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Do U Know Sanit said that the.....

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The most destructive habit......................Worry

The greatest Joy................................Giving

The greatest loss.................Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work...............Helping others

The ugliest personality trait.............Selfishness

The most endangered species.........Dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resource...............Our youth

The greatest "shot in the arm"..........Encouragement

The greatest problem to overcome.................Fear

The most effective sleeping pill........Peace of mind

The most crippling failure disease............Excuses

The most powerful force in life..................Love

The most dangerous pariah...................A gossiper

The world's most incredible computer........The brain

The worst thing to be without................... Hope

The deadliest weapon.......................The tongue

The two most power-filled words..............."I Can"

The greatest asset..............................Faith

The most worthless emotion...................Self-pity

The most beautiful attire......................SMILE!

The most prized possession................Integrity

The most powerful channel of communication.....Prayer

The most contagious spirit.................Enthusiasm

The most important thing in life..................GOD

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Where Can I Get Some Self-Confidence? By Coni Cecil

Hey. It turns out; my confidence can be "shattered"

with one sentence. How about you?

All it takes is one negative comment from someone you

Love and trust. It could be all over with after that.

Why not just give up? No one else believes in you, so

why should you bust your rump everyday to make your

dream happen?

I'll tell you why.

Because your life is something that you believe in.

Your dream is something that you can and will achieve.

It is definitely within your reach.

Do not let close-minded people rule your life.

Do not let them influence you.

I don't want to be just anyone.

What about you?

Hey. We could be. Let's just hang out with the rest of

the folks and enjoy ourselves. Not worrying or

planning for anything. Never attempting to better our


When are we going to take a stand?

When are we going to make sure that other people know

that we are for real, and our dreams are not just


I'll tell you when. Right now. Today!

Quit worrying about what other people think.

Quit wondering if you are good enough to "hob-knob"

with the best.

You are, and deep down you know it!

Deep down in your subconscious mind, you realize that

some things can be different.

Some things can actually be the way you want them to


So guess what?

It is up to you to make your dreams come true.

It is up to you to insure that your life is what you

want it to be.

O.K. So we all have our little quirks. Right?

Well. Those little quirks are what make us unique.

It is those very things that make us individuals.

Don't let anybody, anytime; shatter your confidence.

Who are they anyway?

Self-Confidence matters, and getting it seems to be

fairly complicated at times.

If you find an easy way, please let me in on it.

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Before U read this segment Close UR eyes for a while 'n' think bout the person U loved the most.

Does a sunset end when the sun sets?

Does a 3-day 2-night vocation lasts for 3 days & 2 nights?

Does a Kodak moment lasts for only 1/500 of a second?

Is 'Love Story' only a 2-hour storybook?

Is 'Life is Beautiful' only a 1 hour 56 minute movie?

Does pregnancy last for only 9 months?

How much time is too much time?

When you're with your kids. When you are with yourself.

Sometimes a ½ hour bubble bath can seem like an evening.

A 3-hour happy dream, a whole year.

Sometimes a warm hug can seem like a lifetime.

And the gentle squeeze of your dear in your arms, an Eternity.

what U this feeling, THINK & TELL UR dears ones

I called it

… … . A Relationship

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If You Hate Your Life, Then Change It

By Judi Singleton

Few days ago, I noticed that my car had been using a

lot of gas. I wondered if it was just that I was

driving more in stop and go traffic. However when I

started using about four times as much as usual, I

really started to take notice. Where was it going? I

usually used $10 worth of gasoline to commute to work;

but now bill was $40/week. Either I had a gas leak

somewhere or someone was stealing the gas from the

car. I was not sure which.

A few days later, while sitting on my back porch I

noticed a puddle on the driveway under my car. That

puddle had been there for a while, but I figured it

was due to a leak in my power steering fluid. However,

it looked a little too far back from the front of the

car to have from a leak from the power steering.

