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Sant baba tirath singh ji rara sahib...


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Little bit more about sant ji- Sant baba tirath singh ji also known as "Bhagat Ji" widely in rara sahib did immerse langar diii seeva in rara sahib for 12 yrs in the presence of vaadeya mahapurkh- sant baba ishar singh ji rara sahib. In 1975, after vaadyaie mahapurkh went in sach-khand. They moved in hoshiarpur area and spreaded "Guru Nanak Sahib Nirankar updesh" to the human kind.

They are here in toronto at the moment for one week until this next saturday. Please pm me if you like to have darshan of bhagat ji. I ll pm you the number of gurmukhs house they are staying in.

Here are couple of pictures of sant ji taken at the roti in someone's house.

Enjoy :D :D

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