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Ideal Singh

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Posts posted by Ideal Singh

  1. erm kinda confused is my post not allowed or the post of JOYce by the admin? coz there so many admin ppl, i aint got a clue..

    :LOL::LOL::LOL: I too had the same first impression... :LOL::LOL::LOL: but I think Joyce must have written something naughty so he gets the taste of <Admin Cut> for first time... welcome to group Joyce... :D

  2. Patience... Do we ever strive for Patience ?

    Writer : Amanpartap Singh

    E-mail : amanpartaps@yahoo.com

    Human psyche perceives controlling five vices viz. ahamkaar, kaam, krodh, moh and maya, as being perhaps the five most difficult things to do, during our short stay on this planet. But the solution to controlling these vices, lies within ourselves only. Self-discipline comes from self-realization, Self-realization comes from Self-introspection, Self-introspection comes with Patience, and Patience comes from practice. And when we say that we are fighting these vices then this means we are already aware of these problems which are hampering our spritual and are on our way.

    But, then this should not be just for mere saying or for impressing upon others. Actually, the fact of the matter is that as soon as we are confronted with a critical situation, we simply forget to practice patience with oursleves and are conveniently overtaken by any of the above mentioned vices. eg. as soon as somebody offends us, our 'ego' comes forward and we, conveniently, forget about practicing patience.

    Have we ever analyzed for how much period do we actaully remember a incidence that gave us the feeling of hurt or insult, no matter how huge may have been the magnitude of a dispute? I would say... not more than 2-3 days at the most. And after that whatever we recollect from that arguement, is just a hazy picture of what had actually happened. But the hurt/insult, of whatever derogatory s/he said to us, always remain embedded in our mind. Obviously, the same applies to the other person as well. And those derogatory remarks play games in our minds for a lifetime in some cases. We hardly remember the cause for which we had argued and tend to remember only the hurt/insult thus caused, and hurt or insult is caused by our false 'ego' or 'ahamkaar' only. And this is the reason we are unhappy for most of our lives. We always say how dare s/he had passed these remarks on me? (we can’t even recollect the remarks...). But, we do not realise that whatever s/he uttered was restricted her/his level of thinking/intellect... We feel this hurt/insult only because we take, whatever is said to us, by our heart & mind and that is where all the problems arise...

    And what if we do not take the insult at all, s/he can do nothing about it. Patience is a rare state of mind, where we are neither too much happy on the happening of a favorable event nor too much depressed on the happening of an unfavourable event... the state of mind in which we are constantly in 'Anand'. But this state of mind needs practicing restrain/patience with ourselves... "Very difficult ! Very difficult !!" Some would simply argue... But: Is it really that difficult ? Have we ever stried for it ? I am afraid, No! Never Ever !!

    So, one derogatory remark from s/he induces another derogatory remark from us and so this vicious circle continues to a point where there would be no looking back. And in 100% of the cases, we earn nothing from our fasle-ego based arguments but rather might loose, the blessings of our elders or a true friend for a lifetime.

    And by dragging his/her thinking (derogatory words) in our mind again and again, we are not only corrupting our minds but also not allowing good thoughts to come to mind... But now if we could just practice patience and just listen to what the other person has to say and not simply blast him/her out of his/her 'ego'. We would solve a lot of problems. We need to practice patience with our minds... So, whenever we feel bothered with such feelings of hurt/insult, just go to quieter places and try to empty our mind from such thoughts by giving our mind a feed of positive thoughts or even think about the positive sides of that individual who had hurt/insulted us at first place. And maybe we would reconcile with him/her. But, again this comes from practicing patience.

    Now, when ever there is a situation when we feel that one of the five vikaars are overtaking our thinking... Just take a cool breath and hold back ourselves... we will certainly cool down... You would say that the other person would brag/booast that he has proven his point... just because we have stopped responding to the negative arguments but we should remember that nobody has ever won in an argument and his bragging would just be his 'false-ego' only. Let him/her feel happy!! We can’t be right each time and the other person can't be wrong each time. So, if we can gain something from others, we should feel grateful to him/her.

    We can give Patience... atleast a try. Patience definitely breeds Spiritualism. Patience breeds peace of mind (Anand...) Come on give it a try...

    Chardi Kala

  3. Sat Sri Akal

    Gurbani should not be interprated in the literal sense becasue its in more in a relational sense. The interpretation of this shabad by sikhitothemax.com, leaves a lot to be desired...

    In this shabad, Guru Ji is pointing to a person (woman), at the wholesome futility of karam-kaands that have infested in the social behaviour. The following interpretation by Prof Sahib Singh Ji in Shri "Guru Granth Darpan" makes most sense to me and is more effective... Kindly bear with my limited transliteration skills... here we go...

    Guru Ji say: (Panna 91 SGGS, Panna 393-94 of GuruGranthDarpan by Prof. Sahib Singh Ji (electronic form)

    False-understanding is the drummer-woman (of a persons inner-self), cruelty is the butcher-woman (of a persons inner-self), slandering others is cleaning-woman (of a persons inner-self) and anger is sorcerer-woman (of a persons inner-self, which has looted the peacefilled behaviour of a person.)

