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Disciplines and Procedures of Gurudwara

Bikram singh

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Dear Sangat JI:

While surfing the internet I found this very informative file that explains the very disciplinary procedures of the gurudwara and I wish that everyone reads it.It explains the universal law on the basis of which sikhism was found. [highlight=red:3c9fd0c3a8]It shall remove confusion on part of the sikhs created by --pathis, who can hardly interpret what the gurbani says and they sometimes give their own interpretation, which is not always correct.[/highlight:3c9fd0c3a8]

Bhulchuk Maaf

Thoda Daas

[align=center:3c9fd0c3a8]Download Here[/align:3c9fd0c3a8]

[align=center:3c9fd0c3a8] To download goto the bottom of the page and click free on the next page wait 30 seconds and download the file.[/align:3c9fd0c3a8]

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