st century? Its funny we are so caught up in the past, but I don't see people getting really fired up to stop female infantacide or female malnutrition, or castism, or the economic exploitation of poor folk in Punjab. Who is talking about Punjabis attitudes to migrant labor from Bihar? In fact, who is talking about anything with relevence to human rights or economic rights in Sikh institutions? Its very sad,"

    and it got me thinking - how today the nihangs

    are talking so much about history and the 'glorious past' but wut in reality are they doing in the modern world

    all i can see them doing is bigging their own egos up, talking loads, spreading hate and disunity but no action

    if this is the true army of the sikhs - then man we are in trouble

    to all the nihangs, don't live on past reputations, do something postive if you can-

  4. that is where the problem is with our youth today

    Lasslesvari u said

    "Some revolutionary work on Dasam Granth is going to appear within the next two years. This will be a bomb that will shake the SGPC's And AKJ's ass big time.

    ps. It's not my own work so I am not talking about my work...

    wait and see"

    now wouldn't of it have been easier to say 'work on Dasam Granth

    that will help in everyones understanding'

    instead of making it a 'them us situation'

    no other Singh is our enemy - don't see other Singhs as the oppenent in battle

    if the work on Dasam Granth is being undertaken to help all all :)) chardi kalal

    if it is being done with an ulterior agenda then i am Guru ji wouldn't be too happy.

  5. underground sikhi don't try and make yourself in to some kind of modern day martryer for the cause

    no one as far as i know as ever slandered the underground sikhi site

    infact i think it's cool- it's a wicked meduim to appeal to youth, it's great seva

    the issue isn't even with the sarbloh/shaster websites content as alot of it makes sense

    the issue is was 'why start another thread on sarbloh/shastervidya when the webmakers of those sites never repsonded to the questions posed last time a thread started' simple as that

  6. the truth

    well done for locking the sarbloh/shastervidya topic

    it really makes me laugh-

    certain websites that have been started have caused alot of trouble etc

    and when questions were asked no answers were given see the link for further details


    and the nihangs whet quiet for a while

    then undergroundsikhi again 4 weeks later tries to start the topic again

    please answer previous questions first instead of trying to portray how wonderful those websites are.

  7. after reading Truthsinghs post i stand corrected

    while the internet has in my opinion helped in spread disunity

    the main cause as truth bhaji said is the people who use the internet.

    again as Bhaji said

    all the truth is in Guru Granth sahib ji

    the answers are all there

    we don't need to look outside of it in to any jathabani/group

    Guru ji got all the answers

  8. good to see some responses to this topic :))

    i just wanted to add to Jagjit Singh's post

    he made some good points

    i do agree that a few years ago there was much more pyar and unity with the youth and one of the reasons that it has been lost is simple


    While it has good uses, most of the disagreements between youth, groups over the last few years has bene magnified alot through the internet, think back to all those egroups with so many emails that just caused distrust and unity - so many issues etc. The internet hasn't got that personal touch, it's so easy to talk into a computer. ok i am not going to be naive and say problems never existed but before the age on the internet, problems had to be solved face to face and no matter what anyone says - u can have so much negativiey towards another Gursikh, but once seeing him/her face to face that all changes because you see the roop of Guru ji, and taht roop will melt even the harshest of ego's

    One Other thing jagjit Singh ji said is that to get unity you need naam, so true and while the internet can give us discussions, debates, theoretical ideas of sikhi, sakhi etc, there's one thing it can't give us and thats sitting down in sangat doing naam simran and bhagti together,

    thats what's missing and the internet doesn't cater for that.

    on that note there's two major camps happening in uk this year

    sikhstudent camp - www.sikhstudent.org

    and Khalsacamp - www.khalsacamp.com

    both these camps will have plenty of oppurtunity for Gursikhs to sit together and do sangat

    so on a final note- lets use the tool of the internet to help in Sikh awareness but be careful that we don't get caught up in the trap and end up using the internet in a negative way.

  9. While Akali Sirtor Singh Khalsa called you Nangs and this has upset you NarSingha please put this to one side and answer his questions

    don't fob the sangat off by saying 'u will not answer cus of insults, slander' etc

    because the questions he asked is in the same tone of questions that you asked about AKJ

    so i guess don't be a hypercrite and just answer his questions'

    otherwise i guess the sangat will realise you for the trouble maker that you are.

    i have no doubt you have great knowlegde of History and tradition but Singh share it in a way which will make people who don't know much about it (myself included) want to learn, instead of coming across as a one man army on a mission full of ego and arrogrance.

  10. Waheguru ji ka khalsa, waheguru ji ki fateh

    Pls all contibute to this thread

    there' so many threads at the moment about different jathbandis and ways of following sikhi

    and sorry moderators while you may think these topics are good for debate they are causing more friction and anti-gurmat stuff (slander, nindiya, ego) etc than good and they will only confuse the youth more.

    while those topics were started to bring about truth, i think we all have to realise that within sikhi, there will be different ideas and agree to disagree and get on with our sikhi

    so this post can we all try and give suggestions on how we can get unity in the youht, because without unity we have no future just more of the slander 'my way's better than your way' ego etc

    so come on everyone -we are so eager to engage in fruitless debate

    lets now engage in how we achieve unity

  11. Moderators

    alot of what NarSingha says causes 'trouble' however (correctly so) you guys allow it on for constructve debate

    but how come it is ok then for NarSingha to say stuff like

    "As I said, ur question will be answered on the website, sow ait for it.

    If you think this is unfair...sue me"

    and also to say

    "Please remember, the only reason I am inviting discussion here is because I wish to do so, I may equally choose not to respond completely.

    Use this chance wisely"

    that's just totally egoism to me

    he can't just say what he wants one day

    and next day say he doesn't wnat to reply

    double standards

    and atittues like that will ultimetely ruin the good work this forum as done till now

  12. NarSingh said the following


    I will save u the embarresment of making you out to be the fool you are in public.

    You seem to take these forums very seriously dont you?

    Get a life...this is the internet...lol


    that makes me laugh

    cus all of NarSinghs 'warped views' and dodgy parchar has been over the internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1


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