    If these four vices are filled in your heart then what is the use of drawing these ceremonial lines around your kitchen?

    O Nanak ! those persons, who know the truth (about making the pure the kitchen) make truthful living/self-descipline their ceremonial lines, pray in the Name of the True Lord and treat this as their sacred bath and do not preach these false-teachings filled with falsehood to others, only such persons are treated as nobel persons in the presence of the Almighty.

    Bhul Chuk Maaf

    Chardi Kala

  4. Thanx Truth Singh ji for this section... :D I hope the following article is suitable for this section...


    Writer: Amanpartap Singh

    Email: amanpartaps@yahoo.com

    Sikhs have their perpetual Guru SGGS with them for guidance for eternity and there is absolutely nothing contradictory in SGGS...

    Any book or extracts of any book or particular thinking or particular ideology from any other religions, which positively reflects upon the ideology/essense of SGGS is perfectively acceptable to me... as there is also Truth in other Religions as well...

    So, everything that has been written in Dasam Granth or Bansavalinama or for that matter, any part of any book written by anyone from any Religion... is perfectly acceptable to me, if these extracts in those books positively reflect on the philosophy of SGGS, because a Truth will remain a Truth and nobody has a monopoly on Truth. But, I can reject anything which does not reflect upon the philosophy of SGGS. As simple as that...

    So, there is no need to make a fuss over as to what a person has said or for that matter what the writers of amy religious books have said...

    Now, thinking of a person is falliable except for SGGS, a perpetual Guru of Sikhism and which is infalliable... unchallengable... and all other books can never ever dilute the essense of SGGS with some of their ambiguous statements.

    So, there may be some contradictions in the writings of e.g. Kala Afgana etc and for that matter in the writings of Dasam Granth, Gurbilas, Bansavalinama etc... for example if in these books, it says that there is a Sun, which gives us light then its perfectly alright because this is perfectly acceptable to our Guru, SGGS but now if these books state that 'Moon' provides us light, then this arguement does not find acceptance to our Guru... and we have every right to refuse to accept such theories which are contrary to SGGS.

    We should remember that these books can contain anything but we are not bound to accept everything written in these books because we have SGGS to take guidance from and writings of any person are limited to his intellect... so we can also analyse their writings with the philosophy/essense of SGGS and reject whatever there is unacceptable but for that we have to thoroughly understand the philosophy of SGGS.

    Chardi Kala

  5. Taken...

    Who should we blame for the holocaust? The people or God?

    This question is valid for many things in life. i.e. The 84 riots, death in family, unexpected accidents, loss of jobs, even natural disasters like hurricanes and tornados, Sept 11th, etc...

    Why is it easier for humans to blame God for something to go wrong in their lives, however, when something good happens to them, it is all their doings?

    Chardi Kala

  6. Sat Sri Akal

    Whistling is the natural musical instrument gifted by God. But its not considred to be right thing to whistle, publicaly...

    Now, my another dumb question:

    I sometimes love to recite Gurbani shabads by whistling the tunes from Gurbani cassettes by raagis :oops:... Am I doing is a wrong act... ? my intension is just to enjoy Gurbani...

    Chardi Kala

  7. Welcome dear Inder Jeet Singh :) ,

    He is from SGPC forum... belongs to Kanpur, India. Seems to be obsessed for the cause of Bihar and Biharis in Punjab... :roll:

    Inder jeet, I am afraid you have to provide the website link to this post so that we can directly read this stuff otherwise you wont be able to convey yout message... and rather get headaches... :(

    Welcome again... :)

    Chardi Kala

  8. Once during a holy conversation, in praise and glory of Mahan Baba Nand Singh Ji, Baba Isher Singh Ji narrated a personal experience of his own. Baba Nand Singh Ji was once busy in the holy service of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It was time for the Holy Scripture to be closed for rest. Baba Isher Singh Ji who was standing there, was watching Baba Ji with his most adorable, lovable, worshipful, Lord Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Baba Ji, just at that time, in a most compassionate and divine mood looked at Baba Isher Singh Ji and in his ecstatic characteristic humility kept his forehead on the open Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, with all reverence. No sooner he did this he disappeared physically in the holy folds and lap of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. As Baba Ji did not reappear from the holy Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji for some time, venerable Baba Isher Singh Ji got worried and started praying to Baba Ji to kindly return from the Holy source of His merger. Baba Ji reappeared from the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

    Baba Narinder Singh Ji

    Sat Sri Akal

    No offense, but this story sounds pretty wierd to me... Do you want us to believe in such stories... What purpose do they serve to us other than wondering what sikhi is all about ?

    Even if these episodes are/may be true should be kept to our ownself and never propogated to others to influence their psychology. I think that was the message of our Gurus as well... who did not perform miracles to influence their followers...

    Chardi Kala

  9. :idea: It would be better if you tell us what you now think if the author of Bansavalinama is unknown or not. :roll:

    Sat Sri Akal

    Dear amrit

    We have our perpetual Guru SGGS with us for our guidance for eternity and there is absolutely nothing contradictory in SGGS... Right or Wrong ?

