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Posts posted by Lucky

  1. It gives you more energy- both inner and outer energy.

    Well known that professional athletes abstain days to weeks before games, power weight lifters and most commonly boxers try and abstain for weeks to months if they can.

    I have also read some stuff that it also helps with inner spiritual energy. Kundalini awakening and spiritual ascension all become more powerful if one has abstained.

    I've also read that amrit rass...ambrosial nectar..or 'soma' is also produced more likely if semen discharge is kept minimum to zero !

    Sadly, some of us boys have a problem with increase in krodh the more we abstain...... maybe a punch-bag is a good investment ?

  2. Lucky have you ever had the experience of OBE?

    Where my consciousness is independently somewhere else....yes... and my first was an NDE

    Can you induce it often?

    No, but some efforts have to be made. It may happen or may not.

    What did you experience there?

    This is where it gets quite personal and I think it depends on who you are, what you are, what are your qualities and weaknesses....

  3. we are not allowed to see, women without clothes .

    the simple answer would be just do not go to that place.

    Savinderpalsingh ji.... you are in a totally different boat and that attitude would not work amongst the sikh communities in my vicinity.

    Over here it's that very attitude that would result in sikhi being completely wiped out with your 3rd generation..ie..your kids children.

    God has given us 2 eyes and 2 ears in order to listen and hear BOTH sides of any equation. However, we have One tongue that is for uttering the Truth... therefore, you should firstly watch,listen and learn before using your One tongue.

    someone mentioned the word 'khaliban' before somewhere.... and I'm now beginning to understand what it means.

    No more comment.

    Nada mas que decir.......adios!

  4. Exactly Dalsingh ji...

    I think that most of us sikhs in the west have learned our lessons by seeing where and how things went wrong with many sikhs amongst us...and especially in the last 25 yrs.

    If you want to be a clueless and locked out sikh, then go live in some isolated ashram or create your own prison where you can go forth and multiply.

    I don't know too much about social upbringing in india... but the ones who raise their kids with the ''you can't do this'' and ''you must only do this'' attitude, are the ones that come to regret in later years.

    I can't force sikhi on my kids or insist that they must do x amount hours of simran.....but I try and teach them how to do simran and assure them that there will come a time later in life when they won't regret knowing what I taught them.

    It's my duty to teach them the ''How'' but not to be enforcing it on them.

    I feel more than assured that they know where to turn to when they may face obstacles or hurdles in their life.

  5. If you are able to go to public recreation swimming pool or hot tubs lets say.... and there are plenty of bikini wearing goriyan and remembering that for them it is the normal and appropriate wear for that environment...... then can you go about and use the facilities without even one single look or kaam thought coming in your mind ?

    If you can't then you aren't strong enough.... you need to practice.... avoiding the hot tub or pool is not the answer is it ?

  6. that kind of place or party doesnt suit a singh or sikhnie

    how will guru feel , about his sikh going to such place

    veerji, It's not about if it suits a singh or not..... Guruji and gurmukhs see the brahmjyot and akal purakh in everything and everyone.

    remember that we have to be the lotus floating along the maya ocean......

    ਜਲ ਪੁਰਾਇਨਿ ਰਸ ਕਮਲ ਪਰੀਖ ॥

    Jal purā▫in ras kamal parīkẖ.

    This is the true mark of wisdom: that one remains detached, like the water-lily, or the lotus upon the water

    I hope we all get to understand and feel this one day.

    I know some of the sikh rebels will come up with pangtees about how we should avoid sangat of negative and wrongdoing jeevs.....yes very true.... but are you doing their sangat if your mind is with waheguru ?

    My answer is no and personally i have learned how I can draw the line to remain dissociated....which seems to work for my personal benefit.

    Sikhi does not teach us to deny Waheguru's creation and all his 'Kar'-doing'

    This doesn't mean that you fool yourself and start walking into stripclubs by choice because you think your unattached.

  7. Shabad Guru comes from the ONG. as in Ik Ong kaar.

    You start hearing the Ong at first but it takes a long time for it to fully manifest and for you to realise what it's all about.

