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9/11 Commission Hearing with Dr. Condoleezza Rice

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Those who heard the hearing today, please share your ideas, thoughts, questions that arose, or opinions you would like to voice.

Please follow the link below if you wish to view the testimony of Condoleezza Rice Before 9/11 Commission:


If you would like to know more about the 9/11 Commission, please do not hesistate to visit the site listed below:


My perception of the testimony is much similar to that of Senator Charles Schumer, D-New York. Below I write his words, and I don't think there is a better way to re-word them.

"The bottom line is very simple, it's not the fact that this administration didn't try very hard on terrorism, because in the eys of security advisor Rice they did. It's not the fact that certain things were missed, that were missed by this administration and let me underscore previous administrations. But it's the fact that this administration, - president and his advisors-, have this inability to say that mistakes were made - under our watch and under previous watches - that leads to an attitude that we don't correct the problems. [Time elapsed] What bothers me the most about the testimony of Condoleezza Rice and the actions of this administration are not that they didn't do things right. Who could ask anyone to do that in this brave new post 9/11 world? But the inability to gather the truth and figure out from that truth- what was done right- and what was done wrong and improve things and make things better and one thing we learned in vietnam is that when our leaders didn't accept the truth- it made things wrost. When our leaders failed to accept mistakes, it made things worst. Unfortunately, today's testimony shows an inability to admit that mistakes were made and move forward and correct those mistakes and make America a more secure place in the future. "

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Rupy you should be careful before you come to your own conclusions. I saw the supposed 'Independant Inquiry' on CNN and from what can be seen, it was hardly independant. For example, one of the senators asked Rice "What does Bush mean by not wanting to just sit around and swatting flies" Why is this senator asking her about what Bush said? Wasn't this inquiry about what actions did she take prior to 9/11?

Liberals around the globe aren't being fair to the Bush administration. They are quick to question Rice when Clinton himself through his inaction allowed Americans to die when embassys were being blown up by Osama. They claim the war in Iraq not UN sanctioned but yet keep mum about NATO involvement in Koso and Bosnia. We are living in a world full of hypocrites.

Islamofascism is not a joke I tell you and it's threat is growing. A leader like Kerry will not have the gall to stand up to these crazed lunatics. I recommend you to check out www.faithfreedom.org and www.littlegreenfootballs.com

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Perhaps, in addition to watching the Independent Inquiry on CNN, you should watch the live hearing. The commission was to question Condoleeza Rice as to how she played a role in pre-9/11 and also she was voicing the whole Bush Administration as of course she is their national security advisor.

Moreover, I never came to definite conclusions , all I asked was what are your opinions/thoughts/ideas/questions after viewing the hearing. Regardless of the hearing, Condoleeza Rice is still a very intelligent woman...and in addition all I said was " My perception of the testimony is much similar to that of Senator Charles Schumer, D-New York."

Also, the PDB was released yesterday, which in addition has left many in questions..

I barely suggested some voices..so please do not get on me and say I came to conclusions.

BTW, faithfreedom is not a reliable source- you got bunch of fools throwing around sh*t.

What in the world does littlegreenfootballs.com - has to do with anything politically related...its about web design. LOL

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Moreover, I never came to definite conclusions , all I asked was what are your opinions/thoughts/ideas/questions after viewing the hearing. Regardless of the hearing, Condoleeza Rice is still a very intelligent

I am sorry Rupy. Sometimes it is wise to read before posting, once again I apologize.

BTW, faithfreedom is not a reliable source- you got bunch of fools throwing around sh*t.

Really? Can you point out what are the aspects that are not 'reliable'? Maybe I can learn from you.

What in the world does littlegreenfootballs.com - has to do with anything politically related...its about web design. LOL

There is a forum there which I humbly believe is quite informative on world politics. Click on the forum and you'll see what I mean.

I really hope Bush wins in the upcoming elections.

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FFI might be a reliable source for you, but I don't like certain aspects of it - so I'd care less to use it for a source of info. I just don't like the organization and the way the present certain aspects. Never log on, so wouldn't know the latest.

It wouldn't matter Kerry or Bush...but I don't like some of Bush's agenda.

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