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Posts posted by deepspirit

  1. WOW! What a hot topic! I'd like to clarify some things I said that have been misinterpreted and also to add some info.

    First off, I never said that Guru Ram Dasji invented yoga. I said that yoga was an ancient science that was practiced and mastered and exemplified by Guruji.

    As has been stated nicely, there are many types of yoga.They all have the same intention, to align the body with the infinite that resides within us. Kundalini works the fastest, and one can retain desired results.

    The Siri Singh Sahib Yogi Bhajan should be very closely investigated indeed. Please listen to and read his lectures. You will find him speaking in a way that inspires one to reach to the Guru and to model oneself in God's image. In listening to the SSS lectures, I have made direct references to SGGS. This is all he lectures on, just making it more assessable to those of us who do not have ready access to Gurmukhi. He makes up nothing. Of course, there are those who have slandered and charged him, but if one removes their own ego and listens with an open heart, they will hear the essence of Guruji. He has no intention of being anything more than a man who understands the essence of the infinite and who wants to share that beautiful concept of us as representations of God's infinity. He even refused the granting of sainthood from the akal takhat a few years back. He understands that he is a man, but his vision is to help us achieve the prophecy of 960 million. He is a master of Kundalini yoga since the age of 16, so that is what he teaches. Yoga is a tool, it is not the final destination. Guru is the final destination. THIS is what he teaches. Any confusion is due to our interpretation, not his presentation.

    Kundalini yoga is the yoga of awareness. It is a way to heal the body temple. It is a way to manage the householder's life so that we can have the energy to maintain our spiritual and physical lives so that we can merge with Guru. No more, no less. Hatha yoga is very different and so references in the SGGS make sense. Hatha yoga does not have the spiritual componant. Kundalini yoga empties the body as water is emptied from a pitcher. Once the pitcher is emptied, we chant Guru's mantra to fill us with His vibration, thus cleansing the mind, body and engaging our spirit with His.

    For those who do know Sanskrit, please do educate us with your research about references to yoga.

    I would like to ask, how many who have strong opinions have ever practiced yoga, under the guidance of a trained teacher?

  2. HeHe

    you make it sound so dismal to have to learn something! Do you know Sanskrit? Teach me!! In any case, I will find the references I need to help you to understand what I am saying.

    As far as "new age yoga", Kundalini yoga is an ancient science handed down in part by the Raj Yog, Guru Ram Dasji.

    Feel the Blessings of the day. Above all else, let us all rise up and be great in the image of Guru Gobind Singh. Then all discussion and knowledge will be abundantly available to all of us!

  3. Thanks for your questions. I’ll do my best to answer them.

    1. Creative energy: this is what gives one the ability to fully interact with life. It is what enables one to create something new, in thought, through writing and communication, through artistic expression. In Gurmukhi, I believe it is called Purkha. In its feminine aspect it is the Mata Shakti.

    2. The chakras are energy centers, points, meridians in the body. This terminology is based on aruvedic principles of healing. There are 8 chakras. 1st is anal area (base of support, survival), 2nd is sex organs (reproduction, creativity), 3rd is the navel (power, digestion), 4th is the throat (expression), 5th is heart (kindness, compassion), 6th is the pituitary gland, 3rd eye,(intuition), 7th chakra is the moon center on the top of the head (infinite connection, pineal gland, aka tenth gate), 8th is the aura (protective shield). A blockage in the 2nd chakra could cause one to be really horny or completely uninterested in sex. It can work either way. This is where lust resides. This block could also cause one to be very stubborn in their thinking and in their communication.

    3. Negative and positive energies: not really. There are openings and flow of energy and blockages. Foods definitely have an impact, it has to do with digestion and elimination. Undigested food or food that is not eliminated in the right time frame will bog down one’s system and cause one to feel negative. There is no dark side, just blockage.

    This is just touching on these topics. I don’t think that more info here is appropriate for the original topic.

    Here are some sites fyi:

    This one is from N3Osingh:


    These are other 3HO sites:






  4. Yes lalleshvari ji, this is true. It is just not that big a deal for women. Women don't lose anything, and are within the expanded aura themselves. Still, the yoga sets and kriyas, and the methods of relaxing afterwards, apply to women as well. The essense of creative energy resides within women and men. In this way we are the same. The circulation of that energy is key to enjoying life to its fullest.

  5. Sat Nam jjj, and all

    N3Osingh mentioned the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, and I would like to respond from that point of view.

    There is something we must always remember as Sikhs of the Guru. The question is not, How wrong am I?, but instead, How right can I become?

    Sexual energy is creative energy which can be blocked in the first two chakras, (energy centers) of the body. Sexual energy is the energy to create, understood by many humans as procreation and reproduction, but understood by artists as passion for life. We all have this life essence, Kundalini energy based in our spine. When that Kundalini energy is activated and flowing smoothly, we see the world from a relaxed, focused, and energetic point of view. We can participate smoothly in conversation, in relationships, and at work, with intelligent assertiveness and a kind of sensuality that brings color to our positive interactions. When this energy is blocked in the 1st or 2nd Chakra, one can feel the need to release. To release one might either masturbate, or might find a partner to aid in that release. Neither of these two options allows one to blossom and expand. Both of these options will weaken the individual. A young man who releases with these methods stunt their power of creativity and expression.

    There are things you can do to circulate this energy within yourself. Sat Kriya, as was mentioned, is a way, particularly for a man, to raise his energy and to utilize it as creative energy. You will need to locate a Kundalini yoga teacher to help you to begin, to practice the posture correctly and to learn the mantra to tune into Guru sahib first. There is a potent yoga set called “Raising the Lower Triangle to the Upper Triangle” that I highly recommend. You will feel great if you practice these Kriyas and yoga sets regularly, up to two to three times a day depending on your urges. If you have time to masturbate, you have time to meditate!

    If there does come a time when you choose to pleasure yourself, we have been taught to, just after release, either completely relax for some time, and/or squeeze every part of your body, every muscle…squeeze tight. Then relax. This will help to maintain and contain your energy. Sex, in any form, should never be rushed, and this is no exception. The nervous system takes on quite a load and needs to rest to recuperate so that you don’t blow-out your system.

    There is one more thing that you might find helpful. A man has one arc line. It reaches over his head. This is like an energy shield. A woman has two, one over her head, one stretching from nipple to nipple. When you embrace a woman, it is this second arc line which you notice. Since you don’t have it, you feel more complete when you are engaged with one who does. It is something similar during intercourse. Men experience orgasm as release, a planting of seed. When a woman goes through her tidings, her entire energy field expands and encompasses the man. He greatly benefits from this cushion of energy, it is very healing for him. Obviously, this cannot occur with masturbation. You lose your essence, your seed, but do not gain that cushioned comfort provided by a woman. It is a drain on your system rather than an energy boost.

    I pray that these explanations are helpful.

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