    Now, any book or extracts of books or particular thinking or particular ideology from any Religion, which positively reflects upon the ideology of SGGS is perfectively acceptable to me... because there is also Truth in other Religions as well...

    So, everything that has been written in Dasam Granth, or Bansavalinam or for that matter, any part of any book written by anyone from any Religion is perfectly acceptable to me, if those parts in those books positively reflect on the philosophy of SGGS... I mean if there is that part in these books that is not contradictory to the philosophy of SGGS then that part is perfectly okay for me... because a Truth will remain a Truth and nobody has a monopoly on Truth. But, I can reject anything which does not reflects upon the philosophy of SGGS. As Simple as that...

    So, there is no need to make a fuss over as to What Kala Afgana Ji has said or for that matter what the writers of Gurbilas have said. Thinking of every person is falliable except for SGGS, which is a perpetual Guru of Sikhism, and which is infalliable... unchallengable... and all these books can never ever dilute the essense of SGGS with some of their ambiguous statements.

    So, there may be some contradictions in the writings of Kala Afgana and for that matter in the writings of Dasam Granth, Gurbilas, Bansavalinama etc... For example if in these books, it says that there is a Sun, which gives us light then its perfectly alright because this is perfectly acceptable to our Guru, SGGS but now if these books state that 'Moon' provides us light, then this arguement does not find acceptance to our Guru... And We have every right to refuse to accept such theories which are contrary to SGGS.

    We should remember that these books can contain anything but we are not bound to accept everything written in these books because we have SGGS to take guidance from... and thats what Kala Afgana is doing and you would agree that his writing are limited to his intellect... so we can also analyse his writing with the philosophy of SGGS, and reject whatever there is unacceptable but for that we have to thoroughly understand the philosophy of SGGS.

    Rest later.

    Chardi Kala

  10. Good news for you !


    For the last few years, the computerized Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji has been used widely across the world for kirtan sessions and samagams.

    We have received a lot of positive feedback and response from the sangat and a lot of them are asking their local Gurdwara Sahib to install a permanent projection system, like the one that have been installed in various Gurdwaras worldwide..........

    Chardi Kala

  11. I might have confused it with Sant Kabeer ji....i always seem to do that.

    Sat Sri Akal

    Dear Pheena & Nandz, you were not off track...

    At panna 5730 of Guru Granth Darpan, Prof Sahib Singh Ji says:

    Quote ::

    Baba Farid Ji, went for his heavenly abode in his village 'Ayodhan' (aka 'Pak-Patan') in 1266 AC, at an age of 93...

    Shaikh Braham was in eleventh generation of Sheik Farid Ji. Guru Nanak Ji met Him at 'Pak-Patan' in His third 'Udassi'. Shaikh Braham, Baba Farid Ji di 'Gaddi' tae sann 1510 wich baithae sunn, tae '42' saal reh kae sann 1552 vich chalana kar gayae sunn. There is His Tomb in Sarhind. Guru Nanak Ji collected the entire Bani of Shaikh Farid Ji from Shaikh Braham...

    Some writers say that the shaloks composed by Baba Farid Ji and found in SGGS are actually written by Shaikh Braham, who is also known as Shaikh Sani. But this thought is totally wrong. If Baba Farid Ji had not composed any Bani, then nobody in next generations, had the right to use the name of Baba Farid Ji. Guru Angad Sahib, Guru Amardas Ji, Guru Ramdas Ji, Guru Arjan Sahib & Guru Teg Bahadur Sahib could use name "Nanak" coz Guru Nanak Dev Ji himself composed Bani with "Nanak". Pher, Baba Farid Ji di 'Gaddi' uttae onhaan tonn lae kae Shaikh Braham tak, Baba Farid Ji ton bina koyi horr sajan, unhaan di brabari daa mashhoor nahi hoyaa.

    Then this is another thought that in the times of Baba Farid Ji, Punjabi Boli had not developed so beautifully, in its pure "Thaeth" or "Core" Form... Farid Ji left for his heavenly abode in 1266 and Guru Nanak Ji was born in the year 1469. There is time gap of just '200' years. Many words used by Guru Nanak Ji are in pure 'Thaeth' Punjabi. In the times of Akbar, there was a poet called Damodar, who wrote "Heer" da Kissa in pure Thaeth Punjabi. Jae Baba Farid Ji dae wailae ajae 'Punjabi Boli' thaeth roop which nahi cee aa saki, taan onhaan dae '300' salaan which itni paari tabdeeli nahi aa sakdi cee... Evolution and changes in 'Boli' do not take just few hundred years but rather thousands of years... Although Baba Farid Ji was a scholar in 'Arabi' and 'Farsi', but He was born & brought up in Punjab, and Punjabi was His mother tongue. And What could have been the best way to spread His message other than Punjabi and that what Farid ji actually used. There are many words in Bani of Farid ji, which are influened by punjabi spoken in that Area.


    Bhul Chuk Maaf

    Chardi Kala

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