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Friends I M going to start a new discussion in which I & You too will post (some good) views, thoughts, conversation or MARGDARSHAN of great perosnalities for a good living. I hope U all will support me to do so.


Each Time by Kathryn Lim

This song is for me Indeed God's grace would not lead

us to where it cannot keep us.

Each time I worry

An angel would whisper “Fear Not Fear Not” It is God

who sees you through

Each time I am disappointed

An angel would whisper “Don’t Give up! Don’t give up!”

She is showing you the stories of life

Each time I’m angry

An angel would whisper “Let go and forgive”

For she wants to see cheerful hearts

Each time I cry

An angel would whisper “Hush hush my baby”

God has kept your tears in her bottle

And turned them into Victory

Each time I fail to trust and I feel so weak

An angel would say to me “I know it is not easy

but I'd like you to trust”

And know that Her grace would not lead you to where it

can’t sustain you

And so I picked up the sun again and embrace it

Laugh laugh and laugh my heart

Indeed indeed God's grace is strong

It would not lead me to where it cannot keep me

It would not lead me to where it cannot keep me

This song is for you

This song is for me Indeed God's grace would not lead

us to where it cannot keep us.

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The Power of Love By Fran Hafey

If you judge people, you have no time to love them

Mother Teresa

How many times has a little one come to you after

falling down, with a boo-boo and ask for you to kiss

it and make it all better? Did that kiss make the pain

go away or was it love?

When two people are newly in love, they have trouble

eating, sleeping and functioning because of "love."

They daydream and float on a cloud with the feelings

of love.

Love can melt the meanest heart, calm a situation,

heal wounds, change minds and give hope and peace to

this world.

That is the power of love.

What has love done in your life?

Do you know what real unconditional love is?

Is it that kind of love that says "I don't care what

color your skin is or what language you speak, where

you are from or how rich or poor you are? I just love


We don't always have to love the person, as we would a

family member, but we need to love everyone with the

loving respect they deserve just because they are a

living, human being.

We may not like the way they look, live, act, or

believe, but we can still love their heart and soul.

Unconditional love is not always easy. So many speak

of it, but how many practice it?

I find there are many things in our everyday lives we

know are good for us, but we just somehow don't do

them. For instance, taking our vitamins, exercising,

slowing down, getting more sleep, eating right and so

on, to name a few.

Why does it surprise anyone that we may not love the

way we should, to truly have a better life, filled

with love and peace?

I am sickened when I watch television or listen to the

radio and I hear commercials about how diamonds are a

sign of love and how buying one will make you and your

partner happy and love will abound.

That is so sad, that the children are being taught

this message.

Have you noticed how many months now have holidays

where people are "expected" to buy gifts for each


What is happening?

Why do people think buying things or objects makes one

happy or shows love? It can, only temporarily.

I think its fine to give a gift to someone because you

love them and appreciate them. But, it should be

because we want to, not due to a Holiday or to

convince someone to love us.

I have many things around me that I like and

appreciate, but people are much more important and

showing them love with the passion we do for "things"

is something many need to work on.

Spending money and shallowness is not the message that

needs to be shared about love.

Love is not conditional. You don't love someone for

what you can gain.

We must learn to love ourselves first before we can

share love with another. Many go through the motions

and think they're loving.

I know I love my family and friends, but when I truly

found love for myself, my ideas of love changed and


Divine love is the ultimate love that we obtain when

we seek true, unconditional love for ourselves and all

those around us in this huge Universe.

Divine love is God love. That love deep within our

soul that we find when we reach the place where

nothing matters, except love.

The Divine truth, that we came from love and we must

work and strive to return to love. We may have to live

many lives before we reach that point where we finally

find and understand, unconditional love.

Love is not just a feeling, love is an action.

Are you acting with love in your life, heart and soul


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Gives Up

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will

When the road you're trudging seems all uphill.

When the funds are low and the debts are high

And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,

When care is pressing you down a bit,

Rest, if you must - but don't you quit.

Life is queer with its twists and turns,

As everyone of us sometimes learns,

And many a failure turns about

When he might have won had he stuck it out.

Don't give up though the pace seems slow -

You might succeed with another blow.

Often the goal is nearer than

it seems to a faint and faltering man,

Often the struggler has given up

When he might have captured the victor's cup.

And he learned too late,

When the night slipped down,

How close he was to the golden crown.

Success is failure turned inside out -

The silver tint of the clouds of doubt -

And you never can tell how close you are,

It may be near when it seems afar.

So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit

Its when things seem worst that you mus'nt quit.

Shiv Khera

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