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Mugermach Singh

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Posts posted by Mugermach Singh

  1. In england, america, India???

    i want to do some magic.... (only joking), sound really interesting.

    (does the book have an ISBN...) :)

    Guess not.....

    Do i have to go to the nirmalas to get them?, has anyone got a copy? if So, do some seva for the panth and pass a SIkh Brother a Copy, (photocopy it and send me the original).

    The book belongs to the panth. :)

    so hand it over....

    Sorry on a high, did ragra tonight,.

  2. All i said was he like cpying and pasting,

    i did not mention if it was wrong or not.

    you want me to get snappy??? (lol),

    please read full thread at akj.org shaster Vidiya sections.

    Opps, sending people away from this forum, is that against the rules??

  3. So we start fresh!!!

    Im not to sure of that, i thought that we build up on our meditation.

    Our Good deeds in our previous life enable us to enter another human life??

    Im sure i heard somewhere that by meditation and wahegurus kirpa we are able to see our previous lives and our next lifes.

    if you want motivation, try to see your what your next life is??

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