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Posts posted by Beast

  1. it's a shame, because Sardara proved that his voice was still good when he performed with Shin.

    I watched Heera on TV early last year saying that they were coming back and that they were bringing tradition back....total bollox! They just jumped onto the cheap, tacky, poor-imitation garage stuff that you hear from crappy coconut dj's

  2. lol

    Sardara was at a mate's wedding performing on stage with DCS. They SMASHED IT....COMPLETELY. It was BRILLIANT!!!


    word on the street was that Sardara wanted a bigger cut for performing with Shin...dunno if it was deserved or not, but DCS said no.

    Giddah Palo is a garage track???......haven't these ppl realised that garage is just a gimmick to allow coconuts to enjoy bhangra. These guys are never gonna be able to twist lightbulbs like the true fans!

  3. i wonder y beast didnt come to camp this year !

    mebbe i did come down.....and took a nice bouncy present with me. (no, i don't mean anne nicole smith)


    mebbe the thought of having to endure kaur-number5's bad B.O was too much


    mebbe I wouldn't have been able to contain my hysteria at the very same place where u left ur "nishani" :LOL:

    or mebbe i couldn't get time off work

  4. right. I totally understood everything you just said *ahem*

    Think it's just us 2 here, coz i got skanked (couldn't get time off work, :sniff:)

    Could you sorta write in a different language.....eg English? :P

    Just kiddin (well, sorta kinda .......not really!)

    Welcome to SA fruitcake! :D

  5. Hi, we all know that the Respect for SGGS ppl are stopping Maharaj being taken to halls/banquets etc. But what abt when people have Akhand Paaths in their homes?

    With all due respect, the SGGS in a hall will only be read for an hour (or two at most)....but an Akhand Path lasts for 3 days. Many people have alcohol and meat in the household at the time of an Akhand Path, with the very real possibility of a session afterwards.

    Surely this is much "worse" then taking Maharaj to a banqueting hall?

    Curious to know people's thoughts on this.

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