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Mugermach Singh

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Posts posted by Mugermach Singh

  1. i agree, when we dont understand something we should just follow it because of our love with the guru. Guru Ji never intends to cause us pain, so whatever guru ji says is to help us.

    But blind faith can become dangerous because the last thing guru ji wanted is for us to be thick and follow his teaching without understanding them. And if we have the ability to understand why we do certain things and if we can relate them to gurbani as well as following the rehtnama will definatly increase our sikhi.

    So the aim for answering this question is to further build a better base/foundation...

  2. this whole thing of not eating food prepared by a mona is bullshit.

    the whole world is fully of Jhoot, only one thing is Sach and that is Akal Purak. and if your at a bramgyni stage, i doubt they look at you apperance much, they look at you heart, eyes.

    Critising a man is like critising the creation of god. (Bhagat Kabir Ji)

    Live and let live.

  3. men and women never used to sit seperatly before. this was intorduced later.

    if we are going to the gurdwara as gursikhs we don't get distracted.

    I, on purpose sat on the other side once, but my plans failed, as all the mudeh came and sat with me and all the kuria went to the other side. :x

    but, sit where you want, but not in the middle, cos you dont want to create an obsticle course for the oldies.

  4. If the human form is desired and the highest reward and oppurtunity to gain liberation from the cycle of birth and death, then if God is ALL Just towards all his creatures, were they all created and given human form when creation began? If not, and some were in animal forms, isn't this injustice towards those souls?

    doesnt prove that reincarnation doesnt exist because of my explanation above.

    However it does prove that God Likes some better than others. :D :twisted: . Now most of you should disagree with this (if not, got your local hospital and say you birth was an accident, i want to be put down (that is a joke, don't do it really)). You should agree that god likes everybody equally. But we all dont love god in the same (s)he loves us. Some of us move closer to god, others away. (Salok in JapJi.)

    This doesnt really answer the question. :roll: :(

    were they all created and given human form when creation began? If not, and some were in animal forms, isn't this injustice towards those souls?

    but it does prove that God has a sense of humour.

  5. this may now answer all the questions you asked, but it does prove reincarnation exists.

    Ask him is god immortal?

    he, being a muslim will say Yes.

    Then ask him, do you belive that the soul will go somewhere in some form. (i think muslims belive that after they are buried something happens to their soul. will someelse clear this up as i have little knowledge on this.)

    He should say Yes. otherwise whats the point of being buried!! :)

    Ok, since the soul does not die, then it can be called Immortal?

    he will have to agree, because he too belives that the soul does not die.

    Then ask him, If the sould does not die, then tell me where you came from????

    He being a muslim, will say Allah.

    Ok, wahegure, allah did send the all souls.

    Here is the cruch and the main proof.

    Now we have two possible theories. Either Allah is making new souls and sending them to the earth, in this case, he is making a new moons ne stars new sun, new earth etc.

    (If he has any sort of a brain, he will disagree with this)

    Then the other possible theory is that god recycles the moons stars and earth. And therefore recycles the Soul, and another word for recycle is.....

    yep, you guessed it. Reincarnation.

    This proves that reincarnation exists.

    I am working on the other problems. pls give me a little time.

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