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Make the best use of Technology :)


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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Well If u own a scanner or a digital camera then getting pictures on ur computer is not hard work rite? But what can u do with them pics, the file size is too big and they are not clear so how can u make the most out of these things.

:gg: Last night i installed an OCR (Optical charachter recoganition ) software which is extremly good. I took a picture of a page from this small sikhi book and used the software to turn the picture into editable text. It took less than 20 seconds. If i was to type the text it wud have taken about 5 mints.

Neways if u have any sikhi books which have good articles / stories then whhy not scan them and use the software which i am gonna recommend to convert them into Text documents and make them avilable online for the sangat.


Just go on the above page and download the demo, its fully functional. ;)

here is an example of the OCR'ed page, The text is editable but in the webpage its a bit too small because this software automatically recogansies Font sizes and paragraph styles. :)


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cheers its downloadin now

i wish u gave this to neo b4 he started typing up that book "life after death" :P:P :twisted:

Lol, i never actually needed to use this kind of thing until now, but man that software is wikid. Tell neo to scan all the pages and then just put them in the software cos it allows u to create a batch processing thing. Then hit the button and Word document files or anyother format text files will be created for u.

The best thing is that it detects the layout , formatting and even pictures.

So if the book has any pics the best format wud be to save the thing as PDF files so u the program can generate pdf which contails the text and the images from the book.

Oh yeah, its says demo but tell neo to message me on msn and i will make it full version :wink:

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