    The intial yogic sounds are not shabad but vibrations and energies from your chakras that start getting aligned with gurmantar shabad.

    It's taken me over a year to realize this after going 'to and fro' many times.

    I think my understandings a little stable now,..... but you never know.... I may say something else in a few months !!!

  8. That must've been scary!!!

    One of my fears with OBE is my fear of heights. It makes me shudder just thinking about it...

    It's not as scary as you think !..............

    The experience is a little different because you are in control of your elevation.

    When you are scared of heights(I am too!!)...... we get scared because of whatever we are standing on for support, creates doubt. It feels as though we lose the sense of stability and the height or altitude seems to over ride the senses instead.

    When hovering in your weightless form, you feel quite stable as you know there is not enough body weight for gravity to pull you down.

    It's probably the knowing about the height and fall that can occur due to gravity that creates a fear.

    Also when having an OBE, as soon as you create a fear or start thinking about anything to do with your ego and the maya illusion...then you immediately shoot back into your physical body without notice.

    This is because fear and thoughts of anything structural produces negative vibrations. I would say that these negative vibrations are like weight that hold you down and prevent you ascending.

    The most positive vibration is the shabad connection and gurmantar jap.

  9. Whenever I meditate,my head drops backward ie.my face moves upward.How can I correct it? As I have read ,head must be straight.So,pls do suggest me!!

    Head should be straight and balanced for optimum benefit.

    From what I understand so far...... In early stages, in order to help you get deep.... you need to have a good uniform balance both with physical and subtle body.

    In later stages when you are in complete silent jap and body is relaxed, you feel weightless, elevated, nirgun and totally antarghat.....then you won't even notice how your head is sitting..... and I believe that most of the time it can sit forward or backward.

    It's only when you come out of the meditative state that you should notice how you were sitting.

    There are a few tips for helping to maintain the straight, balanced and erect position to start with.....and my first suggestion would be to focus on keeping your back straight and in upright position.

    There are people that may disagree with what I'm suggesting and say that it doesn't matter.... but I'm just advising on my own experiences and how I noticed many times that my simran was much more maximized on days that my whole body was balanced or when I had come back from yoga class.

    My 2 little tips would be

    1) Try and imagine a string attached to the top of your head.....Imagine that string is being held and pulled as if you a puppet and that the doer is puling that string upwards towards him....just let your head go upwards along with the string. !!!.......voila ,,,,your head,neck and back should all be straight and in line.

    2) If you keep noticing that your back keeps arching... then try and stick the bottom of your bum base out backwards as if you doing that

    'twirking' thing whilst sitting. This should also help if you got a stiff and aching back from sitting.

    Seriously... this whole balancing and sitting straight thing has been more than beneficial for me.

  10. I can share my grandfathers out of body experience here..suddenly when meditating and japping he started hearing a loud noise like wind or helicopters sound..then he could felt as if something is pulling him up in air..he got scared and opened his eyes and what he saw was his body down at bed sitting in a meditative pose..and after that he just felt like he was pulled up at a fast speeed when he was a experiencing a kind of tunnel sensstion and then he saw a small white light expanding and coming near towards him.and then he totally entered into the light and he could feel as if he became that vast expansive white light all over..few minutes and suddenly felt a falling like sensation and bhumm..he was back into the body.. he opened his eyes and he could see his dark room (lights closed) Full of light..this light started fading after a minute and everything got normal..he often says that this cant be dream..he could feel the whole of that experience very real and he still remembers evry bit of it

    That sounds like dasam duar was just about to open, but the fear bringing the person away.

    This is why it is imperative to have the shabad as the only single dhyian.

  11. I sometimes feel more concentration in japing nam slowly like inhaling on waheeeeeeee and thn exhaling on guruuuuuuu..but sometimes i feel better in reciting little fast wahe guru wahe guru .but still i inhale on wahe snd exhale guru but fast this time..so my breathing patterns also change..Am i going wrong?

    No, that's fine bro.

