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Posts posted by Nihal_Kaur

  1. Basically to me, the word GUR is referring to God or the personification of him/her.

    So we're being told that Vaheguru is all the deities, Demi Gods, etc and none is without Vaheguru.

    I can't quite put into words what I think, though it is clear in my mind.

    i.e ek onkar satgur parshad to me is saying that only with the grace of Vaheguru (ie HIS/HER parshad) can you....

    So GUR and GURU get confused sometimes I think. To explain ....

    " Sabh thi vadha satgur, nanak, jin kal rakhee miree"

    the comma's mean that the light of guru nanak is saying the true GURU is vaheguru who will also look after him also. I have seen in many places something else written.

    Although this is just my perception and will probably change tomorrow.

    Also i think its a damn shame we don't have schools to learn this vidiya. Meanings, correct recitals etc.

  2. Kamalla rose kaur seems to want the rehit maryada to be translated in a way "correct" for her because she wants people to percieve it the way she does.

    or perhaps she just wants a bit of thought put into translations. 8)

    your thought about changing the term "sacred pudding" is one I agree with, even though that is what it is. :D

    Although in india it is usually a starter/delicacy not a pudding! :shock:

    However, one thing I MUST say is that basically, the english language is too rigid and unyielding, it would be impossible to translate things properly the way you or I want to see them and especially Gurbani.


  3. Neo, I was given this article to read just before you posted it, and yeh it was something quite amazing (cause of the 999 people will go mad bit)

    The only thing is, being a blabbermouth, whatever I learn I share it with those around me and uncle ji from Kenya said:

    "another good way to clean up your nasal passages is to get a bit of warm slightly salted water in a watering jug. Then (while in bath otherwise messy) tilt your head up and pour that into your nostril (tilt head back) on one side, the water will come out of the other, he said do this for a little while then do it to the other nostril. Actually, he said, this way it is said you never ever get a blocked nose, if you do this once."

    I was typically like..eeeeewwwwwwwww and my response amused him, but he's a source of knowledge on how to clean out the body in less harmful/torturous ways than the hatha yogis do.

    ermm....bit off topic I guess.


  4. lol. eat it.

    shasterkovich, i have not threatened YOU in any way. Surely you're not the stick wielding hitting woman type of guy.

    i've been talking of the rights for women to be free and live their life the way they want without the use of carrots or sticks. Or gentle persuasion. or lovingly but firmly guided by men with carrots and sticks.

    If you meant something else you could have easily said it, instead you wrote " I would say with absolute assurance that the sheer physical power of a man with a stick is such that you could not turn the tables on them and beat them silly. Besides, I've been fighting all my life, against various enemies, and I'm not an average man when it comes to fighting. " that leaves me in no doubt that YOU also agreed with the terminology.

  5. shasterkovich, whatever gave you the idea I learn from anybody? I never told you. I have urged girls to learn self defence, and that is not an indication that i have learnt myself.

    However whether or not I have learnt self defence, I would show the same attitude towards anyone trying to use a stick on me or my sisters. and I would do EVERYTHING in my power to ENSURE that they get as good as they give.

    Only bullies pick on girls. :evil: :evil:

    And no one assumes they can fight like NNS, he is too good.

  6. Shasterkovich, there is a trait amonst many indian men that I have come accross. That is the need to control others stemming from poor self esteem, a feeling of worthlessness and paranoia about being made to look silly.

    This notion that a girl can bring shame on a family is slowly becoming extinct now (and thank god) because people are becoming educated and their own masters. Love is encompassing (and overruling) the notion that a daughter in any way is a reflection on the mother and father. Maybe in previous times when parents had no other way of showing their respectibility a girls actions were very much hampered, nowadays, parents are perfectly capable of creating and sustaining their own self respect within society unattached to the actions of their children.

    And furthermore if you would use a stick to "persuade" me I would batter you silly. Another gift from my wonderful father and Guru.

    It is not that the Punjabi men have lost the power to do what you say, more that they are realising that girls have as much a mind as men, and are in this society equally (sometimes better) able to sustain themselves and their families.

    Roles and situations are changing. I can see why someone who can't get an asian date is angry at those that can. I can also see why the girls are running a mile with outdated, sexist comments like these. Girls are human beings, not things to control. :evil: :evil:

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