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The Parrot & The Cat


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Where were you born, Mr Human Being ji?

I was born on a small rock - just turn right at the moon and ask for Earth. My parents are Mrs Mum and Mr Dad Being, we live in a lovely house...one day I hope to get married, have little Beings run around the place and then die with a smile of satisfaction on my face.

Where were you born, Miss Khalsa ji?

I am a resident of the Town of Bliss, AnandPur. My father is Guru Gobind Singh ji : the Lion who Protects the World, my mother is Mata Sahib Kaur : the Master's Princess, my brothers are Baba Ajit Singh ji: the Unconquorable lion, Baba Jujhar Singh ji : the Warrior Lion, Baba Zorawar Singh ji : the Powerful Lion and Baba Fateh Singh ji : the Victorious Lion, my family is the Army of Akal : The Khalsa.

The story of my birth is an interesting one, once I was just another Human Being child, but one day I stumbled across the society of saints, the sadh-sangat, the Army of Akal - the purest pure Khalsa. Every morning, every night I went and dyed my mind cloth in the colour of God's love. Morning and night I jumped into the vat of the sadh-sangat. Years passed, the Guru's Grace was great, all around people called me GurMukh. The Khalsa gave birth to me, the Khalsa is my mother and father, the Khalsa is my friend and family. I live in their house, they say it's my house. I praise my Master, I love my SatGuru, I die for the Khalsa. If I'm hungry they feed me, if I'm naked they clothe me, if I'm lonely they are there for me, if I'm lost they come and find me. Day and night I sing the words of my father

'Khalsa is my closest friend

Khalsa is my mother, father, peace-giver.

Khalsa is my dignity and energy,

Khalsa is my friend and companion.

Khalsa is my caste and honour,

Khalsa has given birth to me.

Khalsa is my palace and treasure,

Because of Khalsa I am respected.'

(Guru Gobind Singh Ji)

In my last life I was just a wild and cowardly Parrot. I used to fly without discipline to places with no morals. One day I was pecking at the earth and a mighty cat jumped from the bushes into my path. I was so brave, I was so strong, do you know what i did? I closed my eyes and all my fear went away. I couldn't see the cat - everything was OK.....but the cat pounced - I screamed - I died.

If I had been in a cage, if I had a Master to look after me, then the death cat wouldn't have got me. In this life, the society of Saints, the purest pure Khalsa is my cage, i can close my eyes and i know i'm safe with them around me. Vaahi-guroo ji is my master and SatGuru ji has taught me, the foolish parrot, to speak His language of love.

'Thoo pinjar hau Soortha thoar

Jam majar kaha kareh moor'

You are the Cage and I'm the parrot,

What can the cat of death do to me?'

(Guru Granth Sahib ji).

I praise my Master,

I love my SatGuru,

I die for the Khalsa.


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