    I think that you should do it at whatever speed or rate that you feel settled in.... I remember that for a very long time, I used to find it easier to start off at a certain continuous rate.. and then later I too would slow down as surti went more inwards... and the breathing would also get very shallow.

    Remember that these techniques are just tools for this game of our mind... the object is to try and still it whilst keeping it's focus on waheguru and waheguru only.......So in my opinion, I don't think it really matters which way you do it as long as you can catch that mind from running in 10 directions and point it towards Akaal Purakh.

    Oh yeah... another thing is that don't get in too much thought about trying to stop your thoughts either !!...(what??)

    You see, we can end up just keeping our focus on trying to stop thoughts and then find that the mind is getting even busier by trying to catch and halt these very thoughts !!

    I used to find that I often did this and would end up getting frustrated instead.

    I remember that on here somewhere our bro Bhagat ji advising that you should become the ''observer'' instead... and just sit and observe the thoughts one by one but don't larch onto them. So, I took his advice and started this approach instead of trying to hammer down every thought that kept arising........ and in time my mind adapted and it became easier !! :D ...thanks Bhagat !

  12. All tickets were sold out yesterday except for an extra screening today for which the 4 last seats were available....so we got these yesterday and went an hour early today and even then two thirds of the auditorium was already occupied !!

    The film was excellent and I was surprised that the 3D quality was a good standard since I wasn't expecting much after reading a review that the effects were only very basic 3D !!!

    It was portrayed very well and even though we very much know the events beforehand, it still bought many tears to my eyes.

    My kids were very touched and I feel it gave them a little awakening too.

    We need more of this and there is no reason why we don't since enough money gets wasted on inappropriate media.

    I may go and see it again on the weekend and I very highly recommend everyone see it.

  13. On ‎11‎/‎9‎/‎2014 at 11:15 PM, starchpagg47 said:

    All of this talk of gurmukh manmukh etc is all hogwash anyway from bramins in chitta kurta blue pagg aka gyani types.

    If u walk path of Sikhi you are Sikh, if you don't you are giddar.

    End of.

    ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕਾਖਾਲਸਾ|ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂਜੀਕੀਫਤਹਿ| |

    No,...not quite...

    Sikhi is the path of where one is to transform from manmukh to gurmukh isn't it ??

    What's this got to do with brahmin?.... and is calling every other non-sikh a giddar, going to keep you on the right path towards gurmukh?

  14. now the second part talks jhoot is everywhere but how do we get rid of it? its by naam , so yes the following explains it and rather then washing it latter why not at first place make your own or only accept food from person with bad karma?

    and since we are not sure of anyone , the least we can make sure is too have it from amritdhari or baani reciting person and kirpan bhet it before eating

    Savinderji... I know what you are saying and where you coming from.

    I think that when we go in through the window of doing gurbani veechar for general or self explanations, then at first we should try and completely throw ego out of the window.

    Should always approach in a neutral manner and try to decipher the message.

    In the above, Guruji is making us question ''what is sucha and what is jhuta''

    He says,, that sucha only becomes such if the 'tongue' itself has naam and has been uttering naam.

    Eating your own veg and fruit is not making anything any more pure, because it still comes from the same organism containing water and greens.

    All I am trying to point out is that the quoted shabad is not endorsing bibek rehat in any way. However, that is not to say that I am speaking against bibek rehat.

    Bibek rehat, from how I understand it....has it's place in gurmat. We all know about food hygiene and external cleansiness and in the same way...bibek rehat is more about inner cleansiness-which I won't go too much into in this post.

    The food's are not sacred in the sense that they can purify us or purify the tongue that has uttered filth..... But the tongue can be made more sacred by uttering shabad and thus making any foods consumed to be drenched in naam.

  15. Excellent and simplistic explanation !

    I have read through many hours worth of elaborations on 'ek ongkar' given by lots of gursikhs.

    They all go very, but nothing beats the simple words above that again emphasize on doing the practical.

    I attended the camp for 3 days and it was excellent and mind-blowing at times.

    What amazed me was the number of very high avastha gursikhs that were sat amongst us in the sangat..

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