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Mugermach Singh

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Posts posted by Mugermach Singh

  1. i wanted to start a thread to get feedback from everyone who's been to a sikh camp (especially camps aimed at 16yrs+) & see what everyone thinks of them.

    what the hell im bored.

    which camp(s) have u been to?

    One in chigwell.

    what was good about the camp?

    well, this one time at sikhi camp, we were all sitting in the daaarbaaar sahib and people did paath and explained what it actually meant in english and once in my life i didnt have to pretend i knew what people were on about.

    what was bad about the camp?

    sleep accomodation, take your own blow up bed and kumbal, plus, this will prevent any dodgy singhs hugging u at night....

    what improvements/suggestions can u give for future camps?

    let me think...

    sleeping arrangments.

    which types of speakers were particularly good / particularly bad?

    we need more speakers like erm... i cant remember any....

    anything else u can think of?

    need a film night at the end.. So every1 gets together and watches 2 or 3 films..

  2. u don't mean proctor do u?

    ... & what makes u think i would know??? :?

    not proctor, that other ugly dude, whos was a thug first then became a copper and was teamed up with the small guy with glasses.

    i tihnk u would knw, cos u knw useless facts just like i do. except they are different useless facts.

  3. So, you mean to say we do not even trust our paathis

    yes, thats exactly what i mean. lol

    who are doing paath on our behalf

    lazy sh*t, do your own paath.

    I sometimes dont even reconcile with the concept of Akhand Paath... when we do not even understand what the paathi is wispering infront of the mike except for which page number he is reciting...

    i dont blame u. most of them sound like that guy from police acedemy, (not jones, the other dude with a really really bad voice, some1 must knw the name, guv... do u knw)

    Would not it be better to do a sahej path no dependent on time constraint spanning may be over a year... I would be gr8 if could read and understand the meaning of one panna (page) per day... that would give us the real Anand of doing Akhand Path...


    again, please take no offense... thanx


  4. btw, as a side point, I dont know of that many men who can continue to fight effectively and win when hit in the groin, unless:

    a) they happen to be a castrated man

    B) they happen to be a napumsak

    c) they happen to be a female

    d) the hit itself was feeble

    e) are wearing a sarbloh kachera (or some kind of alternative)


    sarbloh kachera can be bought, pm me if u want one. lol

  5. i think admin are being sexist. there's guys & girls on the admin team, but no third genders. that's y u should make mugermach an admin. :LOL:


    president, mugermach for admin campaign

    :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

    now back to the topic..

    Mugarmuch Singh, the reason I pointed this out was because Veer Narsingha said it was Kshatriya Maryadha to attack the groin. But if you read ancient Sanatan texts like the Mahabharat then you’ll know that low blows were against kshatriya maryadha. Infact low blows were punishable by death. You have to understand is that, ancient Kshatriyas were very noble hearted souls who fought in accordance to rules and regulations which is known as Kshatriya maryadha. They were not like us Kalyugi folks who will use every dirty trick in the book in order to defeat their opponent(s).

    Personally speaking, whenever I have fought, I have never used dirty tactics, low blows to defeat my opponents, unless my opponent uses them first, then I am justified in using similar methods.

    i have no idea about this, i will read up on it and reply in 2 to 10 years time.

    also about ur personally speaking, good to see you would use if needed.

  6. stupid damn exams, im going to end up graduating in 2007 :shock:

    stupid exams, and they always put them in summer, damn england never sees any good weather until the damn exams and then the edcuation system janta decide to put the damn flippin exams in may june and july, just cos they aint got lives, flippin exams people. damn damn damn damn damn cant say sh*t cos you get (admin cut) (admin cut) ARG. damn admin cut, i mean exams. arg.


    good luck to every on their exams. Hope non of u suffer from exam stress. lol

  7. ps. i might be coming toronto in september!! anyone wanna let me stay over?

    i might be going in aug, change ur month, come in aug.

    damn freaky people from toronto

    thats a good way of getting some1 to let u stay at their house.

    you're all a bunch of weirdos

    yep they def gonna let u stay now.

    i think toronto should be put under quarantine, i hear there's a large outbreak of canadapindooitis there.

    i think u convinced them now.

    TO people, give guv a home. sponser a guv today.

  8. Groin Attacks?? Narsingha, that is not Kshatriya Maryadha. According to Kshatriya Maryadha one cannot attack the groin or hurt their opponents using low blow tactics

    i knw ur not asking me but if there is a existing martial science for the abilitiy of killing people, then why arnt groin attacks allowed? Um, if the dudes going to die, i dont think hes going to be worried if he nuts are with him or not....

    if its a question of marayda, those without ,maryayda dont really give a shit cos they dont knw, so if they didnt knw, then is it ok??...

    also, technique, chudioh gateh marneh.... groin throat attack... if memory serves me correctly, its a tech from suraj prakash.... and please dont ask for references cos i cant be asked.

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