I poked my hand into the puddle and smelled it. Sure

enough, it was gas. The discovery really scared me. I

could have been blown up with the car! Leaking $30

worth or gasoline a week is rally a lot of gas!

If you are losing energy in the form of, health,

prosperity, experiencing bliss, or relationships, you

have a leak in your system, just like the gas leak in

my truck. No one is siphoning off your goodness. Your

leak is in your system; only you can repair it.

The purpose of your life is to expand your energy. How

you use this energy is up to you. Are you increasing

your energy or do you have an energy leak in your

vehicle? Do you spend a lot of time wondering about

life instead of living it? What is life giving for

you? Are you doing those things or are you only doing

what keeps your emotionally, physically, spiritually,

and mentally dead?

Do only what brings you life. Do not do what deadens


The reason your life is not what you would like it to

be is that you are doing things, that are not life

giving. The answer to that is simple. So your job is

to find out what is deadening for you and stop doing

it. Instead, do only things that bring you life.

If you use as much energy choosing to do life giving

activities as you do to deaden yourself and used it

for things you love what would you be doing?

If you took the energy you are wasting on things that

suck and used it for things you love, what would you

be doing differently?

When you do things you hate and resent, you die a

little every day. These things may be things that our

society approve of; but you do not want to do them so

for you they are killers. For example, you might be

spending a lot of time at church when what you really

want to do is to work in your garden. You are giving

away your time and power every time you make this


What is really important to you? Take a walk in the

woods, get close to nature, and spend time with your

family. Talk to your animals; they make as much sense

as any of your human friends. Simplify your life. If

you do this you are giving yourself the present of


You may be very careful with money. I am not. So that

is one place in my life I have an energy leak.

However, what you give your attention to is more

important than how you use your money. If you give

away your time on this earth not doing anything you

want to do that energizes you, you will end up in a

big hole. (No pun intended.)

Everything you invest your attention in, brings more

of the same. What we pay attention to grows, whether

it is fear or love. If we live thinking, "When I

retire I will do what I want to do. Until then I will

do this job that I hate." Watch out. Retirement comes

and you have had a heart attack and never get to do

what you want. So choose now the things you love and

invigorate your life. You are the one creating your

life. This is your life. If you don't like it change


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Unless you shape your life, circumstances will shape

it for you.

You have to work,sacrifice, invest, and persist to get

the results you want. Choose them well.

You can’t start your planning until you know where you

want to go.You are the sculptor of your own image.

Have others already done what you want to do? Study

them and do what they did. Start anywhere, at anytime,

and Persist.

Stop worrying what others think about what you can or

can’t do. Believe in yourself and your abilities. Have

the self-confidence to challenge your current


This is your life to live; it’s day by day and step by

step. Write down your goals. Only three percent of

people have written goals and only one percent review

those written goals daily.

Be in that elite one percent. Vi s u a l i z e

the attainment of your goals often. Goals are dreams

with dates attached.

You will only become as great and as happy as the

goals you choose..

Remember Those Who Fail to Plan they Planned to

FAIL..u better know now wht to do ? ok ...

Don’t be afraid to go on an occasional wild goose chase. That’s what

wild geese are for.

Author unknown

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Divide UR Activities to Conquer Them

A common denominator among the successful is that they are focused on

the immediate accomplishment of specific objectives. Separate the important f rom the urgent and allow time for both. Break down any large task into a series of small tasks and start taking action. In the beginning, don’t be too concern e d with how you will achieve your goals. With commitment, re s e a rch and patience, the means will come. Answers materialize when the facts have been collected.

Your goals will evolve into a set of action-oriented objectives, which will

become a series of to-dos. Now prioritize. If you don’t prioritize your day’s activities, everything is of equal importance. Whether one thing gets done or not doesn’t matter. You want your activities to be important, to have had a clearly defined purpose. Write your to-do list every day. Prioritize it. Make at least one of your daily objectives a chal-lenge.

At the end of each day, you’ll be able to relax and bask in that wonder-ful

feeling of acomplishment..

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