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The London Declaration For Global Peace


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Recent decades have seen the world?s great faith and cultural communities torn apart by misunderstandings and mistrust to such an unfortunate degree that people of good intentions towards each other are now compelled to declare their unequivocal rejection of the beliefs and activities that divide them and their unreserved embrace of the beliefs and activities that unite them.

We, the signatories to this ?London Declaration for Global Peace & Resistance against Extremism?, affirm that all humans everywhere possess inherent dignity and immutable rights: these including freedom from poverty, oppression, fear and prejudice and freedom of belief, worship and expression.

Due to the success of the Peace for Humanity conference on 24th September 2011, the following peace declaration has been created for all those who want to live in a world full of PEACE,

Show your support by signing the London Peace Declaration

To read more about it visit: http://www.londondeclaration.com

Anyone can sign, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, creed or status.

Please FORWARD to all your contacts, and please spread the word to friends and family.

Thank You


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You can also receive regular updates about the London Declaration by following the Official page on Facebook, this page entails of regular updates about the London Declaration for Global Peace and Resistance against Extremism 2011:


You can also sign the declaration by LIKING this Facebook page by clicking on the 'Sign Declaration' tab on the left hand side of the page.

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