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Ideal Singh

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Posts posted by Ideal Singh

  1. Then who are so called Hindus ? Is there anything called Hindu Religion? Is it necessary to have a separate country for each Religions propunded. Should countries be divided based on Religion or Culture.?

    I think religion should be a personal choice. Then there is a positive in Hinduism... it supports choice for a personal God ? ...33 Crores Devtaes but then that would mean that there should be 33 crores countries ? I hope you getting myself... :roll:

  2. Please take no offence...

    If Sikhi is true Dharma then why is it that Sikhs are alienated from the country of their origin ?

    Cant Sikhs be called Hindus (I mean natives of Hindustan.) ? Why are we agitated if we are called Hindus... by claiming ourselves to be original hindus don't you think sikhs would eliminate identity crisis they found themselves to be in...

    PS : By Hindus I mean natives of a place called Hindustan...

  3. Sat Sri Akal

    I would like to share something with you all...

    Today my grandfather had an open heart surgery... He had a sweare third heart attack on Dec 11, 2003 and was diagnosed as having an acute blockade in all the three artelleries in heart. Doctors recommended an open heart surgery...

    Six hour operation was OK... He is slowly responding... :)

    Let us prayer to Waheguru for his good health...

    Chardi Kalaa

  4. Entires about Sikhism, in Encyclopaedia Britannica and several other encyclopaedias, which have been written by the persons mentioned above are mischievous, most of the material is inaccurate, distorted and concoted. All this is a part of some international conspiracy against the Sikhs.

    Truth Singh Ji What can we do about these publications. They do not respond to our queries at all. Even Sikh Coalition has not responded. Please is there any authority who can take lead in correcting these anomolies...?

  5. "Would you sell both your eyes for a million

    dollars…or your two legs…or your hands…or your

    hearing? Add up what you do have, and you'll find you

    won't sell them for all the gold in the world. The

    best things in life are yours, if you can appreciate


    A Life Worth Saving

    A man risked his life by swimming through the

    treacherous riptide to save a youngster being swept

    out to sea.

    After the child recovered from the harrowing

    experience, he said to the man, "Thank you for saving

    my life.

    The man looked into the little boy's eyes and said,

    "That's okay, kid. Just make sure your life was worth


    Sat Sri AKal

    Dear JOYce

    Wonderful insight... keep posting... :D

    Chardi Kalaa

  6. Always remember why u are here in this worlddd-

    Post quotes from Gurbani, or bani tuks

    of course Bani is always right.. andddd....superior..

    Dear Khalsacrazed,

    You sound dogmatic in your approach... everybody knows/is in process of knowing as to why they are here in this world... but everybody hre has the right to express himself in his own way...

    Well, you want to quote from Gurbani then open a new thread... :D but dont discourage others for their way of sharing knowledge and good messages... :evil:

    Chardi Kala

  7. Manu smriti never was such an important text...

    Did not get you ? If things were like this then what was castesim like during the time of sikh Gurus when they condemned it and if the poeple who propogated Manu Smriti (MS) were British... then did British land in India before Gurus ? :roll:

    The fact of the matter is that Brahmins and Rajputs ruled the Hindu masses for 3000 years based on the writing in MS. Even today 75-80% of Hindu Population is designated as lower caste Dalits and other Backword Classes. So, I do not agree with you on your Brithish theory.

    What do you mean when you say that there is no harm in people be proud of their origin ? Even MS, originally, does not make anybody Brahmin just by their birth in upper caste, only a persons according to his deeds would have made him a Brahmin or Shudra... What do you mean when you shower support for proud on your origin ? seems quite strange to me... Do you believe in RACISM :?:

    Yes, Maharaj used a lot of Rajput terminology regarding the Khalsa? Then so what ? SGGS uses words taken from the terminology used by Kashtriyas as well as Brahmins as well as Vaishya as well as Shudra. So What ? Kashtriya terminology was used because there was no time to derive new terminology during the war times. Was there any other "Varna" from where terminology realting to wartime could be derived? So what if Rajput terminolody was used?

    Penji, What smartness you are talking about... I am no smart but stiff :wink: ... please loosen me by enlightening me... :D

    Chardi Kala

  8. Lalleshwari Penji I agree with you...

    I think Brahmins and Rajputs Kashtriyas desprately wanted to be associated with Sikhism since its inception but they have a serious attitude and ego problem with Sikhism. They know that Hindu Vedas are all but obsolete and thus they want SGGS to be proclaimed as their fifth Hindu Veda. But the main problem is that they did not want to relinquish the Manu Smriti either coz that has given them unrevered power to rule the masses in India for centuries.

    The ego of power hungry upper castes Hindus is not allowing them to emrace Sikhism "as it is" becasue Sikhism eliminated casteism in its totality. I think it would not be a long hop by me, if I say that if Sikhs had sometime in their history agreed that yeah! they are part of Hinduism then they would readily become Sikhs so that they could also take pride in the glorious exploits of Sikhism.... I gather.

    Attitude Problem U C,

    Chardi Kala

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